-- A couple or so months ago one of my talking boyz, (22YO., tall, slim & with a teen-ager's body, pleasant personality.), ret'd. from working for 3mos. in Gay Paree - he'd been a dancer there in some lavish show for tourists.
- After his return he entered the Monkhood for 3 weeks; a trad. part of an I-San boi's life, I u'stand.. Prior to his entry he had to host a lavish party with many well-wishers and still has a correspondingly large bill to settle. - He's back in BKK.; seeking employment he went to BAAN TEWA - S. Sathorn, soi 7.. Khun Kob felt that in these present financial times he was unable to offer him any employment. - Certainly, walking along Suriwong rd. none of the many massage parlors seems to be busy - even at week-ends. -- Bibi. --
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Hmm? The times may differ-but as I often have to be in that area by 17.00-weekend-and if Iam early take the walk along the block-Soi twili-Suriwong-Mantra-Prime etc-they often are near full-but with normal straight customers-doing their feet etc-not likely the big tippers. May make at least for sustainable daily wages though. Only Mantra does not seem able to attract much of that custom-understandable re its location and not-quite-so-roopraw looks of most of its staff
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I visited Mantra twice on a recent visit to BKK. The first time I was lucky enought to get Kim - at least I beleive that was his name. THe massage was very good - 7.5. He kept his clothes on for most of the massage, but it was alright for me to touch his crotch area when he was "in range". After I turned over and his asked if I wanted to be jo, or he could also smoke me. He put a condom on me and I "massaged" his already hard cock, he took off his uniform. We proceeded to smoke each other. Nice sized cock. His smoking was good. After we each came and he finished the massage, I showered alone. Sex rated at 8.5
Second time I was given Mr. Joyce. Massage was again good - 7 to 7.5. He was willing to jack me off. When I tried to touch him, he said "No, I am a man you cannot touch me!" Well he had his hand full of 7.5 inches of cut American dick, so he knew I was a man as well. So he continued to jack me. I would rate his jacking as a 6.5 to 7. Good and enthusiastic, but I would really have liked to at least touch him. He gave me his number, but I will try to get Kim when I return next weekend.
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Went to Senso for the second time. First time, had an average experience. But since the place looks nice and is very clean, I decided to give them another try, despite the high price. This place is very busy and most of the guys are straight. I asked for a gay, and got a handsome one. However, when he got to the massage, it was clear he had no skills in this department, and even less in apres-services. After an hour of boring rubbing with his hand, passed of as "massage," he tried giving a very fast hand-job, which was pathetic. After I slowed him down and put his mouth over my organ, he did give a very fast blow-job, so fast that I came into his mouth, at which he was so shocked that he sped off into the bathroom and spent 10 minutes throwing up. Later I saw that he had swallowed half the big bottle of Listerine. He had absolutely no sense of customer service, as he was so much bothered about himself, and I was just left to lie on the bed, while he dressed up. The session ended after 1 hour 20 minutes, which was 10 minutes short. This, and the poor service, I complained to the person at the counter. But he insisted I pay for 1 hour 30 minutes plus the minimum tips. This place is very expensive, and the service sucks. Verdict -- never again ... ever !!
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-- For 90 mins. I believe that SENSO MASSAGE requires a MINIMUM TIP. of only 1,200.Bh., or say approx. GBP.24.oo. or USD.38.oo. - probably a cheap TIP. for masseurs in those countries but MORE than enough here in TH. in these straited times for farangs. -- Possibly one should boycott such places that offer poor svce. and demand a MINIMUM TIP.? -- In the unlikely event of having rec'd. little or no guidance from CFS. prior to my first visit then I prefer to check first of all with the Captain/M'san. for - 1.- A masseur who's happy to massage a farang; 2.- A masseur who's happy to give a 90 mins'. oil-massage,(wch., with my dry skin, is my preference); -- A subsequent visit, when I feel that I know the place a little bit better, might find me asking for a masseur who's g*y, well-endowed or whatever &. &.. -- Bibi. --
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hmmm... strange. the 2 times i went i had good service (massage and apres) as did my friend and his friend after that. but i think it really depends on who u get as a masseur. i used to frequent adonis but switched to senso after my recent experiences. think pure luck is needed in these places or good recommendations. but even with recommendations, tastes differ from person to person. but i do agree that it is pricy..... ![]()
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Further to Suckerfordick's mixed reports, I was at Mantra recently for the first time. I didn't get to choose my masseur, but none of them appealed greatly to me anyway. Both the massage and apres-massage were above average.
I count myself lucky, because these unisex massage places are not set up for gay sex. I could easily have been assigned a dud. As it was, the facility was such that I would probably not go back again. The rooms had partitions that didn't reach the ceiling, nor did rooms have individual airconditioners - so one room could be too cold while the next too warm. From the voice, I could tell there was a woman customer in the adjacent cubicle, the very thought of which rather spoilt the experience. Worse was when I had to walk to the separate shower after the massage with a stiffy visible under my towel. I dreaded the possibility of meeting the woman in the common passageway!
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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Was at Bodyclub Sukhumit on 12/3. One and a half hour oil massage was 390baht. Minimum tip 500baht. About 35boys line up.We showered together. 30mins massage rating 5 of 10. But good sex rating 7 of 10. I tipped the boy 1000 baht. The following day went to Bonny massage, Soi Pratuchai. 1 1/2 hr 700baht. Minimum tip 500baht. Wasn't able to choose masseur . Mamasan has excuse as he want to give opportunity to all his boys. I accepted. Massage skill 7 of 10. Sex 3 of 10. I tipped 600baht.
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Has anyone reported on this place yet?
I was there recently, and it was a sexless experience. As expected with these unisex places, one doesn't choose one's masseur unless one absolutely insists on doing so. I didn't. So was assigned a totally straight-looking, skinny guy, who wasn't my type at all. We had to climb FIVE floors to the massage room. There were rooms on the other floors, but I don't believe they were all occupied, so why we had to go 5 floors up, I don't understand. Perhaps the top floor rooms were designed for oil massage and the lower floors were for Thai massage? The facility was new, clean and elegantly appointed. I showered (alone) prior to the massage. When I returned to my room, the masseur was LYING ON THE BED texting away. It was such a bad sign, I mentally wrote off the cost of the session as a "learning experience". Despite this, he gave me about the best massage I've had in over a year. That skinny guy was extremely skilled, with a wide repertory of strokes, precise hand placement and good firm pressure. At no time was any indication given that anything sensual was on offer post-massage, which was fine by me. He worked shirtless, but kept his trousers on. On entry, the boss (the best looking guy on the premises, I might add!) asked me whether I wanted a male or female masseur. This question was not unexpected, but it didn't quite match what I had just seen a minute earlier - there were only boys sitting outside Prime calling out to me and other passers-by. When I was leaving, once again, I saw only boys, and lots of them. Yet, I recalled that when I walked by Prime last December, there were as many girls as boys sitting outside. So, out of curiosity, I asked one of the boys how many staff were working there. He said there were 30 - which was an incredible number. However, he said that "some" were not on duty - don't know how many. What was interesting was the answer to my next question. How many of the thirty were female? I asked. "One," he said. Draw your own conclusions.
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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Glad to hear Taikontai's report. I've always liked Body Club for its reasonable pricing. Sure, the service can vary.... but it varies at all the other places too. So one might as well enjoy the reasonable pricing.
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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Hmmm.. very strange. I go often to Bonny's ... whilst they often propose a guy by rosta, they have a book of pics to help your selection and will also bring all the boys up from outside to choose. I've never been pressured to take their choice. Will chceck out next week when I'm in BKK.
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Here's a question for those who visit these places or similar ones: What is the usual tip in these places where the masseur does not work in the nude, and generally doesn't go further than a handjob?
I would reckon it to be lower than places such as Hero or Body Club where the massage quality is lower, but the guy strips from the first minute and fullblown sex is on offer. Or am I mistaken in thinking it should be lower? Or am I mistaken too on the first assumption? And that is full blown sex is routinely available from Candle-T, Sanctuary, etc? Though, I have never experienced it being offered to me.
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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1.- Just inform the Captain/MamaSan of your wants; you are the paying customer, after all, aren't you? 'He who pays the piper ... .'. 2.- In my case - as I visit only 'those' massage parlors and ask for an oil-massage - "Yes.". 2.1.- As an extra suggestion: I'll ask the masseur to remove his shirt and, if I know either the estab. or the masseur well-enough, his trousers, too. -- "Sanookie dee!" -- Bibi. --
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