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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Oral hygiene.

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Old 19th December 2008, 11:54 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Oral hygiene.

-- A respondant in the flg. web-site
:: Trevvy / SGBOY :: Lifestyle. Community. Me. (Gay Singapore Malaysia Hong Kong Thailand Australia)
has suggested that washing-out one's mouth using a mouth-wash - such as L*st*r*ne - within a period of 30 mins. either side of smoking should be avoided as it removes the natural protection from teeth and from gums. He suggests that plain tap-water should be used instead.
- I must allow that I'm a long time user of L*st*r*n* for my oral hygiene - usual disclaimer, of course.
- Is anyone else aware of this or have any judgements on oral hygiene for smokers?
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 1st January 2009, 04:39 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 162

This is worrisome, for I always use mouth-wash after smoking too. Coming to think of it, many message boys refused to use it even when offered. Could it be they were taught precisely not to?
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Old 2nd January 2009, 12:35 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

This is worrisome, for I always use mouth-wash after smoking too. Coming to think of it, many message boys refused to use it even when offered. Could it be they were taught precisely not to?[/QUOTE]

-- I did ask the originator in SGBOY.COM for a further reference, but sofar there has been no reply to my request. Par for the course, I fear.
- My Elderly And American Acquaintance will be visiting his dentist and oral hygienist here in BKK. during the next few days, so I've asked him if he would be good enough to make discreet enquiries with them?
- Possibly one of our esteemed medical colleagues, or someone else with MORE info., would be good enough to enlighten us?
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 5th January 2009, 12:58 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- This forenoon, (05th.), my EAAA. visited his oral-hygienist and, as promised, enquired about the use of a mouth-wash both before and after smoking.
- The reply was roughly along the lines of 'On the one hand: pro and on the other hand: contra.'.
- Pro: A mouth-wash can leave one's mouth feeling clean and sweet smelling for a certain period.
- Contra: Many mouth-washes contain alcohol*, wch. can dry-out one's mouth and so inhibit saliva.
- I was left with the feeling that it was an answerless answer.
-- My EAAA. said that he'd check further wth his dentist after his return to the USofA..
-* From the label listing the constituents I see that L*st*r*n*, as sold here in some shops in TH., does not contain alcohol.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 5th January 2009, 09:46 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Wouldn't alcohol be a good thing from the point of view of fighting germs/bacteria? They use alcohol frequently in hospitals for wound and hand hygene. If I was going to smoke an Indra massage boy, I would certainly want a lot of alcohol before and after. Khun Sexy Tiler, that is meant to be a joke
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Old 5th January 2009, 06:54 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Wouldn't alcohol be a good thing from the point of view of fighting germs/bacteria? They use alcohol frequently in hospitals for wound and hand hygene. If I was going to smoke an Indra massage boy, I would certainly want a lot of alcohol before and after.
-- Khun Yannawa,
- Thank you for your obsvns.; agreed with you about alcohol being used in hospitals on swabs etc, etc..
- When I was working in KSA. it was a point of amusement to us foreigners that the alcohol used on hospitals' swabs was treated specially so as to make it unpleasant to drink - lest someone obtain a large supply of swabs - either new or used - and then try to express the liquid for their own consumption.
- I u'stand. - from another and non-medical source - that in mouth-washes any alcohol is MORE of an assistant to the medium used for the other constituents and is not used primarily as a biocide/germicide.
- But I write under corr'n. from a practising and medical professional.

-- Your joke about the boyz in INDRA MASSAGE noted, I larfed: ha! Ha!! - if only others were as witty, and could use a good joke to make their point.
- As an aside I was reminded of Dr. Johnson's rebuff to Lord Sandwich when the latter tried to make a joke at the Dr's. expense: 'Sir, a joke in your mouth is no laughing matter.'.
-- Bibi.. --
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