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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Hat yai go go boy bars

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Old 4th September 2012, 10:08 PM
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Hat yai go go boy bars

Anybody explored the Hat Yai go go bars recently?

I found an old website indicating that most / all of the go go boy bars are located on Thai Arkan Road.

Is that still true?

Any information much appreciated.

Please share, thanks.
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Old 5th September 2012, 02:14 PM
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This is what I wrote in my blog after my visit in June 2011. More up-to-date information would be welcome

The bars are still within walking distance one from another in the southern part of the town. The good news is that the overall quality of the boys has much improved and there was much more variety and numbers than before, even on a quiet Sunday evening. So for the record you have to know that Buddys Bar has opened again after a two year closure. G-Men seemed to be less interesting, but City Man (same street as G-Men) had really a good bunch of nice men from all over Thailand. They even provided a show as there were some customers (including a group of more or less true women) - very tame show by Bangkok standards though.

Drink prices were 120 THB in City Man and 150 in the other two ; and in Buddy Boys you off a boy paying 1200 THB for short time and 1700 THB for the whole night including the tip for the boy - an old Hat Yai tradition due to the fact that some customers (did I say from Malaysia ?) used to offer ridiculously low tips to the boys before this rule was introduced. Although I did not ask in the other bars, I guess that the rule and the prices are similar.
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Old 17th September 2012, 02:28 AM
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There's a thread I posted here about how to find those - as well as how to find the only gay sauna in Hatyai. I can't recall it but I did post the same information at my blog. Here's the link -

The Rowdy Reprobate: In Hatyai - how to find the gay sauna and bars

I'll be going to Hatyai again soon so if there's any outdated information, I'll be updating it after that.
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Old 17th September 2012, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Taoboxer View Post

I'll be going to Hatyai again soon so if there's any outdated information, I'll be updating it after that.
Oh please please please please DO!!!

I haven't been to Haatyai, and really want to go and check it out (trying something new other than Bangkok), and it's not a long drive from Kota Bharu via Golok right?

hu hu hu!!

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Old 18th September 2012, 01:26 AM
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Hi LLZ, i would be the last person to dispute the stinginess of Malaysians with you when it comes to bar boys' tips. I've seen and heard the complaints about how expensive sex in Thailand can get - and that from people who think nothing of spending 2000 Baht on drinks at a bar in their own country where all they get to do is ogle the goodlooking men and then go home and tootle their tiddlies. There are Malaysians who are quite happy to ante up for the full front-and-back but I am afraid I suspect we are somewhat in the minority. Incidentally, by the time I offed my first guy in Hatyai in 1992, the pay-first system was already in practice so my first time in Bangkok, I was surprised at how differently things were done.

Is Buddy's back at its old place or has it moved to Thai Akarn Road, too? I didn't really check out the whole road when I made my little foray.

Hi Xil, thanks for the compliment. I am afraid my blog is more often than not more about me moaning my weight and health problems than other things but thanks to some encouragement from Bangkokbois (check out his blog at Dancing With The Devil In The City of Angels) I decided a few more photos about what I hunt and some stories about my less-than-admirable past might make better reading for anyone who might chance by.

I'm thinking of going to Hatyai this weekend as I'll be stuck working for nine months without a break once high season comes round (I live near the beach in Penang and my clients stay at the resorts there so that it's easier for me to work on their books).

I'm going to do a post about my recent experiences in Pattaya and Bangkok soon and then I'll update the pages about Hatyai and write some more about the cock ache and heartbreak of being perenially overweight in my blog soon as I get back.
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Old 18th September 2012, 01:45 AM
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talking about Malaysians' STINGYness... i have a couple of friends who came to Bangkok and complained about the boys' rate...

most of them are young 20s pondans (me, late 30s pondan.. huhuhu) saying that why would they pay that amount of money for a guy when they can get it for free back home...

and that led to an argument.. i would blast them back by saying.. if you add all the money you spend on that person back home (top up, foods, top up, pocket money etc etc).. it would be just the same.. and please... in Bangkok you can get guys who are totally gorgeous.. and back home... you would settle for a mat rempit with a "pecah rumah" face.. just because you want it 'free'.. puh leaseeeeeee!!

i like your blog especially stories on your past love experience.. heartache and all.. because i know you wrote it from your heart.. unlike most malaysian gay blogs who are pretentious (oh i will never spend a dime for a guy) and want to show that they are better than others..

hu hu hu!!
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Old 18th September 2012, 02:51 AM
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Hi again Xil,
Ya, I agree that our Malaysian friends never seem to add up the total cost of chasing ONE guy - and not always successfully - when they compare prices in Thailand. They forget that buying yourself a drink, and then buying him a drink, dinner and everything else - sometimes for two or three weeks - before they score adds to the grand total.

On top of that, if they're talking about 'getting it free' at one of the gay bars in our country, then I agree with you that they're more likely to end up with a pimply mat rempit who's not going to do much more than lie there like a dead fish - rub their asses raw so that he can prove to himself that he's still a 'real man' forced to make some rich pondan happy.

And they don't seem to realise that the mat rempit is going to tell all his rempity friends about the slutty pondans he %*#$ so that the next time our Malaysian friends walk into a local gay bar, they'll be famous in all the wrong ways. They'll be the darling of the mat rempits, however, so that counts for something in their world I guess.

I know all the argments about never paying for sex, too, and all I can say is most of my friends who said the same things go to Hatyai or Phuket or Bangkok regularly and then come back and rave about how gorgeous the Thai bayboys are BUT still complain about how expensive offing a barboy is - and then after that, still insist they won't pay for sex. Go figure.

Thanks. I'm glad you like my blog. It hasn't been easy talking about my younger days and the stupidity of some of my sins then but writing about it has been a liberating and most cathartic experience so far. I just added a new post though it isn't as much about Bangkok and Pattaya as I'd like. I'll save that for the next post, I guess.

I guess I couldn't care less about wanting to look better than other people in the cyberblog world - or anywhere else for that matter. I've found that a love-me-as-I-am or leave-me-and let-me-get-on-with-my-own life attitude is the best way to live without additional stress. Took me forty years to figure that out...and I'm supposed to be intelligent, too.
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Old 19th September 2012, 07:55 PM
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Every now and again one of the profiles in GayRomeo makes me smile.
This for example from two guys from Israel I am not sure if they understand irony.

two men from israel in long and happy Relationship.we enjoys the good life. good wine and good restaurant good cigars. Luxury hotels
all Things of quality of life. .
Great believers in every day that passes is one less not day more so Enjoy life .

please we dont look for mens over 20
sorry we like only youngs !!!

thai boys Please understand the global economic crisis dont ask over 500 baht form your farang Customers. me and my boyfriend meet only boys not over age of 19 with long hair and smooth skin
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Old 20th September 2012, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Taoboxer View Post
Is Buddy's back at its old place or has it moved to Thai Akarn Road, too? I didn't really check out the whole road when I made my little foray.
Hi taoboxer

As far as I can remember, Buddy's Boys was in the same location with the same layout (a big stage where the boys were sitting).
You probably know that this place is almost next door to Akarn Road.
Have a nice trip to Hat Yai ...
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Old 20th September 2012, 07:57 AM
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Hi Pit, I would be most surprised if they actually told the barboys THAT!

Hi Llz, that would be at the ground floor of the old 'Regent Hotel" right? I'll go have a look anyway.
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