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Old 3rd February 2010, 10:53 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

I went to Bandung Spa this evening. From their web page, I had been attracted by Bird and First. Both were there this evening and ready and willing. The staff are all very friendly and brought out First and Bird for me to look at. In a glassed room were about 6 other boys.
I picked Bird and asked for a 1 hour scrub and 1 hr oil massage and was quoted Bht700 for the two hours.
On the web site it shows a 4-stage deal which is normally Bht1,500 but only Bht900 for January before 4 pm. This was 7 pm and February so the big discounts applied to everything at all times. Of course the guy said it was a special deal for me....and yes, naturally they would give a strange walk-in farang a special price!

I told them I would be back in an hour (enough time for a generic Cialis to take full effect) and returned after 45 minutes with an erection. I was taken to a room with bath and shower...showered and boy came back and removed his shirt and pants but wrapped in a towel. Did a good scrub with grit and road sweepings and showered again. Bird left to take a shower, came back and did the oil massage bit...he got eventually near the parts that matter and I could feel he had a very hard erection also under the towel. Removed the towel, did some mouth-to-dick and then got inside his midsection and we came at the same time. He would make a good top also I believe. Not a kisser though. Very good boy...looks a little effeminate when dressed, but like so many similar types, with no clothes he looks and acts like an over-sexed straight boy. Very pleasant body.
I shall return next week and have a go with First.

Easy for me to get there...bus 6, 17 (green one only it version that goes along Sathorn stops on Rat Barana under Rama 9 bridge) and aircon yellow bus that starts up near Saranon(?) park near Wat Po.

As it was rush hour today when I went, I took the ferry boat (Bht5) across the river from Satu Pradit pier on Rama 3 and then a motor cycle taxi to Bandung for Bht20...or when you get off the boat, walk to the public road and catch No 6 bus going back into town and get off when it crosses the klong at a largish humpback bridge near soi 44.
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Old 3rd February 2010, 12:10 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Originally Posted by pong View Post
BAR CODE-Sukhumvit soi 1-thats near Nana and Arabtown and the biggest katoey-concentration of all of BKK-
Funny you should mentioned this one

The sign says "Massage for men". It's 800 baht for 60 min and 999 baht for 90 minutes. The only catch is the massage is done by masseuses. I'll leave it to others of a different persuasion to check it out.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 3rd February 2010, 07:27 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
Funny you should mentioned this one, [BARCODE.],
The sign says "Massage for men". ... . The only catch is the massage is done by masseuses. ... .

-- Interesting obs'vn..
- In an earlier issue of one of the freebie & monthly mags., (I threw it away and now forget wch. one.), the color adverts. gave me the impression that that place would be 'Massages for men and by men.'.
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Old 5th February 2010, 01:02 AM
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Bandung spa. -

Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
I went to Bandung Spa this evening. ... .

- 52/2, moo 6, Ratchaburana rd.,
Thonburi, BKK. 10140.;
- cell: (081)-813 5510.;
- web: Emmanuelle àÍÁÁÒ¹ÙàÍÅ ÍÒº ͺ ¹Ç´
- useful web: à¡Âì Gay Massage Male Massage for Men Massage Gay Spa for Men Spa Gay Sauna ÃéÒ¹¹Ç´à¡Âì Ê»Òà¡Âì «ÒǹèÒà¡Âì : Thai Massage Boy

-- My olde pal my olde beauty AN. OTHER has recommended to me Khun Aum & Chai.

-- Usual disclaimer as I've not visited.
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Old 5th February 2010, 10:30 AM
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Aum and Chai were my original choice, but then First and Bird were hired and attracted me instead...but now you also have mentioned them and renewed my interest!
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Old 9th February 2010, 01:57 AM
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Barcode spa..

Originally Posted by sloot View Post
Funny you should mentioned this one, [BARCODE SPA.],.
The sign says "Massage for men". It's 800 baht for 60 min and 999 baht for 90 minutes. The only catch is the massage is done by masseuses. I'll leave it to others of a different persuasion to check it out.

-- Y'day., (08th.), being in that part of BKK. I walked-along S'vit. soi 1. to see for myself.
- The receptioniste told me that all massages are for men but that they are given by masseuses, and produced an album for my inspection.
- Strange that BARCODE SPA. should advertise itself in a mag. that's for gay people. Checking in the freebie & monthly MAX Magazine - #91.- I see that the BARCODE mentioned in its Classified pages has the same (02)-252 9424. as the place that I visited.
- Thinks: "Is there some other place also called BARCODE?".
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Old 9th February 2010, 11:38 PM
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Barcode on Sukhumvit Soi 1

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- but that they are given by masseuses, and produced an album for my inspection.
Exactly the same thing happened. They showed me an album. I don't know why but the first thought that came into my head was: Wow these are the loveliest gatoeys I've ever seen. It took a second or two before I realised these were real females! Whereupon I fled.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 10th February 2010, 12:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Easy for me to get there...bus 6, 17 (green one only it version that goes along Sathorn stops on Rat Barana under Rama 9 bridge) and aircon yellow bus that starts up near Saranon(?) park near Wat Po .
Nice to these this report-I was just about going there. Yesetrday eve was in that area-BangPakok, as I visit a dear friend there weekly. BANDUNG is a big city on Java-Indonesia and does have a certain local fame/name-but I doubt if any Thai would know that.
Sorry for these corrections: Bus 37 does NOT serve saranrom park-it ends near the BoBae market-passes Chinatown.
Expresswaybus 140 from Pratunum/Viict. Monument or 141 from Siam-along Ram iIV are likely better quick ways to get there.
Both bus 6 and the red 82 run to the Sanam Luang, alonmg Saranrom-6 via riverside road =CharoenSanitwong (connects now with BTS) and 82 via Taksin road (more or less connects with BTS at WWYai).
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Old 10th February 2010, 12:10 AM
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and the 17-always avoid those nasty green things. the BIG=white/BLue 17 (which I used yesterday-took 80 mins just from Ratchrpasong=WTC/Big C to Bangpakok hospital...-via Satorn) runs much further on-loops aroud a bit on the westofriver side (this is not khet Thonburi), then via the main road and then ram 2(central) and goes even beyond. The green 17s end at Chaeng Ron-I gather from yannawa that Bandung is just beyong the split off of them. However-they are replacing those nasty greens with better orange minibuses-same price, but with fans inside.
140/1 do not serve Rat Burana itself-but the big road, as above.
Combo of BTS and 6 seems best choice to me.
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Old 10th February 2010, 12:16 AM
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and if any of you is interested in finding/exploring more new places:
try listings from
When sitting in a bus along Lard prao I noted a spa-service by men for men-on that road-south side, between sois 40 and 42. name was like Perfect Time. Never saw an ad or listing for that. Its roughly 1 km east of the Lard Prao station on the MRT-so the fit might endeavour a walk. There are a lot of new and swish-looking condoblocks out there.
But heed care: the BMA has also made a cyclepath on the footwalk along Lard prao-and it is used!
BTW-thanks all for going into that soi 1 for Barcode-a very funny misplacement indeed in what are so clearly gay-listings mags.
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Old 10th February 2010, 12:44 AM
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There are many places now, there are almost too many to count or list. And besides, they are almost all by the same formula, boys, and service -- I'm not sure it's really worth it any more to travel for an hour or more across town to try something "new". All same-same, and might as well just go to one in your neighborhood.

Anyone else feel the same?
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Old 10th February 2010, 04:47 AM
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Rationally speaking, icon 513 is right. Unless there is some confidence that there's a wow factor waiting out there (and there rarely is), why go so far?

Yet, call me an unreformed neanderthal, but there is that little thing called the thrill of the chase, the hunter instinct, that feels a need to explore and a ridiculous sense of accomplishment to have found an out-of-the-way place, even if it turns out to be a dud.

"I've found a dud, look, I've found a dud," can be fun too.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 11th February 2010, 01:59 PM
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Posts: 38

I have been a regular customer of Senso since they opened. I enjoy the nice atmosphere and they always have the type of guys that I am attracted to. The service from the guys is sometimes, ok, sometimes, great! I pay the higher prices because I like the type of guys, nice rooms, big showers, etc.
Usually I like the 90 minutes oil or cream massage. They have always had a massage menu that listed prices for 60/90 mintues, oil, cream, aroma oil, etc., as well as specials.
On my visit a week or so ago, I was offered a one hour massage with oil, or a 90 minutes massage in the VIP room. Massage included 30 scrub and then 60 minute massage with scented oil. I believe the prices were 1000 for 60 minutes and 1500 for 90. I said, I would like 90 minutes like usual, but not the VIP room with scrub and massage. I was told that was an old promotion. This was the new promotion. I asked where is the menu offering different lenghts of time and oil/cream/scented oils with varying prices accordingly. I was again told all they are offering is the one hour oil massage or the 90 VIP room massage. I asked, are you telling me I can not have a 90 minute massage in a regular room? Yes, that is correct, they said! I also talked to the manager who confimed this to be the case. I had talked to the manager before and he remembered me.
I really couldn't believe it. So, I told them I wasn't interested if those were the only two options they had for me, and I started to walk out. As I was leaving the massage guy I have used there the last few visits started to follow me out and talk to me. They called him back inside so he couldn't talk to me. I felt bad for him, so decided to stay for a one hour massage. Plus I really wanted a massage from this guy. I told the manager that I had changed my mind, but this would be my last massage there.
When I came down to pay, the manage had a "post it" note with the time I entered in front of him. He looked at the clock and noted that I had been gone over a hour. Close to 1:20. He almost asked for more money, but after some discussion with my massage guy, did not. I noticed on the clipboard there where they record which rooms are in use that they had many customer in rooms. However, there was only a post it note monitoring the time for me! As I was saying goodbye to my guy outside he told me he was in trouble and he was going to have to pay a fine for going overtime. I offered to pay him for his fine. He refused to take the money.
I will not be back to Senso.
For the rest of my stay in BKK this trip I went to Arena and Hero. I have to say the rooms are no where as nice as Senso. I saw many masculine guys available at both and had great service from great guys at both. And of course much cheaper. Senso won't be missed.
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Old 11th February 2010, 05:25 PM
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Is the tourist trade way down and these places are getting desperate? Also, is the economy bad, and all these new massage places are opening up because young guys can't get money anywhere else?

I think there's a long trend that has started, where Thailand is phasing out and other countries are gaining. But I think another factor is it's a whole new economic ball game in the "rich" countries. My prediction is that you're seeing (and will continue to see) a decline in the number of people who can take weeks and weeks off of work to circulate around Thailand, and people who can even afford to do that. There are little economic vices that are clamping shut all over the world. And as the younger people get older, they won't be taking the places of the older farangs now circulating all over Thailand. (But I wonder if mainland Chinese will take over from the farangs.)
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Old 11th February 2010, 07:20 PM
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Posts: 36
Has any one tried X-men Massage Delivery?

I believe they deliver to your condo or hotel. Any one has experience with them? Please share.
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