When you cruise in public places (bookstores, parks, bathrooms, rest stops...ANYWHERE PUBLIC) I'm sure we all can agree that it's pretty much anonymous encounters, sure you might hit it off with someone and more comes out of it but reality says that hardly happens (at least with me).
Anyways I was just wondering, actually always have wondered. When you cruise places like this, should you tell people if you have a STD or are HIV positive or should the potential people you might hook up with already have an understanding that anyone they are hooking up with could have 'something' and what they are doing is ATOR? Exactly how different is this type of cruising for sex method different from say cruising on the internet where chat is a must before ANYTHING ever even happens sexually? And while were on the subject of online meetings, what do you think about online meetings as well? Are online hookups just as anonymous as public cruising hookups or should you tell if you have 'something'? I'm not dumb, I know what the right thing to do in all of these situations are BUT lets be honest, most people are not going to just give this information out to just anyone, especially some random trick, you just don't know who you can trust anymore. I was just curious what you guys thought was the 'general rule' regarding these questions I have asked or if it really is AYOR behavior? Does it make the person who does have 'something' a horrible, evil person for not telling the other(s) (no matter how they are meeting them)? or is this type of behavior just exceptable and just learn to accept and deal with the risks of 'anonymous sex'. Thanks.
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