The Supreme Court has been screwed up thanks to BOTH major parties, and the losers they've each put on the Court over the years. The disastrous Eminent Domain decision was a 5-4 decision championed by the libs on the court over the conservatives.
I refuse to champion the cause of the Dems over the GOP (or vice versa), when in SO MANY ways they've each contributed to the erosion of our civil liberties. In a nutshell, THEY BOTH SUCK -- *EQUALLY* |
I vote with the same zeal as a snake handling baptist preacher & I find my time spent in the voting booths to be more & more scary & depressing. Why? Because 98% of all the voters I see fall into 2 catagories A)Senile (senior) citizens ( that would vote for Nixon were he alive & running) ...and B) (the most scary) well "monied" soccer moms with their brood in tow. These are the ones with the "M.A.D." tatoo on their ass, praising god for another term of Georg W. for keeping those godless dope smokers in prison. The only hope I see is that the old farts start voting their Social Security check & that "soccer mom" relaizes that her precious larvae are approaching cannon-fodder age. ....... Cause WE know the "gen x'ers on up are just to busy to be bothered with it.
Under 35 here, and I PROUDLY voted for GWB. He is the man.
This is an awesome time to be in the USA. All of you liberal idiots are beside yourself and I love it. The people are CLEARLY on the same page as GWB and it just pisses you off doesn't it. ![]() ![]() ![]() Awe, don't worry. Just go smoke a joint, read Creative Loafing and you'll feel better. |
The people on his page are the RELIGIOUS IDIOTS and the bubba types who quit school in the 9th grade. His approval rating was around 45% when I last saw it. Everyone knows that Chaney and Carl Rove are running this country. Bush is just their puppet man.
He fucked up Texas when he was governor and now he's fucking the USA and the rest of the world. If I were him I would be unable to sleep at night.........knowing the 1400+ soldiers killed in Iraq.......were all because of his LIE. |
The absolute LAST thing I am is religious. There is more to conservatism than religion
![]() There you liberals go again, stereotyping. Liberals today are probably the most narrow-minded, hateful, corrupt, and just plain STUPID group of people you are ever going to find. Speaking of 9th grade, the least you could do is spell their names right. It's Cheney, and Karl. Hmm, "Karl", there's a name you should already be familiar with, as a card carrying commie. Quote:
i agree that both parties are equally at fault for our current situation.
what tends to piss me off are heavy handed, HYPOCRITES who label an entire group of people in the same breathe as they themselves display the behaviour they point out... [quote]Originally posted by roccosiffredi [b] There you liberals go again, stereotyping. Liberals today are probably the most narrow-minded, hateful, corrupt, and just plain STUPID group of people you are ever going to find. ------------------------------------------------- this type of attitude is what tends to nudge me more towards the left. just a thought....
xviewer |
ya'll know there IS a third option..... Vote libertarian. "What!..and just throw my vote away" you say? Not so. I remember the Ga insurance commisioners race seveal years ago when Oxindine (sp?) & the other guy were a dead heat. In order to vote in the run off election you had to vote in the general election. it was obvious from the polls that the Dem/Rep voters weren't going to change their minds & most straight ticket voters would be a no show. The entire election was carried by about 700 of us libertarians. Believe me... we could have asked either candidate to come over & mow the grass & I believe they would have showed. A libertarian vote is not a vote for the right or left, it's a vote for LESS government. (BTW - Oxendine won & he is a total asshole/liar firmly in the pocket of the insurance companies his days are numbered) Rocco...I didn't know you were hispanic, Senior W is a moron that probably couldn't manage a Taco Bell..albeit thats exactly what he's turning the country into. I used to call him "baby Bush, but i'm beginning to lean toward Little Lyndon.
Just calling it (this board) like I see it. And blaming GWB because you can't get laid in public places (which is ILLEGAL anyway) is STUPID.
[quote]Originally posted by xviewer [b]i agree that both parties are equally at fault for our current situation. what tends to piss me off are heavy handed, HYPOCRITES who label an entire group of people in the same breathe as they themselves display the behaviour they point out... Quote:
..there...was..no...part...of...my...post...that.. .suggested...public...sex...should...be...made.... legal.
gee, with some congitive training you would make a great street car conductor. btw rocco...based on your posts here over the years, you are the LAST person who should point the finger at those who have any type of sex, public or private.... but then that would be ANOTHER example of your hypocrisy.... Quote:
xviewer |
Lets face the facts guys. Both of the main political parties are to the extremes. Its what is in it for them! I will have to give Bush the credit for placing more minorites in cabnet/leadership positions than the dems did during Clinton. It just pissed me off to see the dems try to destroy C. Rice in her conformation hearings. Here is a beautiful, brilliant, competent black woman being nominated for an important cabinet post and they are not for her?? I thought the Dems were the champions of advancement of minorities. I really think that they feel she should "stay in her place" instead of being an example of what they have NOT DONE for the black community!
Who ever said GWB is stupid is stupid too! Kerry is stupid too! and what about that rich bitch that JK is marred to...isnt she a fool! I loved the press on the release of their college grades. Kerry's folks starting the mess about GWB being stupid when their candidate had the worst grades in college. Of course Bush's grades were not deans list either! I say part of the problem there is Bush is SOUTHERN (even though TEXAS isnt really the south) and Kerry is from NEw England. There is always that bias. All of us sotherners are stupid....you transplants dont get that greef if you dont have a southern accent. Even though the dems give lip service to gay rights etc, that is only a voting ploy to win votes. They really dont give a shit and feel the same way about us as the right wingers. Dont loose any sleep boys but things havent changed much and are not going to change rapidly. All will eventually work out but we might be dead and long gone!
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play. |
well said.
thanks for getting me/us back on topic.. its all a crock of shit but someone (smarter than me) needs to find an alternative. we can argue these OPINIONS all day long but it doesnt change the facts..this country is leaning more right extreme and that is NOT good. the grey area is what im hoping will change. not TOO one extreme or the other but somewhere in the center of right.
xviewer |
I....didn't.........say...........you.........did. Why....are....you....talking....slow? Meth......run.......out?
About 3 posts into this thread (originally about public sex in Atlanta), the predictable liberal whining started, blaming GWB for public sex not being as readily available in Atlanta. I know you liberals have attention deficit, but TRY to keep up, ok? Quote:
Well, there is a lean to the right for 2 reasons:
1). We all want lower taxes and our investments to make money. I mean we can talk all this philosophy and rights and stuff, but the bottom line is MONEY. Gay bi, straight....this is common ground. 2) If you have any sense about yourself, you are going to support those that take a strong hawkish stance against the islamic terrorism. Talk(diplomacy), counseling, appeasment does no good with these people. The left talks too much bullshit when they need to just get over it and blow these mf's away before they kill us! The Democrats laid back attitude and non support of a strong military is what got us here. The people that hang with their attitude all whine about Afganastan and Iraq...well hell, it drew all the islamic nuts to those areas to fight and have left us alone on our soil! U are pretty smart xviewer...you just need to get involved in politics! From the looks of that profile i would say smart and sexy!
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play. |
thanks for the feedback.
i do keep up with the politics and understand how much biased is involved in opinion. your points are good ones...but again, these are incorrect facts. we are in debt BECAUSE of the current administration. 911 happened on bush's watch, because of his position on world defense and he has been CAUGHT red handed lying about WMD. the debate 101 tactics rep. use of a generally poo pooing anyone with an opposing opinion are thankfully loosing effectiveness...obrien, faldwell, limbaugh...are good examples. face it boys, bush is in office, he's takin the shit for his actions. i think he can handle it. what you need to do is stop TELLING us what we are supposed to believe just accept that your OPINION is only that....a holier than thou position just turns most regular joes off... anyway, i can see where this is going so...good luck..have a good weekend
xviewer |
I'd word it this way: the CENTER of the country (what Libs disparingly call 'fly-over country,' which in fact makes up the majority of the country), is leaning more and more right, while the coastal cities and a few urban pockets in the middle are leaning equally strongly more and more left -- the politico-philosophical gap is widening and deepening, and politicans of BOTH major parties are taking advantage of average folks' gullibity and ignorance in most things political, historical or Constitutional.
With the political rhetoric (yes, including among gays, as well as those opposed to them) and news media hysteria ratcheted up to unprecedented levels, it seems almost unconscienable that Americans have reached a level of vitriol that we are actually expressing OUTRIGHT HATRED for each other, for our regional differences, for our political differences, our lifestyles, what kind of cars we drive, our religions, what our incomes are, where we choose to live, etc etc etc. It seems NO ISSUE -- not even the death of the late Pope, for God's sake! -- is beyond the digs, arrows, slings and attacks of some interest group or another craving its 15 seconds in the cable news limelight. We are spending seemingly BOUNDLESS energy on destroying each other, and the framework that once made us and our Nation great -- our commonality and unity -- rather than focusing with dead-aim on those trying to destroy all of us in one fell swoop should they ever develop (or acquire) the technologcal means to do so. Good people of *all* political stripes can eventually come to terms, and there ARE political options -- we shouldn't limit ourselves to the increasingly extreme dogmas of the men and women currently in control of the Democratic and Republican parties -- what it will take is the courage of our convictions to say "Enough is enough -- we demand a third (fourth, or fifth) way! -- even if it means bringing new parties to power" And for God's sake, preserve the Constitution -- EVERYTHING that makes us a FREE people comes from that great document, not from politicans (or their blind followers) trying to score cheap political points with divisive rhetoric. |
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