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Old 2nd December 2004, 12:30 AM
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Gag Reflex

I can not get past the gag reflex, no matter how hard I try. Can this be surgically corrected? How do I approach a medical professional to have it done? And finally, is there a way to justify it medically so that it is covered by insurance.

A wannabe deepthroater
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Old 2nd December 2004, 05:06 PM
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Recently we had a discussion here at my parent's house during dinner which touched on this subject.

No, really.

But my family wasn't talking about sucking dick. Not by a longshot. Thank god.

My aunt mentioned a gal she works with who had surgery for snoring and sleep apnea which removes a large part of the upper palette and the uvula. She says this girl claims to no longer have a gag reflex because of the procedure.

I decided it was best not to participate in this discussion so I just kept my mouth shut.

Two years before my ex and I split up, he had this very same surgery to correct his sleep apnea. It worked to a degree. However, I cannot tell you if it made his deepthroating technique any better for several reasons. For one, he only sucked my dick twice in the two years after his surgery. Also, he was never a fantastic cocksucker, he was moderately OK at best. Third, he never really had a problem with gagging to begin with.

But what I CAN tell you that this surgery is EXTREME. It is INCREDIBLY PAINFUL. He was on morphine (for real) for two days while recovering in a military hospital. I went to visit him and he couldn't keep his eyes open for more than a few minutes at a time. He would grimace in pain even as he was sleeping. He was on a liquid diet for I think about a week when he came home. I gave him a little bell to ring when he needed me -- he was unable to speak above a whisper. I forget the name of the pain meds he was on when he came home from the hospital -- it was a super-tiny white tablet, looked like a hit of microdot acid. I took one on a whim to see how strong it was. It knocked me on my ass -- and I'm a dude who can eat five ten milligram valium tabs or three Tylenol with codeine tabs and not blink an eye.

What I'm telling you is that NO SURGEON will even consider this as an elective procedure if you do not have severe sleep apnea. It took the Navy THREE YEARS of testing and alternative treatments before they approved this last-resort for my ex. Granted the Navy won't spend a dime it doesn't have to spend, but this kind of surgery is not a walk in the park. It is MAJOR surgery and excruciatingly painful with a long recovery period.

Any surgeon who would do this with no legitimate medical necessity should have his license to practice medicine revoked.

Sorry, dude -- you won't find a medical solution to your problem.

The good news is that a LOT of dudes here will probably have TONS of great suggestions for you about how you can practice deep throating and get results. The practicing should be fun, don't you think?

I'll have to leave all of that to the other men out there, though: I am NOT a great deep throater myself. I do find I have no problem giving a guy I am seriously into some great head, but I'm more often the suckee than the sucker. Any dude who tries to force his dick down my throat or face-fuck me just ends up making me choke and I have a lousy time. A guy who lets me do things my own way (more or less) gets better results.

The only tip I can offer you is to breathe through your nose.

And just for the record, while deep throating is great and a lot of guys can do awesome tricks with their throat muscles to my dick, I do find that for me it isn't a necessity. I prefer more attention to other areas of my penis. Deepthroating is not always required for outstanding head, but it sure is something worth learning.

Good luck and have fun practicing.
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Old 2nd December 2004, 11:34 PM
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Thanks for the input

I figured it would probably not be easy, practical or I will keep practicing. I practiced in the park a couple of blocks from work today. Didn't gag until he blasted a huge load all the way at the back of my mouth. Oh well, I'll keep practicing.
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Old 2nd December 2004, 11:42 PM
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Yeah, I'd just keep practicing. I hear the surgery is painful as well. I know a few guys who have had it done for sleep apnea, and it didn't even work, and they went through a lot of pain from it.

I have to wonder though if you are completely serious about this post though. I mean to deep throat cock?
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Old 3rd December 2004, 02:06 AM
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I am serious, though I was not thinking of something as involved as sleep apnea surgery. And besides I am too thin to be able to "pass" for that surgery. Have a friend who is a nurse in a sleep clinic, she maintains that 90% of sleep ap patients just need to loose weight.

I was thinking of something simplier, but will resort to practice, practice, practice.

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Old 3rd December 2004, 02:39 AM
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I have never been a good one but recently (see my other gang bang post) I had a night where I was the king of deep throat dick suck.

I started out gagging (huge dick by the way) but as he talked to me and I got hot and he fed me poppers (could only breathe through my nose so he held it there often) I got deeper and suddenly I felt his pubes on my face and he says something like "thats my good little bitch" or similar. I suddenly realized I had his whole BIG cock in me and I shot off instantly...then I wiped my cum on his dick which made him stiffen even more then I licked and deep throated him till he shot down my throat. Later he came in my mouth (love that) but I was so ready to let him fuck me after he fucked my throat and shot down it...when he asked if I was ready to fuck I was on my face like lightning since his big cock in my non-gagging throat had pretty well made me his bitch.

Dunno if it was excitement or poppers but I have been excited before and unable so whatever it takes...I'll be doing THAT again to feel warm skin and pubes on my lips and face.
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Old 3rd December 2004, 11:18 AM
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The gag reflex does serve a vital interest -- our longevity. Why anyone would want to surgically alter or eliminate something that is vital to our longevity simply defies logic. It certainly doesn't rise to the level of medical necessity when it is for the purpose of deep throating someone's cock or any other foreign object.

I'll leave the anatomy lecture to Dr. Danny who is well-qualified to speak to the issue if surgery is medically sound and indicated to enable someone to overcome the gag reflex in deepthroating cock or any other foreign object.

It seems to me that this kind of surgery would fall into the category of procedures for which there is no sound medical necessity. If it does and I'm wrong, I want to know where I can go and get a penis transplant from someone dying or willing to donate at least 12 inches.

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Old 3rd December 2004, 01:44 PM
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I hope I didn't confuse anyone.

I mentioned my ex's surgery for sleep apnea because it was the same surgery my aunt's associate at work had for her own sleep disorder. This gal now claims she has no more gag reflex due to her missing uvula.

I DO know the uvula is involved in creating the gag reflex, but I do NOT know if it is the ONLY culprit. I rather suspect that simply shoving something down your throat will cause you to gag whether or not you have a uvula.

Not only is the uvula removed in this surgery, but also some of the upper palette. How much of the palette that is removed is determined by the surgeon and varies from patient to patient.

There IS a sound medical necessity for this surgery -- sleep apnea can be extremely dangerous. I recall MANY nights waking up to hear my ex gasp, shudder, then stop breathing for a short time. I'd always wake him up and he'd inhale sharply to catch his breath. He tried every alternative, including those CPAP machines, but found no relief until the surgery.

For the record, the surgery reduced his snoring by about eighty percent, I'd say. His apnea improved as well, though neither was completely cured. Prior to the surgery, however, I had to spend some nights sleeping on the sofa just because his snoring was so loud that it made it impossible to sleep at all.

I have not heard of any other surgeries available that would make any difference as far as deepthroating is concerned. I discussed the sleep apnea surgery because it is the only thing I know of that could POSSIBLY make a difference, even though it is NOT a viable option whatsoever.

Hope that clears things up. Now let's just hear from the expert deep throaters out there and give this guy some tips!
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Old 5th December 2004, 08:20 PM
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I heard about a guy who had a deviated septum corrected- it was a minor surgery for snoring and sinus problems that improved his ability to breathe through his nose, which helped his cock sucking. However, since most of us seem to agree that going under the knife in order to be a better cock sucker is a bit radical, let me throw out that angle is important to good deep throat service. I can do things on my knees with my partner standing that I can't do if he lays on his back in bed. Sitting on the floor with my back against the couch seems to remove all limits! I hope that some of the Meisterslurpers on the board will elaborate on this for the benefit of us all!

Also, if teeth are an issue, take only as much of the cock as you can comfortably and focus your attention there. Most of the nerve endings are near the tip anyway, and it doesn't feel good to have teeth close in on the cock as you move toward the base. I'd a lot rather have a guy take half my dick and provide some good bobbing action than to have someone drag their teeth down the whole length and make it feel like they are biting it off at the base!
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Old 6th December 2004, 08:31 PM
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the uvula is pretty important in speech also. i'm not sure you can make nasal sounds without it. have your tried lying down with your head off the edge of the bed. it is the easiest position to deep throat. also try yawning before you go down. the open feeling that gives you in the troat is the one you want to maintain to deepthroat. good luck. practice more often, it's fun!
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Old 7th December 2004, 04:12 PM
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Regarding the uvula and speech:

It vibrates when you talk, yes. But it isn't necessary and its removal doesn't always change someone's voice.

When my ex had the surgery done, they told him he might expect a change in the tenor of his voice, but that this was just POSSIBLE and not likely. They said it would be a minor change, if any change happened at all.

Once he was able to speak at a normal volume a couple weeks into his recovery, there was a VERY SLIGHT difference in his voice. But this didn't last for long at all -- he sounds the same now as he always did, minus his uvula and a good portion of his upper palette.
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Old 7th December 2004, 08:26 PM
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i'm not sure how one makes a nasl sound without a uvula since it is the lowering of the uvula that pushes the air and sound into the nasal cavities in order to make a nasal sound. but i have no personal experience and you make be correct.
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Old 9th December 2004, 06:17 AM
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Personally, I would rather not be deep-throated, although a good blowjob is my personal favorite. I'm hung long and thick, and teeth are a real problem (paranoid about being scratched, know what I mean?). So don't worry about it - a mouth to fit the first 4-5 inches, and a nice greasy hand or two for the rest is all I require. And maybe a couple of nice hairy pecs to play with during.
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Old 9th December 2004, 02:30 PM
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To be honest with you, I am too lazy right now to look up information on the uvula and how it pertains to the formation of certain sounds. I will get around to it eventually, though.

But yes: I lived several years with my ex who had his uvula removed -- there was no difference in his voice once he had fully healed from the surgery. Therefore I must conclude that the removal of a uvula is probably not going to affect the speech of most folks.

For the record, my ex had a fairly "standard" male voice, whatever that means, if such a thing exists. I guess what I'm saying is he simply sounded like a dude.

So I'm not debating anything here: I'll look up uvulas when I am in the mood for that -- but the facts of what happened with my ex are entirely true. Take it for what it's worth.

And now, back to dicksucking.
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Old 11th December 2004, 02:44 PM
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For the three dudes out there who are still interested in this...

A Google search basically provided this general information on the uvula:

There is disagreement among medical professionals as to the necessity of this organ. Some consider it vestigial and useless; others feel it IS important for speech.

Mostly what I gather is that those who have lost their uvula at an early age or in the rare case where the uvula is missing at birth as the result of a palette deformity are most likely to have difficulty learning to speak correctly. Those who have their uvula removed later in life don't seem to have any problems with speech or general life without it.

This would seem to support my own experiences.

At any rate, whatever the hell a uvula does, it's a fun word to say. I have always enjoyed it ever since I learned at as a kid in a Saturday Night Live sketch with Gilda Radner, back in the days when the show as actually funny.
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