Not sure that I would totally agree with these points:
- The owner is there every night, that's true. - The owner has a day job which is fairly responsible, within what is a very very Thai organization where structure is paramount. (I have had 'work connection' with him before. And I'm being very careful to not disclose anything more as a respect to his job confidentiality.) - This rubs off in the way Tawan is managed. In other words there is a 'pecking order' and the vast majority of staff would not approach the owner directly. In Thai culture / Thai working situations, the 'staff/village folk' don't directly approach the pooyai, Tawan is no different. In fact 99% of the working boys / captains / waiters know no other system. - I would agree that this place operates basically the same as other gay bars in terms of the roles of captains / waiters etc. - I would suggest that the captains/waiters would be receiving their 'cut' the same as in any other gay bar. - I am aware that one or two of the captains take care of recruitment (interview the candidates who approach). Is the owner 'mr nice guy? No comment!
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Went to this venue last Friday evening:
- Many dancing boys, big variety - Lucky draw - Customer picks a number from cup and boy with that number gets instant prize of 1,500Baht from the bar. My guess is that this is the owners way to encourage lots of boys to work there. - Big crown of customers. - Lote of n*** shows. ONE NEGATIVE: - Paid the bill with a 1,000Baht note. - Change came back and it was 100Baht short - Asked the captain why change was short, he immediately fished under the flap on the change folder and pulled out 5 X 20Baht notes. They were completely hidden under the flap. The captain has been around a long tome and has seen me many many times. He was very embarrassed and tried to apologize profusely, and said, "please don't go to internet". Suggest customers watch your change in this place.
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-- Y'day., (03rd.), evening, and as a result of the above more or less favorable review, I climbed upstairs to X SIZE A GO-GO BAR., (Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.),. - I was surprised at the amount of body traffic in the soi - quite busy and with touts etc. up to their usual games! -- ETA.: 21.55.hrs., (5mins. before the 'touted' start of the first perf.),. - Quite full; I was shewn to a seat about mid-way stage LEFT. - Drinks at 250.Bh.. - About 30 R&F. boyz on stage in total, all wearing briefs; mostly on the younger & slimmer side - a couple who look as though they're going through sex-changes; a few who are slightly MORE muscled but not up to TAWAN BAR stds.. - Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.07.hrs.. - Fairly usual sel'n. of acts: costumed & dancing boyz; nude dances; shower-scene with #3. & #5. - both well endowed!; Simul'd. sex scene; candle show etc. etc.. - Ante-penultimate act was bold show with 1 Top & 1 Bottom - nothing really memorable, I've seen better. - Penultimate act was Big Cock Show with a dozen boyz all wearing Condoms, many of whom - after shewing on stage - walked amongst us voyeurs seeking further approbation! The usual LO-FI. PA. system and MC's. garbled command of English made it difficult for me to hear the participants' names & nos.. - Final act was that little & olde lady, whom one used to see in TAWAN BAR, with her classical Thai dance routines. She obtained MORE applause than the rest of the previous acts put together. - Hse. lts. ON again just before 24.hrs.. - Towards the end all seats were occupied and it became standing room only. - Both staff & some spectators were smoking ciggies. - ugh. -- PS. - I see that X-SIZE has an advertorial in the current issue of the fold-out & pocket-sized GAY GUIDE BKK. - IX. #106.. - I see that the Guide is under the same gen'l. mngmnt. as the freebie mag. Variety. - further info: cell. (081)-821 5250.. -- Usual disclaimer. --
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I am back in Bangkok and checking out the bars and boys. What a disappointment. Maybe I am jaded. Last Saturday night the bars were jammed packed, especially X-boys. But talent missing. It was late so maybe the best boys already offed. After checking out three cigarette hazed bars: X-boys (awful), Future Boys (a bit better), and one upstairs on the other side of the soi (Hotmale?) - also pretty average save for a very energetic sex show featuring two couples aerobatic f..king with one short top who was very good looking, big c..k, convincing, but a bit crazy (maybe drunk), persuaded by my Thai BF to go to Classic Boys. It was about 11:30 and club almost empty but talent excellent. A previous boy I had, #25, was there and immediately engaged with me. Needless to say we took him back to our hotel along with #8 (who turned out to be a virgin). I f..ked #25 - he has a nice body - a bit on the ladyboy side but biggish c..k - rather like a medium sized banana - and he takes it up the proverbial like a trouper.
A couple of weeks ago on a quick visit to Bangkok, went to Jupiters(?) which of course is full of muscled and macho tops except one young thing who turned out to be totally inexperienced in bed. Also, show was appalling. A lot of strutting and teasing. Who dreams up these idiotic routines? The bars should stick to f..king shows and the lip synched singing preferably by people who know English. Going to Pattaya at end of this week to review bars there.
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-- Spare us, please spare us from any forms of lip-synching, along with the usual candle-shows. -- Instead let's have MORE attractive boi-danceurs; PLUS, of course - this being their raison d'etre - good acts featuring Big Cock Shows, Bold shows and suchlike. - A renewed ban on the smoking of ciggies. would be appreciated, as would better quality PA. systems.
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I never understood why people go in bars. In all my life, I've still never figured it out. I just meet people in other places. Saunas are good. Also just walking around. I'd much rather meet someone outside a bar--like in cruisy areas (restrooms, etc.). To me, bars are (and have always been) A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME--places where gays just waste their time.
(I'm no young hot thing, either.)
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-- Y'day., (10th.), evening, and after a long absence, I went to MY WAY BAR, (Tnn. Rama IV., BKK.),.
- ETA.: approx. 23.oo.hrs.; - drinks: 150.Bh.; - Possibly three or so other farang customers there and maybe ten to a dozen boyz? - Almost immediately after sitting down, (to LEFT of doorway.), I was joined by Khun Lam: 18YO., (he shewed me his ID. to prove it!), from BKK.; smallish stature but quite a fair sized & uncut appendage considering his phys. size. He was wearing a tee shirt over boxer shorts, wch. were over orange MY WAY shorts & briefs. Most other boyz were wearing either just jeans or their orange MY WAY shorts - He was unwilling to do anything much beyond some discreet playing, 'There's a lady in the bar.' being his reasoning; agreed - she was serving from behind the bar. - No other e'tainment. of anyother type and of wch. I was aware - so it seems as though that place has become more of an host, (take-out), bar. - MINIMUM of music; I neither saw nor smelt anyone smoking ciggies.! - Now possibly just a little LESS sleazy than say SUPER A.? But, IMO., SUPER A boyz seem to be MORE willing to play with their customers - and vice versa, (for those who like it that way!), in the bar area. - I left, alone and despite strong hints from Khun Lam, after some 30mins..
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Ahhhhh how I love to waste and fritter my time away boozing and generally minding my own business. Also a pleasant way to meet folk where there do not have to be any expectations although of course there very often are. I do like the smaller bars where there can be banter from the bar and lots of laughter.
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Just a quick note about Super A. Went there when I was in BKK in August. Very quiet and the guys were a delight. An absolute delight. Lots of fun, jokes and plenty of drinks (paid for by me of course). And yes I do very much like the surrounds. Worn and used you might say. A bit like the customers! AND the owner/operator is a decent fellow.
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[quote=wantasian;673986]I never understood why people go in bars. In all my life, I've still never figured it out. I just meet people in other places. Saunas are good. Also just walking around. I'd much rather meet someone outside a bar--like in cruisy areas (restrooms, etc.). To me, bars are (and have always been) A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME--places where gays just waste their time.
(QUOTE] I wouldn't call the bars a waste of time ... although many times lately I've thought some local gay places certainly were just that. The saunas and restrooms and other AYOR places are great if you're just looking for a quickie, but I enjoy going to the bars for a bit more of the human element. If the place isn't blasting loud music (a rarity nowadays) I can talk to some of the boys and get to know them a bit before deciding who I would like to take. Or sometimes I just like hanging out and joking and having one of them give he a back massage, with no expectation of anything else (expcept a tip of course). I like that idea of being able to choose, especially since I've reached the point in middle age where they aren't going to come running after me.
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Having walked in and out of Super A the other nite (no customers, all the boys smoking so place was full of cigarette smoke) I went around the corner to Solid and was informed that drink prices are now 150 Baht because "everthing so expensive in Bangkok now" - again no customers! Went to ScrewBoys, place was packed, terrible fuck show but some cute new dancers! And someone told me Dreamboys/Boys Bangkok drink prices are now 280 baht
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Hi, any updates on Tawan?
I know there is another competition coming up next week and wonder if this is good or bad... Good as in the crop of competing bodybuilders will be in goodilicious shape. ![]() ![]()
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-- Y'day., (05th.), evening - having supped in BALCONY BAR, wch. was quite full - I decided to go bar-hopping in Soi Naras Thiwat 1., (aka. Soi Anuman.),.
1.- SUPER A.: - ETA.: 22.30.hrs.; - Drinks: 100.Bh.; - Attend'ce.: 4 other farangs; - Smoking: both staff & customers were smoking ciggies.. - One hunkier boi, tee-shirt over briefs, just standing-on the stage not dancing but moving his hands from time-to-time. A couple or so katoeys; most of the other boyz wearing either their street-clothes or tee-shirts over briefs. - I noticed that two of the sofas were occupied by boyz MORE interested in their cell-'phones. than in the customers. - While I was there 1 farang left. Soon after a buzzer sounded, wch. galvanised a couple of boyz into some semblance of life as they scrambled onto the stage for a few moments; some farang was escorted to his seat - stage LEFT - by the doorman; all of the otherwise unoccupied boyz crowded around him for a while before returning to their sofas & to their cell-'phones. After some time that man left with one of the boys, immediately outside the door they turned LEFT and went-up some outdoors' stairway. - I quit after some 20mins.. 2.- NATURE BOY.: - Drinks: 150.Bh.; - Attend'ce.: I was the only customer; - Just 5 boyz, all wearing tee-shirts over their u'pants., who seemed to be MORE interested in their meal, reading some 'paper. or whatever. - One mature-looking boi sat next to me: shortish & thick-set, tattooed chest - but I wasn't really interested in any of them. - 20mins. was quite enough time there. 3.- SOLID BAR.: - Drinks: 150.Bh.; - Attend'ce.: 4 other customers, all with a boi or two; - Smoking: I was unaware of anyone smoking ciggies. therein. - Possibly 12 mostly youngish & twinkie boys mostly wearing just briefs; actually shewing signs of life and of animation! - Chatting with one of the waiters I was informed that there's an upstairs' room available: 'off' fee: 300.Bh.; room usage: 300.Bh. & Boi's TIP.: 1,000.Bh. - a suggestion that I was able to decline. There was no mention made of the former mezzanine, or 'half-way.', room. - I was joined by Khun Sohn - younger bro. of one of my 'Talking.' boyz - who's exercising now in the most pop. of LIMPINI PK's. outdoors' gymnasia and looking better for it. - I left and walked home alone around 23.30.hrs.. -- I doubt if I'll be in any hurry to revisit either SUPER A. or NATURE BOY. ![]() -- Walking to & from NATURE BOY I passed-by TWINKS' MASSAGE wch. was in semi-darkness; on my going past for the 2nd. time some voice called-out to me from the darkness, but I was not minded to stop and to find-out anything further about it.
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you took the wrong day, dear sexy (must have been sat 5/12, nah?. I just overheard that S-A boys were planning an outing to the Sanam Luang-they saw a sneck (snake was meant) show. After it they headed back and went on a isan-whiskey drinking binge. The left-turners were heading for the upstairs short-time rooms-I hope for him they have now been renovated.
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