- loc'n.: J-City Bldg. - 3rd. fl., (US. system.), Si Lom rd.; - (stepping-off the escalator it's to one's 1/2 left in the corner - please remove footwear before entering!); - contact: (02)-237 9239; - hrs.: 11-24. daily; - BTS.: Sala Daeng, (S2.); - svces: Foot msg. - 200.Bh./ph.; TH.msg. - 200.Bh/ph.; Oil msg. - 400.Bh/ph. & 600.Bh. for 90mins.. NB.: The above are discounted rates! - There is a sky-bridge from BTS. Exit 1 into J-City Bldg.. -- Bibi.. --
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Has anyone visited Senso Mens' Club in Soi Saladaeng? The website looks interesting: http://www.sensomenclub.com
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- bus. hrs.: 14.-23.oo.hrs. - * GM.Guide is a free, monthly, pocket & fold-out g*y map, avail. from BALCONY BAR and possibly other outlets, too. -- Bibi.. --
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-- Did my beady and olde eyes deceive me this forenoon when I walked through Soi Twilight?
- Outside the ent'ce. to the former XTREME BAR is a banner advertising yet another Massage Parlor, (after BUNNY & RED massages.), - BANG-KOK MASSAGE, - Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.; (it's between X-BOYS THAILAND & FRESH BEACH BOYS.); - hrs.: 12-01.oo.; - contact: (086)-305 6878.. -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. --
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3 days into my latest visit to BKK - 3 reports...
1. K-Why Last time I was here, it was a dump almost on a par with My Way etc, however it had some great, horny looking lads. This time, the place is much improved in terms of decor, however not a great selection of boys - around 10 or so, none of whom really made me think 'Wow'. I chose a medium built guy called Paw, 22yo, slim but carrying a few extra pounds (I prefer trim, but all boys had kept their shirts on). Massage was acceptable but nothing special - also, he kept well clear of those tickly little nether regions. Room was pretty small - sort of like prison cell. Cost - 1,500 baht for 90 mins, tip included. 2. Body Club Unlike the previous times when there was usually about 25 guys on duty, all hot, this time there was about 10 or so average looking guys. I chose a guy called Eyor or something similar (actually, his name sounded more Star Wars than Winnie the Pooh, but cannot remember). He was 22, average to slim, not much definition. Again, an acceptable but not too exciting massage, nothing to write home about. Cost - 490 baht for 90 mins cream massage. 3. Sukhothai I saw a cute guy sitting outside so ventured forth. Inside the incredibly small reception there was about 5 boys sitting around, but the mamasan handed me a stack of about 25 photographs - he said all were available on site, and there were a few cuteys. I found the guy outside and asked for him. His name was Go - not sure how old, but I would say 19 or 20. First he washed my feet in a rather shabby little room then led me upstairs to a massage room so small, it made the K-Why room look palatial. It must have been no more than 4 ft in width and about 8 ft in length, with a matress on the floor and not much else. The shower is in a rather grotty little room at the end of the floor. Unlike the other 2 places above, this boy stayed clothed during the massage, but his technique was miles better. Nice, long, firm strokes - he surely had some proper training. Plus, he returned again and again to those nooks and crannies that are sadly often overlooked. The inevitable happened and he took me in hand. My hand wandered a little, and found that he was as happy as I was at this point and, after agreeing on a tip of 1,000 baht, he shed his clothes and we relaxed a bit more. Cost - 1,000 for 2 hour cream massage Another couple of days before work beckons - maybe more reports to come.
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- Thanks for your up-dating report - appreciated! - I remember that previous visitors have mentioned the flg. masseurs names: Khun Beer, Khun Nu and Khun Por as being of good svce.; was none of them on parade? -- Bibi.. --
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-- Just a couple of points -
1.- Y'day., (sat.), evening - after supping in DICK'S CAFE. - I was given an hand-out by a boi standing outside the newish BANG-KOK MASSAGE, (Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.), - 'For Men by Men.' as the hand-out tells us; although, to these olde eyes, the boyz looked to be slightly built and possibly somewhat twinkie? - Prices shewn are: 1.1.- for 60mins., (1hr.), - 1.1.1.- Thai massage - 300.oo.Bh.; 1.1.2.- Cream -------- 500.Bh.; 1.1.3.- Oil ------------ 500.Bh.. 1.2.- for 90mins, (1 1/2hr.), - 1.2.1.- Scrub & Cream - 900.oo.Bh.; 1.2.2.- Scrub & oil ----- 900.Bh.; 1.2.3.- Four hands' ---- 900.Bh.. 1.3. - As a matter of interest I enquired about the expected TIPS. for the Four hands' massage, (#1.2.3.), a somewhat hesistant 500.Bh. each was suggested. 1.4.- Contact: (086)-305 6878., (086)-624 4231.. 2.- Then I dropped-in to K-WHY MASSAGE,(Rama IV. rd.), and enquired if their 90mins. massage for 1,500.Bh. incl. was still avail.? The paunchy and scruffy Papasan assured me that it is. 2.1.- So I enquired how much I'd be charged for a Four Hands' and 90min. massage? After a few moments thought, and agreement that 'Four hands, (holding-up two fingers of each hand), equals two masseurs, (holding-up one finger of each hand), I was told '3,000.oo.Bh.', (no need for fingers this time -ha!), for wch. I thanked him. 2.2.- While we were talking 3 boyz removed their shirts and stood expectant and awaiting my pleasure - I thought that all are slightly built boys and a bit effem. looking. -- Bibi.. --
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-- Bibi.. --
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However, I'd say that the quantity of guys on offer is as abundant as ever. As always the quality can be hit and miss. And, I was assigned a room in which the air con didn't work. The room was quite dirty. So, we switched to another room which was also quite dirty, but the a/c worked. As I was leaving, five or six of the guys had gathered outside (to smoke). They invited me to sit and chat for awhile...which I did. They were really nice guys and a couple of them were REALLY good looking....smooth, slim, sexy, etc.
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- Welcome back - you've been sorely missed. -- This a'noon., having a few and spare moments - I walked to Silom Plaza to see for myself: HIS is CLOSED, indeed. - The wall-mounted signage has been removed, as have the outdoor and ceiling-mounted spot-lights; but a possibly illuminated sign perp. to the wall is still in place. - I looked-in at the open and glass door and saw a young man busy applying cement to a wall; while from farther in I heard the sounds of hammering and of sawing. -- I then walked along to ARENA, entered and looked-at their Rate Card. While I was doing that a good dozen PLUS masseurs lined-up for my inspection: all heftily built men - no effems. or twinks there, but aspirants who wouldn't look out-of-place in TAWAN BAR. - I enquired after Khun Nong and a man raised his hand: shortish and broad shouldered, round and cheerful looking face. - Query: As there are two Khun Nongs there how does a visitor distinguish between them to obtain the right one? -- Bibi. --
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- I enquired after Khun Nong and a man raised his hand: shortish and broad shouldered, round and cheerful looking face.
- Query: As there are two Khun Nongs there how does a visitor distinguish between them to obtain the right one? -- Bibi. --[/quote] Sextile, Thanks for your warmth. It is appreciated. Now, on to your query about Khun Nong. The man who raised his hand is probably the one you want. The "other" Khun Nong is quite short and thin and has some hair on his chest. The "right" Khun Nong usually has his head shaved and is broad shouldered and cheerful looking. He has quite a nice body. He is DEFINITELY worth seeking out. He also generally stands in the front and centre...so as to be noticed. He is WELL worth finding.
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