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Old 10th March 2003, 08:44 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 8
Thumbs up Recent Mexico Trip

Hi everyone..

I just returned from a five week trip to Mexico...the main purpose of my trip was to attend Spanish school in Cuernavaca but I also found time to visit some great places in both Cuernavaca and also in Mexico City (DF) fact I was in Mexico City the night of the earthquake and it was not too much fun as I had never before experienced an earthquake...actually
Mexico City received very little damage but there were a lot of frightened people who remembered the earthquake of 1985 which killed somewhere between 15-20,000 people in Mexico City.

I arrived in Mexico City on a thursday, late morning, via AeroMexico. I almost always fly this airline as their service is VASTLY superior to American Airlines and these are the two main choices between my city (DFW) and Mexico City. Rumor also has it that American Airlines is on the verge of bankruptcy and I don't want any hassles with an American ticket if this rumor were to become reality. My Spanish classes began on monday morning in Cuernavaca so I had a few days in DF to enjoy the guys. I don't spend too much time at the tourist places because I have been there many many times and have seen most of the tourist things in the past. I have Mexican friends in DF but when I want to prowl around late at night and not worry about coming and going I like to stay in a hotel. If you are not too particular about where you stay I would suggest Hotel Principal in the Centro area of Mexico City. This is NOT a fancy hotel. It is neat, clean and safe. This area of town is not the safest but the hotel is safe. I have stayed there many times and never had any problems. In fact, it was listed in both of Eduardo David's "Gay Mexico: The Men of Mexico" books as a gay location. This hotel is NOT a gay hotel and I have never witnessed any gay activity there....but there is never any problem bringing a guy to your room but I make a point to pay for two people when I check local calls, TV (no cable), on weekends ask for a room in the back as there is a nearby bar that is very (extremely loud) and makes sleeping almost impossible in the rooms in the front. This hotel is about $17.50 nightly, each room has private bath with shower and is located on Bolivar about three blocks from Bellas Artes and the Latin American Tower, near the Zocolo and three blocks from the Allende Metro Stop. There is also a very good Spanish (Castillian) restaurant on Calle de Uraguay only three blocks away called Centro Castellano...very good food, especially the the evenings ask for the Menu de Hoy...which will be a four or five course meal for about $9.00.

I know parts of the city fairly well. Mexico City is very large but the Metro (subway) there is early to navigate and the stations are all marked by both symbols and written signs depicting the name of each station. Each route is a color with the Orange route my favorite. I am a person who likes to explore but in sexual matters I also like to explore until I find places that I enjoy and have success and I will frequent these places until I either grow bored or new places open so I have been visiting the same places in Mexico City for a number of years now.

The places I visited for sex in Mexico City on this trip were Tom's Leather Bar on Insurgentes Sur, Viena Bar very near Bellas Artes and Garibaldi Plaza, LaCasita (both locations), Orange Metro Line and Baños Mina. Sex is readily available in all these places. If I could only visit one place I would visit LaCasita on Viaducto Miguel Aleman. . This is without question my favorite sex place in Mexico City or anyplace else that I have visited in the country. There are two LaCasita locations and in my opinion the one on Viaducto Miguel Aleman is far superior to the one located on Insurgentes Sur. The physical location on Insurgentes is better. It is closer to the metro stop and to other gay locations, the building itself is much larger but this is a problem. The location on Miguel Aleman is arranged in a manner which will allow a cruiser to keep tract of the guys in which he is interested. There are three levels and only one set of stairs so it is fairly early to learn the lay-out and become familiar with the place. The location on Insurgentes Sur is very large and there are many routes between the different rooms so it is very difficult to learn and also to be aware of which guy is where...this problem is compounded when one considers the fact that both locations are very dark (especially in the evenings) so the Miguel Aleman location is my favorite of the two. Another plus for the Miguel Aleman location is that is it many blocks from the hotel but the street on which the hotel is located (Bolivar) intersects Viaducto Miguel Aleman only one block from the LaCasita location. A taxi ride is about 20 pesos during the day and about 35 pesos at night. Taxis in Mexico City will usually charge more at night than during the day. I have never experienced any problems with taxis in Mexico City but any time one uses a taxi from the streets...flags down a is assuming a risk. I use the street taxis as do most people, but it is a always good to make absolutely certain there is only one person in the taxi (only the driver) and that the card with the driver's name and photo is actually the driver. These are simply precautions but they are important. If one has the hotel call a radio taxi these are much safer and only slightly more expensive in my experience.

Back to LaCasita, it is basically a large darkroom. There are rooms which show porno movies, there are gloryholes, one can purchase softdrinks or beer (Mexican national beer is 20 pesos). The entrance fee is 40 pesos. They also sell condoms and lubricant. There are bunkbeds which are used both for sex and also for sleeping. If you are interested in watching this place is a watcher's paradise. My favorite time of day during the week for LaCasita is to arrive about 330 in the afternoon and stay as long as my cock stays hard. On weekends sunday seems to be better than saturday and I like to arrive about 330 on weekends too. Friday and saturday nights in the evening are simply too crowded. There is group sex and no shortage of cocksuckers or bottoms. I love to suck cock and also to have mine sucked and I really love to fuck. No problems. Many times there were groups of ten to twenty people involved in group sex activity. Also there are raised benches on which one can sit to allow the cocksucker easy access to his cock. This is a great place.

My next favorite location in Mexico City is actually a moving subway train. The Orange route crosses the city on the west side and runs north to south. It is actually not on the far west side of the city but is the westerly most subway line. The subway has to be the world's cheapest cruising location. It costs 20 cents to board the subway and one can remain on it as long as desired or until it closes. The system closes at about 1215am during the week and a little later on fridays and saturdays. It is always a good plan to have taxi money with you if you are cruising because if you have like as I do you will not find the one you really like until just before the subway closes down and then you will want to stay after have taxi money.

The Orange Route ( LÃ*ne 7 El Rosario - Barranca del Muerto). Here is the link for the Mexico City subway system... .....

This link is known to gays in the city as a good, cheap place to locate guys who are interested in quick sex with other guys. Many are simply interested in being sucked, others wants to kiss with a little romance, others want to get fucked, etc. This line is active after about 9 or 930 in the evenings and is busy until the system closes. As in all of Mexico City, do not dress in a manner which will make you a target, don't carry more money than you will need or can afford to lose, also I dont wear a watch or anything else of value. The guys on the metro are not there for a fashion show.....they are there for sex. The last car of the train is the place and also the platform itself. If you find yourself on a particular train and don't like the others you find on it simply get off and wait for the next train or go across and head in the other directly. I can't promise that you will find your dream man each night but there are always willing guys and you will find yourself lucky more often than not. I love this place as it is a good place to find masculine nice looking guys.....there are many queens, but it is a good place to find guys who are looking for a fast blowjob and it is anomymous..completely.

One night..I think it was a sunday night, I was cruising the metro. It was about 1130...there were three guys on the train when it came into a station. Some guys will suck others, etc between the stations and not worry that others are watching whereas others will only allow action if there are no other guys on the train. Anyway, this evening I was watching one guy suck another when the train came into the station. This goodlooking, masculine guy got onto the train. He was the only one who boarded and no one left the train. He was dressed in a leather jacket and shirt. He has a hairy chest which is not too commin in Mexico. He stopped in front of each guy and looked him over. When he stopped in front of me he motioned with his head that I should follow him. By now the train was moving. He leaned against the wall of the train which was closest to the next car, opened his pants and pulled his cock out for me to suck. I did not disappoint of my favorite encounters from years of cruising Mexico City.

My next favorite place is Viena Bar. This is a cantina located very close to Bellas Artes and is a fun place to drink beer, look at the guys and listen to good Mexico and other Latin music. There is a jukebox....three songs for five pesos. The beer is about 20 pesos depending on the brand you like. My favorite is Indio...but they have all the good brands there. This place is nothing fancy, just an old bar but very clean and safe. I have never witnessed any problems here. The restroom has a long trough for the guys to piss in and you can look at cocks if you enjoy this. Some of the guys are a little shy but some will show you everything. I enjoy this place and sometimes find guys here...but more often this is a place to go and look at the guys and realize that only sometimes will you get lucky here. Best on friday and saturday evenings. Open until about 3 in the morning. Dont be distracted by the waiters. The youngest one is about 75 years old. These guys are holdovers from the days when this was a straight establishment. It has gradually over the years become more gay until now it is completely gay. The waiters are fun and will joke with you...the service is great is a little slow...after all I did mention that the youngest one is about 75 years old. Keep an eye on your bill and you will have a great time in this place.

The next best place is Baños Mina. This is located just off of Reforma near the Hildago Metro Stop. This is a very popular place. I like to go in the afternoons from time but the weekends are not my favorite times as there are too many people there on the weekends. I have never failed to find a nice guy here for sex. There is wild sex ranging from sucking, kissing, fucking and group activity in the wet stream room and also in the small massage room located at the end of the hall. This room is no longer used for massages. The dry sauna has some action but not much. There is private action in the three small toilet areas. Guys will go here when they want privacy with their new friend or friends. During this trip the most memorible experience at Mina was a day..during the week about 1 in the afternoon when I was there and had two young guys...early twenties. I was fucking one and sucking the other which he stood on the toilet. I fucked for a while and then they changed positions and I fucked the other one and sucked the one I had been fucking. Both sucked me before the sucking started. You will want to bring condoms with you as they are not readily available at this place...and encourage the use of condoms as many guys in Mexico do not make condom use a habit. Mina is a great place. You can purchase soft drinks but no beer. They will collect your tab when you leave. Also the guys hanging around the entrance on the second floor will give you a massage..either sexual or non-sexual. A non-sexual is about 50 pesos and a sexual is whatever the guy thinks he can get out of you. The massages are not great and the sex with these guys is not too good either. I have not been with them but that is what I have been told. I don't understand paying these guys for sex when there are dozens looking for sex just a short distance away. Another thing, in many Mexican baños, it is not the custom to go to and from your room often and these rooms are not commonly used for sex.

The last place in DF that I would like to mention is Tom's Leather Bar on Insurgentes Sur. It is very near the Sears lcation on this street...just a couple of blocks away and on the other side of Insurgentes. This street is a very major avenue in the city...and in fact continues on south to Cuernavaca and north into the United States crossing the Mexican-US border at Laredo, Texas where it becomes I-35 and continues on to Dallas and points north.

Tom's is called a leather bar but there is little to no leather activity here. I have never witnessed any leather action. I enjoy this place during week night but try to avoid it on the weekend when it is simply too crowded to enjoy. It is a place like no other that I have ever experienced. There is approximately 70 peso cover charge which will permit admittance to the bar and cover two Mexican beers. This is very little electric lighting, but rather lighting is provided by very large candles located around the bar. The walls are block and the ceiling is black with stars painted on it. It is not unusual to hear opera playing. It is all very tasteful. There is a long bar near the frong and a platform where built guys will strip and dance along the other wall. The guys take it all off...jack their cocks..usually very large for the audience. It is not unusual to see three or four built guys jacking there cocks for the crowd. I don't know if these guys are available or not....I would assume they are for the right price........but why pay when there is a dark room in the back of this bar with a lot of action. No problem sucking cocks, getting sucked..fucking..whatever you want here.......The action starts about 11..and continues until about 4am...there is a small restaurant with tacos, tortas, etc located next door which is 24 hours and sometimes guys go there afterhours......I like Tom's but it is too crowded on the weekends when there are too many people and sometimes the dark room is a little too full....

These are the best places in DF in my opinion and I go there often enough. I actually spent most of my time in Cuernavaca which is only one hour south of DF......Pullmans de the Taxquena metro stop and then into the city. I know this route very well as there is not too much action in Cuernvaca, I think probably because of its closeness to Mexico City.

Coco's Bar in Cuernavaca is nice and I did get some ass from there....very nice guys working there and the owner is absolutely handsome with a great body...too bad he has a boyfriend!! Also, in Cuernavaca the Zocolo is a good place to find guys. I went several nights with other students from the Spanish school to a restaurant/bar llocated on one side of the Cuernavaca zocolo called Arcos..this is a nice place. Good beer and live entertainment. Best of all it is a great place to sit and watch the guys go by. As is the custom in Mexico from about 5 until 10 or so many guys can be found sitting in the zocolo...either alone or with friends ..looking for a little action. The one in Cuernavaca is no different. I met two guys here on two different nights and blew both of them........

There is a porno theater just off of Plan de Ayala in Cuernavaca too. Some action there but not much. It is very old and not too clean......It is better than nothing, but not by much.

If you have any questions about any of the places I have mentioned in this message send me an email.

Take care...
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Old 11th March 2003, 06:19 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 33
standing ovation!

Whew! Your name says it all! You got it! ... a standing ovation i mean....
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Old 15th March 2003, 07:25 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 13
Great trip report!

Standing Ovation, great trip report! You touched on some of my favorite cruising places.

The hotel issue is a good one to start with. I think first-time or infrequent visitors to the D.F. are leery of hotels that are so inexpensive, because, in their home cities, rooms cost so much more (and rooms at the price you quote are considered “dumps“). But, in Mexico City, it’s very easy to find clean and safe hotels that’ll allow you to bring back guests, in the US$11-20 price range . . . as you detail.

It’s obvious that you like LaCasita - it’s a favorite of mine, also. Obviously, which of the two locations one likes best will be determined by personal preferences. You like the one on the Viaducto Miguel Aleman in Colonia Algarin . . . while I prefer the large, rambling, two-building complex on Insurgentes in Colonia Roma. Isn’t it great that there are two to choose from! Getting to the location on Miguel Aleman is best done by taxi, because one has to traverse some dangerous neighborhoods to get there by foot, even if coming by Metro (the Lazaro Cardenas station is a 15-minute walk).

If you’re a fan of pozole, some of the city’s best pozolerias (restaurants selling pozole) are just a several block walk from LaCasita-Miguel Aleman, and one could easily combine great food with great sex!

Cruising the Metro is always fun in Mexico City, but, for most visitors . . . I think the entire experience/prospect is a bit intimidating. There’s been a crackdown on gays at some of the more notably gay Metro station platforms, and some guys have been taken into custody, shaken-down, and/or arrested. In some locations, cameras have been installed to monitor the activities and aid the police in their efforts. The crackdowns come and go without notice, so one needs to be careful. Because the rail cars themselves are so jam-packed during rush hours, it’s not uncommon to do some groping and to get groped while riding the trains. On more than one occasion I’ve had a guy unzip my pants, grab hold of my dick, and start beating me off . . . all the while the people standing around us are oblivious to what’s happening (or, better yet . . . maybe they’re doing it to one another!). My own experience with the sex-on-the-Metro you refer to seems to be mostly possible on the last couple of trains each night, and on just about all Metro lines. In general, the legend of the last car on trains being gay is, I think, just one of those stories that gets started and keeps gaining strength, irrespective of reality. But, you obviously experienced some of it, and it was certainly real at that time. I do find a lot of playfulness on the Metro . . . guys doing heavy cruising, fondling, touching, etc.; and, when the train pulls into their station, the guys just bolt for the door, look back with a big smile, and wink! It’s fun. On the other hand, I’ve taken lots of guys off the Metro back home, and have had a fantastic time. I think one could ride the Metro for the entire day, and never get bored!

And , now . . . the Viena Bar, one of my favorite watering-holes in Mexico City. While it does serve some hard liquor, the Viena is more of a beer bar than anything else. I’ve always found the bar a great pick-up place, because so many customers are looking to “get it on.� As you know, it draws the cross-section of the city’s gay community - from the suit and tie businessman stopping by after work, the college student on the way home from evening classes, disco queens prepping for a night out, macho cowboy-types in full regalia strutting their stuff, to the boys for sale . . .looking for a customer. Whatever you’re looking for, it’s likely you’ll be able to find it at Viena. Relatively few foreigners go to this bar, and I like that just fine. Overall, I find this one of the least pretentious gay venues in town. About the waiters . . . they all might seem ancient, but they're not . . . there's three younger brothers who wait tables also (between the ages of 30-40)! For those who haven’t been to Viena, it’s a block’s walk from the Bellas Artes station on the new subway line that terminates at Garabaldi Plaza, and about 3 long blocks from [/i]Palacio de Bellas Artes[/i] and another Metro station, on another line, bearing the same name. The bar is best visited between the hours of 7/8 p.m. and Midnight . . . it closes early. If I had three thumbs . . . I’d give it “Three thumbs up�!

As for Baños Mina, it’s always been a favorite of mine (but, not the favorite). It’s considered more of a “working class� gay bath, and that moniker is just fine with me. Compared to the other gay saunas in town, it draws a younger crowd, but all ages, sizes, shapes, etc, are represented. I think it’s open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., the longest hours of the gay baths. I’ve often gone there when it opens, because some of the disco boys are looking for a place to work-off the liquor, get some rest, crash for awhile . . . and they’re ready to settle down and get it on! Just about all times of day are popular, with the 8-11 a.m. period being popular with the “office boy� set, afternoons popular with students visiting after class, and evenings drawing people after work. There are two sections of these types of baths, vapor general, which is the large open areas with hot/dry steam rooms, relax/massage room, showers, toilets, etc. And, there’s the vapor privado (or, I think that’s the name), they’re the private steam rooms where you can take someone you meet on the street into a private room with private sauna facilities, etc., and order beer, sandwiches, soft drinks, etc.; these are also the rooms where the masseurs/studs take their clients. One caution about these saunas, especially the Mina I think . . . and it's that there’s lots of unsafe sex taking place. As for the fucking, as Standing Ovation said happened during his visit, most of this seems confined to the several toilet stalls . . . because the guys don’t generally like to do this in front of others . .. and the stalls have little space (e.g., bending over the toilet, etc.).

If you’re into cruising the parks, the large fertile cruising grounds of Alameda Central is a couple of blocks from the Mina, and, rather than take one of the park hustlers (or even just someone unknown to you) back to your hotel room, it might be better to bring your “selection� to the Mina, rent a private room, and get it on there . . . lots of friends of mine do just that (and some of the “guests“ enjoy the hot shower and opportunity to clean-up a bit, they‘ll not be offended). The bath is located on Calle Mina, just off the corner with Paseo de la Reforma, in Colonia Guerrero . . . you can get there by Metro (Hidalgo station), or bus from along Reforma.

And on to Tom’s Leather Bar. This place, too, is a favorite of mine . . . primarily because of the excellent “back room� (ahh, “behind the curtain�) opportunities, and because of the overall ambiance of the place . . .it draws a very nice crowd of mixed ages. I’ve never thought that people hide the reason why they go to the bar, it’s for sex . . . and nobody seems embarrassed about it. I think the owner is an architect or engineer, and that would explain the unique decor, which unlike anything I’ve seen elsewhere in Mexico. I also think it’s more of an “American-style� bar than are most other gay venues in the D.F. If you’re into cigars, and cigar smoke . . . then this is a place for you; the owner and some of the help love cigars, and aren’t bashful to demonstrate their affection. I’ve never really liked the occasional strippers I’ve seen there, but, we each have different tastes. It’s a short walk to LaCasita-Insurgentes, and a trip to both could be combined for a night-out!

I’m not a fan of Cuernavaca, but I’ve been there a dozen times over the past decade. My favorite cruising area in the plaza principal . . . on Saturday night . . . when the lonely soldiers are strolling by! There are some dark/shaded areas underneath the portales of nearby buildings, and the areas make great “get to know you� and “meet and great� spots out of view of others. Many soldiers are available for a little R&R, and, if they’re your “cup of tea,� then it can be heaven. Also, like most other Mexican towns . . . people work a six-day week and Saturday night is the night to go out and howl. Guys that aren’t typically found in these public areas and/or cantinas during the week will be out on Saturday night, including lots of guys from surrounding, small, towns who come into town to check it out; and, some of these “sightseers� are ripe for the picking!

I noted your reference to Eduardo David's "Gay Mexico: The Men of Mexico" books, a book which I’ve often recommended to users of CFS as a good primer on gay Mexico (some of my exploits are referenced in the book!). Unfortunately, the authors no longer update the book, but it’s available for purchase online from Floating Lotus Books. I think that anyone who has an interest in gay Mexico ought to buy the book for their “library.� Thanks for mentioning the book.

I’ve always thought of Mexico City as one of the best-kept secrets in the gay world, and it seems that you share that opinion, also. Standing Ovation, thanks again for taking the time to post such an excellent and detailed trip report . . . it will be helpful to many.
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Old 11th May 2003, 02:07 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 1
Thanks for the Info !!!

Hi and Thanks to both of you for all that information. I will have to try and make a copy for my files.

I've been to Latin America, including Mexico, but always concentrated on bars with very beautiful women who had to be paid a small amount. That was great, but eventually, after being back in the USA, I recognized my bisexual side. I hadn't really thought about going to Mexico or LA for guys, since when in other parts of LA and in the the girl bars their was such extreme prejudice against gays. Funny, they seemed to recognize my gay side, but I always denied it for my own good at the time and from complete ignorance too.

Before, I was a big time drinker so my inhibitions were not high and I didn't give a damn how sleazy or dangerous was the neighborhood, but God takes care of drunks and fools, they say.

Now, not being a boozer, I was glad to see the safety advise and that the places serve soft drinks and apparently it is not too hard to connect with guys in the bars. I believe I would find Mexico better than the USA from your description and should take a vacation there. I have thought of going in my RV, but have to research that as plane fare is so inexpensive anyway.

I do hope oral sex is not so risky w/o condoms. I wouldn't get fucked or fuck without one, but like most everybody prefer not to use one in oral. Another lucky thing is that in many years with many women in the USA and LA I never caught anything and never used condoms (before AIDS). You know, fools and drunks...

My criteria was to only deal with professionals in LA always, and mostly in the USA, figuring they would be more likely to watch their health. Again this was pre-AIDS and I did not practice sex with guys.

Anyway, Thanks again for the in-depth trip report. I hope it does bring others to Mexico which is a cool place for anyone to go.

bi, George
Sex is Fun only if you get it
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Old 16th May 2003, 12:19 PM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 24
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Question Spanish Immersion School

Standing Ovation...add my compliments to a great report!

I'm curious about the Spanish Immersion School you attended in Cuernavaca. Cetlalic School has a gay program, and I am scheduled to attend in June...I was wondering if you went to the same school? If so, any comments?

Great info on the hotels in DF. I will be "bookending" my time in Cuernavaca with some stays in Mexico City...and I'd really appreciate more info on which hotels you guys find appropriate. Small, clean and quaint is good for me! I've heard of the Del Angel at about $55 per night...but if others are available for $20-$30, then that gives me more money for cerveza!

Thanks in advance for any information.
New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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Old 7th June 2003, 11:07 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 8
Spanish Schools in Cuernavaca

Hi Second Nature....sorry so long for a reply from me. You may already be in Cuernavaca attending school.

I attended a school called "internacional"...and it was not that great. I think there are probably some better choices in Cuernavaca.

As for the hotels, the one I like is called Hotel Principal, located downtown in the Central area of the city. It is about $17.50 nightly, depending on the current exchange rate. I have stayed there many many times and never any problems except that on weekends you want to make absolutely certain that you get a room in the back as there is a bar below and it is extremely loud on weekend nights but no problem with a room further back. This hotel is about three blocks from Bellas Artes and Latin American Tower. Very near Viena Bar, which is a fun place too.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I hope you are having a great time in Cuernavaca/ DF.
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Old 8th June 2003, 12:29 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Cuernavaca---Language Schools

Thanks again to Mavica and Standing Ovation for my primer on Mexico City and Cuernavaca.

So far, just by cruising on the internet I have dates set up for the first nights in both cities...I'll let you know if they come thru!

I am really looking forward to the Spanish Language School. Once again, the one I am going to has a gay program, and we even get to go into Mexico City for the Gay Pride celebrations. The homestays are also arranged with gay families. Cetlalic is the name of the school, and I will post a report on the school and my trip when I return. (school starts 6/14)
New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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Old 12th March 2004, 08:38 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 8
Planning another DF Trip for June

Hi everyone...just wanted to add a post to say that I am planning
another trip to DF for June. I think I will arrive on 16th...may be 15th...Thursday late in the evening around 1030PM.....will be there for two weeks. I am curious if any of the posters from here will be there at the same time. It would be interesting to meet for dinner and/or drinks to compare notes.

I was in DF in October for two weeks. I have not posted anything about it yet but plan to post a summary of it in the Instant JO Forum since it does not really belong here.

One note, I did go to the FUCK Club when I was in DF in October. FUCK Club is on Reforma near its interesection with Insurgentes. It is a few blocks from the Angel Monument in Reforma. I highly recommend this place. I was there three times. First was on a Sunday afternoon and it was the best of the three visits. Like so many places in Mexico I was in front of the place before I realized I was exactly where I wanted to be.....and looking around like a lost tourist!! There was a hot guy standing on the corner with his car keys in his hand. This guy was not the type I usually go for-blond and build (but Mexican).....we went inside...well, I will continue that story in the JO Forum post..........anyway, the FUCK club had a lot of hot young guys..several muscle guys on the sunday is available as it is at LaCasita too......if you like to drink beer....

I hope to hear from any guys who may be going there in June...or anyone with questions or comments or suggestions.

Take care.
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Old 23rd April 2004, 08:21 PM
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 4
Thank You

Wonderful to be back on this Board. Have been away for awhile and am back in the US and leave for DF next week. Have always reserved at the CANADA Hotel, this time will try the Principal, which actually turns out to be around the corner from the Canada.

Have been many times to DF, but have not returned since the 14 BAR (it was my favourite bar in the whole world) was closed down. I understand that a similar bar has opened up, next door. The name of the bar is AHORA ES 15. The 14 was never a bar for those faint of heart; I loved it for that reason. My ??? is, has anyone been to the new 15 bar??? Is the the 15 like the old 14, full of soldiers and their wonderful friends?? Hope someone can help.

It was wonderful to sign on to this board and see all those wonderful names. You all have always been a great help; very considerate and warm as well.

BTW Ob Wun, did you ever make it to Bahia, Brasil??

All the very best to all.

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness."
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Old 30th April 2004, 12:01 PM
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visit to Mexico in July.

I just wanted to thank you guys for the great info on all these great places to cruise while i am there. I am only going to be in DF for 3 night, and 3 nights in Moterrey. Does any one have info on clubs in Monterrey? Just had to say again Thanks for the great info. FYI will be in Mexico July 23-31
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Old 22nd June 2004, 02:27 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Thumbs up Report on Cuernavaca

Gentlemen, I wanted to bump this helpful thread to the top again, and provide some information I discovered while in Cuernavaca.

For gay bars, I found both the venerable La Casa del Dictador and the upstart Oxygen to be nice, better than average bars. Both are large, and Oxygen tended to attract more singles.

I asked the cab driver to take me to La Casa del Dictador and kept pronouncing it the common way in english, "Dick TAY tor" and didn't think I was ever going to find it. Finally one driver got it and happily pronounced it for me, "ahh...Dick ta DOR!"

But actually, I came to rely on the zocalo. I could just act like I was studying and before long, I was being cruised. Meet their eyes and smile.... (thank you Mavica.)

There is another small bar run by a couple of lesbians called "Barcito" and it is across from La India Bonita on a cross street. Very small, but worth a drink or light meal while you wait for someone to drop by...and they do.

I found the service at the Los Arcos to be abysmal and the food to be only passable. For food, try Casa Hidalgo next door. A little more expensive, but the menu is amazing and well worth it. I always got a balcony table and watched all the action the time dinner was over, I had my targets set.

For cruising, I preferred the Universal, on the other side of the zocalo. A lot more foot traffic, and if you get a table next to the sidewalk you can make great eye-contact...worked for me.

Frankly I loved Cuernavaca. After a few days I had made friends with several locals...certainly more than I could handle and keep up with my studies! Oh well, guess I will have to go back for more lessons....
New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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Old 24th June 2004, 05:58 PM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 13
Great Report!

Thanks for the trip report. Like most other cities in Mexico, I've found cruising on the street to be a rewarding adventure in Cuernavaca. On weekends, it's not difficult to hook-up with a soldier looking to fill some time . . . and a hole or two! Yes, the vote is in . . . and the "eyes" have it!
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Old 25th June 2004, 01:15 AM
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Question Military Guys

I've heard your and other comments regarding guys in the military in Mexico, but I've never observed an opportunity to even make eye-contact, much less fondle their olive drab!

Can you give some background on the who, how, when and where of giving a little "salute" to a Mexican soldier or marine?

They always look so intimidating, and an authority figure...I am afraid to make a wrong move and end up offending. But I'd love to make it up to him if I did!
New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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Old 23rd February 2005, 11:27 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 74

I was disappointed when I came to the end of this thread - I was hoping to find out more about Cetlalic, the language classes and how to hit on a soldier in the zocalo.

So, c'mon boys, don't leave us hanging!
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Old 4th March 2005, 08:18 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 33
trips to mexico

Over the last few weeks, several posters said they were going to Mexico(or Costa rica).. C'mon dudes... shoot us those stories. Some of us are trapped for awhile in colder climes and live vicariously thru you!
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