so whats a skin mite or two. if thats what worries you better not hop into bed with anyone at all. worse for me is when the skin on your balls peel off after several days due to the detergent - then thats probably my fault as i kept my speedos on to go to dj afterwards and although i had rinsed them really didnt get them off until 8 hours after the foam party. you can be sure though i will be at the next foam party. my only gripe is why the depth is so high. burns when it gets in your eyes.
I've found that guys who aren't really worried about catching HIV/AIDS (for whatever reason[ing]) are more afraid about other STD's and crabs/mites.
Imagine that, "I'm not worried about the Hiv, but you gotta wear a condom 'cause I don't want to catch something that I can get rid of in a couple of days."
My Mouth Is Your Cum Receptacle... |
coz mites or rash may harm their appearance - can't have that with a big party coming up. not that hiv wont have you looking like a corpse but its not immediate and therefore too far in the future to think about. hiv would be taken far more seriously if the symptoms appeared within 24 hours.
I just returned to the USA from two weeks in Thailand. It was my second trip. I cannot connect most of the gripes about Babylon with reality. It has to be one of the best bath houses in the world. The sheer number of guys there on any given night makes it possible to score multipule times, even for this "aged white guy". I think the lube in the rooms is watered down, which is why some complain about it. But it still works.
The place is generally clean and efficiently run. I have met many wonderful thai guys there, some of whom will stay friends, and more, probably for a long time. In the whole United States there isn't a place which comes close to Babylon's facilities. Any establishment can improve, I'm sure, but I don't think Babs has any catching up to do with any other gay sauna. |
It was mentioned on another website that the lube dispensers in Babs' private rooms had no locks and some insane guys put cum in them. It was also mentioned that Babs is going to give lube in a small container and a condom directly to custoemrs as they check in. Don't know if any of this info is true.
I always try to look for a lasting relationship in any encounter, whether it be commercial or casual (or cum as you are)....hence, rightly or wrongly, I avoided Babylon. But encouraged by Patrick Sydney, I went along recently(1st time for over a year) and was expecting nothing more than a quick anonymous wank/smoke(I'm still a top/bottom virgin) or two in the steam room and cabins....which I got. But to my surprise and delight, I also met a dashing 21-year-old slim kid sitting alone on the semi-circular seat near the gym entrance. I whispered to him that he looked very handsome...and the rest is history..except he did take me into the bowels of the disco to meet his friend...who I felt was doomed to ruin any monogamous relationship that didn't include himself. Anyway, weeks later it's all going well(hence no time/need to visit bars recently!)and both are loving and cute beyond my expectations. Need I mention, both guys are from Ramkhamhaeng?
They did tell me that they live in a dormatory with 100 other students of whom 98% are gay, just opposite the university. Also, one of their teachers comes from England and is apparently so cute, that after each class taught by him, 6-10 of the students rush to the toilet and wank furiously. |
And so back to Babs - the topic in hand (so to speak)...
Whenever anyone writes that a place must be good because so many people go there, I am always reminded of the grafitti I once saw on a toilet wall: 'Eat shit. A billion flies can't be wrong.' |
Regarding Babylon lube....the comment "it's watered down, but it works" is naive at best, stupid at worst. Vaseline and skin lotion WORK, but the point is that if a lube is OIL based not WATER based, it will degrade condoms. God....even crazy glue is slippery for the first few seconds...(don't worry...never tried this!)
![]() Also, packs of lube are available for an extra charge of 5 baht over and above the first free one. I think one of the points was not just to encourage activity outside the rooms (who wants to step on a shit covered, cum-filled condom in a dark area anyway!??!) One of the other issues was to remove the lube in the rooms making it more palatable to the police (honest officer, these rooms are just private 'resting rooms'... ![]() |
elgar, I dont know why u have said such nasty things about babylon. I am an avid traveller having almost visited all the saunas of the world and in my opinion babylon is the best, and living in barracks is an experience by itself.
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