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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Babylon weekday afternoons are fun!

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Old 11th October 2005, 05:00 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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LostNoomThai quotes ,

where all the hot 30 something Thais hang out?


I think you can see them in the all saunas , if you don't care their shapes ( I understood " HOT" means horny )

Gweilo quotes ,

In Farose, most guys are very young, skinny,


??? ???

Is THIS the same FAROSE we are talking about ?

Some nights , I notice more than 50% cutomers there are over-weight middle age Asian cutomers .
Especially before 2AM , the average age of the clintele is depressingly high .
And I saw many posts saying the similar in other boards .

But if you are 80yo and 150Kg , that would be another story .
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Old 11th October 2005, 12:38 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 83

Thank you both for the very helpful info....and NINJA is the reason why I check this board everyday. I love to read his witty comments and (almost) accurate info on all those hot places... I am just curious if NINJA is a hot young "THAI/JAP" cum hole or just a middle age guy who happens tobe sexually generous....HAHAHA....
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Old 12th October 2005, 10:14 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

Is it really true about the decline in quality at Farose? I haven't been since late Junewhen I went with another C.F.S. member ,after reading Ninja's initial post,when it was very exciting with great looking guys.Was hoping to check it out again.

ps. re the post above mine.How can you say the info is accurate when you wont be here until December as previously stated.Unless...?
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Old 12th October 2005, 10:54 PM
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I said (almost) accurate....

you are right , I dont know enough about the actions in BKK. That's why I am going to find out when I get there.... I dont really know what Thais look for when it comes to their fellow asians.. I just hope that I 'll get the same treatment as I get in those major cities in the States .. I can honestly say that deep down I am into slender, smooth asians like myself. and I have been told they are everywhere..... see you at babylon
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Old 12th October 2005, 11:01 PM
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Look forward to it.I love Ninja's posts too,they are expressed in such a horny way and he was certainly accurate about Farose last June.I will check the others.Enjoy going to different places.

Have fun.
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Old 13th October 2005, 04:18 AM
Very Nice Guy
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I went to Babylon on Saturday 1st October, arrived at 7:30 PM and it was soooo crowded.

I went back on Monday 10th, arrived at about 7 PM and it was rather quiet, although my locker number was 390 something. There weren't many people at all, and from 9 PM it was dead, I left ( after delivering a big load of milk to a cute guy from Hong Kong and a nother load to an English chap who also lived in HK - a night of Hong Kong delights ). I did not try Babylon in eraly afternoon as I had no time. It might be better to arrive early on weekdays as it seems dead so soon after 9 PM.

As for Farose, went there on Sunday 2nd October. Got there at 10:00 PM and it was crowded. Saw a black guy standing with his big tool uncovered in the nakd zone. There was one older farang. Some orgies in a large darkroom. As I left at about 11:30 PM, there were 3 more guys just checked in and 5 more walking in. Still a good place (for me).
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Old 13th October 2005, 05:05 AM
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I think Ninja's comments are very updated and acurate.

Some people donot understand that reports here can never be 100% acurate as there is no such thing as acurate crowd s especially GAY crowds in Sauna's. So one nite its packed with cute slim twinks the other its half empty with fat grand daddies. How can he/we predict 100% ??
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Old 13th October 2005, 09:03 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Did I vist FAROSE in June ?

I rarely go to this sauna . Maybe 3 to 4 times a year .
Maybe the last time when I visited this sauna was Sept. or August .

Surely now EARLY HOUR CROWDS of FAROSE moved to nearby 39 sauna .
If FAROSE 2 ( open yet ? ) opens , I really cannot PREDICT the original FAROSE's future .

Soon after a payday , usually local saunas are busy .
But during uni exams ( and just b4 exams ) , they have many less young uni students .

Those aspects usually don't affect centrally located ( tourists orientated ) saunas like BABYLON .
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Old 13th October 2005, 09:25 AM
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Good point!

Saunas are the same everywhere. Some nights you can't even get a toe in the door and others, you're the only one there...and then sometimes, the fat old guy next to you is getting lots of attention whereas a cute younger one like you is being treated like a leper. You go to a sauna, pay your money and take your chances like everybody else!

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 13th October 2005, 04:54 PM
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Must admit I'm getting a bit fed up of the comments about "fat" and "old". I have no control over my age, and if you aren't there yet, it'll sure as hell catch up with the rest of you eventually!

Also, some of us struggle with our weight and find it very difficult to be "in shape". Such comments are not helpful - whereas the attention from a cute young guy at the sauna IS helpful.
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Old 13th October 2005, 05:10 PM
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very well said BKKgwm

They might not all be struggling with weight, but age they have no controll over
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Old 14th October 2005, 10:16 AM
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Age is how you look at yourself.

I looked like a baby whale on a permanent eating binge when I was 18, lost weight at 24, put almost all of it back on when I hit 30 and left it all around my waist until I ht 40, at which time I decided I had to do something about it. So being fat is not something new to me. Nor is being continously rejected because of excess avoirdupois.

Where age is concerned, I think you'll be most pleasantly surprised at how many younger guys are delighted to find themselves being accosted by a fairly in-shape (at best) mature man. Here's a tip from years of casual observation (other members are welcome to correct me if they feel that I'm wrong) - YOU DON'T NEED A FLAT, WASHBOARD SIX PACK IF YOU HAVE STRONG-LOOKING ARMS, DEFINED (not necessarily bulked up) PECS AND BIG or WIDE SHOULDERS. Many younger guys like their daddies with some substance around the midsection and having those other attributes I mentioned, only makes you hotter in their eyes.

Of course, I do want a nice flat six-pack and it's going to take me some time to get there but I'm not hurting for less mature company in the mean time. And I don't have really big shoulders or arms, either.

You don't have to look like the best. Keep your expectations realistic when you start exercising and tell yourself that you can look better! You'll be surprised at how much difference that little shift in the mind makes.


I seem to be extra gung-ho about being older and hotter tonight. I wonder why....HAHAWHAW!!!
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 14th October 2005, 09:16 PM
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Brother TAO,

That's very brave of you to let the whole world know the size of your "secret weapon".

BEAUTY,AGING,REJECTION,PREFERENCE are part of our existance...When it gets to the point that it's no fun to visit those naughty places anymore , there's always DISNEY LAND!.....
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Old 15th October 2005, 08:05 AM
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Secret? What secret? Heheheh!!!

Considering how often I run around naked at Leo in Penang, I'd hardly dare to describe that as a secret...anyway, it's hardly going to be a secret one the fun starts, is it?

My point, though, was that age and fat/thin are all less important than how you feel about yourself. I have also been rejected because I was considered too big after hitting the gym. In Asia as much as anywhere else, there'll always be a few sweet young things around for whom you're perfect, never mind what you look like...or think you look like.

My tailor once showed me a terrible secret..and I am going to share it here.

When you look in the mirror, the stupid glass does lie to your eyes. Because of the angle at which your gaze falls on your midsection, it will always look bigger than it is. What you have to do is to stand at least ten feet away from the mirror to get a better idea of what your real proportions are...and even then, it still won't be the absolute truth because of other factors like your height/body proportion ratio, your self-image, etc.

That was one of the most enlightening moments in my life, I can tell you...and I stopped worrying about a lot of things from that point on!

Concerning self-image, I can give you two very good examples. One is the typical anorexic. To the rest of the world, he or more often, she, looks like a walking skeleton but to the anorexic, he or she actually looks good because he or she has conditioned himself or herslef to think the more bones showing the better.

The other example is from life. As a former fatty, I still think of myself that way. I have to look at myself in the mirror and remind myself that I no longer have an excess 70 lbs of avoirdupois on my body, otherwise, I automatically see it on my the ghost of christmas feasts past!

The easiest way to decide if you're looking better after some food control and exercise, is to try on your tightest old clothes. If they feel looser and hang better, then you're probably much prettier than you think!

Remember that you only look as good as you feel.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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