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Old 25th June 2004, 11:13 AM
mine's double-wide
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Question non-retractable 4skin

I saw something about an hour ago I've never seen before. I invited a guy into my truck for a quick j/o session after seeing him exiting an adult theater. He had a good size uncut cock but his foreskin would not pull back to expose the head of his dick. I like playing with foreskin, stretching and pulling. I also like to pull the foreskin back to check for sores, pus and anything else that might be lurking under there. You never know when a j/o session may turn into a suck off session.

The guys foreskin had an opening the size of a pee hole. Big enough for piss and cum but nothing more. I'm not sure it was big enough for cum because after he got off he had to squeeze some cum out from under his foreskin that didn't come out when he shot his load.

Obviously it was not a normal dick. Is there a name for this condition? Seems like if he worked with it he could stretch it out. I can't imagine how it must look under that skin what with cum and piss accumulating under there.

Needless to say, this was one j/o session that didn't turn into a suck off session.
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Old 25th June 2004, 05:20 PM
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Phimosis would be the name for the condition you describe, though it can be debated semantically among medical professionals -- some reserve phimosis to define a non retractable foreskin in adults only, using the term "non retractable foreskin" to define a more or less "normal" situation in children where the foreskin takes longer to fully retract than might be standard. Other medical professionals will use the term phimosis more freely, applying it to both adults and children. Personally, the semantics here aren't all that interesting, but I guess worth noting.

What is surprising to me is that an adult male hasn't sought medical attention for this. Wouldn't he be missing out on the sexual pleasure provided by a freely moving foreskin? Perhaps he is afraid of circumcision, though in this day and age it seems very odd that he hasn't taken five minutes online or at the local library or in his doctor's office to learn that this isn't the only possible solution.

I read a quick blurb about a medication, I believe it comes dispensed as a cream, that was used in a clinical trial: betamethasone. Supposedly this helped to loosen tight foreskins in a great percentage of participants. Additionally, there are many other quite simple methods for slowly and gently stretching a tight foreskin.

One problem which arises when researching this online is that the keyword search terms invariably lead to a plethora of anti-circ websites, which obviously have an agenda and a strong bias. The fact of the matter is, while these folks sometimes make good, logical arguments to support their position, they always ignore the fact that sometimes circumcision is, in fact, necessary in extreme cases -- or for men who DESIRE it. I get peeved when I read some of this stuff and come across paragraphs which are geared toward making me and any other circumcised man feel inadequate, butchered or freakish. If I were to take this all seriously, I'd have to call up Mom and Dad and accuse them of child abuse. If they ever felt bad about it, I have no idea. I DID have every possible toy I could ever have wanted when growing up, but I tend to think this was a simple perk of being an only child and my folks having some extra cash to spend on me instead of using it to raise brothers and sisters!

I am with GWT here... I wouldn't have done anything other than jerk off with the guy, simply because I couldn't be sure what, exactly, he may have had festering on his glans. However, even though he had a very small opening, it's probably quite likely it is still large enough to allow for proper cleaning. In a non-erect state, I'd bet he can slip at least a pinky finger in there and get some soap and water on his dick head. Also, if he had never really cleaned his glans, by this point in his life he'd have most likely suffered some consequences from this, many of which would have brought him to see his physician... "stat." So probably he was clean... but it's understandable to me that a new sexual partner would have some doubts.

I've never encountered a foreskin as tight as GWT described, nor have I ever seen one even online, except for a few medical photos in days gone by.

I doubt I'd have said anything to the guy or asked any questions, but I am quite sure I would want to know more if I met with him again. A second encounter would allow for a more relaxed atmosphere and I'd have a few questions.

Seems like this guy should ask his doc for some suggestions, and if he doesn't like what he hears, ask another doc. This might be moot, however -- he may have already done so, he may not care, he may find his dick to be perfectly suitable to him, and certainly if GWT doesn't meet with him again, there's no way to get any information to the dude, so...

All in all, an interesting encounter, to say the least.

Now, watch how quickly this thread devolves...
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Old 26th June 2004, 08:11 AM
mine's double-wide
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I expect this thread to die a quick death too Scruff. But I got an answer to my question, that's all that counts.

I knew there must be a name for a non retractable foreskin. I thought surely this guy's not the only one in the world walking around like that. He's the first one I've seen and I've seen lots of dicks.

Personally I don't mind that I was circumcised. A little more skin would have been fun to play with but I'm OK without it. Who ever did mine left me with more skin than some I've seen.

And speaking of quick deaths, these message boards have been dead lately. Is everyone on summer vacation?
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Old 26th June 2004, 08:35 AM
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I've seen it once before - pretty eerie as well. I even told the guy that I did not want to meet him again. Yeah I am blunt even with my sexual encounters LOL.

He even tricked me once & met with me again. Needless to say though - I did kick him out.

Not as innocent as one might think
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Old 26th June 2004, 01:56 PM
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Yep, that's phimosis, alright! And the guy sounds lucky, he was able to beat off, had plenty of skin mobility, he just couldn't pull back.

As GWT indicated, heaven only knows what was lurking under that. As my fans and detractors all know, I'm not exactly into foreskins, for that very reason. And it doesn't sound like this poor soul has any hopes of properly washing under the hood. Trust me, it can make for some interesting smells.

And speaking of lurking under the hood, my first "experience" in this regard happened in Europe during my college days. Went into a train station toilet to take a leak (and a peek, I was a virgin at the time). Stood next to a guy who was lingering a bit longer than you normally would. Well, one thing lead to another, we were alone, he reached over and started to masturbate me, scared shitless, I reciprocated. My first foreskin experience, and I was fascinated; the whole penis felt so different from my own, the tip of the skin slid back a bit, and was a bit tight, but I really got bold, and slipped the whole thing back, thinking about wanting to suck the guy off. And lo and behold, he had a big (1cm), clean, coppery-orange ulcer smack dead center on the top of his glans. That ended that anonymous sexual encounter, really fast. In fact, it ended ALL sexual encounters, really fast (for about a year, in fact).

That was the one and only time I have ever seen primary syphilis. Never in later years in medical school, training, and in private practice.

Dr Danny's moral of the story: look before you leap, especially when it comes to foreskins
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Old 26th June 2004, 06:05 PM
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Certainly I'll accept our resident doc's conclusion that with a foreskin this tight, washing would be difficult. I had suspected, probably HOPED is a better word, that the guy would be able to keep clean. My question would be: how could someone go through life like this, unable to wash his dick? I guess I shouldn't wonder too much -- some people's actions simply have no rational explanation. I'd personally be headed to the doctor's office for some assistance.

I'm (obviously) quite happy with my dick, too, GWT. I wouldn't turn down another inch or two, but I can't complain. I've mentioned before that I have enough skin left to make me quite happy. "Partial circ," so they say. Leave more skin, but still giving the overall appearance of being cut. Fine with me. And if the guys blowing me have no complaints either... who am I to argue?

A dude once tricked me into meeting him a second time, too, Corey. What an asshole. But the problem wasn't his dick, which I never touched in the first place -- it was something else entirely. I chased him away spewing a nifty stream of obscenities and told him I'd call the cops if he ever tried this kind of shit again.

Boards HAVE been awfully dead lately. Sometimes, I have trouble getting them to load -- they take far too long, even with broadband. Now and then I'll just give it up and try later. Maybe some other guys are having trouble as well. Also -- yeah, summer will easily get folks offline and outdoors. That's cool, but for those of us in the southern or warmer states, we can do that all year long. When I lived up north, I used every fleeting moment of summer to get the hell out of the house, so I can't blame anyone else who does the same thing. But when it's 94 degrees here, sometimes I'd rather hang inside for a while in the A/C and type. With the daily thunderstorms, I turn off the PC until the lightning passes, then usually get online until the last drizzles finally end before heading out to shop or cruise or whatever. Boards seem to go in spurts, too. Sometimes tons of posts all at once, then... nothing.
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Old 28th August 2004, 11:19 AM
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Scruffycub wrote:
Now, watch how quickly this thread devolves...
Heh, you got that one right.
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