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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Mexico, Central & South America > Mexico   Border town action.....again

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Old 5th November 2002, 02:56 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 33
border town ......again..... reprise

Had a private email with a couple questions pertaining to hotels in area and about the area in general. Well, there are numerous motels on texas side in Laredo, several within walking distance to the bridge...... but cabs are plentiful and one could catch one to the bridge......or take a city bus straight to the border. Motels run 20 bucks to 120 on tex side. The street west of the I-35 freeway has a shitload of cheap motels.... and buses run to the border. Its a quick walk across......and the squares are within a few block area of the bridge on the mex side. There are plenty of hotels in the area..... just walk around and look. I drive across and generally choose american style motels for the privacy issue. Cross bridge 1(downtown area)... and on left is Villa del Monte, Tres caminos, etc. These are further in and not really walking distance. But, again, short cheap cab ride and are all on or near Ave Guerrero, the main drag. Cabbies would know these places.
Laredo has a pop of near 200 thou and Nl has around 400 about half a mill people in the area. Plenty of opps. for adventure. I know little of gay bars, baths, theatres etc, cause the street cruising is so plentiful and easy. If one is adventurous or is in the area for awhile and gets bored, a city of 4 million(Monterrey) is a two hr drive or cheap bus ride away(about 20 dollars US). I am looking at that one for future exploration. I wish someone could "rise to the occasion" and feel in the gaps about this large city. I may go this week-end... but no promises.
I would not travel long distances to reach this border town, but if you are in the area, in San Antonio for business, and have a little time, its fun. Its about a five hr drive from houston on 59 or I-10..... fewer small towns via I-10. Not really served via airlines... continental and AA have propjet service i believe... but again, would not travel long distance to reach it...... but could spend a few days there then on to Monterrey, and one could have a nice little 4-5 day vacation.
oh, attached pic of 19 yr .... Reynosa this summer.... well hung!
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Old 19th December 2002, 06:03 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Hey merewana, any updates or pics?

Been awhile since I've seen you post.

Got any hot new stories for us? Especially with photos?

Inquiring minds want to know.
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Old 21st December 2002, 09:21 AM
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new adventures.... coming

Just back from my monthly run...... had a wonderful adventure.... will post later today or tomorrow. Film at 11
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Old 21st December 2002, 10:36 AM
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Feliz navidad....... early Christmas present

Hola sports fans.... and mex lovers. Its time once again for the adventures of Merewana, your intrepid jumper of borders and boys. Went to NL last week for my monthly sales trip(paid for by my company.. heh,heh). Drove around wed nite and the weather was great..... upper 70's, lower 80's. Saw a little street action early but was super hungry so went to eat. Back on the street at about 10:00 and cruised by the relo(watchtower) park up from the border about 4 blks. See earlier posts for specifics. As was typical of early trips, there were some kind of civil guards or something standing around with machine guns. Saw two of them talking to two young men sitting on benches. The soldiers had their backs to the street so could not see me as i drove by. I locked eyes with one of the young men but the soldiers made me real nervous. Drove around for half an hr then back and soldiers were gone. Again made eye contact, nodded my head then slowly drove about two blocks away. I do this to avoid police seeing me pick up someone....... you dont want police involved in your adventures. In my mirror i saw him walking up.. "hola".. he hops in. Small in stature.... looked suspiciously young.... so before pulling away.... i made sure..... he was 19, just looked young due to being small.....but was extremely cute. Well, we drove around talking.... but foolishly, i had not rented a motel so had nowhere to go. Tried parking in the lot of a large grocery store, you know... hiding a tree in a forest sort of strategy, but security walking around was just too nerve wracking. He did give me a preview tho.... and was nicely hung! I said.. look, its too dangerous. Let me come back tomorrow and get a hotel and we can have more privacy and security..... he says ok... i give him how and where to meet the next night... slip a tenner in his hand, sqeeze his still hard dick thru his pants, and drop him off near the pick-up point. Stay tuned... part two
Thur nite.... went to Tres caminos motel, a very nice american style motel..... very private, no security watching you and rented a room. Bought some beer, iced it down, then back to the street about 10:30......right on schedule. Yep there he was, locked eyes, i drove two blocks, turned on sidestreet and waited. two minutes... jumped in... Hola!.... listo para aventura y placer? "Si" In other words.... ready for adventure and pleasure? back to the hotel.... to his credit, it looked like the young man had dressed for the occasion, had on his best boots, clean clothes. His story is similar to ones i heard before... he is up from Vera Cruz , staying at a church, waiting for an opportunity to cross the border. It was his first time up...and he stated he was going to pay a "coyote" to get him across. I didnt delve into this as i didnt want to get drawn into anything more illegal than having a nice evening with a cute young man. Anyway, showed him a towel and said "hay agua caliente".. there is hot water. Most young men on the road welcome a hot shower and a comfortable bed. He went in and took a long shower and i waited on the bed, getting comfy myself. He came out in his undies.... nice body, hairless on chest, no body fat, mmmm. So to break the ice and relax him more, continued to ask various questions and try to answer his in my barely adequate spanish. Then i directed the conversation to "what do you like in bed?" Once getting some clues.. started slowly kissed various places on his body.....neck, ears, back... small of back.... i could tell by his breathing that i was having some effect. Touched his legs, moved up to his round butt.... and slid down the undies.....nice, very nice! Smooth, round hairless butt. Turned him over.....again, very impressed with his beautiful ,big hardon! Had to go for it. I savored the experience, taking my time, slowly working thing s to higher levels of excitement. It took a very long time....probably half an hr or more....but i was enjoying it so didnt mind... Finally reached a sweet final conclusion. Whew! i'm tired. We snuggled for awhile and i asked him if he wanted to spend the nite.....but no, said he had a curfew at the church. So, he dressed and as a funny or ironic side, his t-shirt on the "there is only god". Well, was a great Christmas present for me.
Closing comments.... again, the border proves to be a magnet for needy people from central , s. america , and mexico. Week by week, there is a new supply of talent.....not throngs, but enough that on my monthly trips... its like all new candy in the store.... "O, there is a nice new chocolate bar! I wanna taste that one" For some reason , which was discussed above in a little side thread, mexican men are very susceptable and uninhibited about man to man sex. Vera cruz seems to come up often as a source... reinforcing the notion that i need to make a trip to that mexican town.... for a little sun, sand, ceviche, and and you know what? I did not take a picture this time... one, he LOOKS young and i dont want to post questionable pics here and possibly bring unwanted controversy and attention. Suffice it to say he was a long shot.....small in stature.......but big in all the right ways. Hope to get back to the border over Christmas for more presents..... stay tuned.
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Old 26th December 2002, 01:03 AM
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merewana - I love your adventures! I hope you don't mind a few questions. I know nothing of NL or Laredo. The only thing I have is a Streets& Trips map of Laredo.

Is the bridge you talk of at the Hiway 81/85 crossing?

Tres Caminos - is there any hassle about having a guest with you? Is the car safe there? Can you cum & go as you please w/out intervention from management/authorities?

Your stories tell of you enjoy that nice brown candy - do they return the favor? Do they enjoy giving oral as well - any anal?

Any entrapment issues?

I too prefer the younger non-hardened and smooth ones as well but prefer the mutual passion sharing.

Thanks for all your "hard" work! Great reads & pics!
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Old 28th December 2002, 01:57 PM
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how about on the west coast

I live in San Diego and travel to Tijuana often. I was wondering if anyone knows of any good places to pick up guys in TJ.
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Old 1st January 2003, 10:06 AM
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a few answers

The bridge to cross is called Bridge One.... and it is in the downtown area. I-35 literally dead ends in bridge 2. One does not usually walk acrss 2, only 1. Unless you know the area, would not cross at 2 because one needs to thread the way thru some 'hoods and can easily get lost.
Tres caminos is great... american motel style , modern, no "walk of shame thru the lobby". I saw security but they literally ignored me driving in and paid no attention to the fact i had a companion. It will be my base of "operations" from now on.
As to what your companion will or will not do...... like anything else, its individual. Most of my "catches" are young men on the move to try and cross into US and they may or may not be gay although are willing to play for all the reasons elucidated in various posts by mavica and others. I have had reciprocal oral,, some who will kiss, others who wont, etc . So you pays your money, and takes your chances. However, having said that, if you have some spanish skills, and can communicate what you want up front, you have a much better chance of getting what you want and not being disappointed. My last adventure was that his body was excellent... I was almost just happy to play with and look at it and enjoy the experience of a young smooth hard stud ......literally from another world.
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Old 1st January 2003, 02:01 PM
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Will let u know about my trip to Playa Del Carmen when I return in 2 weeks.
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Old 11th January 2003, 12:10 PM
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Talking Rosarito Beach


A few of us are getting together over President's Weekend, 2-14 through 2/17 in Rosarito Beach. Purely non-commercial, but we have organized it (that's what happens when you don't keep two gay guys busy!) and think it will be interesting.

There is a gay-owned bar and motel we are working with, and we are doing everything safe, secure, and easy.

Contact me with any questions.

Here's a sample...
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New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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Old 21st January 2003, 05:08 AM
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me too

I too am found of cruising mexico border towns looking for meat. I usually have luck as long as i have the time to invest. Yes, it does take a lot of time to work the subtlties involved in picking up a "macho"
I have had great luck all over mexico. I have been to tijuana, mexico city, and colima. However, I never thought that taking pictures would be accepted, so I shied away from it. From now on my camera comes with me on all trips.

Next week Im going to los angeles. Although its not mexico, I think I should round up some good latin meat.
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Old 21st January 2003, 07:11 AM
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I have found that every single one was willing. I just tell them i want to take "fotos de su pinga". Most men, unless they are seriously under-endowed, are proud of their dicks, especially mexican men. It may be the only thing they own.... and they are proud of it and are willing to show it. Just be appreciative, complementary.... and they will pose willingly.
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Old 21st January 2003, 02:32 PM
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Question Does this guy look shy?

This guy was not shy at all...and I think he will be around for our party in Rosarito Beach President's Day weekend.

Wave at me for's gonna be fun!
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New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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Old 19th February 2003, 06:34 AM
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rosarita rumble

well? I am on pins and needles....... que paso a su fiesta?
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Old 23rd February 2003, 02:24 PM
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Hey guyzzzzz have missed you all. Was away in South America for awhile and am back in Nueva York....UGH!!! Snow, cold, and very expensive........

Attaching a photo (hope it downloads) of a border number...

Hello Second Nature......It is John on line at the moment.. How was Rosarito over Presidents birthday???? Have not heard from you lately... incredible how we run into each other......

Merewana......simply luvvvv your photos...I read that u may be going to Nicaragua......... I am going to El Salvador in March and possibly Costa Rica.... Will send info upon return....

All the very best to you all and thank you and muchas gracias por todas la fotos.......
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness."
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Old 1st March 2003, 08:21 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 22

JLingoa1--your picture didn't post. Try again, we're all waiting with great anticipation!

This has been such a good thread. I hope I soon have something to add to it.
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