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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Bangkok Go-Go Boy Bar update

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Old 4th July 2013, 11:09 PM
Join Date: May 2009
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Bangkok Go-Go Boy Bar update

Dream Boys has become a complete rip-off and I will not go there again. Drink charges are now 380 baht and off fee 650 baht - and this was on a Tuesday night with few customers. Only 50% of the usual number of boys and not a good crop. The show of course hasn't changed in the 3+ years I have been visiting Bangkok. Screw Boys may have been refurbished but the boys are a drab lot. Heart Beat had drinks at 200 baht and some better looking guys. X-Boys line up not that impressive but better than Dream Boys and that is saying a lot! I have come to the conclusion that the best looking money boys are now soliciting via the internet, thus bypassing the go-go bar scene with the pricey drinks and off fees. I am also observing that an ever increasing number of go-go boys originate from outside Thailand (e.g. Laos and Cambodia). The locals have obviously become more enterprising....
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Old 5th July 2013, 11:29 PM
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Yes many boys now connect via the Internet using gayromeo. During my last trip to Pattaya I had several boys this way.
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Old 17th July 2013, 08:53 AM
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Originally Posted by trentaus View Post
Dream Boys has become a complete rip-off and I will not go there again. Drink charges are now 380 baht and off fee 650 baht - and this was on a Tuesday night with few customers.
Thanks for the update. Sadly, that seems to be the "norm" now for the go-go bars on that soi. I agree; that's a total ripoff and I won't patronize places that are that greedy and clueless. Very sad to see the Bangkok gay bar scene going downhill in recent years. I used to love going to go-go bars in the 90s and for a few years in the previous decade. But rising prices and the decreasingly quality of boys on offer has caused me to go out much less often in recent years. I see more hot guys at my local motorcycle taxi stand than I do in Bangkok go-go bars. Yeah, there are a lot of guys online at sites like Gay Romeo, but I still miss that sensual thrill of seeing guys dancing wearing only briefs. It's too bad that so many of the Thai guys (note that I don't call them "dancers") in bars nowadays are as old, flabby and hairy as what I'd see back in the US. What happened to young and cute?
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Old 17th July 2013, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by buzzard View Post
It's too bad that so many of the Thai guys (note that I don't call them "dancers") in bars nowadays are as old, flabby and hairy as what I'd see back in the US. What happened to young and cute?
There are still lots of "cuties" in Pattaya.
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Old 18th July 2013, 12:46 AM
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SCREWBOYS - Grand opening ...

- Addr.: Soi Phat Pong 2.;
- Mob.: (080)-040 3322.;
- Event: Grand opening;
- When: 07 aug. 2013.;
- Events will include: Hot guys on runway; Sexy guy contest; Boys' coyote & Cabaret show;
- Admn.: Not stated.

-- Source: Freebie & monthly mag. BKK. Desire. - II:24.;
-- > Bangkok Desire แมกกาซีนเกย์ท่*ง ที่ยวรายเดื*น <
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Old 25th July 2013, 11:04 AM
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I walked past Screw Boys last night. Recognised the ladyboy at the door from the original bar and enquired re drinks. 280 bht - I declined.

It is however still possible to get a beer for 100bt in Soi Twighlight, at the open air bar at the Rama 4 end on right hand side, They have a few pleasant twinks who are quite offable - it was managed by the ex- Solid mamasan who is leaving (he of the big jackets.)

Meanwhile back in Pattaya I am in lust with a delicious 22 y.o. at Vassa bar, and a have list of new prospects at Lucky 7 and Cupidol. As there are only a handfull of farang around at the moment- I have the field to my self - if only there were more days in the week
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Old 25th July 2013, 02:28 PM
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The last time I was in Pattaya to describe the quality of boys in the go go bars as tragic would be charitable. Bangkok was far superior in every way. Other opinions welcome.
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Old 13th September 2013, 10:37 AM
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I made a long overdue visit to the Patpong/Suriwong district on Monday night. Sad, but not surprised to see that Heartbeat Boys has apparently closed. It was locked up and showed no signs of opening anytime soon. I poked me head inside the new and remodeled Screw Boys, but didn't stay. They had one guy I would call attractive and the rest looked like last decade's leftovers. After they told me that drinks were 280 baht I laughed and retreated. I walked over to Soi Twilight (or whatever it's called nowadays) and went to X-Size, the upstairs go-go bar. Drinks there were quoted at 290 baht, but I usually like their selection of boys so I thought I'd give it a go. Well, slim pickings on this night. Yeah, it was a Monday, but nothing in there tickled my fancy, so I left and walked down to Super A. Drinks there are only 150 baht. While at that bar, I met a young guy from New Zealand who was experiencing his very first Bangkok gay go-go bar. He seemed a bit dazed and overwhelmed by it all. Maybe I'm jaded at this point, having been going to these bars for over 20 years, but even Super A bored me on this night. I know many of the guys there, and have offed some of them over the years, but nothing looked good to me this time around. The whole bar scene in Bangkok is looking pretty bleak lately. Looks like it's back to Gay Romeo for me.
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Old 14th September 2013, 09:28 PM
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Agree 100% with Buzzards comments. The BKK scene is over-priced and only the dregs are left. That accounts partly for the the drop in postings on this site.

At the risk of sounding like an old record stuck in a groove,Boystown in Pattaya still has some life, but Sunnee is a shadow of its former self and Jomtien reduced to beer bars only (although many offer "massage" facilities which can be quite rewarding - but it's a bit hit and miss.)
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Old 15th September 2013, 03:16 AM
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PATTATA - Sunnee plaza

Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
... .
At the risk of sounding like an old record stuck in a groove, Boystown in Pattaya still has some life, but Sunnee is a shadow of its former self and Jomtien reduced to beer bars only (although many offer "massage" facilities which can be quite rewarding - but it's a bit hit and miss.)

-- In SUNNEE PLAZA I would hope that the flg. a go-go bars are OPEN still: EROS, HAPPY BOYS, KRAZY DRAGON, MIC MY & NICE BOYS - not that I was all that enchanted with the last pair, (good olde sleeze bars.),.
- Is ALL OF ME BAR the new boy on the block when it comes to providing massage facilities?
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Old 15th September 2013, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post

-- In SUNNEE PLAZA I would hope that the flg. a go-go bars are OPEN still: EROS, HAPPY BOYS, KRAZY DRAGON, MIC MY & NICE BOYS - not that I was all that enchanted with the last pair, (good olde sleeze bars.),.
- Is ALL OF ME BAR the new boy on the block when it comes to providing massage facilities?
Yes all 5 above bars are open, but both My Mic and Nice Boys are stocked with "C team" offerings, while Eros and Happy have slipped to "B team".

I don't do massage in Sunnee so cant help on that front

Last week in Boystown I ventured in to Boys Boys Boys (having ignored it for the last 10 years.) It was a little surreal with the platform stocked with about a dozen big , built mature Thai guys (inc No 22 who would not look out of place in Tawan), to be replaced on rotation by a dozen of the lightest twinkiest guys you could imagine. So I'm not sure who their target audience is - every-one I guess. (Drinks 180 - 200 bht.)
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Old 15th September 2013, 07:32 AM
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Sunnee plaza's a go-go bars.

-- Khun Biggles,

- Thanks, as always, for yr. prompt & informative reply.
- Well - MIC MY & NICE BOYS were never that UP-mkt., were they? But sorry to read that both EROS & HAPPY BOYS have slipped; maybe they'll shape-up in time for the next holiday-season? Here's hoping.
- Interesting news about BOYS, BOYS, BOYS in BoysTown.

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Old 15th September 2013, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
Agree 100% with Buzzards comments. The BKK scene is over-priced and only the dregs are left. That accounts partly for the the drop in postings on this site.

At the risk of sounding like an old record stuck in a groove,Boystown in Pattaya still has some life, but Sunnee is a shadow of its former self and Jomtien reduced to beer bars only (although many offer "massage" facilities which can be quite rewarding - but it's a bit hit and miss.)
Biggles, thanks for the tips on Pattaya. I have to admit that I haven't been in there in several years. The last time was perhaps 5 or 6 years ago! Which is shocking because I used to go there 2 or 3 times a year after I moved to Thailand. But I reached a point where Pattaya started to become creepy to me. It's not that I didn't feel safe, but I didn't feel comfortable in the bar scene there. Much more affordable, certainly, but something about the vibe of South Pattaya and Sunee Plaza just didn't feel "right" to me. And then there is the matter of all those Russians in the area ...

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Old 15th September 2013, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by buzzard View Post
Biggles, thanks for the tips on Pattaya. I have to admit that I haven't been in there in several years. The last time was perhaps 5 or 6 years ago! Which is shocking because I used to go there 2 or 3 times a year after I moved to Thailand. But I reached a point where Pattaya started to become creepy to me. It's not that I didn't feel safe, but I didn't feel comfortable in the bar scene there. Much more affordable, certainly, but something about the vibe of South Pattaya and Sunee Plaza just didn't feel "right" to me. And then there is the matter of all those Russians in the area ...
I really think you should try Pattaya for a weekend. In Boystown Funny Boys and Toy Boys (opposite) are very relaxed and non threatening. Vaasa is small but intimate, Lucky 7 quite flirty, X-men has great shows, and in Sunnee Eros and Happy (both less that 6 year old) are good sleezy fun. (The under-age thing completely cleared out of Sunnee.) The Russians are very few at the moment, but will return in force at the high season - so get in quick! Much better than BKK.
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Old 16th September 2013, 07:23 AM
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I visited Happy several times during my recent trip. For me it was the best of the Sunee bars, with Eros being second. I like twinky fem boys and there was always several available, for in bar fun or for an off. The upstairs dark area can be a turn on, particularly when one or more other customers are there with boys (I like a bit of voyeur or group sex )
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