Old 17th May 2006, 12:47 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 7
Forum menopoly

It has been increasingly apparent for the months, or even years, that several areas of the message board have been all but taken over by one individual who has, no doubt, much to say about just about every subject. Much, much, much to say, but I find myself, along with several other members, just skipping the category if that overly-enthusiastic person comments on it. I don't have the time, nor frankly, the interest that the same person has on just about any and every subject. It is found, through correspondence with other members, that this is all but a rather universal feeling, and one begins to wonder if the purpose of these pages is to exploit them by the musings of, mainly, one individual, including every possible jot and tittle of every subject. Would it be possible, and even desirable, to give a complete "musing column" to that individual, which would give him a forum to blog away, but not all but commandeer various other columns and their subjects. This question is asked in all charity and understanding, but with, perhaps, just a little bit of desperation. Thank you.
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Old 17th May 2006, 02:57 PM
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I have no idea whom this person is that is monopolizing everything. Nor am I aware of any previous complaints, but then I don't see everything that comes in. You can always email us about any members who are causing problems.

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Old 17th May 2006, 06:35 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Board monopoly

Keith: I have no wish to hurt anyone, nor do I want to muzzle anyone, but if you go to the Message Board, "Special Interest Forums and Discussion Groups," and monitor both (1) dirty stories, and (2) sex advice, and go to the beginning of these discussions, you'll notice, quite graphically, the huge number of replies, and their truly excessive length. Enthusiasm is wonderful, and this member is nothing if not enthusiastic, and I don't mean to quell his opinions--God knows he has many and definite ones, and he does have, I am sure, many true admirers, I just meant to suggest that, as he does have so many opinions, and goes into such excessive detail, perhaps a "free form" forum could be established for him to broadcast his ideas, and thus open up the forums that, currently, he seems to more or less control. However, if you feel that my feelings are unfounded, or that any offense will be given, than I withdraw my observation.
Thank you,
17 May 2006
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Old 18th May 2006, 09:07 AM
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I really wish you'd stop being so mysterious about this and send me an email to tell me whom this person is that is causing you such a problem.

Having said that, I'm not inclined to consider it a problem that someone is contributing his thoughts to a forum. If you feel this person is monopolizing the conversation, there are ways to overcome that: mostly to contribute your own thoughts and to encourage others to do so as well.

We are a forum for guys to write their thoughts, and we don't place caps on how much they can write. As long as contributions pass muster with our terms and conditions, I have no issue with someone writing a "War and Peace" here at CFS!
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Old 18th May 2006, 11:49 AM
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Forum monolopy

'nuff said. Don't really have the time to re-read "War & Peace," but avoidance works too, and have been avoiding spending a month or two reading ScruffyCub's missives up to now, and can certainly continue. Thanks anyway.
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Old 18th May 2006, 12:11 PM
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Re: Forum menopoly

Originally posted by Lenborne
...several areas of the message board have been all but taken over by one individual who has, no doubt, much to say about just about every subject. Much, much, much to say, but I find myself, along with several other members, just skipping the category if that overly-enthusiastic person comments on it...
Have you tried the "add to your ignore list" option on the individual's profile? Unless the software has changed, this used to omit threads and replies from people you find bothersome.
I have a need for seed!
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Old 18th May 2006, 01:24 PM
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Fourm monopoly

Capital: - Thank you for your advice. Will certainly investigate that. Thanks for the constructive support. It's much appreciated.
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Old 15th June 2006, 02:40 PM
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Give me a break, for crying out loud.

I've been here for years and years and have been a valuable contributor to the site.

My advice to those who don't care to read my posts is the same that was given above: ignore me.

I break no site rules and I've been helpful to hundreds, if not thousands of dudes.

I've never understood "length complaints" about posts. Message boards are to be READ -- there's no mandate on brevity. It actually saddens me when guys complain about reading -- has no one ever read an entire book, for heaven's sake?

Stories can be written any length the writer so chooses. And at least a thousand guys have read my stuff and seemingly enjoyed it. Stories are not the same as opinion or advice posts.

I'm not interested in more than half of the forums in "Special Interests" and do not read or respond to those posts.

This childish whining is inconsiderate of others and rude to boot.

Whenever someone takes any initiative on a message board, there is always someone else who complains and/or is jealous of that.

I enjoy CFS, have been a staunch supporter and advocate of the site philosophy, and have prided myself on helping the gay and bi communities for years. Passing along information that I've learned is no crime, nor is sharing my opinions and telling stories.

Nothing is more annoying than a whining crybaby.

If you want to share the spotlight, start posting some helpful info to the men who need it and contribute to the site.

I've devoted tons of time and effort to CFS and my contributions are generally very well appreciated by the men who read the boards. I will continue to spread the messages of sexual freedom and safer sex for all.

Deal with it -- or leave on your own accord if you can't manage to put me on IGNORE and shut yer mouth.


PS -- it's spelled M O N O P O L Y. READING things can help with spelling problems.
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Old 18th December 2006, 02:53 AM
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 98

Scruff, I agree with you. You ARE valuable here. You DO go on though. If I am shorta time I will skim you and pick it up later cause what you say has value. I DO disagree with your crack about reading helping spelling. I am the most well read man I know and can't spell for shit. I DO like Lens stuff too BTW his objections to your verbosity are very well written. SO POST ON BOTH OF YOU.

Originally posted by ScruffyCub
Give me a break, for crying out loud.

I've been here for years and years and have been a valuable contributor to the site.

My advice to those who don't care to read my posts is the same that was given above: ignore me.

I break no site rules and I've been helpful to hundreds, if not thousands of dudes.

I've never understood "length complaints" about posts. Message boards are to be READ -- there's no mandate on brevity. It actually saddens me when guys complain about reading -- has no one ever read an entire book, for heaven's sake?

Stories can be written any length the writer so chooses. And at least a thousand guys have read my stuff and seemingly enjoyed it. Stories are not the same as opinion or advice posts.

I'm not interested in more than half of the forums in "Special Interests" and do not read or respond to those posts.

This childish whining is inconsiderate of others and rude to boot.

Whenever someone takes any initiative on a message board, there is always someone else who complains and/or is jealous of that.

I enjoy CFS, have been a staunch supporter and advocate of the site philosophy, and have prided myself on helping the gay and bi communities for years. Passing along information that I've learned is no crime, nor is sharing my opinions and telling stories.

Nothing is more annoying than a whining crybaby.

If you want to share the spotlight, start posting some helpful info to the men who need it and contribute to the site.

I've devoted tons of time and effort to CFS and my contributions are generally very well appreciated by the men who read the boards. I will continue to spread the messages of sexual freedom and safer sex for all.

Deal with it -- or leave on your own accord if you can't manage to put me on IGNORE and shut yer mouth.


PS -- it's spelled M O N O P O L Y. READING things can help with spelling problems.
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