Yeah, another weak "investigative" report by the Bland-kok Post. At least the stereotypes weren't tossed about too freely. But maybe the fact that it didn't contain much in the way of shocking details is a good thing. Far better to send someone relatively well intentioned, like Yvonne, to write the piece as opposed to a notorious shock-monger and dirt-digger like Andrew Drummond.
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-- Y'day., (11th.), evening - after looking-in at MY WAY - my companion evinced a desire to visit SCREW BOYS, (P. Pong 2.),.
- ETA.: around & about 22.hrs.; - Drinks: I didn't see what we were charged; several katoeys as waitresses, all of whom had passed their sell-by dates many, many yrs. before; - Smoking of ciggies allowed ![]() - Fairly full; - There was one young boi, #95., (who held my companion's att'n.), - dressed in jeans - dancing quite energetically on the raised lip of the stage; a backing of the usual R&F. a go-go boyz - none of whom merited a 2nd. glance. After a while the jeans were removed and there he was in just a pr. of dk. red briefs and a cloth around his neck to absorb the p'piration.; just before the lts. were dimmed he was joined by a couple MORE dancers; - Hse. lts. dimmed at around 22.15.hrs.; two of the a/m. dancers joined an elderly farang whose table was well-loaded with bottles & with glasses; - Just one act: a bold show. A well-endowed T*p and not the usual & effem. B*tt*m. After some time on the stage the pr. walked-amongst us voyeurs, some of whom shewed their approval in the usual & acceptable manner; - Hs. lts. came-ON, the R&F. boyz ret'd. to the stage to their usual 'We will rock you.' act. - My companion and I left soon after, with neither of us expressing any gt. interest in returning sometime soon.
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-- After a disappointing SCREW BOYS my companion suggested that we go to X-BOYS in Soi Twilight, as he'd heard that theirs is the best show on The Strip.
- We arr'd. and the place being full were shewn to two seats right in front of the stage; - Drinks: I didn't see what we were charges; - Smoking allowed ![]() - None of the R&F. boyz was remarkable; - House. lts. dimmed: 1.- 2 boys who paraded around the stage and were joined by a 3rd. who proceeded to made the usual fake S&M. act. Eventually all trousers were removed to reveal good endowments; 2.- Bold show - both T*p & B*tt*m well-endowed; a certain amt. of work on stage, followed by the usual trawl through the spectators; 3.- 10 or so boyz in a Big C*ck Show; jeans kept on by all of them - I got the impression that they weren't all that keen on shewing-off their assets and that the final act was being d-r-a-g-g-e-d-out unnecessarily. - I can't write that on the foregoing I'd be in any hurry to make a return visit. -- Bibi. --
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I recently had 2 visiting Aussies who were keen to experience the delights of C of A at night, so we headed to Soi Twighlight. First stop was X boys where one of my friends, (Greek origin, 40-ish and a girth about equal to his height ) attracted great attention with 2 twink boys inviting themselves to sit either side of him, ignoring the mature but debonair one (moi !) and the young and delicious one (25 central european god like body and chisseled face). Show was quite enjoyable, but we decided to move on, across the road to Fresh Beach Boy. My moral was restored when a regular joined me and suggested a new boy for a 3 way. Seeing I was set up, my friends announed they were off to Tawan where they later reported spending a lot of money taking 3 boys back to the Penninsular for an energetic night.
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-- Y'day., (16th.), I was walking-along Soi Than Tawan at around 12.40.hrs and just before my lunch. when I was joined by two young men: Khun Tommy. and his rather effem.-looking friend, both of whom invited me to return with them to SUPER A.; "An early start to the day's business.", I thought.
-- Bibi. --
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Last night I visited My Way, but will save the account for the My Way thread...
Later I went to Classic Boys - nothing really caught my eye there. Lots of skinny young fems, although there was one guy (cannot remember number) who looked to have more than a bit of western ancestry. Maybe 20 boys in total, several customers came and went. Customers and boys both smoking at times; drinks 220 baht. Later I visited X-boys during the show. I initially had a poor seat, behind a pillar and next to a chain smoker. The show was not bad and had the usual amount of nudity/jo etc. The range of boys was very nice especially no.31 whom I may have been tempted to off if (1) he hadn't spent 10 minutes as the very energetic top in the f&*k show; (2) he did not check/primp/flick his hair every 10 seconds. Smoing was pretty much as of old; drinks were 250 baht and the mamasans were average pushy. I then visited my old favourite, Solid - sadly a large but poor crop there. Nothing at all took my fancy there. Drinks were 100 baht (OJ).
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I was in Bangkok during Songkarn and had dinner with a friend who works in Boys Bangkok. Was informed by him that more than 40 boys were told to leave Dream Boys and Boys Bangkok recently. They are the "elderly" boys who have been around the bars for years.
The remaining boys were also told that they will be asked to leave too if they don't generate income for the bars.
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I can see that happening. They have so many boys and some of them have gotten older and less attractive to the majority of customers. Certainly a problem at Future Boys also.
The last 4 weeks I have spent a lot of time at X Boys and find the quality of the boys to be very high. They are mostly the athletic type and are good fun for the most part. As always chemistry plays the biggest part in an off but I can highly recommend Win and Mai. Win is a coyote dancer and sometimes DJ and loves 3 ways etc and know all the boys. Mai is #41 and is a sweet kid who is passionate . If there is anyone in BKK that gives a better BJ, I have not found him. He is also a great little Bottom and I suspect he Tops also but have no personal knowledge. Xen is #6 and great fun. Mamasans are helpful and seem to really know the likes and dislikes of the boys. Feel free to PM me for any further info.
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On the rare occassions I go out to go-go bars nowadays, I'm shocked at how old the average roster is at most bars. Go-Go boys well into their 30s ... and looking every bit their age. That would have been unheard of ("Unseen in Thailand") back in the 1990s. What has happened?
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I think it is because there are so many better venues these days for those that want to be in the sex trade.
Before, it was a bar or a street corner. These days, we have the internet, and dozens and dozens of massage parlors. Who wants to be gawked at on stage for four hours a day, in the hope of getting one off, perhaps two at most, when the alternatives are so much better? Working from home or an internet cafe, and being able to pick and choose your own clients, work when you want to, and name your own price...how much better is that? Even working in a massage parlor is a much more attractive option: your time is limited to 60 or 90 minutes instead of being at the mercy of the client's schedule, you can do three or four customers a day if you're cute enough, you don't have the security risk of going to some stranger's house or hotel room, and you end up getting paid for 60 or 90 minutes what you would for spending all night with a go-go bar customer. I know where I'd be if I were young and attractive.
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I agree with Icon, and I;ll add a few more comments:
- Boys who work day jobs can start work at most of the massage venues after they finish their 9 to 5 job and they can be home mostly by 11.30. And no hassles with go-go bar customers who want boys to go to hotel then leave at 3.00am etc. - Many boys who work in go-go bars feel very uncomfortable to be seen in just a bikini in public. Working in the massage venues means they don'y have to have this concern.
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Not sure I totally agree with a lot of the above. I went to Adonis, Fan, Senso and Bodyclub this trip. Although there were some cute boys at all of them, overall it was still a small %
Xboys this trip easily had 50% or higher each night that I found attractive. Classic boys are smaller and maybe more Fem but again most nights 50% or higher that I found attractive. I do agree with the above comments in respect to Future, XSize and Hotmale. I found Fresh Beach wildly different depending on which night. Of course as always Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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I am not really much of a bar person, so on a recent trip to BKK only went to Classic boys one night as I wanted to see their underwater show. The boys were generally young and worth looking at. I choose one to sit with me, and although we did play around a bit, he would not really let me feel his cock - and I could see it was hard. Sorry but that turned me off by not being able to touch the merchandise I was thinking of "buying". Several of the others did catch my attention, including one (who was in in the show) who kept on licking his lips and mouthing I will suck you. He never came to sit with me, so he did not get a change to be "offed" by me that night. There was a good crowd (this was the night before Songkran began), many smokers, and I only saw 1 boy being offed although several did sit with others during the show. When I left after the show, all others had left.
I noticed that many of the boys in some of the other bars in Soi Twilight" are getting up there. And all bars were trying to steer people into their establishments. Guess the world economic crisis has them desperate as well.
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