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Old 15th January 2010, 05:58 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 99

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- The latest issue of the freebie and monthly, it contains listings shewing the names, addresses etc. of 15 saunas, 38 massage parlors & SPAs. and 31 bars and pubs.

Kuhn Sextile
Make sure those lamps are tied securely to BOTH feet and then, as they say in other places, you had better get cracking as you are going to be VERRRY busy! Oh and don't forget to throw light upon the way(s)!
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Old 15th January 2010, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by TSTPaul View Post
Make sure those lamps are tied securely to BOTH feet and then, ... .

-- Thanx, but I prefer to rub the Aladdin's Lamp with my fingers & hands!
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Old 16th January 2010, 09:51 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Best Massage on Silom seems to have new mentioned above somewhere and possibly new ownership. They are now more into titillation I sense. Walking past the other day, one of the sales staff came over to me and said he had 17 boys and to come and look at a bunch of photographs. The pictures weren't that flattering and I was about to excuse myself when a customer emerged from the back followed by an attractive massage boy. I told the salesperson, I would like him (His picture didn't do him justice) for Thai massage and sure enough it wasn't too long before the juices started to flow. I straight looking lad with bulk but not fat. Asked for a fancy sum for fellatio but succumbed easily enough and settled for a sensible amount readily.
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Old 17th January 2010, 08:45 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 49

Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Best Massage on Silom seems to have new mentioned above somewhere and possibly new ownership. They are now more into titillation I sense. Walking past the other day, one of the sales staff came over to me and said he had 17 boys and to come and look at a bunch of photographs. The pictures weren't that flattering and I was about to excuse myself when a customer emerged from the back followed by an attractive massage boy. I told the salesperson, I would like him (His picture didn't do him justice) for Thai massage and sure enough it wasn't too long before the juices started to flow. I straight looking lad with bulk but not fat. Asked for a fancy sum for fellatio but succumbed easily enough and settled for a sensible amount readily.
where is best massage on Silom? Which soi?
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Old 19th January 2010, 10:01 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

I noted this evening that Apsara Massage on Silom is closed tighter than a duck's ass with the steel grill over the door. What did they do wrong?

Hans030...see this earlier post:

" 17th December 2009, 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Yannawa
... .
Now if you are after a straight massage place where sex is unavoidable, try Best Massage...they have some fine slim lads there now all strewn around waiting on the 3rd floor of that partly-deserted mall at Saladeang BTS...the one with KFC and Subway downstairs.

-- BEST MASSAGE is in SILOM 64 BLDG., (aka. Duangthip Bldg.), wch. has an orange facade above the GF. shop-windows - across Si Lom. rd. from both SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA & the recently opened & large corner-shop 7-11. - wch. may be accessed conveniently by a short SkyWalk from BTS. Sala Daeng stn., (S2.), Exit 1..
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Old 20th January 2010, 11:48 PM
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-- Y'day., (20th.), I ret'd. to INDRA MASSAGE - Soi Than Tawan - for my usual 90 mins'. & oil-massage.
- ETA.: 20.50.hrs..
- I chose Khun Sek, (pronounced Sey, [?],), 25YO. from Roi Et; speaks basic but enough English; has been working there about ten weeks.
- Thinking that he might join me in a pre-massage shower - from previous conversations out in the soi I thought that he might - I availed of the facilities, but alone.
- At my request he removed his shirt & masseur's trousers to reveal a smallish but quite well-prportioned body; I'd guestimated that he's about 5' 08". tall.
- A fair enough massage wirth some att'n. being paid to those places ... , (say 7/10.), and during wch. his briefs were removed.
- After turning-over he enquired about my preferences? Wch. I told him. He'd have liked me to offer him the Final Favor, but I was not in the mood for that, (Perhaps he would have prefered his vice versa? - Printer's Devil.),. So I smoked him: avg. Thai boi issue and with an adequately developed glans.
- We enjoyed a final shower together.
- One small point was that he spoke with me twice about his TIP..
- Total time from my first undressing to leaving the massage room was just short of the 90 mins. - so no grumbles there.

-- Afterwards, and back in my appt., I felt sufficiently relaxed to enjoy some oaten biscuits & cheese with a glass of rose: 'Bonum vinum laetificat cor hominum.', (Ps.CIV:15.),.
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Old 23rd January 2010, 02:40 AM
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Posts: 393

I see Apsara is open again.
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Old 23rd January 2010, 07:54 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177

On wednesday, I went over to Silom to have a try at Best Massage.
The reception staff gave me a stack of photos to choose from. It would have been much better f I could have chosen from the boys loitering outside. I got a boy from the pics and when he appeared, he looks much smaller built than I thought.
He asked me to have my shower and when I got into the shower cubicle, I think this must be the smallest shower room I have ever been. It looks like a ready made cubicle for shower. For those guys who are bigger size(body) they will have a problem using the shower. I find it a problem drying myself as my hands kept on hitting the sides of the cubicle.
Massage from the boy began with firm strong strokes and I really thought I had made the right choice in choosing him. Halfway, when he asked me to turn over, he started stroking my dick to get me hard. To my surprise, he then stood up and took off his clothings. Then he lie down down beside me and started playing. I would have fucked him but I didn't have any condom with me. I guess he's a bottom as he allowed me to finger fucked him. When we both cummed, he started cleaning me up and asked me if I wanted to shower. I told him, it will be better for me to go back to my hotel for my shower. He rubbed off the oil from my body and then left the room.
To my surprised, I realised the tiem spent was just about 45mins. Thought of complaining to the reception staff but decide not to as there were other customers having foot massage. I see some women having foot massage too. Wonder if they do body massage for the ladies too?
Although the place seem new and clean, I don't think I would be going back because of the insufficent 1hr massage.
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Old 24th January 2010, 08:29 PM
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Posts: 459

arrived back in BKk last friday and-thinking the Silom sunday closing festival was not just once-found the reverse. So had some time to walk around. Noted that in soi Mensgate=PratuChai or Hotmail the usual 3 mass.places. BKK-boys had just 2 sitting out-both as bald as a newly adapted monk. But the main group was watching TV a little on-among them the only Indian looking guy I ever saw in a
Lisa's red shirts were all female-but the orange shirt place across waved and yoo-hooed to me.
Indra-sexy's fave-had just 2 boys sitting out. Must have been busy?
PRIME-also redshirts-had at least 1 former barboy among the available staff-a bit beyond his prime now-whom I recognised. But then my dear arrived at the right time for a fun session.
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Old 26th January 2010, 01:15 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

Do you people take your pants into the shower with you? Aren't you worried that the masseur will remove some money from your pocket while you're in the shower?
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Old 26th January 2010, 01:26 AM
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Not at all. But then it's always better to have the masseur in the shower with you, no?
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Old 26th January 2010, 05:34 AM
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Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
... . Aren't you worried that the masseur will remove some money from your pocket while you're in the shower?

-- As has been written before, but possibly not in this thread: 'Only take enough money with you that you can afford to spend/lose.'; verb. sap..
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Old 26th January 2010, 06:31 AM
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Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
Do you people take your pants into the shower with you?
Not quite but I roll them up wallet innermost in the roll and take the package and park it somewhere that I can see it. Wrap them in your towel if necessary. I DEFINITELY would never leave it in the room. Apart from your masseur there are other staff floating about. While I think most of these guys are very good I think it is best not to put temptation in the way. Never had a problem in many years.
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Old 26th January 2010, 12:18 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post

-- As has been written before, but possibly not in this thread: 'Only take enough money with you that you can afford to spend/lose.'; verb. sap..
The problem is, if one is a tourist and doesn't want to keep going back to his hotel for more money, one doesn't know how much money will be needed for that day of cruising. One never knows how many hot guys, short-stay hotels, etc. will be encountered in one day. I have gone out and gone to several saunas in one day, several cinemas, and paid multiple hustlers, etc. I wear shorts with many zipper pockets (as well as a little shoulder bag) so a pick-pocket would not know where to start. But I almost never carry more than about 5,000 baht (and usually a lot less).
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Old 26th January 2010, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
... . I have gone out and gone to several saunas in one day, several cinemas, and paid multiple hustlers, etc.. ... .

-- Wow - what stamina!
- I only wish ... . As is said in Gay Paree: 'Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait.'.:
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