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Back at Tawan a few days ago and I noticed that the guys had all changed numbers.
Pong, who used to be #3 is now #30; and the guy who used to be #30 is some other number. I asked Mr Pan why this was and he gave me a usually cryptic Thai answer: "Yes , can change, but if boy wants, he can, but sometimes no have that number." etc etc. Long story short, all the references to numbers of the guys in this extensive thread are now irrelevant. Seems a bit strange, but there you go,
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Was in Tawan yesyerday (Sat). very very quiet, with very few customers - even for show. Quite a few boys not there because of flooded homes etc. (Chanchai Pan etc). General opinion seems to be that there are few 'offs' to be had.
Anybody been with Meykin recently (not there yesterday)? Have been with him a few times but he doesn't seem to like to cum or be too interactive. Maybe its me !!! I heard he has a sponsor. Any comments or news?
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I was at my usual masseur's place here in Sydney. He's a Malasian guy that works out of his own place about 2 streets away from my place. I have been going to him for about 18mths.
He's just back from holidays in Malasia, with a few days in BKK on his way home. While chatting, he asked if I had ever heard of Tawan Bar. Playing it cool I said "I might have heard of it..." Long story short, he stayed at Tawana Hotel with a friend and went to Tawan Bar 3 nights and offed 5 guys (1;2;2). He reported that all performed ok. All that was required was 'mucking around' and oral sex (no anal). He said only one of the guys 'just wanted the money'; although his performanace was ok aswell. The 2nd and 3rd night, they offed 2 different guys each night and took them back to the room. Apparently the Tawan guys were ok going back to the same room together with 2 customers, all four all in it together. I was a bit surprised, lying there on the table in suburban Sydney, being told all this that I didn't think to ask some questions (did the Tawan boys interact with each other; or just service the customers?). His visit was about a month ago, pre-flood. He also said that he had the BEST Thai massage he has EVER had next door at Sun massage with his comp vchr from 2 drinks at Tawan. Another happy customer.
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But... reality is... these guys are like guys in a fraternity, or the same basketball team. Firstly, they act macho - they started straight and now bisexual - some may even enjoy gay sex, and even bottom for the right customer and right amount of money. BUT... they don't want the others to know how far or how much they enjoy gay sex. They're guys with feelings (but hey, also with wives, gfs and some, children) but need to play macho outside. I've tried that a few times, and most of them wouldn't want to interact with each other sexually, unless its centred on the customer. Its bad to have sex with each other at the work place if you know what I mean... Even if I had OFFed the 2 guys individually before, and they're comfortable (and even enjoying) what I was doing to them, and what he was doing to me, they'd die before they'd repeat the act in front of another colleague. Once, you add one of the other macho Tawan guys in the equation, they'd somehow freeze up like its some big secret. The best I've had was one guy frenching kissing me, while I was stroking his hard dick, while the other guy sucking on my hardon. And the guy sucking me was my regular (or rather... I was his regular), and when he saw that his friend was not looking, he peeled back my condom coz he knew I couldn't enjoy with it. But, 10 minutes earlier, both were adamant that they wouldn't suck me without a condom. Anyway.... When I was moaning and near ejaculation, the other guy who was still kissing me, kissed me even deeper, while the other guy accidentally let me cum in his mouth. As he rushed to the toilet after jacking me off to completion dutifully (cum in mouth I might add), the other guy turned around and asked him what happened, and he just said nothing with his mouth full. I wanted to laugh coz, both guys didn't want each other to know what they'd do with me individually, but yet, when they're with me alone, they were fully into foreplay and more... ![]() And both were not freshies at Tawan, so... go figure.. the male thai pride thingy. But hey, this is pre-flood. Now, I think times are bad, so maybe they may overlook it coz they're willing to overlook pride for money. I did hear one guy who OFFed 2 of them just after the airport shutdown was re-opened, and they were so starved of business that one farang managed to OFF 2 of the bodybuilders, and watch them do "things" with one another. As for what "things", I'd leave it to your imagination. ![]() But... I'm sure it wouldn't have cum cheap anyway. Not for 2000THB for sure.
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-- My Elderly, Frequently visiting & Am. Friend visited TAWAN CLUB. - soi Than Tawan - y'day., 03 dec., evening;
- Drinks at 260.Bh.; - On arrival it was seen to be approx. 80%. full; - As for the men on the stage even he, who prefers the maturer male, had to allow that some are past their prime! - Just before the start of the 22.30.hrs'. performance a truly Gargantuan & beyond-extra-super-heavyweight man* entered; clearly he is well-known as immediately a couple of young men hastened to welcome him and to shew him to his seat, fussed-around and produced 2l. bottles of whisky & mixer; after a suitable pause the owner himself appeared and greeted this man effusively; -- He saw just one & new act: two performers on stage: after one of them had his all-covering & black cloth removed he was seen to be both au naturel & erect; the other perfomer, with hammer & chisel in hand, pretended to sculpt him; -- Just before the final act a group of apparently straight & youngish persons entered and were shewn to seats near to the stage. The final act was the traditional & Bold Show, during which one of the late arriving young men stood-up and walked-out, followed, after a while, by his female partner. - Afterwards & outside, my friend heard one of that gp. saying: 'Well, we've seen the freak & queer show, where shall we go now?' --* My friend reported that our Enthusiastic & American Friend, who tips the beam at just 330.lbs., (say 23.57.stone or approx. 150.Kg.), would have appeared to be positively puny in comparison. -- E&OE. as reported speech. -- ![]()
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TAWAN will have its 25th!!! celebration- SILVER- on 27 makkara=january 2012. Shortly in/after the Chin Nw Year then it must be an enormous crowdpuller, I think.
The massageshop beide it is now THE SUN and has quite another style of boys sitting in black shirts as tawan offers. Much more attractive as Indira opposite. When I walked by and chatted a little (and got the mag where this news is in) a JPNese gentlemen passed with 2 tawan stars in tow and going to a room in the SUN. YOu get a free massage in Sun (does not cover tips) with 2 drinks in Tawan for now.
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Hi, ye'all! I was at Tawan bar over Christmas and guess what?
After 10pm, when the guys go on stage, they would strip off their final thongs, and go on stage. ![]() Most of them would position their hands and thongs/number tag over their jewels, but it was still refreshing to see. ![]() I understand that it is for a limited time only that this arrange comes to "bear" (pun intended). Happy New Year!
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oh ok. so it is just like a one time thing. i thought after the 10pm show, everytime they went on stage, they'll do a full monty. i guess i'll keep on dreaming =).
yes the sex bomb number with mehkin is one of the few, if not the only one choreographed dance numbers that they have.
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