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Old 11th October 2008, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Go-go bars and host bars are different from massage parlors.
Yes - massage parlors often have boys on some sort of salary; if the boy is off the salary cost is zero.
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Old 11th October 2008, 10:53 PM
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HIS Massage trivia

Originally Posted by peterinmypan View Post
...24000 bht for a one hour cum bath plus what he must have paid the mamasan for the boys.....that was one expensve birthday treat he gave himself.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY in your tropical paradise, Peter, and thanx for clearing up that long-standing little mystery. Looks like you made a much better choice of birthday treat: 20 days of Neng at four cums a day minimum, for LESS money, with FREE massages!
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Old 11th October 2008, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by hiscox View Post
... .
BODY LINE opened a few months ago in a residential area midway between Viphawadi and Ratchadapisek roads, ... .
... .
BODY LINE is 400 metres down soi Inthamara 32, well-signed on the left behind its leafy carpark. Phone: 02 6917679.
Buses stop at the soi mouth ... . The quickest route could be the MRT to Sutthisan, take station exit 4, ... ., and a 2km moto'cy ride.
I paid 790 baht (plus tip) for an hour's oil.
-- Are there two estab's. in BKK. both called BODY LINE?

1.- 1.- BODY LINE,
Soi Inthamara 32.,
Din Daeng;
- MRT.: Suthisan;
- tel.: (02)-691 7679..

167, Sukhumvit soi 19.;
- BTS./MRT.: Asoke,(E4.)/S'vit.;
- tel.: (02)-204 1318..

-- I have no first hand knowledge of either, although #2. is shewn in my Address Bk.
- Does anyone else have any further info. about either?
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 13th October 2008, 12:28 AM
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Body Line on Sukhumvit 19 has been defunct for at least five years.
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Old 13th October 2008, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Body Line on Sukhumvit 19 has been defunct for at least five years.
-- Thank you for your UP-date - appreciated!
- It makes me wonder just how many MORE entires in my Address Book are defunct?
- Massage parlors: 83 addresses;
- Saunas: 42 entries.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 16th October 2008, 11:48 PM
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this thread is so quiet these days...
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Old 18th October 2008, 06:05 AM
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-- Last monday, (13th.), my Monday Boi having gone up NORTH to teach English to hill-tribes' children, I betook myself to INDRA MASSAGE, (Tnn. Than Tawan: off Suriwong rd.),.
- I chose my usual and 90mins'. oil-massage and was assigned to Khun BOB: 22YO.; not from I-San; tallish & well-built in comparison with many other masseurs there; a noticeable tattoo on his RT. shoulder; roundish face with longish & straight hair wch. fell about his face; speaks quite fair English.
- He removed his shirt and masseur's trousers at my request, so he began the massage in a pr. of loose & cotton drawers.
- Quite a good & thorough massage - better than many another there and elsewhere - during wch. his drawers & briefs came-off.
- He spent a long time on my glutes. and MORE so on the space in between - although he wasn't so keen for my questing fingers to reciprocate - hint given and accepted. He's uncut and better endowed than most other boyz there, and gave quite a creditable effort in reply to my offer of the Final Favor.

-- As my Monday Boi will be away for a couple of months I'll have plenty of time to renew my acquaintanceship with INDRA MASSAGE. and its boyz.

-- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. --
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Old 21st October 2008, 12:16 AM
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-- Y'day., (20th.), evening instead of my usual visit to INDRA MASSAGE - Tnn. Than Tawan: off Suriwong rd. - I went to TUARUS MASSAGE - Soi Anuman.: off Tnn. Than Tawan.
- ETA.: 21.30.hrs..
- I was welcomed by their Capt.- Khun Jek, who was gratified that I remembered his name - and after looking-at their price-list I chose my usual & 90mins'. oil-massage at 800.Bh., (90mins'. cream at 850.Bh.), - payment in advance, please! We chatted about a choice of masseurs, and I asked for one who is comfortable with farangs, who likes giving a thorough oil-massage and who likes to smoke and vice-versa,(for those that like it that way!),. After a moment's thought I was entrusted to Khun ARTIE.

-- Khun ARTIE is 20YO.; from CHIANG MAI; not all that physically attractive, smooth-skinned; speaks quite good English; several smallish tatoos - incl. a rose over his navel.
- The room is roughly 10x8ft., std. & raised massage table, air-cond.; painted a deep orange and lit by a red light. A decided smell of perfume in the air - not aerosol air-freshener, thank goodness!
- The adjacent shower-room is quite std..
- After my pre-massage shower he was awaiting me wearing nothing but a towel.
- Once on the table OFF came the towel and the massage started: Khun ARTIE told me that he trained at WAT PO - just like so many others! - and has been a masseur for a couple of yrs., working before along S'vit. rd.. It was a good & thorough massage, emphasis on my back and glutes., (but not the space in-between.) - better than several others previously, but not up to WHITE HOUSE SPA. stds., (my present Gold Std.),.
- Afterwards we enjoyed smoking eachother; his **** is uncut and of avg. TH.-boi length but with a well-developed glans wch. makes smoking that much MORE pleasurable.

-- Afterwards we showered together.
- This clock-watcher noted that the massage etc. lasted just under the 90mins. - but not to grumble at that.
- The Capt. and I chatted: I was their first customerof the day. He shewed me their advert. in the freebie & monthly MAX Magazine, #77., (avail. at MAXI'S BAR, Soi Twilightff Suriwong rd., and elsewhere.), with its 50%. DISCOUNT coupon. We chatted about a Four hands' massage and other possible pleasures - for wch. he'd appreciate a face-to-face discussion a few days before the event.
- Looking-around I'd say that TUARUS is for those who prefer the younger & twinkier masseurs.

-- Vaut le retour! -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. --
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Old 23rd October 2008, 06:01 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
--I'd say that TUARUS is for those who prefer the younger & twinkier masseurs-- Vaut le retour! --
Merci beaucoup! I must give them a look.
But, that name Tuarus; it couldn't by any chance be a typo, could it?
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Old 23rd October 2008, 06:12 AM
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Local colour?

Seen yesterday afternoon in front of SENSO: a female falang taking a close-up photo of something on the wall by the door. . . . What could it be? . . . Ha! A small white plate that I haven't noticed before, with the inscription: "Massage for Men by Men," plus the opening times and the rainbow flag.

Sadly, she was gone before I could check the expression on her face
(Or was it perchance the good Inspector S*xtile in drag, getting the details right for us?)
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Old 23rd October 2008, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by hiscox View Post
... .
(Or was it perchance the good Inspector S*xtile in drag, getting the details right for us?)
-- No - 'twas not I; I've been abed these last couple of days with a cold and keeping Kl**n*x & L*st*r*n* in profits - ha!
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 23rd October 2008, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by hiscox View Post

Merci beaucoup! I must give them a look.
But, that name Tuarus; it couldn't by any chance be a typo, could it?
-- It could well be a typo., to wch. I plead: "Not guilty, m'lud.".

-- TUARUS is as posted outside on the wall; although their advert. in the freebie. MAX Magazine - #77. - spells it both TUARUS and Taurus; so 'You makes yer choice and pays yer money.'.
- If you should have any special requirements - like four hands' massage etc. etc., then Khun Jek, their Capt., would apreciate your visiting a day or two beforehand and discussing them with him on a face-to-face basis.
- Remember to bring a copy of the a/m. MAX Mag, (avail. from MAXI'S BAR, Soi Twilight: off Suriwong rd.), with you and claim the 50%. DISCOUNTas shewn in the advert.!

-- "Sanookie dee!" -- Bibi.. --
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Old 25th October 2008, 04:45 AM
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Hi, I think that the name is a play on words: Tua is the classifier for animals when referring to the number of bodies. Makes it sound like th Toy stores ToysRUS; TuaRUS. Just an idea. Never been there to ask them.
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Old 25th October 2008, 08:41 AM
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Or it could just be a mispelling of 'Taurus' - this is Asia, after all. Even the best agencies (governmental/private, etc.) in those Asian countries that tout themselves as being the most highly educated in English make the same kind of mistakes. Watch locally produced English programmes long enough and you'll see what I mean.

Besides, 'Taurus' makes just as much sense since the sign of the bull is a perfect symbolic representation of the virile males available within. Ever heard of 'beef cake' in the west?
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 30th October 2008, 01:08 AM
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-- Y'day., (29th.), evening - after my cruise around IMPERIAL WORLD - SAM RONG, (thread: Cruising spots.), I resolved to visit AGAYA MEN SPA.:
- addr.: 'BOSS MNSNS.',
3,789/1, Tnn. Rama IV.,
Phra Kanong, Klong Toei;
- pos'n.: roughly 100-35-03.80.N.x13-42-47.12.E.;
- tel.: (02)-392 6140x2201.;
- web.: .. warmly welcome to AGAYA, rama 4
- advert.: freebie & mnthly. MAX. Mag. #77., (incl. map.),.

-- Recommended route, (to avoid rd.-tfc.):
1.- BTS. to Ekkami, (E7.),
2.- Descend Exit 2.;
3.- Walk along Sukhumvit 42. for approx. ten mins.;
4.- At Rama IV. rd. turn LEFT;
5.- After a couple MORE mins'. walk 'Boss Mnsns.' will be on your LHS.: 10 stories and set-back behind a forecourt/car-park, (after nightfall there'll be a green & roof-top sign Boss Mansions clearly vis.),;
6.- AGAYA is in the annexe type bldg. (to one's RHS. when looking-at Boss Mnsns.), it's fronted by a FAMILY MART; entce. facing car-pk. whose door has 'Boss Mnsns.' logo. on it;
7.- Walk or take elevator UP to 2fl..

-- ETA. approx. 18.05hrs.;
- First impressions favorable as one steps into their Recept'n. area, where I was shewn to a sofa; welcomed by the Capt., speaking adequate English, and handed-over to another young man, again sufficient English for what's req'd., offered a glass of iced water and the 'Menu.'. Not seeing my usual 90mins'. & oil-msg. I opted for a 90mins'. scub & cream msg.. Various pages were turned-over and I was offered my choice of masseurs from their photo.-gallery, all of whom looked pretty much of a muchness to me. After enquiring about a masseur who would be comfortable witha farang, and being told that they all are! I chose Khun OH - purely because he'd been working there only three weeks. I was told that the MIN. expected TIPS. would be 500.Bh..
- I was shewn into the msg.-room: approx. 12x15ft., walls lined with split bamboo and woven mat curtains; two msg.-beds; air-cond. set to 77F.,(doubtless to keep the masseur cool in his labors.); and a shower space.
- Having showered there was masseur OH awaiting me, with just a towel around his waist. He's 21YO., slightly built, hails from I-San and speaks little English.
- I thought that the scrub was a bit gentle, but as it was my first time I said nothing.
- Another shower and then time for the cream msg., after I'd laid me down on the other msg. table I discovered that Khun Oh. had removed his towel - hint!
- A good and possibly better than avg. msg., with a certain amt. of attn. being paid to my glutes. and to the space in between; at one stage he knelt-down and placed my thighs atop his so that he could reach u'neath, (but that could have been done better.),.
- Masseur OH is on the smallish size, not what I'd call eye-candy, and with a small, neat and firm *rs*.
- We concluded with a mutual smoke: uncut and on the smallish side.
- A final shower for both of us.

-- Befoee going to Recept'n. I availed of their hawng nahm; my critical eye noted again that finishing is not one of the Th. builders' and int. decorators' strong points.
- In Recept'n. - where I was handed another glass of iced water - I was asked about the msg.? As a first time visitor I said all the usual & expected compliments, wch. elicited the wish that I would cum back soon.
- This Time-keeper noted that I'd spent approx. 110mins. with them - most of wch. was with the masseur.
- As usual I asked for their Business Card, but they had run-out and was offered a copy of the a/m. MAX. Mag. in lieu.
- Now that I'm MORE familiar with their form I'll return sometime later-on for further pleasures.

-- Bibi.. --
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