-- From memory Thai-style massage is on the menu..
- As I have a dry skin I prefer an oil-massage; but 'Chacun a son gout.', as the oenophil said - ha! - I daresay that I'll be returning this week and so shall make a note of prices, durations etc. etc.. 'bye..
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I almost hesitate to post this, for fear that someone else will have a bad experience with him....but......
Last evening at about 6:30, I stopped by Arena Massage. One of the guys I've seen before was sitting outside. He greeted me and whispered to me "I have big cock." He then walked me inside. There was a very nice selection of guys, as always. In the end, I chose the guy who talked to me outside (for obvious reasons). His name is Khun Long (or something that sounds like that). He's a bit older (maybe 30) and won't ever win a "Thai Pretty Boy" contest. He's going a bit bald, so keeps his hair VERY short....usually shaved. He's quite muscular. He took me to the room and we both got undressed. Unlike most guys there, he wanted to shower with me and saw to it that I was well scrubbed from top to bottom. He then dismissed me to dry off while he showered. I was laying on the massage bed waiting for him to shower. Suddenly the shower curtain flung open and there he stood, water cascading down his smooth body, with a MAJOR LEAGUE hard on. He smiled and said "This for you". He did massage my legs a bit (maybe 15 minutes) but then moved on to my more private areas. Within seconds his dick was rock hard again. He asked me if I wanted to get fucked and then rolled on a condom. For the next hour, we fucked like nymphomaniacs on death row. He came twice, both times pulling out and standing over me on the massage bed, so his cum shot everywhere. Between the first and second fucks, his dick never did go soft. He apoligized to me because he wasn't able to cum a third time (in less than an hour). Khun Long is quite affectionate and likes to kiss (although I'd bet he's straight). He's an absolute MASTER at fucking and is quite vocal about the whole thing. The entire time you're with him, he makes you feel like it's all about YOU. After we'd both collapsed on the massage bed and rested for awhile, he took me back into the shower again and scrubbed me totally. It's the first time I ever left a massage place without all of the annoying oil everywhere. I gave him THB 2,000 for his fanatastic efforts and he seemed VERY pleased. So, if you're "up" for a good time, I'd highly recommend Khun Long at Arena. Make sure your heart can take it, though.
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- Before I mention my recent visit to the a/m. estab't. here is a partial list of their prices based upon a 60 mins'. session unless otherwise noted - 1.- Aroma Oil...................... 600.oo.Bh.; 2.- Aroma Creme................ 700.; 3.- TH. Massage................. 300.; 4.- TH. Herbal Massage...... 750.; 5.- Foot Reflexology........... 350.; 6.- Detox. Body Scrub........ 550.Bh. for 45 mins.; 7.- TH. Herbal Body Scrub.. 550. for 90 mins.; 8.- Foot SPA.............. 450. for 45 mins.; 9.- Other services.............. POA.! -- I arr'd. about 21hrs. and chose my usual 90 mins. Aroma Oil Massage for my dry skin's benefit. - I was shewn upstairs to a different room than before: same size, but with air-con. & with massage table. - My masseur is called ODD; 26YO. from Pitsanulok who's been working there for about 6-7 mos. or so; he lives 40Km. away with an uncle and so has a long & daily commute; his off-day is wednesday. He speaks fair enough English, learnt at school and OTJ.. - This time the massage started at my shoulders and thoroughly worked its way down. - Having finished ODD returned to my shoulders and from his pos'n. clearly shewed his preference, with wch. I wasn't slow to comply. - Afterwards I turned over for further massage from him au naturel , wch. included a satisfying manhood massage. - A good massage of my head concluded matters. - I gather that the Capt. allocates a number to each of the 15 masseurs on the latter's arrival, and that number determines the sequence in wch. they'll be allocated customers. That day I was customer no.8 - hence my being given to masseur ODD. A fair enough system in its way, I suppose, and one that should guarantee a fresh masseur for each customer. But, I presume, that doesn't stop a customer for asking for a particular masseur? - I enquired after masseurs BOM and JACK - possibly I obtained their names from CFS.? - and was told that Bom had left but masseur JACK still works there. - I'll return for further massages before enquiring about their 'four hands'.' massage. ' bye..
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-- BinBKK.,
- Thank you. - I just ask questions, make appreciative comments like: "Sounds interesting.", "Tell me more." and so on - it all helps to improve their English. - Plus it obtains useful info. for others and for 'self. - contribution! 'bye.
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Here below are news about two M2M. Massage Parlors that have OPENED recently -
1.- BAAN TEWA, (House of Angels.), 135/8, S. Sathorn 7., Tungmahamek, BKK., 10120. - contact: (02)-679 0816. -- (089)-009 6633. --- http://www.baantewa.com --- kobysilom@yahoo.com - MORE correctly it is situated in soi 7/1., right behind the SGP. Embassy. - Nrest. BTS. is Chong Nonsi, (S3.).. - It is roughly 20 mins. leisurely walk from Phat Pong, or say 10mins. walk from Chong Nonsi. - It is one of a row of two storey, (gf. +2.), town houses; externally it's painted a vivid but tasteful shade of eau de nil. - Ground floor comprises Reception. - 1st. & 2nd. fls. are the massage rooms - air-cond. and with massage tables - and shower/toilet rooms. All rooms have hair-dryers and necessary grooming aids. - Rates are competitive. - Presently there are just the Manager - Khun Kob, youngish, pleasant and speaks good English, - and one masseur available, but MORE staff will be recruited as demand will INCREASE. - Khun Kob manages it similar to 'Silom Massage.' or 'Candle T SPA.' - ie. it is not like a recent description of 'Arena.' or similar parlor; but that having been written ... ! 2.- 'THE PRIME.'. Si Lom 6., Bangrak, BKK. 10500. - contact: (02)-634 2078. -- (087)-990 0885. --- Web-site and other promo. should be ready next month, (oct.),? - It may be approached from either Si Lom rd. via soi 6. or from Suriwong rd. via Soi Than Tawan, (past 'Tawan.' a go-go bar.),. In the newly built block opposite to 'UK. Mansions.' it is the appt. nearest to the multi-level car-park and has a TH.-style porch outside. - Nrest. BTS./MRT. are Sala Daeng, (S2.),/Silom, wch. are approx. 10-15mins. walk away. - Ground floor is for Reception and for Foot Massages. - 1st. to 4th. fls. are for massage rooms: some of wch. are for Oil Massage and have massage tables, while others are for TH. Massage and have mattresses on the floor. All floors have shower/toilets. - Intro. rates for 60mins., unless noted otherwise, are: 2.1.- Foot ------ 200.oo.Bh.; 2.2.- Trad.TH. - 200.Bh.; 2.3.- Oil -------- 400Bh. and 600.Bh. for 90mins.. - I confirmed with the Owner/Mngr., Khun Boy, a pleasant looking young man who speaks adequate enough English, that they do indeed offer M2M. massages; but I didn't enquire about 'Four hands.' massage! - Possible competition for 'Indra Massage. - ha! - Usual disclaimers, except that for the last several months Khun Kob of 'BAAN TEWA.' has been my pers. masseur; I have no financial interest in either establishment and wish them both well. - E&OE.. 'bye..
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-- Y'day., (tue.), evening I went to 'INDRA MASSAGE.', arr'd. around 20.45hrs..
- I chose my usual 90mins. oil massage for 800.Bh.. - I was assigned to masseur NE, (pronounced as in the French fashion: Ney), 20YO.; from I-San; been working there for five months; works every day; speaks basic English and learnt his trade at Wat Po. He has a smallish but neat body and is no great beauty - After the shower I lay-down prone on the massage table - I was in the same room as my previous visit - and NE ran his fingers down my back and between the cheeks of my glutes.! Not much time wasted there, and possbily an indication of his preferences? Conversation indicated that he prefers to be a T*p, my fingers were discouraged politely from doing any exploration in return, and doesn't mind being smoked. - Plenty of massage time spent on my upper legs and straying higher. - While massaging my lower back he was persuaded to take-off his masseurs' trousers and u'pants. - After my back was massaged it was time for my shoulders and, like previously, he made his wishes quite plain; I was happy to oblige: the usual TH. boi sized ****, although uncut a goodly sized glans, when erect there was a gentle upwards curve. - After I'd turned over I told him that I didn't want to cum, so he complied and massaged me to just short of ejac'n.. - In conversation I gathered that I was the day's first customer. - a pleasant end to the day! 'bye..
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-- From another site the name 'ARENA.' occured.
- The correspondent recommended a masseur called Yoong: Chinese looking; gives a great & thorough massage; is 'New and hot!'. - The above is second hand info. and has not been verified personally; thus is forwarded with that caveat. 'bye..
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-- As Khun Kob of 'BAAN TEWA.' massage visits me on thursdays I decided to change my weekly visits to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' to mondays - so as to make more of a spread of time between massages.
- Last night I arr'd. around 20.30.hrs... Judging from the number of masseurs waiting around not too many customers that evening. - I was allocated to masseur NE, whose att'ns. I enjoyed last week, (qv.), and thus asked for another one, adding that I wanted to be fair to all of them in turn. - So I was passed-on to masseur TAHM, 28(?).YO., speaks ltd. English, (like my TH.), so our conversation didn't progress very far. He is tallish, thin and pale skinned for someone from I-San. - Before starting the massage he removed his masseur's trousers, but neither his shirt nor his drawers. They were removed, after a word from me, after I'd turned-over from my back's massage. - He gave me a good, thorough and straight-fwd. aroma-oil massage; but his skills in the 'special.' massage weren't as good. - He has an uncut ****, on the small side even when erect, wch. it became v. quickly - unlike some masseurs who seem to take for ever and a day to achieve the necessary hardness, (possibly familiarity has dulled their appetites?),. -- Passing by this morning masseur TAHM saw me and stepped-out to greet me and to invite me back for a further massage; but I told him that that would have to wait until next week - once a week is quite enough for me: both financially and physically. 'bye..
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Senso so-so : Gay Thailand | This thread | Refback | 29th January 2009 06:41 AM | |
How is Tawan bar in soi Suriwong so far ? : Gay Thailand - Page 2 | This thread | Refback | 3rd January 2009 03:55 AM | |
Report on Paradis Massage in Silom, Bangkok | This thread | Refback | 26th October 2008 01:16 AM |
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