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Old 23rd January 2006, 10:55 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 3
anyone have cruising tips for arab lands?

so, i'm in palestine and totally into the hot, hot olive skinned masculine guys here. but i can't figure out how to make a connection. anybody give me some advice? here's what i've picked up so far.

the straight guys hold hands, kiss cheecks, stand really close to each other, and leave a hand on their friends leg. it is throwing my gaydar way off.

whenever i touch my nuts, the guys stare at me a long time. its like they don't look away, but they don't reciprocate (except once) and i can't read if the stare is about getting a signal from me, or about kicking my ass.

its easy to attract attention by grabbing yourself, and the guys start joking - but i don't know if they're making fun or if a group of friends are interested. at the same time, i see guys standing around grabbing themselves all the time, and it doesn't seem to phase anyone.

i get a sense that gay stuff happens a lot here. that its more like lesbians in the states - most guys have an expereince with a close friend, but get married and don't make a life out of gay relationships. i think this because i noticed the married 40ish porter in the hotel follow me to my room, watch me get naked, enter the room and offer to suck my dick if i paid him.

also, in the old city this hot as hell guy who is a vender there says to me "want me to fuck you in the ass? how much to fuck you in the ass" like, it was out of nowhere, and he obviously didn't do this as a serious line of work.

like, i think the attitude with the arab guys (in spite of the intimidation of violence and ostracizism) is that they will fuck a guy or get sucked, no problem. but reciprocating is not to be done.

so, i guess my question is, what's the experiences of gay sex in the arab world, and how can i get some?
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Old 25th January 2006, 08:08 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Talking Muslim World & Gay Sex

K, I have neither lived in Palestina nor in any other Arab country, but I have travelled there both extensively and frequently.

Men have a much lower treshold to get violent with foreigners for whatever the reason at hand may be. Assuming that you are gay might be a good reason for someone to try and kick your ass, just to make a point of doing it. So, yeah, you want to be very careful, 'masculine' and as assertive as possible. Showing fear is the worst you can do at any time.

Keep in mind that our (Euro-North American) concepts of being gay, str8 and bi really do not apply here. Women, unless you are married to one or more are practically off limits. So, most men take care of themselves among themselves, so to say.

Usually, the first avenue is the family itself. A younger brother or a nephew is usually introduced into the world of m2m sex by an elderly male relative. No one really talks about it very much and hardly anyone thinks that this is 'gay', 'homosexual' or anything short of absolutely normal for that matter. It is a foregone conclusion that the elderly partner assumes the 'insertive' role and that correspondingly, the younger guy takes the role of a 'taker'. Sure, his time, too will come and he'll have the chance to act as a 'man' once he is grown up and once he gets into the position to show the ropes to someone younger and more impressionable.

When it comes to school friends, college buddies, work collegues, the whole situation gets a bit more complex. Almost invariably so, the one who is more senior, bigger, wealthier, etc. makes a 'special friendship' of a kind. So, a guy has got his 'best friend' who is often addressed as 'a brother' and for the most part, men swear that their friedship is nothing short of 'sacred'. So, you'd see men holding hands in public. Even soldiers, in full uniforms do so. Again, hardly anyone talks up the matter, but a number of those 'special friendships' have a strong sexual component, too. Basically, since women are not available before the marriage and marriage requires a set of complicated arrangements plus a certain stash of cash against your name, your best friend is here to help you. Again, no one really views this as anything out of usual. Most people also assume that by default, the stronger, the bigger, the more senior of the two is the 'top' guy in our sense. Now and then you hear the comments like in: 'Oh, well, he has got to take it now, but his time will come, too.'

Once married, men do busy themselves with their brides for a while. Yet, the old roles and the old friendships do not die that easily. Whenever the wife happens to be pregnant or unavailable for any reason, you still have your best friend, younger sibling or a cousin to help you out. Again, hardly anyone seems to view this as being out of usual.

Indeed, there is a whole plethora of m2m sex in muslim culture. However, there is hardly any 'gay concept' you and I might be familiar with. So, having m2m sex is perfectly all right. Being 'gay' is entirely wrong.

The key to enjoying it all is relatively simple.

Keep in mind that your well-being and safety in every sense matter most.

You are on their turf. Therefore, you'll play by their rules. And those rules are few and simple:

Men do not 'love' men. And you are certainly no 'gays'. God Forbid! But the 'situation' makes it necessary for you to seek a companion, who'll help you release your tension. So, you are willing to pay a token amount for the forthcoming 'help' or give a small gift as a sign of your appreciation for their hospitality or whatever. All this 'beating around the bush' is a face-saving strategy aimed at producing a material 'alibi' that the guys involved were not 'gay' in any sense. Just like the hotel porter who genuinely wants to suck you. Yet, if he admits to that, he'll be 'the worst among the worst'. By doing it for a small amount of cash, he has got himself all neatly covered both before himself and his environment. He isn't gay but he needs cash, so that is all right. Obviously, the saddest part of the story is that self-delusional bit, but we cannot change that, can we?

Regional culture strongly enforces the stereotype that 'being top' as in the guy who is fucking and getting sucked is superior to being a bottom. So, neither versatility nor reciprocation are the names of the game. If you choose to bottom for those guys, be prepared to take quite a bit of their attitude afterwards.

Practically all of the guys you meet within the sexual context will try to assert themselves as tops. Surprisingly, if you convince them that you are leaving the next day and that no one, absolutely no one will ever know, plus you'll give them something to remember you by; quite a few will quickly change their assertive top attitude and readily offer to bottom for you on the spot.

A little kindness and some local insight go a long way. Just like everywhere else.

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Old 26th January 2006, 11:03 AM
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 21

I have a good friend, a nurse (female) who worked in Saudi for about 3 years. One of her worst stories, and from my experience, anyone who has spent any time in Saudi has only bad stories about the place, was about a young Phillipino guy who worked in the infirmary with her, who one night was taken out into the desert by a group of Saudi men, and gang raped repeatedly. She said his rectum was like hamburger when the bastards finished with him, and he had to be smuggled out of the country for emergency surgical care. Seems Saudi men don't engage in that sort of behavior, so the foreigner obviously enticed a dozen good Saudi citizens into that criminal behavior. By the time the Saudi gestapo arrived to arrest the guy (and probably behead him too), he was gone. And never came back.

I suggest that if you want sex with Arab men, you just go to Paris.
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Old 31st January 2006, 03:38 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 14

I started writing a response, and last time I looked it got to be several pages long so I thought -better not. Gist was: Arab men cruise everywhere. Eye contact is powerful. The problem, as in so many places is WHERE TO DO IT. Except for the wealthier gulf states, People almost never have their own apartments or cars, and hotels often will not allow an Arab visitor in your room, Nor will they rent him a room without a passport, which most natives do not have. Best bet is to tip the desk clerk heavily, and don't expect your guest to bottom.
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Old 1st February 2006, 01:51 AM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 2

I agree sex is everywhere. Having traveled extensively in Morocco and Egypt the most frequent question was 'would you like mint tea', the second most frequent was an offer of sex.

The easiest sex was with hotel staff. At the Nile Hilton in Cairo I smiled at a hot hotel maintenance man, showed him my key and he was at my door 5 minutes later. Same at the Cataracts hotel in Aswan. In Marakesh one of the security guards at the Merridian visited my room. None of these involved money, just horny guys.

Also pick cute taxi drivers, and guides. Also in Egypt the faluka boat guys are a good bet.

Other posters are right about the general expectation that you''ll suck their cocks, but once you are both naked and things are happening you can hope for some reciprocation.

One thing of note. Shorts are considered imodest. My buddy and I were wearing demure walking shorts in the summer heat, and eventually found out that we were dressed like 'sluts'...which turned out to be a good way to attract men.

Finally, arab guys would ask us where our wives were, as it aparently is odd not to travel with your family. Upon hearing we were not married (or our wives were not with us) everyone just assumed we were available, and they could proposition us if they were interested.
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