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Old 3rd May 2008, 04:02 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 4
1st time - summary please!


First of all a big hi to everyone and thanks for your stories and tips. I have been doin lots of reading these last days.

What would be cool would be if some of you guys could put simply put the stuff I need to know for my first trip to Bangkok and Phuket at the beginnig of next month.

Im a bit confused with the different stories, but would like to know the basics such as

which is the best massage (happy ending) to go to at the moment?

if the cost of the massage is TBH1000, where does it tell me the minimum tip?

I guess I keep the money in the room with me and is it safe there?

how do i signal to the guy that I would like him to take his towel or shorts off? Or what services I would like?

what if i would just like the guy to play with himself and have a happy ending over me?

if I meet a guy at a bart, what is the current off fee and how much do I tip for one hour?

sorry about all the questions but I'm looking forward to this and I guess you guys have lots of experience to help make this good.

TIA guys for your help!!!!!
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Old 4th May 2008, 07:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by 1st-timer View Post
... .
1.- which is the best massage (happy ending) to go to at the moment?
2.- if the cost of the massage is TBH1000, ... ?
3.- I guess I keep the money in the room with me and is it safe there?
4.1.- how do i signal to the guy that I would like him to take his towel or shorts off?
4.2.- Or what services I would like?
5.- what if i would just like the guy to play with himself ... ?
6.- if I meet a guy at a bar ... ?
... .
1.- Pers. I was satis with 'BAAN TEWA.' and masseur Oot; others have suggested 'ARENA.' for those feeling extra horny!
2.- A cost of THB.1K. would suggest some sort of package deal to me; TIPS. depends upon the customer's satisfaction, although the masseur might expect a MINIMUM amt. for his svces.: TIPS. could range between THB.500.-1,500.oo.;
3.- Presume that you mean in the massage room? If correct - then take only the necessary amt. of money with you, or clutch it in your hot and little hand when you go-out for a shower or whatever;
4.1.- If you're shy of telling him then do some manufacturing - ha!
4.2.- Beforehand discuss all your requirements with the Mamasan/Capt.;
5.- As for #4.2.;
6.- 'Off.' fees range between; 'Short time.' TIPS. for satis. svce. given directly to the boi would be in the range

-- Above are basic replies; others may well have differing ideas and/or suggestions!
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 5th May 2008, 03:27 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 4


thanks for this! its exactly what i was looking for. I do appreciate a lot of this is contained over various threads but for someone going for the 1st time like this is cool.

looking forward to it!
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Old 5th May 2008, 11:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 76

Originally Posted by 1st-timer View Post

which is the best massage (happy ending) to go to at the moment?
Obviously this is subjective and there are some inconsistencies depending on the individual boy etc, but I would encourage you to try Hero. My last visit I had Jack who was fantastic, but you really need to look at the boys and see who you find attractive. That doesn't guarantee a good massage, but at Hero you have a high probability of having a memorable experience.

if the cost of the massage is TBH1000, where does it tell me the minimum tip?
At Hero, for two hours, it's B 1050 I believe. I think the minimum tip for 2 hours is B1500. Whatever it is, they'll tell you. Jack got considerably more. Since this sounds like your first trip to Bangkok, I would suggest you be generous, always assuming you're having a good time.

I guess I keep the money in the room with me and is it safe there?
At Hero and the other better quality places, the shower will be in the same room where you undress and have the massage, so you'll be able to keep an eye on your possessions. I've never felt any worry about it, but it is wise to be cautious.

how do i signal to the guy that I would like him to take his towel or shorts off? Or what services I would like?
At Hero, the boy will undress with you and shower with you before and after. That's understood and expected. No need to tell him. You should probably have told him what else you want before even getting started, but if you are shy about that (no need, he's heard it all before) you can direct the course of events as they unfold. He will start out with a more or less "legitimate" physical massage, but a happy ending for all is more or less assumed. Once again, I can recommend Jack if you feel worried. "Enthusiastic" would describe his approach, so you needn't be nervous about how things will turn out.

what if i would just like the guy to play with himself and have a happy ending over me?
No way around it. You'll have to tell him or ask the mamasan to tell him. Believe me, no one will find that the least bit odd or hesitate to comply.

I think for your first time, it would be best to go to one of the upscale places and leave the bargain places for a time when you feel more experienced.

if I meet a guy at a bar, what is the current off fee and how much do I tip for one hour?
If you mean the commercial gogo bars, you won't "meet" a guy. They're generally up on a platform, wearing a number and shuffling to the music. You indicate to the guy or the mamasan that you want him to come over and sit with you. Offer him a drink and chat. If you feel you want to take him off, tell him what you want to do. Again, no need to feel shy.
Generally the "off fee" in the Soi Twilight neighborhood is B400. It'll be added to your drink tab and you pay as you leave.
What you tip the boy depends on how things go and how long you spend together, but I would put the minimum at B1500 assuming you enjoy yourself. Others would probably lower that, but why spend all this money on a holiday and then play Scrooge with the guys who are making it a holiday to remember?
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Old 5th May 2008, 11:25 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by 1st-timer View Post
Thanks for this ... .
... .
-- You're welcum - ha!
- MKS'. points are helpful, too.
- There's nothing to be gained by being shy, false modesty or whatever else; the boyz have heard it all before and probably a lot MORE, as well! Find-out beforehand, and let the boi know your preferences also, so that neither the boi nor you will be disappointed.
-- "Sanookie dee!' -- Bibi.. --
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Old 6th May 2008, 04:57 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 76

A couple of additional thoughts since I first replied:

Originally Posted by 1st-timer View Post
how do i signal to the guy that I would like him to take his towel or shorts off? Or what services I would like?

what if i would just like the guy to play with himself and have a happy ending over me?
These days many of the boys in the bars do have a smattering of functional English (and probably Russian, German, Japanese, etc), but the advantage of dealing with the Mamasan, if you're totally new to the bars, is that he/she is generally pretty fluent and can help avoid confusion ( or sometimes add to it). Don't be intimidated by the language barrier. It can often add to the fun, but be mindful that if you tell the boy something he's likely to agree even if he hasn't a clue what you said.

I'm not sure if you were to say that you want him "to play with himself" how that will be interpreted. "You chuk wow," should make that clear. If you're into oral sex, it's called "smoking" here, or more often "samoking." e.g. "I samoke you."

Generally the boys will try to please, so if things get a little screwed up laugh it off and try again.

if I meet a guy at a bar, what is the current off fee and how much do I tip for one hour?
Basically things break down to "short-time" or "long time," the latter including having the boy sleep with you, and might even be extended to staying with you for several days. So you needn't watch the clock. There won't be a meter running.

If you enjoy the boy's company, having him stay with you for a few days while showing you around Bangkok can be a lot of fun. Just remember that as much fun as you both may have, he's doing it because he needs the money, so make sure it's a pleasant memory for you both.
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Old 6th May 2008, 06:37 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 4

cool thanks guys! really looking forward to it now leaving next week and will be on the road for a few days but then hitting bangkok!

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Old 6th May 2008, 07:18 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by 1st-timer View Post
cool thanks guys! really looking forward to it now ... .
-- After it'll be all over perhaps you'd be good enough to reward us toilers in the vinyard by letting us know of your adventures & misadventures, deeds & misdeeds doings & undoings etc. in this self-styled 'City of Angels'?
- Remember - if possible - to note boyz' names, numbers and other suchlike details - both good and bad - for future reference.
- Other newbies will appreciate your views, too.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 5th July 2008, 08:11 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 4
update and thank-you!

My apologies to everyone who assisted me with information for not being able to report back sooner than this - public computers while travelling had a habit of blocking this site!

Unfortunately I never made it past Babylon which was my first ever sauna and quite mind blowing! Dont know whether it was because I was new but there were many many guys, some cute, some 'hot' some just 'interestting' in an exotic way and most seemed keen to have sex.

I was concerned about the high rates of STD and HIV which I read was in the region of 30% or more in Thai guys. It is very sad an unfortunately played on my mind before entering into anything more that just safe play.

On arriving the first time a young guy walked up and after establishing that it was my first time he took my hand and showed me around which was sweet.

I went back a few times, one of the hottest things was a russian guy (mid 40s I would say) who came out of a private cabin with two hot young thai guys (early 20s) after a session - it looked very hot. Otherwise there were also a lot of cute ans sexy thai couples who were there to have fun (and sex), not mecessarily with white guys.

I did look for Heros as suggested by most of you but it was on the other side of the city from where i was staying and given my expliots at babylon I didnt feel compeled to go. There seemed to be other places along silom road that were offering massage, im not sure if these were with a happy ending? (certainly some of the guys handing out the leaflets on the ground floor were gay)

Once again thanks for your advise and help!


1st-timer (but no longer)
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Old 5th July 2008, 10:57 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by 1st-timer View Post
... .
Once again thanks for your advise and help!
... .
ciao - 1st-timer (but no longer)
-- You're welcum!
- Now that you've lost your BKK. virginity here's hoping that during your next visit you'll spread you wings and ... !
-- Bibi.. --
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