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Old 20th September 2010, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
At HE, did you have a massage ... .
I was also walking along Soi 6 and a lady called to me. She said Busaba would be open at the new location sometime next month.
I was at Yuko massage again today for My boy, Lek*, wipes you down very thoroughly afterwards. I liked that! No sex or hint there of...but I feel it coming on soon.
Another straight massage boy I wanted to marry last week is Nut from Proud66. Very good, hard Thai massage with just a suggestion ... .

-- Last week tee-rak went-on an educ'n. trip to Phuket, so this week it's an economical week for me. Thus no massage at HE.:

-- Khun Yannawa, you are getting-around; thanks for all of the pertinent info. - most useful indeed!
- One hopes that BUSABA MASSAGE, in its new loc'n. of SiLom soi 6., will be successful; but looking-at the various businesses there it does seem to be rather a back-water now and certainly not on many, (gay), visitors' maps - as it was once before.

--* Earlier you enjoyed a khun Lek at ANGKOR MASSAGE. and now a 2nd. one at YUKO MASSAGE. - must be a popular name amongst masseurs! One trusts that 'lek.' does not apply to their nong chai:
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Old 20th September 2010, 11:44 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Actually, I have never met a Lek I didn't like. There is another in my gym who likes me to massage his shoulder.
Of the 223 boys on ThaiMassageBoy site, not one is called Lek.
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Old 21st September 2010, 01:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
... . Of the 223 boys on ThaiMassageBoy site, not one is called Lek.

-- Thanx for doing that bit of research, wch. will join all of the other trivia that this magpie has collected over the yrs.!
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Old 22nd September 2010, 12:18 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325
HE Massage, Saladaeng Soi 1

Interior quite well appointed, with a "faded glory" theme. Choose from album, in which were about 13 - 15 boys, of which only 7 were available late afternoon. Generally, all could be described as the "boy next door" type.

Massage done on table. Room that I had did not have ensuite bathroom, but the bathroom was just a door away, so was nearly ensuite. In any case, masseur didn't shower with me before or after. Masseur was fully dressed for the session.

Based on just one visit, massage quality was very good, 8/10 or 9/10, but the afters were just a handjob.

HE seems to be more like Candle T Spa (good, professionally trained massage, not so ready for sex).

600 baht for 90 minutes. Min tip 500 baht.
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Old 22nd September 2010, 01:31 PM
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Posts: 393

I was at Proud 66 this evening for a massage with my new friendly masseur Nut. I let him choose the type of massage and duration...just out of curiosity to see what he chose. It was a 1.5 hour oil massage..which suited me also. As I mentioned before, his Thai massage is excellent with just a hint of sex somewhere down the road.
But the oil massage was absolutely cracking...from a massage point of view. Hardly missing a spot and intuitively knowing where muscles were hurting. He got right up to the arse and close in around the balls, but no further...seemed to be waiting for a signal, but I bravely resisted the urge...even though I still want to marry him now even more.
While I was leaving, I noted one potential customer looking through a photo album of available boys. That rather surprised me as it always seems to be a non-sex joint where sex often occurs, rather than a sex joint where sex sometimes doesn't occur.
I am not so keen to select boys from albums...they seldom turn out to be similar...I prefer to enlist a guy outside, either sitting in front or eating round the corner near Tawan Club.
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Old 22nd September 2010, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
... seemed to be waiting for a signal, but I bravely resisted the urge... .

-- 'I can resist anything except temptation.', (O. Wilde.),.

-- Thanks for yr. reports about PROUD 66.;
- But how are and in what shape are the facilities there? Haven't I read reports in CFS. that certain basics are or can be lacking?
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Old 23rd September 2010, 01:36 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Always I have found the facilities to be as appealing as the boys...very subdued, subtle and not in your face...although I did have one boy well in my face.

The Thai massage rooms are ok..mat on floor with secure door. They are small rooms, but that makes the boy cum closer.

On the three occasions when I have had an oil massage, I have been taken to a room on the 3rd floor with a high bed with face cut-out and a mat on the floor and with it's own shower and toilet. Never seen anything to complain about.
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Old 23rd September 2010, 08:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Always I have found the facilities, [at PROUD 66.], to be as appealing as the boys...very subdued, ... .
... .
Never seen anything to complain about.

-- Thanks for yr. reply & report: no complaints = good enough for me!
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Old 24th September 2010, 02:10 AM
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88 massage ...

-- Y'day., (23rd.), after my time in THE PRINCE CINEMA I took the river ferry from S. TAKSIN, (N0.), to NONTHABURI, (N30.);
- fare & time: & 75mins.;

-- Landing at N'BURI. I walked away from the landing for approx. 200yds. along Pracharet rd. to the 'bus.-stop wch. is o'side. a 7/11. store. 'buses. do not stop to pick-up PAX. by the ferry-terminal, that's just a turn-around pt..
- I took a #545 'bus.;
- fare & time: 11Bh. & 20mins.;
- One should sit on the 'bus's. LHS. to keep an eye on the soi nos. along Thiwanon rd.;
- At the end of Pracharat rd. the 'bus. will turn LEFT onto Tiwanon rd., (there is a lg. BIG C. to one's LEFT on that corner - NB.: should one have copied the rd. map from > à¡Âì Gay : Thai Massage Boy < then note that the BIG C shewn on that map is positioned incorrectly: it is not at the Tiwanon: Rewadee i'sect. but as mentioned hereabove, and as shewn in the BKK. City Atlas, 5th. edn., p11.!),;
- Tiwanon rd's ODD no. sois are on one's LHS. ;
- As far as I could see the sois are indicated by the usual BKK.-type signs - but Rewadee rd. is not indicated at all.
- On one's LHS. between Tiwanon 3. & Rewadee rd. are a branch of KTB., a Caltex gas-stn. & Tiwanon soi 5; the next landmark - should one miss Rewadee rd. will be a BAY. branch; at wch. pt. one should debus. at the next 'bus.-stop;
- Thence one will walk-back against the rd.-tfc. to Rewadee rd., there is the usual & ubiquitous 7/11. on the cnr. o'side. of wch. is a crowd of m/c. taxi-boys;
- I walked from the 'bus.-stop to 88 MASSAGE on Rewadee soi 21., Khae Rai - 20mins. at a brisk pace - phew! Looking ahead to one's half-RIGHT and over the outdoors' & covered mkt. one can see the 88 sign.

-- The masseur, Khun Wa, upon whom I'd cast an eye was n/a. - sick. The massage capt. shewed me the avail. eight masseurs at that time - approx. 17.15.hrs.. I forgot to ask him about their freshness, preferences etc. and finally decided upon a shortish & fairly stockily built masseur: Khun Kong, 23YO. & hails from BKK.; speaks little or no English;
- There is a MINIMUM TIP. policy: 1hr.-500.Bh. & longer is 1K.Bh.;

-- We went upstairs;
- I showered solo; NB.: take care as the floor becomes slippery when wet!
- Khun Kong was awaiting my return - just a towel wrapped around him, wch. he removed after I'd made myself comfortable upon the mattress on the fl.;
- On the whole a fair enough massage, an amt. of att'n. being paid to my glutes. and also to those places upon wch. the sun ... .
- After a goodly while he moved around to massage my head & shoulders: an inviting view for me - short/avg. length nong chai but of a goodly girth and a pinkish & well-developed glans - and one of wch. I wasn't slow to take advantage;
- He lay-back on the mattress while my tongue & fingers proceeded to pleasure him to a chorus of delighted moans & groans. Eventually the expected happened, a mouthful of warm & sweet-tasting nahm rak! Much to my pleasure he allowed me to continue smoking him - I've found that after that so many Th. boys complain that their glans become so sensitive that they do not like any MORE smoking, but not so with Khun Kong.
- Afterwards another solo shower, despite my urging him to join me;

-- Downstairs, enjoying a cuppa, the hd. masseur, Khun Em, & I chatted about the no. of customers: I was but their 3rd. one that day. See also the Size Queen thread. As the bathroom actually contains a bath I suggested to Khun Em that possibly there are patrons who enjoy bathroom att'ns. from their masseurs, both pre & post massage - a la B&N. NASSAGE.
- In conclusion I enquired about tpt. thence to THE MALL - Nganwongwan.? A taxi., rather than an m/c. taxi, was recommended as being both cheaper & safer.

-- Thanks to Khun Yannawa for directing my att'n. to 88 MASSAGE - worth visiting.
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Old 25th September 2010, 04:20 AM
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Posts: 108

I'm in love!!

Has anyone visited GM for Men and had Phong as their masseur?

Thai Massage Boy : The First Massage Boy Database in Thailand.
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Old 25th September 2010, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Y'day., (23rd.), after my time in THE PRINCE CINEMA I took the river ferry from S. TAKSIN, (N0.), to NONTHABURI, (N30.);
- fare & time: & 75mins.;

is there a quicker way to reach there from silom area? not sure i can stay for 75 minutes on the river as i get sea sick quite easily.
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Old 25th September 2010, 02:28 PM
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Taxi on the expressway in 20 minutes flat, as long as it's not rush hour.
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Old 27th September 2010, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
... Si Lom 6.;
- I noted that the Indian rest't. MARSALA ZONE has
- There is a printed notice in the window announcing that BUSABA SOI SIX has taken-over that shop; ... .

-- Today, (27th.), a'noon. I walked-by and seeing some lady inside I stopped to enquire about a proposed OPENING date?
- I was given to u'stand. that that would be in some two to three weeks' time.
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Old 28th September 2010, 01:06 AM
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Posts: 38

I tried H.E Massage on Sala Daeng Soi 1 last week and had a different experience than Sloot, so I thought i'd share.
The reception staff was very friendly, and welcoming. I rather enjoyed chatting with them and the selection process.

The photo album line-up seemed to have advantages and disadvantages. No pressure from the guys lined up in front of you and you don't have to see any disappointment when you don't pick them. However, pictures sometimes lie!

Two boys were available, but no pictures of them in the book, so they were brought down for a brief look.

The guy that I picked had just been arriving for work while I was in the reception area, so I got to see him in person.

The room was as decribed by Sloot. You enter one door, leading into hallway with access to three doors. Two of them are massaage rooms and one the shared bathroom.

I was escorted into the room, and shown the shower. He said, he'd be right back and I should shower. I said, i'd wait for him so we could shower together. He was totally receptive to this. He came back stripped and off we went to shower together.

Great massage, done in the nude. Post massage was great also He wanted to bottom, I declined just because it's not my thing.Post massage shower together again.

Had a great experience from entry to exit.

I wish they had more guys on staff. I hope they succeed.

Before 5pm, 90 minutes, 450 THB according to the website. They stated 500 THB when I was there. 600 THB after 5pm. Great prices. Especially if you compare to Senso which is just up the street and raised their prices AGAIN. 1 hour = 999 THB, 90 minutes = 1300 THB. Insane.

Check out H.E.
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Old 28th September 2010, 01:43 AM
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Originally Posted by chaotou View Post
I tried H.E Massage on Sala Daeng Soi 1. ... .
Two boys were available, ... . The guy that I picked had just been arriving for work while I was in the reception area, so I got to see him in person.
... .
Check out H.E.

-- Thanks for yr. review; I think that with att'n. to service that place would develop into a pleasant & convenient massage-parlor.
- By the way - you forgot to mention yr. masseur's name.
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