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Old 28th June 2006, 09:20 AM
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Why nobdy likes asian men?

What asian behavior in baths has resulted in asians being bared from these fascilities?
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Old 30th June 2006, 06:36 PM
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I love asian men

Some of the best sex I've had has been with asian men, particularly chinese and vietnamese. Hot smooth bodies with good sized dicks to suck and great cocksuckers too. Actually, if it's a choice between a white dude and an asian guy, well, guess I'm a rice queen. I'm sorry you and your family have had bad experiences, but there really are the same percentage of caucasian assholes as there are asian. Cheers, Monty in San Francisco
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Old 3rd July 2006, 04:32 PM
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"and when traveling with my children I have instructed them to treat the asians with the same lack of restraint and respect that they are treated." How terribly, terribly said. Treating your children how to disrepect people, no matter the other person's behavior, is horrible. That's how prejudices and hate are passed from generation to generation. You should teach them better values - not hate, Mr. Family Man.
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Old 5th July 2006, 08:57 AM
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rude asians

'sb,' treating Asian's with the same rudeness they exhibit is not simply ignorant, but an American cultural attribute that says if somebody pisses you off enough, you piss on them. There is nothing wrong with your pussy attitude of 'turning the other cheek,' but if somebody uses you for a door mat and you don't object, that attribute will continue. I like the experession on their faces when you start pussing and telling the people around you to be as rude as the mother fucker is with no manners. Try it, you will be treated differently.

Regarding my ignorance, it was right here on these boards that I have read that bath's hate the little fuckers. That some don't allow them as members, others discourage them. My simple question was 'why this attitude exists?' What is it about this race of people that the gay community makes a generalization about? That's all.
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Old 6th July 2006, 05:27 PM
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An American cultural attribute? You've got to be joking.
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Old 17th July 2006, 09:05 AM
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cultural attribute?

Yeah, you know, the John Wayne mentality: Not turning the other cheek.

Kind of like catching a fat guy on a diet with his hand in the cookie jar.
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Old 19th July 2006, 11:35 PM
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Rude Dude

In a perfect world, everything would be perfectly easy: All the Anglo-Saxons would be walking around exhibiting perfect manners, good attitude and would be all around perfect guys. All the black dudes would be smoking grass and having 13' schlongs for the pleasure of size queens and all the Asian guys would be rude, 'insignificantly small' and generally unbearable. So, we would all know whom to befriend...

Unfortunately, this place is far more complex. There are very rude and conceited Anglo-Saxons. There are many decent black dudes around and yeah, there are also polite, nicely endowded Asian guys among us.

So, generalizations do not help.

I have lived on and off in San Francisco, CA since 1994. Yup, I have had my fair share of all races and all attitudes. Race really does not matter.

What matters is that some are more flexible and open-minded towards other cultures and some are less. Crossing cultural barriers is never easy. If you see yourself as someone, who does not want to go there, don't. It is only up to you to decide who is your friend and who sucks your dick.

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Old 20th July 2006, 11:55 AM
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Black guys too?

So most black guys are a PIA? After denegrating me for generalizations, you generalized black guys with big dicks, when in fact, that is generally not the case.

I really did not want to get in a fuss with any body, I was just curious why many baths don't want asian men in their facilities? I read some place here that was the case. Can you tell me what the issue is with these individuals that has made them a target for disinterest?
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Old 20th July 2006, 09:35 PM
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Molt, if you had put the second paragraph of your recent reply in the original post, you may have got some feedback to your question. When describing people as little fuckers, bastards etc., it comes off hostile, angry and very racist, prejudice etc. to the point that it doesn't encourage a legitimate discussion/debate.

In regards to your question, I have read about some baths not allowing Asian men, but really, in the big picture, I think anyone obnoxious or displaying behavior that creates an uncomfortable atmosphere in a place that is supposed to be rather discreet and anonymous such as a bath house or cruise bar would be barred. This applies to all races and cultures though, so I don't feel that the gay community has any specific prejudice against Asian men.
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Old 21st July 2006, 12:13 PM
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The only thing I find sexier then asian woman are asian men and asian cross dresses. I have data asian in the past and the were great people.
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Old 24th July 2006, 10:41 PM
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Thumbs up

I don't believe Asian males are particularly rude or obnoxious when it comes to their behavior at baths. Perhaps their behavior at the baths may be viewed as a bit more sexually aggressive than what a non-Asian male may expect under the same circumstances.

Although I've had limited sexual contact with Asian males per se, I do find their sexual boldness and aggressiveness to be quite refreshing and a welcome departure from the self-centered game players that frequent bathhouses, ostensively, for ego massages and stroking.

Maybe it is the bold, aggressive, and confident Asian male that makes so many non-Asian males uncomfortable in the setting of a bathclub where there is no pretense as to why males frequent this type of business establishment. Bath houses are not social clubs, and most Asian males probably understand this more than non-Asian males.

I would also add, according to my own limited experience with Asian males, that they seem to be less "selective" about their sexual partners than non-Asian males.
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Old 25th July 2006, 12:30 PM
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asian males

Thank's, that is what I wanted to know. I have been to a bath and that very much mimics the solitary experience I had.
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Old 26th July 2006, 01:04 PM
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I see you edited out the massive, reprehensible, racist commentary from your original post.

Now, in your last post, you say you based your opinions on a SOLITARY experience.


Just... wow.
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Old 26th July 2006, 03:41 PM
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solitary experience

Many people are married once and base their experience with marriage on this singular event.

I had one experience and that is all the sexual information I have to base my thoughts on. I do have many other non sexual experinces that seem to coinside with the agression mentioned. I personally have found asians rude and inconsiderate and I have heard many other people make the same comment--several comments in this site contain disparaging remarks about asian men--in fact, this was where I confirmed for myself that they are obnoxious. I also learned on this board that black men are obnoxious--not my words... Our fathers killed millions of the little fuckers, so I have to believe that we generally all feel the same. I have no propensity for racism, but I am not afraid to base my opinions on the only observations I have. Better than no opinon at all. Our fathers gave their lives to avoid the destruction of several more millions of Jews, so their must be something about the Jews that is redeamable. Many of my friends are Jewish and wonderfull people they are. I know no asian men or women, but I hear the asian women because of their very small intravaginal size are the best fucks in the universe. I would assume for the same reason, you might like asian men for their tiny little assholes?

If you want to ridicule me for changing my post to make it seem more humane, good for you, but may I ask if you have any opinions, on anything? How about this one: is shit a dirty thing, and does it stink, so that we do not eat it or confuse it with food? In fact, do you think shit is the foulist substance on this planet? Isn't your life then--by extension--a fould bastard, and arn't you then a dirty disgusting thing?

Why are you so afraid?
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Old 28th July 2006, 01:45 PM
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I am an Asian guy and I have never heard of a bath house that would ban its customers based on race.

Why don't you just accept that about half of the Asians in this country were born elsewhere and may not have accustomed to the American society yet.

What happened to your mother was an unfortunate event and I apologize on behalf of my Asian brothers and sisters. What happened to you at the bathhouse may be annoying to you but perhaps a ricequeen (gwm that likes Asians) might have approved of that manner.

There are already so many guys that do not like Asians and blatantly put "No Asians" on their profiles/ads. I think any gay Asian guy is VERY aware of the fact that we are seen as sissy, mysterious, obnoxious, queeny, "egg roll" dicks, slit eyes and we are trying very hard to break away from those stereotypes.

I don't think there is a need of you to join the Asian Hater Club.... we already know that white people don't like us that much.

Prejudice is everywhere but blatant discrimination is rude.
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