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-- LISA'S MASSAGE - next to TARNTAWAN PLACE and opp. to TAWANA HOTEL - on Suriwong rd., now has one new masseur again amongst all their masseuses.
- Glancing-at him, as I passed-by, I'd say that he'd prefer to be a Top; as to his massage skills possibly time will tell?
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I didn't know where to post this, but I saw a chart of what manufacturing workers made per month in 2009 (I translated into Thai baht at 32 baht per US $), and I wanted to give some perspective for the amounts farangs are paying massage guys:
Singapore $2832 (THB 90,624) Malaysia $666 (21,312) China $413 (13,216) Thailand $246 (7,872) Philippines $170 (5,440) Vietnam $136 (4,352) Indonesia $129 (4,128)
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-- Gentle Readers,
- Let's welcum yet another massage parlor to the already crowded scene: HAND+SOME MASSAGE & SPA., - addr.: Baan Klang Muang Village soi 6., Lat Phrao rd. between sois 23. & 25., Khet Chatuchak; - MRT.: Lat Phrao; - loc'n.: from MRT. exit #4. cross-over Ratchada Phisek rd. and walk SE., (away from C'CHAK. PARK.), with the tfc., for approx. 500yds. along Lat Phrao rd., the village will come-up on yr. LHS.; - tel.: (02)-938 2869.; - e-mail: handsome1589@hotmail.com; - web: > http://handsome-exclusive.com; - source: à¡Âì Gay : Thai Massage Boy -- Usual disclaimer as I've not visited it sofar.
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-- After Khun Yannawa visited the Immig'n. Bureau he went to K MALE MASSAGE & SPA. and reported on his visit in posting #1,022..
- Bearing in mind the above I decided that as I was in THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan I would visit the flg: JUDO MASSAGE, - addr.: 207/66, soi Pongpetch. Damnern, Khet Lak Si., BKK. 10210.; - tel.: (02)-953 3394.; - web: > ¨Ùâ´ÁÒÊ«Ò¨ ãÊèª×èͺ·¤ÇÒÁ; - area map: > http://www.thaimassageboy.com < Registration, gratis, req'd. for viewing; - dir'ns. from THE MALL - 1.- Exit THE MALL on Ngam Wongwan rd.; 2. Turn RIGHT, (walk against the tfc.); 3.- Cross-over Prachachuen rd., dual carriageway & khlong.); 4.- Look-out for an UOB. branch, (RHS.), - soi Pongpetch Damnern is just before that; 5.- Turn RIGHT and walk along soi P'petch. Da,mnern; 6.- JUDO MASSAGE is on yr. RHS. and is clearly indicated by both name & st. no.. -- ETA. approx. 14.20.hrs.; - Young receptionist spoke little if any English; the boi whom he summoned wasn't much better. However, an older man entered - by Pol Pot's def'n. he is educated as he wears glasses - and between us we decided upon an aroma massage + ginseng scrub for 399.Bh.; - MIN. TIP. is 500.Bh. for massage only and 1,000.Bh. for massage PLUS extras! - At that earlyish hr. there were but two masseurs available; looking-at the photo.-album I chose masseur Bas - young-looking, slightly gelled hair, shortish and adequately covered - ie.: not skin & bones; - Massage room upstairs; with std. sized massage table and of adequate size; air-cond. shared with next door room, thus one could hear & be heard; locker for one's valuables for wch. the customer holds the key; - Shower/toilet not en suite; HOT water htr. not working - but water not too cold for this aged & sensitive body; - Khun Bas did not join me in the shower. Back in the room he stripped-off to his briefs and then started the aroma oil massage, wch. was firm, good & thorough with a certain amt. of att'n. being paid to those parts upon wch. the sun ... . After being towelled dry the scrub started, again good & firm; - Khun Bas & I went to the shower, where he - still keeping-on his briefs - showered, soaped & rinsed me; - I took the hint and did not enquire about any post-massage extras; - Downstairs I was offered the usual cup of hot & herbal tea; - The bill was just 320.Bh., (a red'n. on the published rate.), PLUS TIP. to masseur. - Maybe worth re-visiting at an hr. when MORE masseurs would be on duty?
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-- Y'day., (29th.), evening - my last evening of freedom before tee rak's return - I went to INDRA MASSAGE - Soi Than Tawan, off Suriwong Rd.;
- I asked for my usual 90 mins. & oil-massage: 800.Bh.; - I was assigned to masseur OAN, (Eng. speak: Own.), 25YO.; from Chiang Rai; said that he speaks but little English but after a while he spoke adequately enough; pleasant looking with darkish skin; of about avg. height and starting to fill-out a little; has worked there for 5+yrs.; -- We went upstairs to a massage room: std. sized table with an hole cut-out for one's head; room measured some 6x9ft.; partitions all the way UP to the ceiling; air-cond. and soft bkgd. music; - He declined my offer to join me in the shower; - At my request he removed his tee-shirt & masseurs' trousers, he removed his briefs later on; - A good & thorough massage with nothing exotic like B2B., effleurage, massaging me with his feet or whatever else. Plenty of att'n. paid to my glutes. and MORE than most other masseurs to those parts upon wch the sun ... .. At that time a thought occured to me that while there I've enjoyed many an adequate and/or better massage but I've never met a well-endowed masseur; - After some 40+mins. it was time to turn-over onto my back. After some MORE massaging of my torso his hands moved-down lower and ... ![]() - After the massage we showered together; - All told it was just under the 90 mins. from entering the massage-room to leaving it; - Downstairs, in Recept'n.,I was brought the usual cup of hot & ginger tea. -- Only one MORE massage and then I'll qualify for a 1hr's. free session; at their prices - no reductions., I noticed, for OFF-season, LOW nos. of visitors or whatever during these straightened times. :-( -- On enquiry I was told that there are now 18 masseurs working there, but only a dozen on that particular night.
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Visited three massage venues along Silom during our visit to BKK last week.
1 Saladaeng Massage Just off Silom in Saladaeng Rd. The rooms were average with matresses on the floor or on a low bench. Dividing walls not to ceiling. We were not offered a choice of massuer. Showers were offered pre and post massage but the offer was not taken up. My massage was so so and any hint of apres service was declined due to lack of motivation from a fully clothed massuer. My friend had quite a different experience with his massuer disrobing from the start. He said his massage was good and a very happy time was had by all. 400 baht for 1hr oil massage. 2 Sukhothai Massage On Silom between Silom Complex and Saladaeng Rd. No choice of massuer offered. Small foyer. Steep stairs with low overhead (ouch). Rooms were of poor quality with barely room to stand to get undressed. Matresses on the floor. Rooms lined up like toilet cubicles with lots of external noise. Pre and post shower offered - declined. Massage was again quite average as was the ending. Both of us vowed not to return. The facility did not measure up. 450 baht for 1hr oil massage. 3 Angkor Massage Between Silom Complex and Saladaeng Rd. No choice of massuer offered. Rooms were the best of the 3 venues with high massage table. Music playing. My massage was one of the most sensual I have ever had and included body to body. My friend however said his was not good at all. Showers offered but declined as we were staying quite nearby. 450 baht for 1hr oil massage
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-- Khun Lotus. - - Thank you for yr. review - the first of many MORE, we trust. - As for masseurs did you ask for any particular one? I suspect not. Although I'll allow that on my first visit anywhere usually I'll allow the M'san. or whomever to make the choice. However, some massage-parlors do line-up the masseurs for the customers' choices: ARENA, B&N, BODYCLUB & K-WHY NOT come to mind.
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Khun Sextile...I didnt expect to choose at those particular venues and in some way was happy to take what comes given they are not in the same league as the ones you mentioned. We were afforded a choice upon revisiting Saladaeng Massage...from a group of four massuers late one evening. My history of choosing does not have a good track record anyway.
I have been a long time visitor to the LOS (and an avid reader of this forum) and thanks to you and the other contributors one is able to keep up to date with the current scene. One never fails to find some new adventure............
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-- Khun Lotus., - I wouldn't class either ARENA or K-WHY NOT much above the same league, if at all, of the three massage parlors that you visited; although I'll allow that it's been a long, long time, possibly too long, since I visited any one of them, and maybe at least one might have improved; 'But I ha' me doots.' as they say in North Britain.
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-- Today, (09th.), after walking & looking in SEACON SQ., (qv.), I set-out seeking EIGHT AND AN HALF SPA. - but have to report a failed mission: ![]() -- I walked the full lengths of both sois 45. & 47., as well as checking all of the cross & sub-sois; apart from several small businesses wch. appeared to be run from pte. houses nothing seen. - I asked a couple of m/c. taxi-boyz, but they were unable to be of any assistance. -- Looking-back I can't remember from where I obtained the a/m. info. about this SPA.: amnesia,I fear? --Possibly E&OE. indeed?
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