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Old 17th May 2008, 02:48 PM
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Angry Bookstore Trolls

Was in Charleston WV last night and stopped at the big bookstore in Jefferson on McCorkle Ave about 10PM.

What a waste of my time.

Between 9:30 and 11PM seven guys total in the place, two of which were old trolls gossiping about the other guys. These clown drove off three other guys and got in the way of cruising.

When are guys like this ever going to learn a simple lesson - you'd have less to complain about if you took your social hours someplace else. The majority of guys out there get turned off when they go into a bookstore to get sucked off and instead you stand outside their booths talking about them.

PLEASE take your conversational needs elsewhere!
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Old 18th May 2008, 06:40 AM
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I agree, I don't know why they came to the BBS if they just stand there talking for hours blocking some of the video booths.
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Old 18th May 2008, 07:54 PM
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Not only do they block the halls, but they run guys off, or worse, they keep other guys from having fun with each other. These guys were real skanks.

When a straight guy was his dick done, there is nothing to turn him off faster than gossipy old queens.

Anyway, I left, drove up the roadto Crazy Mitches and got the best head imaginable from two other dudes at once.
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Old 19th May 2008, 06:06 AM
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What drives me nuts is when you go into the area of the store with the booths and there are half a dozen guys all standing there, staring at the door, waiting for some fresh young meat to come in.
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Old 2nd June 2008, 01:12 PM
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Cruising ...


I am all with you. No one likes the dudes of any age and attitude disturbing the normal cruising routine.

Yet, shit happens all the time. This comes with the territory. Once you go cruising, you are taking that risk.

If you want a reasonably efficient experience, turn to your fuckbuddies, bfs or escort dudes.

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Old 13th November 2008, 05:01 PM
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YEA When the fresh meat is me I turn and LEAVE. Get a booth you guys.

Originally Posted by MythicFox View Post
What drives me nuts is when you go into the area of the store with the booths and there are half a dozen guys all standing there, staring at the door, waiting for some fresh young meat to come in.
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Old 14th November 2008, 09:32 AM
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I'd like to go on record that in my post I never talked about the appearance of the individuals in question. I understand that 'trolling' is more about behavior than physical attractiveness -- I've seen a few good-looking, well-built trolls.

My post was mostly inspired by a bookstore trip where I was wandering through the booth area, and there were literally about six guys awaiting silently in a half-circle around the entrance. I walked past them and went into a booth, dropped about five bucks worth of tokens, and nobody went into the next one. I came out, and those guys were still there. Nobody had come in or out, they were waiting like they were in line for a movie for something. None of them were fundamentally any better or worse looking than I am, but that's just how it goes sometimes.
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Old 15th November 2008, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Your_GloryHole_Lover View Post
For myself, being a guy in my mid-50's and a bit overweight, if I were to hang out in the hall at an abs, just yakking, I guess I could be called a troll, too.
Troll means different things, depending on who says it and in what context. Generally speaking, though, most guys who call someone a troll are fairly young and consider themselves attractive compared to whatever is average. I suspect, with all due respect, these guys would consider our friend 'Your_GloryHole_Lover' a troll even if he isn't found hanging out gabbing away in the ABS halls. Just by not being buffed and not being young, you're a troll to lots of guys. It hurts. It isn't fair. I wish we would stop it, but it seems to be one thing every generation of gay guys develops for themselves, the habit of calling other men trolls.
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Old 15th November 2008, 02:08 PM
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Calling names will stay with us for as long as their is something called a 'language'. We've got to live with that.

Yet, most guys recognize those who are there to disturb, gossip and generally make sure that no one has any fun, while they are hanging around. Sure, you cannot really chase them away.

But you can take a proactive approach and try to hook up with the dudes, you are interested in; possibly wait for a while until the right guy(s) show up and move on.

A guy, who is determined to have sex with other dudes will never be swayed by the 'trolls' of any kind. He is on a mission and he'll go for it. Dudes, who are just bored and are into wasting their time, because they have not got anything better to do but pose around... well, that's a different story altogether...

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Old 15th November 2008, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
Calling names will stay with us for as long as their is something called a 'language'. We've got to live with that.
Why must be live with name calling? I think name calling is for children. Seems to me both things we're talking about, guys who don't show good manners in an ABS and guys who name call, are both signs of immaturity. Not very sexy in either instance. How about if both parties commit to growing up?
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Old 3rd December 2008, 01:20 PM
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I am all for it...

Originally Posted by luvboys View Post
Why must be live with name calling? I think name calling is for children. Seems to me both things we're talking about, guys who don't show good manners in an ABS and guys who name call, are both signs of immaturity. Not very sexy in either instance. How about if both parties commit to growing up?

I am all for it.

How do you do that?

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Old 17th May 2009, 01:10 AM
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Yeah, It can be a problem

As an ABS operator, I can tell you that these guys standing in the hallway are just working against themselves. They think every guy who comes in the booth area is fair game, and won't take "NO" for an answer. They scare off more guys than they attract.

The thing they have to understand is give the guys some space and time. Even the most avowed "straight" guy can get a little (or lot) horny watching the videos. You start yanking on their booth door two minutes after they get there, you scare them away. Let them watch a short while, and they may be more game for relief.

The most important thing to remember is that not everybody likes the same thing. There are young guys looking for other buff young guys, and young guys looking for Daddy. If they say "NO", move on.

And lastly, the time to open your mouth is when you are in the booth on your knees with a thick dick slurping down your throat. After you leave the booth is the time to "keep your mouth shut." You standing around telling tales about the guys that come in makes other guys less reluctant to get with you as they don't want their secrets blabbed around!
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Old 24th May 2009, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by luvboys View Post
Why must be live with name calling? I think name calling is for children. Seems to me both things we're talking about, guys who don't show good manners in an ABS and guys who name call, are both signs of immaturity. Not very sexy in either instance. How about if both parties commit to growing up?
Because words are part of language and language is about communication, not about making people happy all of the time. We're talking about bookstores here, it is not a psychotherapy session designed around affirmations.

We are talking about bookstores - a place where guys go to get off. There are protocols about how one behaves in a bookstore, and none of them including behaving like women gossipping over the back fence. Lurk all you want - but take your social play with your girlfriends someplace else.
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Old 29th May 2009, 01:09 AM
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I have to agree with most on here.

I have been a regular at one of two ABS GHs and booths. I am cute, and go there to hook up and get off. What turns me off instantly is the one who does not take no for an answer. Usually they are f**kable, but they are too pushy. I have hed to best luck with one quick invite extended to me, or for me to another, then wait. I know it is anon, but a couple of times, it has lead to taking action to another place, or seeting up a mutual time to hook up.
I did ask the clerks at the places a few questions. I keep my "browsing time" to a mininum, and I go in to a booth, drop my money, get excited, then crack my door, or look through the hole. If it is slow, then I BS with the clerks, and maybe sit in an empty booth and wait. This only happens when there in only me, or just on other in there.
Just to point out, straight guys Want to get their dick sucked, but they have to be horny enough to do so. You have to give him time. Then expect him to bolt out once he blows. Most bisexual and straight guys will never let anything happen if queens are in there gossiping, or stalking them. The feel turned off. A straight guy I am friends with told me that. He has not gone in to any ABS to look for it any more because of that. I myself walk out if there are people who trash talk, stalk, hog booths with holes, or just keep pushing. Believe me, and guys who know this back me up, there are a few rare occaisions where a rejection will change to action if the offer is quick, and no pressure. That is what got me. I first rejected, then, actually went into a booth with a hole to accept the offer. Please just have some respect. Don't block booths, and yes, no means no. Many times action is ruined, we all know that. So think. Give other guys a chance. Who knows, a guy, like me may reject you at first, but may later seek you out to have fun with.
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