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Old 3rd January 2009, 07:48 AM
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by silomGWM View Post
I walked by there several times this week afternoons and evenings and have to say I have never seen an uglier collection of boys. To each his own, I guess.
I have walked past Indra but never got in because like GWM I found a very ugly collection of men (they were not really 'boys' as such), although they were calling out to me to go inside. Anyway, thanks Sextile for all your contributions and descriptions for our benefit.
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Old 3rd January 2009, 08:24 PM
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A question

I have a general question.

By way of introduction, I’m in my third year as a full-time resident of Thailand and for the ten years before that I spent about three months a year here.

I’ve always preferred to do some offs from bars until I find someone that I feel really good about and then “deal” with him more or less exclusively... no longer visiting the bars. I’ve “known” my current friend about a year and the previous guy over five years. Both stopped working in the bars soon after we made the longer term arrangement. I’d like to think I develop a true friendship with these guys but I have no illusions about the nature of the relationship. For them it’s a primary source of income.

It’s only in the past year that I ever went for a massage (other than the very traditional, keep-your-clothes-on variety). Most notably I tried Hero twice. The first time was okay and the second was memorable, but I can’t say I find the experience all that great.

It seems that some of you go for a massage because you genuinely want a decent massage and the sexual aspect sort of completes the feel-good process. That makes sense to me.

On the other hand, quite a few of you seem primarily focused on the sex, with the massage being virtually irrelevant. If ever I were to consider going again, I’d probably belong to this group.

So my question is… why pay a massage business a relatively large amount for a boy who you will then be almost forced to tip a fairly large amount in order to have sex in what is usually a cramped room, often on a very small table and generally for little more than an hour even if you book him for a longer period of time? I’m not putting it down. Obviously different things appeal to different people which is, after all, what makes the world go ‘round.

It just seems to me that by offing a boy from a bar you’d have more freedom in the selection process, you can be together in your hotel or at home, which is bound to be more comfortable and if you want you can be with the boy for hours or even overnight. The overall cost would probably be no more than what you spend for an hour in the more upscale massage businesses. If you want a massage, the gogo boy could probably make a go at it and in many cases be no worse than some of the massage boys.

This may sound like I’m saying, “Hey what’s wrong with you ?” That’s not my intention at all. I’m genuinely trying to see why, if your main objective is sex as opposed to a proper massage, you would still rather spend an hour with a “masseur” instead of a longer time with a gogo boy. Maybe there’s something about the setting that’s a turn-on …or maybe gogo bars are a turn-off (I can definitely understand that).

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Old 3rd January 2009, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Bago View Post
I have walked past Indra but never got in because like GWM I found a very ugly collection of men, (they were not really 'boys' as such), although they were calling out to me to go inside. ... .

-- Is there some correlation and/or relationship between a masseur's 'Eye-appeal.' and his massage-abilities?
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 3rd January 2009, 09:55 PM
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-- Today, (04th.), over b'fast. my Elderly And American Acquaintance told me that his favorite masseur for apres-massage svces. in TARNTAWAN MASSAGE, (a few doors away from TARNTAWAN HTL. on Tnn. Suriwong.), Khun KRIT, 29YO., wasn't working there any longer.
- However, my EAAA. tracked-down this masseur to SUKOTHAI MASSAGE*, wither he went recently for an hour's oil-massage for 450.Bh..
- He reported that S'THAI. MASSAGE is sleazy, has small rooms and he felt it better not to avail of their shower facilities.
- The female receptionist allowed him to select his masseur - Khun KRIT happened to be available. Reportedly a good massage before a good time was had by all. Khun KRIT is possibly for those who prefer hairier Thais - hairy legs and a well-developed bush; not overly well-endowed but he knows what to do with what he's got!
-- E&OE.; the above is 2nd. hand info.. It's quite some time since I visited S'THAI. MSG.and have never availed of Khun KRIT's svces..
- addr.: Tnn. Si Lom,
Bang Rak.;
- BTS.: Sala Daeng,(S2.),;
- tel.: (02)-266 4326..

-- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi.. --
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Old 3rd January 2009, 10:22 PM
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Today, (04th.), over b'fast. my Elderly And American Acquaintance Bibi.. --
Since you seem to lay stress on both his nationality and that he is "elderly" in such a way as to suggest his comments need to be taken with a grain of salt, what do you think qualifies as "elderly?"

Do you find being elderly or American a type of handicap worthy of notice or do you have such a vast number of " Acquaintances" that they require numerous labels to ensure proper identification?
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Old 4th January 2009, 01:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Nalong View Post
Do you find being elderly or American a type of handicap worthy of notice or do you have such a vast number of " Acquaintances" that they require numerous labels to ensure proper identification?

-- "Guilty as charged, M'Lud.".
- I suppose that I could write that I was brought-up on the principle of: 'A place for everything and e'thing. in its place.'.

-- As for distinguishing between my various acquaintances and/or friends I daresay that I could write Mr. N. or whatever other name/letter I chose, (to preserve anonymity as they are not contributing directly themselves, but are being reported - oratio obliqua.), but -
1.- Being 'Elderly.' he should have acquired a certain amt. of experience and/or knowledge about our type of life-style - hence his views should have a certain value and not necessarily be accepted cum grano salis;
- I have no exact age when one changes from say 'Mature.' to 'Elderly.' - but possibly to me it indicates a LESS flexible mind and a MORE settled approach to being venturesome; maybe it's MORE of a mental state than a physical condition? Looking-back I can call to mind several people who were in their forties or thereabouts but mentally were far older and LESS alert than one might expect from someone of that comparatively young age; equally there are many spritely Senior Citizens who are anything by elderly as far as being enquiring, getting-about and so on and so forth.
2.- Being 'American.' to distinguish him from other nationalities whom I know.

-- I have nothing against being elderly myself - like you I'm becoming older every day! - nor against the large majority of American nationals with whom I'm acquainted.

-- Bibi.. --
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Old 4th January 2009, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post

-- "Guilty as charged, M'Lud.".
- I suppose that I could write that I was brought-up on the principle of: 'A place for everything and e'thing. in its place.'

-- I have nothing against being elderly myself - like you I'm becoming older every day! - nor against the large majority of American nationals with whom I'm acquainted.

-- Bibi.. --
Well, aside from wondering why you made a point of mentioning his age, however obliquely, I was somewhat interested in the ages of some of those who have posted their massage stories here.

I don’t particularly want to know the age of individuals, especially if it’s something they’d prefer not be known, but some of the very exciting stories detailing experiences make me wonder if the massage “boys” perform so enthusiastically with customers across the age range or are the more explosive adventures more often with younger farang?

The one really great massage I had at Hero was with a very pleasant young man who decided on his own to smoke me when it seemed a happy ending was otherwise unlikely. I neither asked for that nor did I expect it but it certainly accomplished its purpose. I’m in my early 60’s. Probably a pleasant looking person,for a 60+ year old, but I’m fairly certain no one’s pulse quickens when I enter a room.

Some of the regular posters are apparently resident in Thailand full-time and I assume many/most/some are retired as am I??? Do those who fall into this category (or “elderly” frequent visitors to Thailand) find the massage boys to be enthusiastic in providing massage and après massage services?

This probably sounds like an utter newbie question. I rarely off guys from the bars anymore and have only had a few massages even though I’ve spent a lot of time in Thailand over the past decade or more and am now a full-time resident. I tend to prefer the company of a couple of guys I’ve known long-term and therefore don’t have a good idea of how age-conscious most of the guys in the bars and massage places are these days.

I was probably in my late 40's when I took off my first gogo boy from the old Tomahawk bar, formerly across from the Tawan. Had some great times then, but
like you I'm becoming older every day!
Although I think I'd like to occasionally off a guy or have a massage, I'd rather enjoy my present set-up and the memories of the good times in the past than try to relive the past with disastrous results. Am I being overly cautious?
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Old 4th January 2009, 09:11 AM
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I just did a test on GayRomeo to see what proportion of boys I like and who like my age(60) group and those I like who don't like my age group. The result is 105 like my age versus the 280 who don't! The age of the boys "taking part" in the "survey" are 18-24, Bangkok Thais. The same ratio came up when comparing those on-line only at 11pm. A similar ratio occured when "poling" Pattaya boys with the same criteria. GayRomeo is magic for that kind of analysis.
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Old 4th January 2009, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile
-- Is there some correlation and/or relationship between a masseur's 'Eye-appeal.' and his massage-abilities?
There's no correlation between a masseur's age or for that matter gender and his/her massage abilities. If I'm going for a massage expecting and wanting nothing else I'll go somewhere I know that's what I'll get, at considerably less than the price charged by the sort of places discussed in this thread, and won't care whether it's a male or a female masseur. Since, however, Indra Massage is in this thread only ever discussed in the context of the size of the masseur's cock (or is that p** p***?) and his willingness to go the extra mile then his physical attractiveness has to be a consideration.
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Old 4th January 2009, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
I just did a test on GayRomeo to see what proportion of boys I like and who like my age(60) group and those I like who don't like my age group. The result is 105 like my age versus the 280 who don't! The age of the boys "taking part" in the "survey" are 18-24, Bangkok Thais. The same ratio came up when comparing those on-line only at 11pm. A similar ratio occured when "poling" Pattaya boys with the same criteria. GayRomeo is magic for that kind of analysis.
The "problem" on Gayromeo is the boys who state their preferred age range is 18-99 - my assumption is that by and large they are money boys and age is not an issue. The group who prefer 18-50 very often (in my experience) are also money boys. I say money boys using that phrase in the sense of anyone who asks for money even those who say "I not a money boy but ...". In my experience the only ones more likely not to be money boys are the ones whose own age is 30+ or who state explicity "I am not a money boy" - and that's only "more likely" rather than "definitely not". However I personally know (in the Biblical sense) at least three go-go boys in Soi Twilight who are 30+ so even that age is no indication of "not money boy" status.
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Old 4th January 2009, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Nalong View Post
... .
I was probably in my late 40's when I took off my first gogo boy from the old Tomahawk bar, formerly across from the Tawan. Had some great times then, but ... .
-- Tks. for your reminder about the olde TOMAHAWK BAR, I remember it well.
- I was in my mid-fifties when I came first to BKK. all those years ago: 'The days of wine and roses.' - ha!
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 4th January 2009, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by silomGWM View Post
... .
Since, however, Indra Massage is in this thread only ever discussed in the context of the size of the masseur's cock (or is that p** p***?) and his willingness to go the extra mile then his physical attractiveness has to be a consideration.

-- I think that I follow a fairly std., for me, format about describing my times in a massage parlor -
1.- Name of parlor;
2.- If not mentioned previously then its data, (addr., loc'n., tel. no. etc. etc.),
3.- Thoughts on its layout;
4.- Masseur's name, age, from wch. part of TH. he hails, ability to speak English and so on;
5.- Quality of massage;
6.- Remarks about the apres-massage svces. and other appropriate info.; (I believe that there is at least one other respondant - OFF-Line pro-tem. - who MORE often than not specifies to the M'san. that his masseur must be well-endowed, as can be verified by checking-back.),.
7.- I endeavor to provide well-rounded reports, but apologise if they fail to please e'body.: 'One can please all of the people some of the time ... !'. I'm always willing to receive further instruction in this, as in other things. 'Give instruction to a wise man ... .' - Pr. IX:9..
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 4th January 2009, 08:26 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by sextile
I endeavor to provide well-rounded reports, but apologise if they fail to please e'body
You are missing the point. It is you who carry on about all these things and yet when someone says "Oh the boys look pretty ugly to me" you respond by saying "What's the point of that; attractiveness is not the issue since we're talking massage skills". The fact is, as you say yourself, you are not talking only massage skills therefore comments about the attractiveness of the masseur is as germane as anything else.
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Old 5th January 2009, 12:41 AM
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Originally Posted by silomGWM View Post
You are missing the point. ... .

-- Tku. - point taken.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 5th January 2009, 05:13 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Tks. for your reminder about the olde TOMAHAWK BAR, I remember it well.

-- Bibi.. --

I could never get it out of my head that Tomahawk meant some sort of American Indian theme, but it actually was referring to the Tomahawk missile, which I guess was meant to have phallic implications.
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