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Old 22nd May 2015, 12:01 AM
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So, any stories of encounters with the boys of Gayboysiam ( : อิสระแห่งความเป็นคุณ

The advertisements go down the drain after the end of every day, but you can search google on their user name or email and view cached advertisements.

I've been with several.

The guy who uses the email is by far the cheapest I've encountered.

THB 500 for a two-hour massage, including sex, in his very nice small apartment near the Airport Link station on Ramkhamhaeng.

Not particularly young and not particularly a looker, but the massage is good, and after the massage he'll suck you off or hop on your cock (he is more bottom and didn't get hard with me).

I've also been with the guy who uses the email address This is a guy who I knew over ten years ago when he worked in several of the bars in Saphan Kwai. He's 30 now, still in good shape, and still has one of the biggest Thai cocks I've ever had the pleasure to meet. He advertises 9", but I'm not sure it is quite that big. It is definitely an honest, fat, 8" and has a killer curve to it. He's a northern boy, very light skin, with a nice body and face.

He is straight and a total top, will not suck or get fucked and will not let you even touch his ass. His hard cock is all there for you to suck or to get fucked mercilessly with, and he will kiss open-mouthed and lick your body if you're into that. I forget what he was asking for payment (outcall only), but it was in the 1,500 range I think.

There are some others, but I have not seen their ads up recently and can't remember their email addresses. I'll post again if they pop up.

Anyone else with experiences to share?
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Old 22nd May 2015, 08:59 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Thumbs up

Thanks for starting this discussion. I hope other guys will chime in with their experiences, too. As you know, normally we don't include email addresses inside the Message Board posts, but it's fine for this type of thing where you're referencing the boys on Gayboysiam.

If you know of a rentboy from that site or another in Thailand who is working on a regular basis, I want to encourage you (and other guys) to feel free to post reviews for them on CRUISING for ESCORTS too. Near the bottom of the page select "Submit A Review" and then "Elsewhere" then "Thailand." On the next page you can select Bangkok as a "Metro" area or (if they are in a different city) select Thailand as the "Region." If they're not in Bangkok, it would help to say where they are in the text of the review. You can write briefly or at length, although Keith required (and I agree with) a minimum length for the text of a review.

I had programmed that site years ago for Keith and I do want to update it and make it easier to use. The "Elsewhere" designation has always bothered me, and of course there's the need for an up-to-date and mobile-friendly interface. Wish I had more time to do all that's needed, but it's one thing at a time and emergencies first.

Thanks again ~ Bob
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Old 29th May 2015, 09:11 AM
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Beware the photos!

I took a guy about a month ago, one who uses the email name: He posts on Gboysiam nearly every day, but only body photos, never any face shots. The body looked very nice; thin and smooth, just what I prefer. However, when I met the guy he looked older, heavier and hairier than the photos. Definitely not the body in the photos! Nevertheless, he was very nice, gave head, could be fucked, kissed well. Rather plain looking, and not what I thought I was getting, but other than that I could not complain about the service, which was very good. I've also seen him post under his nickname, Mawin, on Romeo.

Just contacted another guy this week, who responded right away. But he lives up in Rangsit --- very far from my Central Bangkok location --- so I'm not when, or if, I'll be able to sample his wares.
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Old 8th July 2015, 01:10 AM
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Thanks for opening this thread. I have been looking on gboysiam for years, and contacted a few boys, but didn't meet any. The closest to meeting was "too far away" (boy in Ramkhamhaeng, I in Sathorn).

In my experience, email is not a good way to contact Thais. Many of the emails given do not work (when I searched for facebook profile via email).

My preferred mode of communication is Line (I understand written Thai much better than spoken).

If there are no face pics or out of focus/too dark/whatever I will skip. Same if pictures don't match.
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Old 12th July 2015, 05:34 PM
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There's one who advertises there every day named Tanwa. I'd suggest that you SHY AWAY from him. He speaks English well enough but I question how clean he is. He's definitely older than many of the working guys, and I'm not for sure that many of the photos that he uses are actually him.
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Old 13th July 2015, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by billinbkk View Post
There's one who advertises there every day named Tanwa. I'd suggest that you SHY AWAY from him. He speaks English well enough but I question how clean he is. He's definitely older than many of the working guys, and I'm not for sure that many of the photos that he uses are actually him.
What do you mean by "clean"? I've rarely run into a Thai guy who didn't bathe before sex.
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Old 22nd July 2015, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by ChristianPFC View Post
In my experience, email is not a good way to contact Thais. ... My preferred mode of communication is Line (I understand written Thai much better than spoken).
Very true. I've rarely had any guys reply to an email (and yes, most bounce back), but have much better success using Line. Most of the Thai guys using Line will at least have SOME English language ability, and I always urge them call me and speak Thai if they have any questions.

I thought I had a hot one last month, but he lives out in Rangsit and getting him to my place near Ekkamai was a chore. We had a meeting lined up and then that afternoon he sent me a message asking if I could send him money for taxi. I replied no, saying I could pay for the taxi when he arrived but not ahead of time. Never heard from him again!

Another one using Gboysiam, and one with a Line account, is a place called Winner Spa. I've taken 2 guys from them in the past month and both were good, but not outstanding. They can send the guy to your place, but the charge can vary. Definitely negotiate (don't agree to the first price they ask; they wanted 3,000 baht and I nixed that) the price that includes service and tip and taxi fare. Also, one of the boys I talked to told me that the spa gave him a fraction of the total price, so if he's a keeper, you might ask him to come off "off the clock" at a cheaper overall rate, but one that would pay him more. I did that for this guy and it worked out well.
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Old 24th July 2015, 09:35 AM
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Clean Clean ... or not?

Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
What do you mean by "clean"? I've rarely run into a Thai guy who didn't bathe before sex.
I would have agreed with that statement 20 or even 10 years ago, but nowadays it seems like the new generation are less inclined towards showering, at least not as much as I used to see.

Part of the reason for that, at least from my observations, is that more boys now come from places outside the old network of go-go bars, and haven't been "trained" to shower before and after sex. Honestly, I see this more and more. I had a guy from gboysiam over last week and he hopped right into bed without showering. Not a problem if he had just come from home and had already showered, but what surprised me more was that he didn't shower AFTER the sex either. Very odd. One thing about the boys from go-go bars, they always seemed to be aware of cleanliness, or at least they were trained to be clean, and they were shower maniacs. And that's something I expected and appreciated. But nowadays, it seems more hit and miss on the cleanliness side of things.
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Old 8th September 2015, 02:51 AM
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Back to subject: really like a topic like this, would welcome more on it, Icon or others please note!
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Old 8th September 2015, 08:11 AM
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ominous message

The past several days, whenever I go to the gboysiam site, when you click on the link for Page 4 a "Ministry of Information and Communicaton Technology" page, written Thai, appears! But if you go back to the previous page, and then click on Page 5, it all appears as normal until the pages run out. More weirdness in the kingdom!
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Old 20th October 2016, 05:53 AM
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techzhandsome, a nice boy

You can find that boy on Facebook and Gboysiam.
He does not speak good English but he is a nice boy.
Slim, with tatoos on his back.
He gets hard quickly when sucked, and he stays hard.
Medium cock.
He is only top. He don't want to lick men's ass but he fucks good.
For those who like he can fuck bb and cum inside.
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 25th October 2016, 03:53 AM
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Originally Posted by goodtimeth View Post
You can find that boy on Facebook and Gboysiam.
He does not speak good English but he is a nice boy.
Slim, with tatoos on his back.
He gets hard quickly when sucked, and he stays hard.
Medium cock.
He is only top. He don't want to lick men's ass but he fucks good.
For those who like he can fuck bb and cum inside.
Thanks for the "recommendation". I'll be sure to avoid him.

The new site is here, by the way: : อิสระแห่งความเป็นคุณ
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Old 25th October 2016, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Thanks for the "recommendation". I'll be sure to avoid him.

The new site is here, by the way: : อิสระแห่งความเป็นคุณ
Yes, sorry. It's gboysiam69. Thanks.
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Old 3rd November 2016, 03:23 PM
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in English?

It looks like this site is all in Thai. Am I missing something?
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Old 3rd November 2016, 10:28 PM
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Originally Posted by rick265 View Post
It looks like this site is all in Thai. Am I missing something?
The site is in Thai, but can contact them in English.
If they don't reply in English you can use Google Translate.
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