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Old 2nd August 2009, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158
V club, chakran

I've visited the new V club about 4 times in their new location, every time totally disppointed with both the lne up of masseurs and the rude, arrogant and lazy service.

Last time, about three months ago, I decided to re-visit Charan since I was already in the building. Totally Polite at reception, and totally ignored by every Thai patron, but never rude, stayed about 2 hours and didn't see another farang.
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Old 2nd August 2009, 09:19 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 99

Farose Sauna Pradiphat
I went there yesterday, sunday afternoon. This one is a bit difficult to find if you are riding shanks's pony. Here are some fresh directons. If you are getting there from Silom on BTS get out at Saphan Kwai and take the south exit on the right hand side facing back from whence you came... The map tells the rest. But here it is writ.

When you get out at this exit and go down the stairs turn around and walk towards the traffic and down to the intersection about 500 m. Turn right and walk along Tn Pradiphat until you come to Pradiphat Soi 19 (RHS) clearly marked. Walk down Soi 19 for 389 paces (about 249 metres LOL) and TR into a short soi and walk about 30 m and turn left. Farose is the third building/dwelling on the left 128/3. The entrance is a large imposing block structure brown render colour which makes it look like a garment factory. Admission - when I went it was 100 baht may be 120 later.

Striped hand towels of the type mother used to give father for cleaning the car when she had finished using them for everything else are available. If your waste is more then 29.5 inches then drape them over your shoulder. Bring some undies, boxers or swimmers. Most guys had on swimmers or boxers, also the std cap.

Inside is a bit like a building site. Bits of crap everywhere. Uneven floors, broken tiles particularly in the steam room (which is great) with some angular bits missing. Thought it was a bit of fancy terazzo... Ha Ha. So take care. Scant towels mean water on ‘polished’ wood floors and stairs… Many many stairs.

A rabbit warren of areas and many levels. There are round biscuit type, large and hard poofs (your oxymoron for the day) in every little cabin which are impossible to get comfortable on but then who wants to sleep.

There is a bar, karoke, stage show all being done with fun. The surrounds are dingy but this sort of adds to the atmosphere. They are fixing the outdoor top floor doing some planking and concreting so this may account for some of the mess.

For my part I was mostly ignored sort of politely but did have 2 encounters of the best kind. The second was suitably rough and hung like in the proverbs. There is always something for you in practically any scene, you just gotta be patient… Alas not my strongest suit.

Now remember I was only there for a couple of hours so it may not be fair to judge so bear this in mind when reading below.

Overall an average experience but I will give it a second look over when the memory fades. By the way as a regular at GSM until the fire I can tell you it is not a patch on GSM. GSM had some folk who cared about the place. This is not really evident here yet but may be this is developing.

Anyway please read with the above caveat.
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Old 3rd August 2009, 01:09 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by TSTPaul View Post
Farose Sauna Pradiphat
I went there yesterday, sunday afternoon. This one is a bit difficult to find if you are riding shanks's pony. Here are some fresh directons. If you are getting there from Silom on BTS get out at Saphan Kwai and take the south exit on the right hand side facing back from whence you came... The map tells the rest. But here it is writ.

When you get out at this exit and go down the stairs turn around and walk towards the traffic and down to the intersection about 500 m. Turn right and walk along Tn Pradiphat until you come to Pradiphat Soi 19 (RHS) clearly marked. Walk down Soi 19 for 389 paces (about 249 metres LOL) and TR into a short soi and walk about 30 m and turn left. Farose is the third building/dwelling on the left 128/3. The entrance is a large imposing block structure brown render colour which makes it look like a garment factory.
... .

-- Thanks for these clear directions to what some people would call: 'PHAROSE ONE.'.
- For Google Earthlings it's co-ords. appear to be -
100-32-46.E.x13-47-35.N., (roughly.),.
- Sounds to be quite inviting still - but in its own way.
-- Jogging my amnesic memory I remember that I went thither many, many years ago; it doesn't appear to have changed all that much. Possibly - even then - being some Tired & Olde Farang I was ignored completely all the time, but the natives were enjoying themselves, especially in the 'naked.' spaces upstairs - I was mortified! ;-)

-- PHAROSE 2. is its younger partner -
- addr.: Ramkahaeng 21., (on Tnn. R'haeng. between BIG C. & MJR. CINEPLEX.),
sub-soi nuandi 2.,
Khet Wangthonglang, BKK.;
tel.: (02)-319 4054..
-- Again memory suggests that P2. has been discussed quite some time back in CFS.?
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Old 5th August 2009, 07:54 PM
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-- Y'day., (05th.), I was chatting with a mature & American professor, (med. ht. & no special & distinguishing features that are apparent immediately.), who likes both cinemas and saunas.

-- He does not like BABYLON SAUNA - apart from its gym.;
- He alleges that he's successful in both SAUNA MANIA. - off Soi Convent; BTS. Sala Daeng. - and in 39 U'GD. SAUNA. - BTS. SAPHAN KWAI.
- In those two places he attributes his successes to -
1.- He speaks Thai;
2.- He observes closely the behaviour of other patrons and is prepared to take his time, even over several visits;
3.- He is neither assertive nor pushy;
4.- He has other attributes, but what those are modestly he did not say. Just between us girls - while he may well have have been an Adonis with a gym. buffed body in his youth sadly few, if any traces, remain; so the mystery of his other attributes remains?
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Old 5th August 2009, 09:28 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 29

Big cock or fat wallet.
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Old 28th December 2009, 12:19 AM
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-- A visiting farang, and contributor to CFS., has been keeping me updated with his deeds & misdeeds!
- Most recently he went to THE BEACH RESORT SAUNA.:
- addr.: 316, Soi Preedi Panomyong 42.,
Sukhumvit 71.,
Khet Khlong Toei, BKK.;
- tel.02)-392 4783.;
- web:
- adm'n.: 99.Bh.;
- hrs.: 15.-06.oo.
-- above info. from MAX Magazine..

-- He reported that several taxi-drivers did not know of, or were unwilling to go-out to, S'vit. 71.; so he took the BTS. to On Nut, (E9.), and an m/c. thence.
- Fairly successful in scoring after a while - but, to me, nothing to make one really want to trek-out that far on what might be a 'Crap shoot.', (an American term, apparently.),.
-- E&OE. as reported speech.
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Old 28th December 2009, 10:31 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

It's really not difficult to get there. BTS Prakanong is the station nearest...not On Nut. At the bus stop at the north-east exit of the BTS station, take bus 71 along Prakanong Road(Which is Sukumvit soi 71) and get off at soi 42 and The Beach is up there 100 meters on a little turnoff to the right.
From Silom, bus 115 goes door to door or from Rama 4 take bus 109.
To try going by taxi is going to lead to a heck of a lot of frustration...unless you simply ask for 'Prakanong soi 42'.
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Old 19th October 2010, 07:18 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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FAROSE I SAUNA - Pradiphat ...

Originally Posted by TSTPaul View Post
Farose Sauna Pradiphat ... .
... .

-- Today, (19th.), a'noon. I chanced to meet one of my 'Talking Boyz.' - tall & well-built in most aspects, and fetchingly dressed in a pink & white hooped vest over tightish & pink trousers, (just 2,200.Bh. in SIAM P'GON.), that shewed-off his sweet & little arse to such effect that my chang noi ... - in CENTRAL-SCSP., (BTS.: Sala Daeng, [S2.],), and who was pleasuring orally another Thai man in an hawng nahm, tsk! Tsk!!

-- He was seeking funds so that he could visit FAROSE I SAUNA. -
- addr.: 108/3, Pradiphat soi 19.,
Saphan Kwai;
- loc'n.: Vide the freebie & monthly MAX Magazine., #98., map shewing the PHAHONYATHIN-LADPHRAO-R'HAEM. area;
- BTS.: Saphan Kwai, (N7.),;
- tel.: (02)-618 4505..
- He suggested that I ought to visit and promised that I would have a v. enjoyable time there should I so choose: ;-)

-- A recent rpt. in > < noted the flg. points:
1. - adm'n.: 150.Bh.;
2. - OPEN until 06.hrs. daily, (but no mention of its OPENING time.),;
3. - one free Condom provided, but no lube.
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Old 19th October 2010, 08:00 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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What that place should be providing is two condoms: one for each foot. You could catch something serious from their seriously filthy floors...
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Old 19th October 2010, 11:50 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
What that place should be providing is two condoms: one for each foot. You could catch something serious from their seriously filthy floors...
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Farose 2 has the filthiest floors. I visited Farose 1 about 2 years ago (but after 2 a.m. I think) and it was no good at all. There were a lot of people, but it seemed to be Thai for Thai. Both are open until 6 a.m.
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Old 19th October 2010, 11:55 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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I was at Farose 2 recently, and although it was filthy, I had a great time. I had about five mouths (and one ass) on my cock within about an hour. Good fun, and not particularly "sticky" based on my experience -- even though I was at least twice the average age and weight and I don't usually take attention for granted.
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Old 19th October 2010, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
What that place should be providing is two condoms: one for each foot. You could catch something serious from their seriously filthy floors ...

-- Maybe our esteemed Moderator, for whom no-one has an higher regard than me, will audition for and obtain the part of Cinderella in this year's panto.:
- My feet are UK.10. & wide fitting, (equiv. to an US.11E., I believe?), and I was unable to get a std. & 52mm. Condom* onto one of them without it splitting.

--* SAX BABYLON condom.
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Old 19th October 2010, 09:55 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 105

Can one go to Farose 2 quickly now by taking the Ariport Link? Should one get off at the Ramkamheng station and then take a taxi to Soi 21?
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Old 19th October 2010, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by df View Post
Can one go to Farose 2 quickly now by taking the Ariport Link? Should one get off at the Ramkamheng station and then take a taxi to Soi 21?
Where are you coming from? I'd think BTS to Prakanong and taxi from there would be simpler, but I'm not a public transport guy.
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Old 20th October 2010, 12:10 AM
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Originally Posted by df View Post
Can one go to Farose 2 quickly now by taking the Ariport Link? Should one get off at the Ramkamheng station and then take a taxi to Soi 21?
I don't think Farose 2 picks up until midnight--and I don't think airport link runs that late. I posted earlier on the taxi fare from Pinnacle Hotel--I think it was only about 100 baht each way. I think if you take BTS to Prakanong, you're still going to pay a lot to take a taxi to reach Farose 2 from there.
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