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Old 25th October 2004, 03:14 AM
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Seducing guys you know who are straight

can anyone offer any suggestions that have worked in seducing their straight friends....

Take I-10 west to the Cotton Lane exit.

Take the exit, from there go left (you will be going south on cotton lane).

When you reach YUMA turn right. Yuma will be the second stop sign.

Continue west on Yuma until you reach 173rd St. and turn left. It will be the Cottonflower subdivision.

Go to the second entrance on the left and turn left.

Once you enter take a sharp right and follow the curve and watch for the address 17207 W. Cocopah.
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Old 26th October 2004, 08:01 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
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first, ya gotta really want it...

A few years ago I wrote a nice story based on a true experience I had. It was posted on CFS - I wonder what happens to those old threads...

Anyway, it was about the day I finally got up the nerve to put the move on a delivery guy who visited my office everyday. I'm bi and don't usually get inspired like this from everyday guys passing in life. But, I'll tell you that there was something very compelling about this guy. I worked for an architectural firm and we were on his regular route - everyday he would deliver and pick up several packages. Seeing him everyday I learned his name and even fixed him up with this chick I worked with (she had told me she thought he was cute). Later I had learned that their relationship was good, that they had gone out a few times and that she had fucked him (or vice-versa). There really was nothing too special about this guy - he was probably in his late 20's, about 6' tall, short cut thinning blond hair. He was not like a body builder or anything, but he looked very fit and strong - kind of like he'd be a good wrestler - thick neck, arms, fingers, etc. OK, you get the picture we had become casual friends over a daily "hi" and comment about the game, or weather, or weekend plans, etc. I had learned that he was single, straight, liked beer, weed & pussy. He spent his weekends at the lake skiing with his buddys - very normal guy... Over a couple of years time something happened - I became more & more aware of him in a physical way. I'd catch myself thinking about him while strokin my cock and even began to wonder if I could ever wrangle an invite to the lake just so I could get a good look at him in trunks w/o a shirt - maybe a little drunk or stoned - maybe even get to catch a glimps of him takin a piss off the back of the boat... Nope, I never got to do any of those things. I was fortunate to be recruited by another firm and their job offer was great. As I was finishing up my old job I decided that I wanted to try to get his pants down before I lost track of him. I invited him to go out with me for a few beers to celebrate my new job and to my delight he accepted. We met that Friday night at a local tavern and drank some beers, shots and ate wings. I asked him if he wanted to step outside and do some one-hitters and got really excited when he accepted happily. We sat in the cab of my truck with a good buzz on and I decided to take my chance. I told him that I felt very akward asking him about something, and that I hoped he would not freak out but that I had to ask him something. He laughed and just said "shoot" (I almost did). I told him that I have very wierd feelings about him, that I thought about him in a sexual way and that I wanted him to know. He looked pretty surprised and just said "whoa, you're fucked up." I agreed with him and told him I know I am but I can't resist asking you aout this - do you think you could ever enjoy jackin off with me? He kind of gave me a funny look, but he was smiling. Then he said "I love (Company name where i had worked) I've gotten laid twice there." I was so scared I could barely speak but said "does that mean i't OK?" and I reached over and pushed on the fly of his jeans. He just said "shit" and shook his head but I could feel his dick through his pants and he kind of pushed his hips into my hand. There was no more talking - I unbuttoned his jeans, tugged down the waistband of his briefs and went right to work on his crotch...
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Old 26th October 2004, 09:57 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Smile Seduction and Situational Bisexuality

After reading Upnadam's account of seducing a straight male, I'm more than convinced that under the "right circumstance", many heterosexual males will practice situational bisexuality with other males -- regardless of the other guy's sexual orientation.

Ordinarily, we think that straight males are typically the seducer in a male-female sexual encounter. We also tend to think the male is the initiator of sex with a female partner. What we have been hearing over the past couple of decades is straight males are becoming more receptive to being seduced by females, with the female becoming the initiator of sex with their male sex partner. What I believe is emerging here is an undercurrent of change where there is a kind of gender role reversal in sexual relationships between males and females. This does not imply a male is undergoing some kind of sexual identity transformation just because he is becoming more receptive to and comfortable with a gender role reversal where he welcomes the female sex partner as the seducer and the initiator of sex between the two.

It might, however, suggest that he is more openminded to being seduced by another male under the right circumstance and more receptive to engaging in situational bisexuality with another male. Under the right circumstance, a straight male's perception of his heterosexual identity remains intact and not threatened in those situations where he is seduced by another male who is the initiator of sex between the two.

What is not commonly understood is what are the "right circumstances" that make it possible for a straight male to engage in situational bisexuality with another male.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it.

-- Abraham Lincoln
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Old 26th October 2004, 10:25 PM
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What is not commonly understood is what are the "right circumstances" that make it possible for a straight male to engage in situational bisexuality with another male.

The above comment from Butch is perfect.

I was going to stay clear of this post as I have some mixed feeling about this sort of thing. Beleive me, I love straight guys, and get very aroused at the gym, on the train to work and what not picturing in my head how they fuck their wives or girlfriends, but, there's a fine line between "right circumstances" and being rather "predatory".

My gut feeling is that there are plenty of gay guys out there willing to fuck around with us, therefore no need to spend lot's of time trying to lure straight guys into bed. However, if the situation should arise, go for it. I honestly think this only happens on a mutually repsectful and consentual level when it takes place in circumstances like Adam posted.

Taking the time to plan it out and stuff will most likely lead to some bad feelings, broken friendships and even violence if the guy is freaked out afterwards.

I say be cool, hang out and seize the moment it calls for that. Like anything in life, it happens, planning anything besides maybe your career or finances is just asking for trouble.

Like an episode of "The Fifth Wheel", yeah, I stay up late and see alot of crap on TV, this Jamaican guy said to this straight guy trying to nail this chick..."Let the booty come to you man..."

Very Buddhist actually....and very true.
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Old 14th November 2004, 10:51 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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Talking Environment...

Good advice here.

I would stop short of making it a habit of going after the straight guys who would be likely to succumb to the temptations of 'situational bisexuality'. The time and effort invested stands in no proportion to the results you may reasonably hope to achieve. Besides, as already mentioned, there are so many willing gay guys around, anyway.

Yet, the general attitude has been changing rapidly over the last few years. A number of mostly straight guys would not hesitate to mess around with other dudes, if the circumstances are right. Being gay has become largely acceptable in most urban(e) areas. Being occassionally 'bi' even more so.

This does not go on to say that virtually everyone is a 'fair game' but it seems to me that fewer mostly straight guys would see an occassional trip to 'the other side' the end of the world as they knew it. Quite a few guys in their 20s mostly go by the notion that 'anything goes' for as long as no one gets hurt.
The guy who keeps my comps here running is a gifted college kid trying to make an extra euro on the side. We have known each other for some two years now and he stops by to check the system once every month or so. We never became very close and personal but we treated each other with respect. (He is half my age.) I met him and his gf several times in one of the cool downtown places where we just bumped into each other and I bought them couple of drinks. They looked like a typical couple of college kids, having fun and enjoying each other's company. I certainly did not try to push my envelope. We got our drinks, shot the breeze for for a while and left it there.

Last week one of the wlan components needed a replacement and he stopped by after hours to have the problem fixed. He thanked me for buying them drinks the other day and said, this was so cool and I really did not have to do that. (I sure, did not... but I thought that a little act of kindness was not going to hurt anyone.)

A bottle of wine later, the dude asked me, if I liked his gf and I truthfully said, I thought she was a nice gal and all. He had a big smile on his face and obviously felt good about it. He also went on to say that he liked her a lot but that being faithful was not one of his qualities. He was hoping to get as much fun as he could before he settled down, got married, etc., so he was playing field a lot. I said 'Dude, go for it. Good times won't last forever'. He gathered all of his courage and asked me what was I doing in that respect. Sure, I saw this coming and admitted that I was playing the field, too, had no strict committments and loved it that way. 'Wow, that was so cool.'

I asked him, if he was going out that evening and he said, he had absolutely no plans, wanted the chill out but did not feel like going back home, since he was busy the whole day and had no time to buy any dinner. I saw the writing on the wall, as they say and asked him, if he wanted to kill another bottle of wine with me and grab a bite at my place. 'Yeah, absolutely.'

A bottle of wine and a couple of cold turkey sandwiches later, we were making out like there was no tomorrow. He gave me an amazing blow job. He had not done anything of the kind since the high school and was not planning on it but he felt like it and so he went for it. Absolutely no drama. Gee, no one really cares.

He phoned last night and asked, if we could meet next week. Yeah, he liked the wine and thought we connected well...

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Old 22nd November 2004, 12:40 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 103

The last couple times I went in for routine HIV testing, the nurse put me down as "MSM", short for men who have sex with men. Seems there are a ton of guys who consider themselves straight, but willing, under the right circumstances, to have sex with another man. Now I'm not trying to resurect and old argument here about these guys deluding themselves. All I am saying is that the medical profession,or at least the healt departments recognize that everyone who has sex with another man may not be gay or bi.

Long story short, yeah, there are lots of "straight" men who will be happy to let you blow them or to fuck you. As long as they aren't on the receiving end, they consider themselves straight. This is a VERY common concept in many hispanic societies.
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Old 23rd November 2004, 07:32 AM
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I found your comment about hispanics that only give considering themselves str8.
I live in northern colorado and htere are alot of hispanics and mexican nationals living around here and frequenting the abs.

I have found many hispanic guys who wont suck dick cause sucking dick is puente (?) or gay but turn around and let me fuck them.

Im not complaining just an observation
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Old 25th November 2004, 11:56 AM
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Just a quick comment about the "MSM" category (men who have sex with men)...

This originated maybe ten years ago or so. It isn't really a politically correct way to recognize differing orientations or provide a nod to all the permutations of male sexuality. More or less, it is mostly just a simple way for medical professionals to make the notation in a patient's chart regarding his sexual practices. This is important for obvious reasons: when treating a patient who presents what might be dubious symptoms, if his sexuality is known, the medical professional can recommend certain tests and procedures which otherwise might not be at the top of the list for a heterosexual male. Of course, ALL options need to be considered and as a general rule any medical professional worth his or her salt would consider HIV as a possibility if symptoms merit its inclusion. I imagine it is simply much easier than getting into a detailed dialogue with a patient and asking if he's gay, bi, straight, questioning, curious, confused, experimenting, etc. "MSM" pretty much covers all the bases.
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