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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Riverside & San Bernardino Co's.   Drove by TBT Wed. OUCH

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Old 22nd September 2005, 07:23 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Drove by TBT Wed. OUCH

I went for a drive past TBT yesterday, going north on Arrowhead I drove right past it. So at the next corner, I turned right, then right again, and once more another right, going around the block. As I made the last right, on the right side of the road, 1 block from TBT was a white mini-van with the left rear window knocked out of it, and the glass still lying in the road below it. As I passed the club, I noticed more broken glass in the middle of the side road very close to the gate that you enter at the rear of the club. oooookkkkkkkk the parking lot out back does appear to be pretty isolated from the street traffic. I didn't stop. There was 6 cars in the lot at 5:30 pm on a Wed.
I guess we all make our own choices. I made mine and kept going.
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Old 23rd September 2005, 01:02 PM
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key to a sucessfull business:location,location,location

The guys that run this place are falsely kidding themselves!!! They foolishly think this place is going to flourish and that they are gradually building up a loyal clientele base.

I spoke with one of the owners over the phone who adamantly refused to reduce the admission. I couldn't convince him that when potential patrons see his parking lot nearly empty, they become discouraged and not interested in going there.

Located in a crappy, unsafe area, I just can't imagine this place as a success. My guess is they will go out of business within a year!!!
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Old 24th September 2005, 05:24 AM
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I recently heard that they just fired an employee for copying clients drivers licenses and passing the copies around the bar in the high desert. Beware !!!
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Old 24th September 2005, 01:11 PM
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Funny, all baths tend to be in bad areas.

I would not venture to the 1350 CLUB in Wilmington at night. That bad of a neighborhood! Do hit it once in a great while on their 1/2 price Wednesdays during the daylight hours, like a 11am to 3pm visit .... as I would never would go into that neighborhood at night.

Also had a friend who's car got broken into on the side street there at the 1350 CLUB at night ... window broken, his checkbook taken. He had to close that account and open a new one.

In the "Crime Report" section of the DAILY BREEZE newspaper I read that someone got shot in the back in that same block of the 1350 CLUB in Wilmington at night. No clue if it involved a patron of the 1350 CLUB.

Another friend's car got broken into on the street at the MIDTOWNE SPA, Downtown LA. Broke the window. Even took a pair of precription glasses (what good are they going to do anyone else??!!) from the glove box, popped open the trunk with the inside lever, with taking quite a bit of valuables from the trunk. Had an expensive watch in an overnight bag in the trunk, entire bag taken.

Roommate decided to stop at FLEX BATHS (Melrose/101 Freeway) one night. Their parking lot full so parked on the street.
Came out to find the passenger window broken out, set of expensive speakers taken from the vehicle.

Heard on a TV news report that the corner of Vineland Ave. and Burbank Blvd. had the highest crime rate in the Valley part of Los Angeles. 3 or 4 buildings from that corner is the NORTH HOLLYWOOD SPA.

If an employee from TBT did make copies of licenses (if given to a honest person isn't that person just going to toss it?) and was FIRED .... don't think anyone has to be warned of a "Beware !!!" anymore. "Beware" of what?? lol That was a bad employee got fired? isn't that a GOOD thing that they did get fired? Occassionally there can be a rotten apple any where.

The owner of TBT choose his location and has made up his pricing. Either the business is going to make it or not.

As a consumer you have the choice of going or not going. FLEX BATHS has a policy of "No Bags" ...I like to bring a bag to a baths with my flip-flops (do you really want your barefeet on that carpet and the showers/ steamroom/ sauna floors??), my lube, cockring, tanning lotion if using the sundeck, mouthrinse, bottled water when I get thristy, shave cream/razor if I need to shave, my shampoo, etc. Things to make my bath visit enjoyable for me. I have decided not to patron FLEX BATHS due to their policy of "No Bags".
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Old 24th September 2005, 07:54 PM
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this is so ridiculous, "he drove around the block and found a van with broken windows" give me a break, this place has a very well lit parking lot with cameras that are always monitored, well fenced with only one entrance, I dont even lock my doors on my car when i am there. You are going to a f_cking bath house, not church. These people are really trying to make this work for OUR benifit and fun, if you are going to make a big deal about 5 dollars more then L.A. then you should spend 20 in gas and go to L.A. I am sure you would not be much fun if you came in, you would spend all the time complaining and whining. I have been there 5-6 times and fucked and sucked till I couldn't take anymore and with some hot guys, so you go ahead and decide to go home and pull your pud, who cares,
and by the way; wed. night was the best since they opened
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Old 25th September 2005, 03:27 AM
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one more thing, you were on your way to a bath house to have the most high risk sex you can have with men who have more different partners in a night then most have in a lifetime, your taking a chance of catching more diseases then I can list here,
and you want us to believe you were worried about how safe you felt walking from your car to the bath house.
oooooo kkkkkkkkk
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Old 25th September 2005, 04:08 AM
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I was only stating what I had observed. 1 block from TBT was a minivan with the window knocked out, with the glass still lying in the street below it. And I chose not to stop there. Not because I feared for my personal safety, which you assumed, because I sure didn't put that in my previous post, but because I was concerned about the possibility of my vehicle being vandalized.
Several years ago I was parked behind a gay bar, that was supposed to be secure. Security personnel and all, but I still had 3 of my tires slashed, and I was parked 4 stalls from the door.
You are correct about the parking lot. It does appear to be a secure place. But I still made my own choice not to stop, and I don't understand why anyone would criticize me for doing so.
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Old 25th September 2005, 06:02 PM
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Bathhouse Betty

I sounds like more time has been spent on this place then it deserves. I appreciate all the comments. I've been wanting to stop in. I've decided not to based on all the information.

For those that do go, PLEASE use the showers and SOAP. These places are a haven for atheletes foot, staph infections and hard telling what else.

Please be careful.
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Old 26th September 2005, 12:33 AM
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Originally posted by cubmaster4u

.....As a consumer you have the choice of going or not going. FLEX BATHS has a policy of "No Bags" ...I like to bring a bag to a baths with my flip-flops (do you really want your barefeet on that carpet and the showers/ steamroom/ sauna floors??), my lube, cockring, tanning lotion if using the sundeck, mouthrinse, bottled water when I get thristy, shave cream/razor if I need to shave, my shampoo, etc. Things to make my bath visit enjoyable for me. I have decided not to patron FLEX BATHS due to their policy of "No Bags".
Ah, guess what the new sign on the inner door to TBT says?????

For sure I guess we won't be seeing cubmaster4u at TBT!
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Old 26th September 2005, 01:39 AM
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Can't you see how your negative comments about petty b.s causes people to not go. These people put up their life savings to try and build something in the Inland Empire that we did not have. They tried to make it clean and nice, for a bath house, they couldn't be more freindly and helpful to the customers. you have to understand they have to comply with San Bernardino's laws on requiring I.D. to rent rooms and for private clubs, they have to charge what they do to not totaly lose their shirts, (which I am sure is happening). If you guys are such experts in running bathhouses go down the street and open one, put your money where your mouth is. If not , stop talking this nickle and dime nonsense and let them try to make a go of this. There are alot of us that are really having a great time there and they are starting to build a very good and loyal clientiele. Its going to take awhile because we are more "bookstore" people out here, but that is starting to go to hell with raids and closings, so where you going to go next, bushes , parks? Its nice to feel safe in a place like this and not worry about being busted or getting your ass whipped, (that is, unless you want it whipped),(wink). If you don't want to go fine, but don't talk this shit and cost them business. And to the guy with the bag, they had problems with people bringing booze in and getting stupid, if you told them about your bag you would be fine , I have seen many people bringing them in, the management needed that option if they choose, again its laws.
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Old 26th September 2005, 01:32 PM
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I stated the break-ins at the Los Angeles bathhouses just that bathhouses tend to end up in the lousy neighborhoods, not to put TBT down. I am all for TBT to be a success.

The only other bathhouse that I know that has opened up in the last couple decades has been one in Portland, Oregon recently. I understand the costs of set-up. Steam, sauna, showers, and whirpool aren't cheap.

3 or 4 times a year I go to the ROMAN HOLIDAY, their Venice Blvd location .... they a second location in Van Nuys. May hit the Van Nuys one once a year or so. Being a gay man I am quite aware of safe-sex. I can get-off just jacking-off with another guy.

I would have no problem if FLEX BATHS or TBT wanted to look into my bag first. I am one who prefers sex sober, so I wouldn't be bringing in a bottle of booze with me. I do throw in a bottle or two of Arrowhead Spring Waters from the refrig when I go, 17 or 18 cents a bottle when the case is on sale, as opposed to $1 or more in a vending machine. Bottles are sealed, if they made a big deal out of them I would simply leave them behind.

FLEX BATHS lost my business with their "NO BAGS" policy. Only went there once a year and haven't been back since the policy began. FLEX is a very, very tired club ...they haven't put a dime into it for years (paint worn from the walls, a few 1980s brown tiles have fallen out of showers replaced with white tiles, couple showers constantly dripping, sauna with 30 years of sweat stained into the wood and smells like such) though they get the crowds. Probably the busiest baths in Los Angeles, mainly do to being close to WeHo and Silverlake .... and right off of the Melrose exit of the 101 Freeway too.

I have an aunt in Lucerne Valley and thought the TBT could be an option for a stop on the way back home. Going to keep my eyes peeled here on the Message Board for continual reports on TBT.
Mainly intetrested in experiences, not those wanting something for nothing. For my vehicle it would be around $25 in gas from San Bernardino to either NORTH HOLLYWOOD SPA or ROMAN HOLIDAY, Van Nuys. So many of you would like to spend $25 in gas (plus commute time) as opposed to the $10 more for TBT than a LA baths to get in???

The report of "NO BAGS" at TBT is a major turn-off.
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Old 26th September 2005, 03:59 PM
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These forums are created to share information and allow personal viewpoints. I appreciate everyone's input. That's what it's here for. If I chose not to go somewhere because I decided to believe someone's comments, that's my business. Please don't harrass people like "whynot.." for giving their honest opion. That's what this is for. It's up to us to decide if we want to listen and how we interpret it. "Inlandempire" are you on payroll for this establishment?
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Old 26th September 2005, 05:58 PM
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As long as there is FREE SPEECH in this country, I will voice my opinion, no matter how worthless others think it is. And regardless of whether others like it or not.
Nuff said
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Old 26th September 2005, 08:03 PM
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you see I am a business owner also and I know what it takes to try and please the very fickle public, and like you said its free speech, or is that only for you not me. its my opinion that the things being said are BULLSHIT, thats my frre speech opinion, and no I am not on payroll, have you ever heard of doing the right thing, helping people that need help, trying to right a wrong, your way is speading rumors, gossip, hurting someone trying to make a living, I don't know, you tell me
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Old 26th September 2005, 09:33 PM
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Ironically, I never said that you shouldn't speak, however, that did seem to be the jist of your post concerning the information that I put here... that I shouldn't be saying it.
As for rumors and gossip... they tend to be unsubstantiaded info on a given subject, heard 2nd or 3rd hand and so on. the info that I posted was observed first hand by myself, so it certainly does not fall under the heading of rumors and gossip.
Understand this.. I would love to see this place do well.. I would really like to visit there sometime soon, and possibly often. But I would also like to feel that my vehicle is safe when parked in their lot. I am not worried about my personal safety, I can more than handle myself. I used to be a prison guard and little gang bangers do not bother me. However, they tend to be chicken shit enough to trash someones vehicle as opposed to confronting them face to face. If and when I feel comfortable about parking in their lot... count me in and I promise.. no whining once I am inside.
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