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CRUISING for SEX - Bar reports - BKK

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sextile 18th November 2008 08:10 AM

-- This evening, (18th.), I walked-along the small sub-soi off Soi Anuman. that is between SOLID BAR and the former KHUN SWEET CIGAR and noted that the interior decorators were hard at work inside NICE BOYS BAR.
-- Bibi.. --

biggles69 23rd November 2008 08:30 PM

Last night I met one of my regular buddies (22 y.o. cute btm,) and we agreed it would be fun to take a 3rd player from one of the bars. He suggested Jupiter and (against my better judgement) we went. I suggested no 10 who joined us for a drink, but my friend wasn't sure. A few minutes later one of the captains came hassling me to off the boy. When I replied not to be in such a rush he said quite agressively "you off or no?" I waved him away.....whereupon he grabbed the boy and pulled him away saying.."have customer can off!" Fine... fuck you...... so we then chose no 38, 24 y.o. good looking puuchai who we both agreed on. We watched the 2nd show (yawn...) and left.... seeing on the way out that no 10 had not been offed and was back "on the bench"! Anyway we had a very vigourous 3 way session which we enjoyed despite no 38 being unable to btm.

sextile 29th November 2008 09:15 PM

-- This forenoon, (30th.), over b'fast. I chatted with an Aussie. acuaintance who, poor being - and my tender heart bleeds for him, has been forced by the actions of the selfish PAD. at S'BHUMI. INT'L. AIRPORT to prolong his stay here in the LoS..
- Early this morning he went to SCREWBOYS, in Phat Pong 2.: off Tnn. Suriwong, apparently they remain OPEN long after the gen'l. closing at 01.hrs.. He was joined, almost at once, by a very lithe & lively boi dancer with whom he was smitten; but a few mins. afterwards another young boi joined them and the former left looking rather down in the mouth. The latter, Khun OH, hails from CHIANG MAI.
- My acquaintance reported that although Khun OH is but averagely endowed he's endowed with plenty of thrusting power, (from time to time Khun OH. enquired solicitously if my acquaintace was feeling alright?), attested to by my acquaintance's looks at the b'fast. table - ha!
-- Bibi.. --

hcmpp 30th November 2008 10:00 AM

If anyone visits - x-boys and likes the look of no 41 - he has moderate English, likes to kiss and use his tongue on your body, good smoking and a willing bottom. Had him round 4 times now and never disappointed.

curiouser 30th November 2008 12:22 PM

Anybody ever tried Nr. 18 or 20 of HOTMALE and can report about his experience? Pm welcome

firecat 2nd December 2008 08:22 PM

Thanks for the review of #41. X Boys is one of my favorite bars and I went there last night to see what #41 looked like. His name is Mai, Good looking boy , nice body bordering on masculine. He was great back at Hotel

As you say kisses, I would say Great and smokes verry very good and is a willing Bottom but extremely tight for those with thicker cocks.

A great find who I will repeat with I am sure.

I know sometimes not everyone will find the boy the same because of chemistry.

But I am a firm believer that knowing what the boy does with one customer and his personality certainly gives the customer a head start when he goes to the Bar.

I wish more people would post the number and name of some of their favorite boys. You are doing us and the boys a favor. I have a couple I will post in next few day but I have to check their numbers.

shorty1 3rd December 2008 05:45 AM

I totally agree with firecat. The boys want to have customers, so what s wrong with recommendations ? They possibly help to avoid missunderstandings and maybe embarrassements on both sides. Of c. it s "chemistry" that finally decides...

sextile 3rd December 2008 07:10 PM

-- A day or two ago I was in Si Lom 4. to see the progress on what will be the long defunct ROME CLUB's successor.
- There were several notices posted advertising their proposed schedule -
21.oo.hrs. - OPEN;
22.44.- Dance-floor opens;
23.52.- First show!
02.oo.- Special show!!
- further info.: 9 Night Club - Music for people who like music

-- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. --

hcmpp 4th December 2008 06:21 AM


As you say kisses, I would say Great and smokes verry very good and is a willing Bottom but extremely tight for those with thicker cocks.
So I now find out I am not so thick....... ha ha

Glad you liked him.

sextile 8th December 2008 06:04 AM

-- This a'noon., (08th.), I was in CHESTER'S GRILL, SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, (BTS.: Sala Daeng, [S2],), and was joined by Khun SOHN - brother of one of my Talking boyz - who ret'd. to working in SOLID BAR, (Soi Anuman.: off Soi Than Tawan), about ten or so days ago.
- He told me that last sat., (06th.), there were but five farangs in the bar; although whether that was for all of the evening or the MAX. at any one time I couldn't verify - possibly the former?
- He's bought a motor-scooter on HP. - total cost of approx. 80K.Bh. over two yrs. - wch. he's paying-off at 2,300.Bh. per mensem and is finding that difficult. :(
-- Bibi.. --

curiouser 13th December 2008 04:52 AM

After a few weeks in Europe I will hopefully be back to BKK in 10 days. How are the bars ...especially Solid an Hot Male....doing now? Any interesting new faces? Is there really such a lack of customers as read on some boards? Did prices change? This time Nr18 and /or 20 of Hot Male are definetely on my " to do list ". Can anybody give 1st hand information about them? Thanks for information, promise to report later

sextile 13th December 2008 08:51 PM

-- Y'day. evening, (13th.), a couple of mature farang acquaintances and I supped in DICK'S. CAFE., (Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.), between 20-21.hrs.. At one stage the noise pollution caused by FUTURE BOYS' Stentor was such that I requested Khun Chedi - evening mngr. - to CLOSE some of the sliding windows; in reply he merely smiled-at me and did nothing to reduce the noise. :(

-- Afterwards we went to CLASSIC BOYS - Soi T'light. - to wch. none of us had been for quite some time.
- ETA. around 21.30.hrs.;
- One of my acquaintances kindly bought the drinks so I don't know the prices;
- Maybe about a dozen or a few MORE spectators; we sat opposite to the centre of the stage on the first row of raised seats - so potentially a good view.
- R&F. boyz in two gps. of about ten in each that changed-over every 10 mins. or so; one of my companions fancied #33. and the other either #8 or #18, I prefered #54 who is well-built; boyz are an avg. and a fair sel'n. of such boyz, tending MORE towards the slimmer side. While we were there possibly some 4 boyz were 'offed.'.
- Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.35hrs.;
1.- Chantoosie & ethnically-clad boyz lip-synched: 'Welcome to Siam.';
2.- 5 boyz in Candle Show;
3.- Chantoosie & 3 dancing boyz;
4.- Soap/shower act with 3 boyz, only one of whom was au naturel and seemingly quite well-endowed;
5.- 2 solo boyz in the sub aqua show;
6.- 2 T*ps - only one of whom was used - and 1 B*tt*m in Bold Show; after some ground-work on stage they circulated amongst us voyeurs - seeking our approbation.
- Hse. lts. ON again at approx. 23.20hrs..
- We noticed that one of the staff was smoking, (ciggies.),.
- No waiters as such, the off-stage R&F. boyz being employed.
-- Bibi.. --

silomGWM 13th December 2008 09:16 PM

Classic Boys is one of my favourite bars. Between there and Solid I can find what I'm after any time, any day.

firecat 14th December 2008 01:35 AM

Boys to Reccomend
I have been remiss in not posting a few other boys that I think almost everyone would enjoy.

I got a bad cold the last few days of my trip and did not get back for the numbers but have names

At Future Boys the boys name is Sing . He has a gymnast body that is really quite defined and hard but not big

He is shy to speak English but understands quite well.

He is completely versatile , kisses etc. For me he is a great overnighter because when I wake early in the morning with wood, just a lttle poke and he is ready to go.

At X Boys which is my favorite Soi Twilight Bar a boy named Win is great fun. He is one of the Coyote dancers and usually will have the flashiest costume.

Win is a Gay Boy who loves sex and cant believe he gets paid for having it. If you want to have great 3 ways or more just ask for Win's advice.In X boys he knows all the preferences of the boys and will make sure they are comfortable in any scene you would like. Win is completely versatile but you better not be a size queen.

Would love to hear from anyone who takes my advice and offs either of these boys.

Have FUN

curiouser 14th December 2008 01:54 AM much do the boys expect for their service now? Overnight..etc wh about off fee?

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