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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Aging and Cruising for Sex   Mature cock tastes and feels as good as young!

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Old 14th May 2014, 03:43 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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I am also in my early 50's now - and when in my 20's no I would not have been turned on by a guy in his 50's. But I also would not be posting "Don't go to XXXXXX bookstore it is just full of trolls in their 50's".

It was not that long ago when guys that had sex with other guys were shunned - outlawed even. People could say "that guy should leave - he is a faggot". Is that so different than saying "that guy should leave - he is old" or fat or Black or Mexican or etc etc.

I am not a politically correct holier than thou type of person - far from it. But as someone who still likes sex in my 50's I suspect I will still be horny in my 60's and 70's - and my feeling is those people need someplace to get lucky just like we do - so let them cruise. If you don't want to have sex with them just say "no thanks".

If you have said no thanks and they keep bothering you - then they are an asshole. And assholes of any age you can bitch about!

But people need to remember - eventually they will get older too.
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Old 17th May 2014, 01:09 PM
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On a perfectly selfish level, those "youngsters" that call me "troll" or whatever are just missing out and leaving more for me. I enjoy men my age or older because we have something besides sex in common. We have shared experience, history and the patience.

It is that old bull and young bull analogy all over. Those of us that are old bulls KNOW that walking down there makes the experience much better for all participants.

You don't guzzle a fine Scotch. You don't "hotbox" a fine cigar. You savor and enjoy every mouthful and inhalation. The youngsters (many of them) just don't get it.
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Old 7th February 2015, 11:13 PM
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Lucky to be one who enjoys guys my age

Interesting thread here. I'm 61. Lately I have realized how lucky I am that throughout my life I've been attracted to guys around my own age. Last week was traveling and got my dick sucked by a 66 year old nudist friend who can bring me off with his mouth like nobody else. Also a session with a 51 year old who fucked the daylights out of me and delivered the biggest load ont his belly that I have ever seen. Had a couple of sessions of suck and fuck with a 69 year old with a very ample endowment and a high libido. What could be more fun than that? I occasionally get together with younger guys, but it would be too bad if I was waiting around for the few that are into older guys.
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Old 10th February 2015, 02:32 PM
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That is fantastic Al!

Here in Los Angeles it seems the obsession with youth is in overdrive.

Not only in personal ads do most middle / older guys seem to post that they are looking for under 30 - but on the times when I do find a post where the guy is not just looking for a young buff guy it seems like he is into things a lot more extreme or risky that I am looking for.

You are lucky to have some friends to play with - love the 69 year old with the high libido - I hope when I get that age I still have one!
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Old 21st April 2015, 11:23 AM
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jonn3....there are some great places in Los Angeles for older guys looking for sex. The Eagle in Silver Lake, the Faultline in East Hollywood, the Gold Goast, Trunks & Mother Lode in West Hollywood are great bars. Also Melrose baths, Slammer the sex club in East Hollywood and the 2 Roman Holiday bath houses (one in Culver City on Venice and one in the valley).
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Old 22nd April 2015, 10:32 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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I noticed that a couple of the bathhouses were missing from the Sex Listings for the LA area and I will be adding them.

Although the Eagle and the Faultline are are already there I did not check for nor add the other bars. I remember the Gauntlet (now the Eagle, I think) and Faultline from when I lived in Southern California years ago and I know the sort of action they had then. If you think the other bars are appropriate as "cruisy places" please do add them to the Sex Listings.

Los Angeles Metro, United States: CRUISING for SEX Listings

Use the link near the of the page that says "Suggest New Place for This Area."

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Old 29th May 2015, 03:10 PM
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I'm in my 20's, and I only bottom for mature and stocky men over the age of 40 when I get strong cravings for cock.

There is an adult bookstore in my area that is right across the street from a truck stop that is filled with mature stocky men. So I'm in heaven when I get those urges late at night.
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Old 21st February 2016, 09:08 AM
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I started playing with (or rather they played with me) around 13/14 yo in a local cruisy park. So, from that point on, found I attracted older men in their 40's+. Now I'm considered a "daddy" type and am still more attracted to older rather than younger tops, although i get hit on by interested men in their 30's or less. For me, it's who's attached to the other end of the cock that matters more than the age. We all are attracted to what we're attracted to. Best wishes to all in their endeavors.
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Old 22nd February 2016, 09:34 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Similarly, I started having sex in my college years but usually with guys at least 15, 20, or 25 years older. I was particularly attracted to guys I could talk to and who would treat me as an equal instead of just another cute young twink with a big dick.

Now I'm almost 55 and I'm still more attracted to men at least roughly my own age or older. Of course, I'm bald and have extremely short hair now and seldom wear my contacts and I've lost a lot of weight. Younger guys looking for a Daddy usually pay attention to someone else, which is just as well.

If only I had time to go out and play...
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Old 23rd February 2016, 09:56 AM
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I was never looking for someone older when I was younger - but I was also not turned off by the idea.

It astounds me how in so many posts you see comments about how this bar or that ABS are just filled with "old trolls in their 40's / 50s / 60s".

I guess some posters don't realize that someday they will be older as well and still be looking to have some fun. They may not want to have sex with them, and that is their choice and fine, but I find it funny in a group that is supposed to be wanting acceptance how many are judgmental.
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Old 23rd February 2016, 12:13 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Looking this discussion just now, I realize that the combination of prolonged stress, being too busy, and (of course) age may be hitting harder than I realized.

I had already posted on the first page of this!

My mind may be going but the equipment is big and it works...

~ Bob S.
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Old 23rd February 2016, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by jonn3 View Post
I was never looking for someone older when I was younger - but I was also not turned off by the idea.

It astounds me how in so many posts you see comments about how this bar or that ABS are just filled with "old trolls in their 40's / 50s / 60s".

I guess some posters don't realize that someday they will be older as well and still be looking to have some fun. They may not want to have sex with them, and that is their choice and fine, but I find it funny in a group that is supposed to be wanting acceptance how many are judgmental.
I am pretty much with John here.

I was into my peers, and later on into the guys in their mid-20's to mid-30s.

I have never had any interest in the 'older' dudes, and this has not changed.

I also have no interest in other total tops, dudes into heavy leather, bondage, BDSM, slave-master relationships, foot fetish, etc., to mention just the few.

Just like anyone else, I guess, I was approached by any number of men whom I did not find attractive enough to hook up with, while cruising for casual, NSA hookups.

Hardly anyone, young or old failed to understand 'No, thank you!' True, maybe a dozen or so of guys needed to be told more than once but that did not end the world as we know it.

More importantly, I always understood the notion of both public and private space when it came to your cruising. Nope, I neither owned the park, the bar, the club or the ABS nor the movie theater nor the beach. Everybody had their good right to be there and look for their hookups.

Just like most other young(er) dudes, I used to enjoy the privilege of getting free/half-price entrance tickets to a few venues I liked to frequent. The old(er) dudes paid their ticket to get in, and had every right to be there as well. A ticketed customer is a ticketed customer.

I also understand the young(er) dudes who feel less comfortable in the presence of men who could be their fathers or sometimes their grandfathers. If you want to mesh with the guys of your choice and age only, more power to you. Organize your own house party, by invitation only.

Wanna hit the big, daily fresh meat market? Accept the rules of the game.

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Old 25th February 2016, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by infopop View Post
My mind may be going but the equipment is big and it works...

Thank god it is just your mind that is going!
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Old 14th December 2019, 03:20 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 6

I have always prefer older/mature gents, they have been around the block a few times and most know what they want and who they are. Sex with older gents have always been the best. I love it when men know what they are doing sexually and know how to please and be pleasured, this mutual enjoyment I find very attractive. Of course there are older gents who only go for younger guys, that;s cool with me, it's just a preference thing. For overall older gents are sexy, experienced, great kissers, intelligent and most take their time when making love.....YUM!!!!!!! So if your an older gent visiting Brisbane, Australia drop me a few line and say hello. Email: [deleted]

Please keep your email & other contact info on your Profile page. Thanks! ~ Editor

Last edited by infopop; 15th December 2019 at 02:13 PM.
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Old 15th December 2019, 05:59 AM
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 2

Yes let's get together 70yo male in my apartment naked rubbing my cock cum suck me and let me suck your cock joplin
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