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Old 9th May 2011, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
- From what I remember of earlier postings - possibly from khun Yannawa - is that their shower-cubicle(s) is/are v. small - just like 'phone. booths. that one sees on the streets.
- Correct, too, about the rooms' partitions not being ceiling high.
The shower cubicle IS very small. There is a tiny pissoir to one side and a sink to the other. The wall behind the pissoir feels like cardboard
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Old 15th May 2011, 04:56 AM
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just an anecdote of how double-sided these venues may appear. Just a day or 2-3 ago on Tripadvsior-a well-known general public forum for travel-advice, someone asked for (and stressed the requirement of it being ''no hanky-panky!'' genuine Thai massageshop around Silom/near Dusit Thanee HTL.
Answer: Casanova, renamed as Oasis and Apsara! With the certain confirmation that these indeed were no-sex!
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Old 15th May 2011, 06:42 AM
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Originally Posted by pong View Post
just an anecdote of how double-sided these venues may appear. Just a day or 2-3 ago on Tripadvsior - a well-known general public forum for travel-advice - someone asked for (and stressed the requirement of it being 'no hanky-panky!'' genuine Thai massageshop around Silom/near Dusit Thanee HTL.
Answer: Casanova, renamed as Oasis and Apsara! With the certain confirmation that these indeed were no-sex!

-- Quite some time ago I did visit CASANOVA - on Soi Convent - and my masseur was all too hesitant about any form of after-massage pleasuring.
- I did write-up my visit for CFS..
- CASANOVA has been re-named OASIS; but whether with the same staff I do not know as I thought that just the one visit sufficed for me.

-- Possibly a better answer would have been SILOM MASSAGE,
- addr.: 16, Si Lom rd.,
Bang rak, BKK. 10500.;
- loc'n.: opp. side of rd. to SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA and by the BTS'. escalator;
- tel.: (02)-632 7008.;
- Ask for masseur John, who is mid 30s., married and gives a 100%. straight & prof. massage - NO hanky-panky.

-- Usual disclaimer. --
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Old 16th May 2011, 03:47 AM
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Originally Posted by pong View Post
just an anecdote of how double-sided these venues may appear. Just a day or 2-3 ago on Tripadvsior-a well-known general public forum for travel-advice, someone asked for (and stressed the requirement of it being ''no hanky-panky!'' genuine Thai massageshop around Silom/near Dusit Thanee HTL.
Answer: Casanova, renamed as Oasis and Apsara! With the certain confirmation that these indeed were no-sex!
Ha! Have had some good times at Apsara. I used to visit Apsara each trip for great hanky panky with a varied few masseurs. Every time I got lots of panky on my hanky...

Nice facilities upstairs but have not been now for 6 months or so. I am sure it has not changed.
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Old 16th May 2011, 04:50 AM
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I've been writing in the English language for the last ten years and taught English for another decade before that, but I never bothered to look up what 'panky' meant. Thanks for clearing THAT up!

Looks as if I've got to further my education the next time I come to BKK!
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Old 30th May 2011, 06:44 AM
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Fan club ...

-- Today, 30 may, evening and on my way to FOODLAND a flier for FAN CLUB - Convent rd. was thrust into my outstretched hand;
- This particular day there is a 50%. DISCOUNT.;
-- Maybe, and especially during the LOW season when custom needs to be drummed-up, there will be MORE such offers?
- tel.: (02)-631 1442-43.;
- web: > Fan Club Massage | Thai Massage | Gay Massage <

-- Usual disclaimer. --
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Old 7th June 2011, 09:05 AM
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Eight and an half ...

-- Several days ago I was swanning-around various web-sites, directories and whatever else and encountered one >- Eight and a Half - SRINAKARIN Massage & Spa < that directed me to EIGHT AND AN HALF HOME SPA., wch. has three branches now -
1.- 85 GRAND @ Sukhumvit 52. - (086)-542 5888.;
2.- 85 SRINAKARIN 45, - (080)-733 6888. and
3.- 85 SUKHUMVIT 64. - (080)-772 9000.
- I remembered my abortive visit to 85 SRINAKARIN, nr. to SEACON SQ., (this thread posting #1,065., dtd. 09 sep 2010.:

-- I decided to visit #3. at S'VIT. 64., wch. I hoped would be reasonably nr. to BTS. On Nut, (E9.),.

-- Dir'ns. from TESCO-LOTUS - Sukhumvit 50. -
1.- Leave T-L. and turn RIGHT so that you'll be walking-away from Central BKK., (the SkyTrain will be on yr. LHS.);
2.- Immediately after BTS. Punnawithi, (E11.), S'vit. 64. is on yr. RHS.
3.- Turn RIGHT and walk-along soi 64. until you'll see -
3.1.- Above the soi a black on yellow traffic-diamond with flashing amber lights, with the farang letter T turned COUNTER-clockwise, ie. the stem is pointing to your RIGHT
.- RHS. : street-sign - white on blue - 64 ... 4.
4.- Turn RIGHT and walk along Yeak 4. for approx. 290.yds. when you should see -
4.1.- RHS.: a large bldg./constr. project;
4.2.- LHS.: a pr. of double gates painted a dull red ; the number 41; at the end wall a child's type of windmill with four sails painted blue, white & red.
5.- You have arr'd.! My ETA. was approx. 16.30.hrs..

-- Inside I was welcomed and offered a glass of iced water;
- Looking-at their menu I chose my usual & 90.mins. oil-massage for 600.Bh.; there were several other choices such a Scrub & ... , Four hands' massage etc. etc..
- While we were discussing the choices eight masseurs filed-out of some back room and sat-down awaiting my choice;
- I asked for a masseur who is strong enough to give me a firm massage for the full 90 mins. and who does not smoke ciggies.;
- The young man asked me if I were a Top? (1st. time that I've been asked that so directly in a massage parlor.),. I temporised by asking for one who likes to be smoked - possibly a safer choice for one's first visit?
- I was assigned to masseur Paa, (or maybe Taa?), 21.YO. who has worked there just one week. A smallish young man but with a pleasant enough face. Speaks just basic English and not a conversationalist in that language.

-- We walked upstairs to Room #3., roughly 6'. x10'., std.sized massage-table with no cutout for one's head; walls extend UP to ceiling, but the wall at the foot of the table has a cut-out just large enough for the shared air-cond..
-- There is a clean & shared shower/toilet room - bottle of diluted Listerine available; no toilet-tissue but an ablution hose; shower has adjustable faucet to give warm to cold water.

-- In the room the masseur was awaiting me with a towel wrapped-around him;
- A good & firm massage with plenty of attn. being given to my feet, calves & thighs; LESS so to my back and after I'd turned-over v. little to arms and to torso.
- At the right time his towel fell-down revealing a soft & smallish appendage wch. swelled-up to about a std. & Thai issue member.

-- I showered alone both times.
- Total time from entering to leaving the massage-room was just over the 90 mins..; I felt that he had earned his 1K. MINIMUM TIP..

-- Downstairs I chatted with the owner and enquired why there was no sign o'side. the premises? He replied that living in a residential neighborhood he prefered not to advertise so openly but to rely-on his web-site and word-of-mouth.
- Learning that I live-in BANG RAK he suggested that 85 GRAND S'VIT 52., BTS. On nut, might be MORE convenient for me. I darewrite that I'll take a look-see in approx. four weeks' time.
- He handed me his Business Card on wch. is written the web-site > < E&OE.!
-- Possibly a bit too far to go for those seeking a massage but without a specific masseur in mind when there are many MORE closer to home - as it were. But more than likely I might return in the not too distant future?

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Old 7th June 2011, 11:03 AM
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Old 7th June 2011, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by daxbr View Post
-- YES! That is what is written-on the Business Card.
- The other web-site mentioned nearer the start of my write-up should be MORE reliable.
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Old 15th June 2011, 12:05 AM
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88. & k-male club ...

-- > à¡Âì Gay : Thai Massage Boy < has up-dates for both 88. & for K-MALE CLUB MASSAGE CLUBS.;

- To read the a/m. postings one has to Register - free - with > à¡Âì Gay : Thai Massage Boy < ; also one has to be older than 20.YO. - possibly no bar for most of our membership! ;-)

- 88. & K-MALE CLUB. are under the same mngmnt..

-- Usual disclaimer. --
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Old 15th June 2011, 03:40 AM
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saw that too-a few mins. ago. The nr of messages from TMB seems to be dwindling. 88+K-M seem to update every 3 month. Not that there is much news-same old faces, but some transfers between the 2. It would appear to me they tend to hold the better boys at K-M. perhaps 88 is used as a trainingschool or try-out?
Anyway-hope to enjoy some of their offerings soon now again.
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Old 15th June 2011, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by pong View Post
... . It would appear to me they tend to hold the better boys at K-M. perhaps 88 is used as a training-school or try-out?
... .

-- Khun Pong,
- Better in which way?
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Old 3rd July 2011, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
- Better in which way?
services rendered
I'll report a little later more in that thread
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Old 3rd July 2011, 08:35 PM
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good marks for ROON RAB RUENG- a nicely styled shop along main Lard Prao rd, near soi 35, about 1 km, east of ratchada/MRT-Lartd Prao. has been reported on by mr. Mack and I think also here.
Welcoming and well-informed receptionist, speaking good english. He shifted the foto's and after I told my wishes, took off a few and there were 3 left-and available. Those boy sit just round the corner. I choose the oldest-hoping for the best experience and was very satisfied with it. A 29 yr old from Petchabun (said they speak Vientiane-Lao there-and he had an awful accent), with the start of slight belly and tattood back(yes, that will offput enough other forumreaders), which only showed after he took off his black shorts and T. All was done in the nude from the start and as so often happened-he sat on the bed all the time-a mattress would have been easier. Took his time and was eager to please and looking for bodysigns, with pretty soon a very sensual combo of oil and erotic strikes. Total time was far over the ordered 90 mins (their menu lists a whole lot-but about anyone takes the stdd 1,5 hrs oil). it all gradually became more body contact and ended in a mutual rage. Was eager to give me his tel nr for later.
as also in K-male it was pretty busy on a weekday early evening-those Thai customers could often also easily work as masseurs by their looks. Not that many boys-come early for a good choice.
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Old 5th July 2011, 05:53 PM
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Tried to go to Pumarin in Pathumthani last Sunday. Really awful experience. First, they usher you through the Bowels of their premises, which is all cluttered and full of crap. Evident ally they decided it I better to block off the main set of doors and lead you through this maze. At 5:00 pm there were about 4 boys, none of them appealing to me. They all looked so.....used up I guess you could say. The main mamasan guy led me to sit down, and make a choice....there was no menu available, so I asked for the price list. This go the main guy talking to another one in a scoffing type of this point three female maids showed up out of nowhere with their mops and dustbins, and proceeded to stand in front of me staring like I was the white devil. Mamasan asked how long I wanted, I said one hour. He said, we don't do one hour, minimum an hour and a half. I asked him why he asked me how long I wanted if there was no choice? Anyway, he said the massage is 800 baht and the minimum tip for boy is 1000 baht. At this point, with no cute boys, a sneering mamasan, and three staring maids all giving me their attention, I cut my losses and said my farewells. I was led back through the maze and as I was leaving heard whoops and I made the right choice I guess. I had gone before to this place, and it wasn't bad, but obviously their previous more professional standards have decayed. Avoid this place!
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