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Old 25th December 2010, 11:00 PM
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Originally Posted by orson View Post
nature male is the pseudonym of the bar -nature "young man". hahaha. happy holidays to all.

-- Of course - apologies for being too slow on the uptake: mea culpa
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Old 25th December 2010, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- NATURE MALE, where and what is that?
It is an old bar which many on this forum are aware of. The name of the bar is not exactly Nature Male. One has to perform some degree of lexiconal gymnastics by substituting "Male" with a-word-that-shall-not-be-uttered in these politically correct times.

Good grief!
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Old 25th December 2010, 11:06 PM
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My favorite bar in Pattaya is Young Men - Young Men - Young Men. How about you guys?
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Old 25th December 2010, 11:19 PM
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Surely the word "Boyz" (spelled with a z) is safe from the language police where the-word-that-shall-not-be-uttered is not?
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Old 25th December 2010, 11:21 PM
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Why would changing one letter make a difference?
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Old 26th December 2010, 04:14 AM
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Because what is actually happening is that it is the language that is being policed. It does not matter what meaning is applied behind the words we use, it is one word that has been declared out of bounds (lest it mean what some fear it to mean, even though in nromal parlance - among us particularly - it doesn't mean what they fear it to mean). Therefore if the issue is the word, then surely a different word (and one can arguably say if a word is constructed with different letters, it is a different word) it shouldn't be an issue anymore.

I'm just pointing out the logic behind language policing.

For example if language police ban the word "Phil", surely we can still use the word "fill". If they ban "fax", surely it doesn't mean "facts" is banned too.
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Old 26th December 2010, 06:43 AM
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Just a quick note regarding the use of the forbidden B-word and its implications. In Asia, especially in those countries that have strongly adopted Confucian values from the Chinese, you are not technically a man unless you are married and/or have begotten offspring.

Even if you died unmarried at the age of 80, you would still be considered a b% and, technically, a virgin. you would be buried with the same funeral rites as those of a child...unless there was proof that you'd sired one out of wedlock.

Which is why, if you cruise gay dating sites, you'll find so many 30, 40 and 50-year-old Asian men unashamedly referring to themselves as "b%s"
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Old 26th December 2010, 06:46 AM
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15 guys - if you're are talking about the same place that I'm thinking of, you might be able to fit 15 persons in that joint, providing you pretended it was the subway at rush hour with everyone standing!!
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Old 26th December 2010, 07:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Taoboxer View Post
Which is why, if you cruise gay dating sites, you'll find so many 30, 40 and 50-year-old Asian men unashamedly referring to themselves as "b%s"
I can't speak for Asian culture, but in the USA when a grown man, someone in his 40's and older still uses the word 'boy' to describe himself, I actually get turned off by him no matter how 'well preserved' he may look. I lust for the youth as much as anyone else does, but the attraction to older men is often their maturity and experience. Walking around in hot pants and acting like you're some innocent twink when you're actually 45 is sad to see. It shows a lack of growth for the person and is definitely a turn-off for this old man (turning 52 next month and proud to say it).

Prissy Language Police Guy
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Old 26th December 2010, 07:40 AM
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Don't get the logic, sloot. So you'd expect the PC police to be OK with the statement "thirteen year-old boyz are hot", just because a z was substituted for an s???
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Old 26th December 2010, 05:11 PM
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@asians4me: Yes, it was indeed standing room only. Luckily many of the males in the place are as skinny as dried shrimps.

On another note, I guess the only bar in all of Bangkok, or even Thailand, that would meet the approval of the PC crowd bar must be HotMale?
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Old 26th December 2010, 08:07 PM
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They'd probably be OK with Jupiter and Krazy Dragon, too.
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Old 26th December 2010, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
I can't speak for Asian culture, but in the USA when a grown man, someone in his 40's and older still uses the word 'boy' to describe himself, I actually get turned off by him no matter how 'well preserved' he may look. I lust for the youth as much as anyone else does, but the attraction to older men is often their maturity and experience. Walking around in hot pants and acting like you're some innocent twink when you're actually 45 is sad to see. It shows a lack of growth for the person and is definitely a turn-off for this old man (turning 52 next month and proud to say it).

Prissy Language Police Guy

I couldn't agree more.

I would never refer to myself as a you-know-what but I guess I'll have to live with the fact that my relatives are going to have to bury me while trying to keep a straight face as the Taoist priest repeatedly intones prayers about my "innocence and utter lack of worldly knowledge" - even my nephews and nieces (the older ones anyway) know that this particular uncle has an especially long and truly catholic variety of sins.
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Old 27th December 2010, 11:42 AM
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Having spent most of the past twenty years here in LOS, the prices in the gay bars seems to have gone up higher than the rest of living costs and the services provided has taken a nose dive to almost rock bottom.

Most places, when you talk to one of the employees nowadays, the answers to many common questions is 'I Don't Do That'. Then, what the h--l are they doing working in a gay place - go work in a place for women!.

I am definitely no Cheap Charlie but unless you are looking for a total ladyboy type, or want to be a total bottom, very few seem to want to provide services as they used to do. When I first came over and for the first ten years or so, there was very seldom a discussion about what services would be rendered, (and I still dislike having this type of discussion) and when the evening was finished, everyone was happy!

And most bar owners and mama sans nowadays have no idea what activities their employees will engage in (nor do they care) - unlike the old days when you could get good information beforehand if you had your doubts.

But I still would not trade LOS for someplace else - just wonder what has happened to the 'good guys'!
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Old 30th December 2010, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Taoboxer View Post
... . In Asia, especially in those countries that have strongly adopted Confucian values from the Chinese, you are not technically a man unless you are married and/or have begotten offspring.
Even if you died unmarried at the age of 80, you would still be considered a b% and, technically, a virgin. you would be buried with the same funeral rites as those of a child...unless there was proof that you'd sired one out of wedlock.
... .

-- I believe that the same used to be true in the more RC. & conservative parts of IRELAND.
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