According to TMM Society - Index
which seems pretty up-to-date...even has a "page" for Busaba...the massage place at Sukumvit soi 41 with the telephone number 022588889 that supposedly belonged to Janpa at the same location, is now Jey Spa at the following web page: http://www.jeyspa.com/index.php TMM doesn't seem to show a Janpa at all!
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-- Yes - I do! I Do!! I DO!!! ![]() - Seriously, I'm not a 'phone. person - often their English and MORE than often my Thai are ltd. - and I do prefer to see for myself: 'Time spent in reconaissance is seldom wasted.'. -- Bibi. --
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-- The monthly & freebie MAX Magazine - VIII., #82. - includes the flg. two adverts. on p14. & on p21: 1.- JANPA SPA., - 87, Sukhumvit. 13.; - (02)-651 0989. 2.- JEY SPA., - 15/1, S'vit. 41.; - (02)-258 8889.; - http://www.jeyspa.com -- So, Gentlepersons, there we have it: 1.- 69 MASSAGE, S'vit. 13., has CLOSED; 2.- JANPA SPA. has moved from S'vit. 41. to take over at S'vit. 13. & 3.- The new JEY SPA. has taken-over JANPA's. former premises in S'vit. 41.. -- Bibi. --
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It's kind of fun - like watching a game of musical chairs.
By the way sextile, or anyone who knows, was the new Janpa Spa (ex 69 Spa) on your right or your left as you approached the end of Soi 13?
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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Thanks, Bago.
And while we're on the subject of musical chairs, I failed to find Bodyline on a recent visit. I wondered why. I had relied on English-language web listings of Bodyline, which gave their address as Sukhumvit Soi 19. Prompted by the above incident, I took a fresh look at Bodyline's website and magazine ad. Although the map they have is all in Thai, I can make out that the nearest MRT station is Suthisan! So they've moved. Does anyone know if this is correct?
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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-- From the freebie & monthly MAX Magazine - VIII., #82., pp.18/19. - BODY LINE MASSAGE., - Indhamara 32, Sutthisan Winitchai rd., Khet Din Daeng; - MRT.: Suthisan, (exit 4.); - dir'ns.: 1.- exit MRT. Suthisan; 2.- walk along S. W'chai. for approx. 675yds. to Prachasuk rd., (LHS.), 3.- turn LEFT and walk along P'suk. for some 320yds. to I'mara 32., (RHS.), 4.- turn RIGHT and BODY LINE should be along on yr. LHS., - dir'ns. from BKK. City Atlas., 4th. edn., ISBN.:9-789749-440780 - (02)-691 7679.; - BODYLINEMENCLUB.COM Body Line Men club man massage boy club bangkok boy massage for men man sexy -- I've checked a couple of the pkt. & fold-out maps, neither shews anything on S'vit. 19.. -- E&OE. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. --
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-- Today, (04th.), a'noon. I was joined by my olde pal my olde beauty Billinbkk. in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, wch. was busier than for quite some time previously!
- He waxed enthusiastic about the flg. genuine massage parlor & SPA. - LIFE-SOURCE SPA., - tel.: (02)-574 5416., (recept'n. - not always Eng.spkg.).; - cell.: (081)-580 2323, (Eng.-spkg. mngr.),; - web: ::::: Life Source - Body Massage & Treatment Center ::::: - The fairly comprehensive web-site has a map shewing its loc'n.: Khet Don Mueang area; also other pertinent info. to help one achieve the full benefits of one's massage etc. etc.. - hrs.: 10.-22.oo.hrs.. -- By report all masseurs are Min. of Pub. Hlth. cert'd.; but there's little mistaking that it's an M2M. estab. and that the masseurs need but little encouragement; Bill's. masseur was Khun Top! - Vaut le detour.. -- E&OE. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. --
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You got better service than I did. I wasn't showered.
Hoping to do some clean-up/housekeeping with my blog this morning, I'm just wondering if anyone knows whether Andy's Man (Silom) is still in business? It was such a dump I never went back since my one and only visit in 2005.
My Shameless Thai blog: shamelessmack.wordpress.com
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-- Today, (05th.), forenoon I rec'd. a 'phone.-call about a visit made y'day. late a'noon. to FAN CLUB.:
- Tnn. Convent, (off Si Lom rd.); Bang rak, BKK. 10500.; - loc'n.: down small sub-soi roughly opp. to MOLLY MALONE's Irish pub.; - (09)-631 1442.; - http://www.fanclubmassage.com - Sala Daeng,(S2.),/Silom.. -- The well-endowed khun BEE was requested and was avail.; but he was no longer 'fresh.' at that time of day. -- Gen'l. impression is that that estab. is in a state of some disrepair, several lts. not functioning; - Shower area smelt of urine, as though it was used as an hawng nahm; - Maybe as many as 8 masseurs avail.; but there was another asleep who was left undisturbed! - Three strikes rule was applied - NEGATIVE. -- E&OE. as 2nd. hand rpt.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. --
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-- Today, (10th.), early a'noon. I passed-by TWINKS MASSAGE, (Soi Naras Thiwat. 1.), - premises of former TUARUS MSG. - and saw a presentable YM., Khun Bee, dressed all in white and sitting outside at the receipt of customs; so I talked with him and he shewed me their menu, wch. is for 60 & for 120mins'. massages -
Thai trad'n.: ........ 500. & 850.Bh.; Foot: ................. 200. & 350.; Oil: .................... 500. & 850.; Cream: ............... 500. & 850.; Body scrub: ......... 700. & 1,200.; 4H. oil: ----------- 700. & 1,200.Bh.. MINIMUM TIP. is 700.oo.Bh.. -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- Bibi. --
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![]() Did anyone go there in its previous incarnation and can report on the cleanliness of the facilities etc.?
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