- Unless, of course, anyone knows of anyother places in CHINATOWN for people of our life-styles? -- Bibi.. -- |
Wonderful GSM
This is one of the saddest things.
I was a frequent trawler thru GSM. Really one of the most intersting places. Lots of different scenes; the gym part if you are into that; the endless mazes on the first level although never any privacy because of the spy holes and slits but fun; then the upper areas with sauna, massage, 'bar', darkrooms, and best of all the outdoor area. Fabulous anytime of the year to cruise or just relax with a friend or beer or whatever. Unbelivably filled with nooks and crannies. Everywhere pot plants, hanging plants, vines etc etc but in all spots a marvellous areas to relax. And of course the wonderful guys with sex +. Yeah I will miss you wonderful GSM!!! bye TSTPaul |
1.- Take the SkyTrain to ON NUT, (E9.), present end of line - so de-train; 2.- Take a 'bus*. going away from Cent. BKK. to IMPERIAL WORLD - SAM RONG, (large shopping-mall that comes-up on yr. RHS., and de-'bus.; 3.- Start walking in the same dir'n. as the 'bus. was going: ie.: away from Central BKK.; 4.- At Tnn. S'vit. 113., (Soi Wat Dan.), turn LEFT and walk along that soi until you see sub-soi 3., clearly shewn, on yr. LHS.; 5.- Directly opposite - RHS. - you'll see an ent'ce. to a Covered Mkt., (on one side SPEED-UPCAFE and on the other YIU HAIR DESIGN.); 6.- Enter this Mkt. and you'll see on either wall a blue on white sign for AUGUST US SAUNA; walk ahead for approx. 30.yds., turn RIGHT and walk ahead for a further 27.yds. 7.- O'hd. you'll see another bl. on wh. sign pointing towards a gym. with large and plate-glass windows. - co-ords.: roughly 100-35-51.48.E.x13-38-55.02N.; - tel.: (089)-782 3032.; - bus. hrs.: 16.-24.oo.hrs.; - ad'mn.: 45.Bh.; -* 'buses. that pass-by IMPERIAL WORLD - SAM RONG are - #2. - S'vit. to SAM RONG; #23.- Rama IX. - Soi Ekkami - SAM RONG; #25.- WAT PO - Tnn. S'vit. - SAM RONG - ... ; #45.- Tnn. Rama IV. - SAM RONG; #116.- Tnn. Sathorn - Rama IV. - SAM RONG - ... ; #507.- CHINATOWN - Lumphini - SAM RONG - ... ; #508.- WAT PO - Tnn. S'vit. - SAM RONG - ... ; #511.- DEMOC'Y. M'MNT. - SAM RONG - ... ; NB.: for its INBOUND journey this 'bus. does not pass by BTS. ON NUT, but takes an ExpressWay before joining Tnn. Petcha Buri; #513.- VICT'Y. M'MNT. - SAM RONG - ... . - 'bus. nos. in bold pass-by BTS. ON NUT, (E9.),; - 'bus. nos. underlined run 24/7.; - source: BKK. 'BUS. MAP.; ISBN.: 9 789745 250451; 3rd. edn.; - journey time is roughly 20-30mins. from BTS. ON NUT, dep. upon road-conds.. -- NB.: I did not enter and have a look inside for myself. -- E&OE.. -- Bibi.. -- |
You have left off one very important piece of information: is it worth the trip out there? If no, then all your coordinates and directions are, well, kinda irrelevant.
-- Shall we write that you were the one, vide infra, who 'Nursed the pinion ... .' ? -- Bibi.. -- |
-- Cancelled. -- Sextile. --
another new (on an apparent old spot though) sauna to open; ADONIS Jr, in the Sapan kwai area, Pradipat Rd-soi Elisabeth Hotel, big opening party on 31/1-entry will be 100 bt/weekday and 120/fri-sun. I think likely in the ame house there used to be sauna long ago-if I recall also named Adonis.
This from the jan. issue of Variety ads-mag. buses 44, 97, 117, 524, 3, about 10-15 min walk to Sapan Kwai BTS |
and another one noted-seems to be open for some time-in that mag. is MUFFILL-in the bangkapi area-soi 113/115-so must be quite close to White House massage. No website found-so by now just for the record.
-- ADONIS JUNIOR SAUNA - - tel.: (02)-618 4130.; - web: Adonis Sauna : Sauna for gentle Gay men in Bangkok, Sauna in Bangkok -There is a full page advert., (with map.), in the freebie mag. VARIETY. - VII.#70.. -- Bibi. -- |
I haven't been to a suck cinema since the London, over in Prakanong, closed down a few years ago. What about the other famous old venue of sleeziness, the Prince; is it still operating or not?
Where do all the patrons of GSM go, now that the sauna is all gone?
Yes, Prince is still limping along.
-- Y'day., (28th.), evening - after visiting DAO KHANONG - I decided that a visit to HEAVEN & EDEN SAUNA - Wardour Twr., Tnn. Mahesak - would be just what the Dr. ordered.
- I walked UP & DOWN that rd. a couple of times - it being much MORE than a dozen yrs. since I patronised that particular sauna - and greatly to my surprise found that tere was Wardour Twr. - gone! -- Clearly time to revise my Address Book - that's [u]100%. for sure[/U. -- Bibi. -- |
Detailed directions: New Page 1 |
-- Well, yes - that could be so; but glad to note that HEAVEN SAUNA is there still. - However, I did enter the BIS. BLDG. - noting that it is in three sections - and not only looked-at the Dirn's'. bd. by the elevator but went-UP to the 4th. fl. to look-see for myself. - Obviously I'll have to have another look. -- Bibi. -- |
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