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Old 2nd November 2004, 06:29 PM
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What If's????

I would like to hear stories about times that you thought "what if?" or times when you should have done something, but didn't! I will tell you about one of my times.

Back in the mid 90's, when I was new to my bisexual feelings, I stopped at this adult book store late one night on my way home from work.

As I started browsing the magazines in the far corner, the magazines slowly turned to gay action magazines, getting hotter and hotter. When I finally got to the back wall there was a man standing there in shorts, mid 40's I would say, and he was rubbing his hard cock that was practically poking out of his running shorts!!! I would sligly moan from time to time, and would check me out to see if I was interested.

I got to browse the magazines for a long time watching him glance my way and rub his hard cock. oh it looked so good and it would have taken only a moment to bend down as if looking at the bottom rows of magazines, and take his cock in my mouth for a taste!!

Oh what if I had?? Fuck! I hate those thoughts! What if??

Anyone else???
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Old 3rd November 2004, 11:02 AM
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Oh yeah....

I have one memory of a regret:

(Atlanta) I was cruising the Cheshire Bridge/Tara Cinema axis when it was still active, before the serious police harassment started, and also up to the Peek-A-Boo before it turned so seedy... that night as I passed the pizza joint at the corner I saw a very sexy and masculine young man walking up from the direction of the (famale) strip club. He immediately caught my eye, standing on the corner there. I saw him try to flag down a cab, but it was busy. I drove past, should have pulled into the parking lot or should have stopped and offered him a ride. The "Army" t-shirt and his looks and the direction he came from and just general fear put me off. I drove around the block and passed him a couple of times trying to get up my courage and the last time I passed, I nodded, and he looked at me and nodded back. He had seen me going by each time. As I passed I looked at him in the rear view mirror and he was watching me. . I went back around the block, planning to offer him a ride to his hotel. When I got back around, he was getting into a cab. I kicked myself for the rest of the night.. and still do.. over that one.
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Old 4th November 2004, 05:14 AM
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WOW !!!!

Great Topic
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Old 4th November 2004, 11:45 AM
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Angry If we hadn't moved

Several years ago I posted my story about when I was 17 and worked for this guy during the summer at a produce stand and how over time he got me to suck his cock and the cocks of several of his friends . . . well, towards the end of the summer, and after I was without question a good cocksucker, he started to tell my about a poker game that he played in on Tues nights with some of his friends . . . this was in New Jersey and he hung out with a fairly rough crowd and they would get a room in one of the many seedy motels lining the various highways near the shore and drink and play poker all night long. Apparently, one several occasions one of the guys brought a woman along to the game and she gave everyone blowjobs and a fuck if they wished. After that one of the other guys brought a young guy (like me) who also gave everyone blowjobs who wanted one but that was all. Well, my friend Joe told me that he wanted to take me to the game and have me suck all of the guys and give up my butt for anyone who wanted it. Well, just like the first time he suggested that I suck one of his friends cocks I was appalled -- "what, you think that I'm going to go to this motel room and suck everyone's cock and let them fuck me in the ass if they want to?" The answer was you'll tell me when your ready and willing. I have to admit that although initially disgusted by it all it was all that I started to think about -- one of the problems was that I had a cherry hole and wasn't sure that I could take a cock up the ass (found out later that I could and loved it). Anyway, this was in August and my friend Joe figured that I should be thinking of doing this sometime in the Fall. Well, I came home one day to learn that my father had his position with the company he worked for transferred to another state and that we would be moving asap so that me and my brothers could be at our new home before the start of the school year.
As a result of the move, I didn't suck cock for many years and didn't get fucked in the butt until recently . . . I've often wondered : WHAT IF WE HADN'T MOVED . . . WOULD I HAVE TURNED OUT TO BE A COCKSUCKING SLUT?
Sucking cock is an art form.
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Old 4th November 2004, 04:19 PM
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The Bitche's Meat That Got Away

I've only been a full fledged crossdressing transgendered person for a short period of time.

My first actual sexual experience with another crossdresser was great, it was a fantasy come true. I really luv the experience of nylon to nylon erotic sexaul play.

Anyways, this gurl comes over to my place for play. She wasn't the most pretty CD I've ever met, but I luved the way previously she touched my legs and ass when we met in a local tgal club.

So she arrives at my place. We start kissing and feeling each other up. Things progressed to the point where she pulled out rubber gloves during our session and asked if I would like some ass play between us. You can guess what the answer was.

I played with her ass first. She bent over for me, on her knees, her arms resting on the sofa's arm rest. I put on a rubber glove, applied so ky jelly, and slowly stuck one finger, slowly, up her tight ass. She moaned and was jerking off her meat at the same time. I got all the way up to three fingers. I shoud of fucked her, but, I didn't. I guess I just a submissive botton at heart.

After awhile, she said it was my turn. She put on a glove, stuck her lubed up finger up my ass. I luved it. She slapped my ass and told me what a naughty gurl I was. I was in fucking CD ecstasy to say the least. She put another finger in my ass, then another. I felt her rubbing her meat against my ass. I so wanted her to slip her cock in me and fuck me like as slut. But, I didn't have the nerve to ask her to fuck me. OMG, that would have been SOOOO nice ! I don't know what I was thinking ...

I can hardly wait 'til the next time. I won't be so timid next time. A gurl has to ask for what she wants.
Cocksucking Crossdresser

i don't fuck guys. they fuck me (if im lucky ).

luv scenes in alleys, parking lots, between two cars. me on my knees, sucking your cock, or just bend me over and fuck me. sat nites/weds when i play. im a submissive bottom cockwhore. nsa ...

Last edited by gigboy; 26th September 2021 at 03:13 PM.
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Old 7th November 2004, 11:15 AM
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What a great topic for me...I have tons of regrets. The worst, I think, is when I didn't even realize I had a chance at something I wanted until it was too late.

I was at a party in HS and this guy from the wrestling team asked to go in the bathroom with me. I knew guys would do that at parties though never really understood why. I should have known, I mean I was looking at The Joy of Gay Sex in the bookstore at every opportunity. I said "sure," but was nervous because I thought I had a small dick and was ashamed and also nervous about being found out to be gay. I pissed first, I have no idea whether he was looking or not, but when he went I kept my head down so there was no chance of seeing anything. We left and that was that. Years later I thought "wait ...was he trying to get me to blow him or something?" That would have been a dream, and gotten me started on the road to sluttiness a couple of years earlier.

Another time I had been at the late great ABS on Rt. 1 & 9 and I was cruising this hot guy, not tall, but dark and handsome. We were both looking at each other, but he wasn't going back where the booths were which was what I expected him to do if he wanted to fool around. He then started to leave the store and I followed. I was so confused when, although he waited for me to get outside, he went into his van. I waited for him to get out, or come back, or leave, or something but nothing happened. I was so disappointed that I just wanted to go home. As I got home it hit me that he probably wanted me to get in the van with him, "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

I am happy to report that I have wised up some, but this is just a sample of my many missed opportunities. Read them and learn...who am I kidding, no one else is this dense.
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Old 7th November 2004, 10:26 PM
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no one else is this dense
Oh wanna bet? Lead's got nuthin' on me, especially in the sex department.

As a teen I was working with one of my favorite waitresses, she was in her early twenties and just a fun person to be around. One night, a friend of mine who was far more worldly than me, was standing on one side of the counter(he was a Senior in high school, owned a Harley and knew more about real life than anyone I knew) and she and I were on the other side. She made some comment to me, turned and went into the back room. I look up and my friend's eyes are bugging out his head. He's about to freak out.

"Didn't you get that?!!" he says. "She just made a pass at you!!"

I say, "oh, no. She says stuff like that to me all the time."

Now he really bugs out. "You got a woman like her talking to you like that. Omigod, man. You've hit the motherlode and you don't even realize it!!" My friend has now come slightly unglued in front of me and is starting to froth at the mouth, something I'd never seen him do, ever.

Damn, damn, damn. Here I am 16 years old, been reading Penthouse for untold years, aching for an older woman to make a pass at me, one does, and it goes over my head.

So my friend is pissed at me because, as he tells me, he's been flirting like hell with her since he got there, and I am just standing there. But who gets the come-on? Not him, who can recognize one a mile away, but me. Okay, I have just pissed my friend off by doing nothing when any red-blooded american male would have had her half undressed by now and I have pissed myself off because I was too stupid to see what was going on.

Okay, fast forward to college. A gay guy I work with wants to know if I want to go see a movie. I say sure. We go, have fun, great conversation, and get back to his place. He sits next to me on the couch, shoulder to shoulder, reaches across me a lot to get his drink, puts his arm on the back of the couch so my back and shoulder rub his arm and hand. He does everything but grab my crotch. I am puzzled but think he is just being extra friendly. After a bit, I tell him I need to go home because I have to be up early the next day, thank him for the fun time and leave.

Later the next day I am telling my manager the highlights of our guy's night out. Then she says "so your date went pretty well, huh?"

I say "excuse me? Date?"

She says "Sure, that's what he told me -that he and you were going out on a date."


She later said the look on my face at that moment was priceless. I liked Craig. Maybe if he had been a little more forward, I'd be telling a different tale here. As it was, the next time we worked together, my manager took him aside just as soon as he hit the door. When he came out of her office, his face was beet red and he avoided me all that night.

So, not only could I not pick up when women were hitting on me, but I could not pick up when men were hitting on me either. Unfortunately, there's more where these came from.
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Old 10th November 2004, 08:19 AM
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I like this what-if segement

I remember when i was 15/16 at the time and there was this cute black kid at my my school. I am bi and I love women, but i get off with men. But, I had a lot of freedom in high school. I worked in the office, and I was generally regarded a s good kid. If they only knew. I was constantly cutting classes and using the office pass to go to lunch and shit.

Well, I hated to go to the bathroom between classes. So, I would go during my office hour. I started to notice some writings on the wall. So, I worked up a nerve and responded to one. He responded. This soon led to notes being passed left in secret locations in the bathroom. Nor, he or I knew who the other one was at this point. But, the notes were pretty suggestable, and I was a day late and dollar short on a lot of the free sex period in those high school days

Well, he and I passed notes for weeks if not months, but I could never get up the nerve to hook up with him. We talked face to face after sometime. I was really scared and he had pretty much been outed in middle school. I, at times, wonder what if I would have taken that plunge in high school and not college. Would I be gay and not bi. What would i be doing now? I wonder I wonder. The last I heard of that kid is that he died. I am not sure of what, but that could all be a nast rumor. I look back at some of the kids that came out of my high school and that are gay now. I am very closeted and intend to stay that way.

Only a few people know of my past.
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Old 10th November 2004, 08:27 AM
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Tell us the rest of the story

Hey, Topeka,

Once you found out about this lady and about your friend, did you follow it up. Did you ever have sex with either. And what do you think you're boss said to your gay friend: did you ever find out?
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Old 10th November 2004, 02:29 PM
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If either had led to something more, I'd not be writing about them in a "regrets" thread. Sorry.

My harley friend gave me feelings I did not understand. Later, much later, I figured out it was because I had been sexually attracted to him. There are times I really wish I could redo my teen years knowing what I know now about human sexuality. I'd probably be dead from all the sex, but not regretting all the missed opportunities.

My waitress friend and I had a discussion about all the sexual innuendos she floated past me. She said she did so because she could say things like that to me and I wouldn't react to them the way 99% of the male population would. (what can I say-I was cursed sexually)

As for the gay coworker and I -after a couple days of avoidance, I cornered him, so to speak. I apologized to him for misunderstanding his intentions. He told me he felt he had humiliated himself over me. I told him I didn't see it that way. After that, we got along great. He opened up and told me things in conversations I would never have heard from him had we never gone out. He never did ask me out again. But as a friend and coworker, he was a blast.

I did find out from most all the later gay hires, he would give them a "heads-up" about me first chance he got, so none of them would make the same mistake with me he made. Now, help like that I didn't need, but they all would tell me knowing his experience with me actually made it easier for them to work with me.

My boss was a real "people person". She could get along and motivate anybody. I figure my boss being who she was, just told him how her conversation with me went. He then connected the dots and figured he'd read me wrong. He hadn't read me wrong, he just didn't realize just how dense I could be about reading sexual signals in others.

Working in a restaurant gave me the lessons I needed to better understand and get along with others. Plus it gave me an insight to the full spectrum of human sexuality. The fun part was watching the gays and the lesbians alternately support and trash each other, the bi people getting grief from both the gays and the lesbians, and the heteros just being bewildered by all the drama. All of them talked to me, someone who was the least qualified to help them with their issues. Hell I still hadn't a clue to my own sexuality at the time. Again, I think it was obvious to others but oblivious to me.
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Old 13th November 2004, 05:39 PM
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one time when i was 12 or 13, i was staying at one of my friends relatives house because we were far from home for a hockey tournament.

(at this point i didnt know much about sex with women, so i wasnt really thinking about sex with guys)

everyone had thier own bed or couch except for myself and another guy who i was pretty good friends with. we slept in the same bed (which was down in the basement of this huge house) all by ourselves. in the morning he woke me up and was like, "damn man, look at this morning wood i got." he showed it to me (even though he still had his boxers on) and it had to be huge under there. i was kinda like "damn man, go take a piss or sumthin." i shrugged it off and he didnt act any different after that.

years later we kinda lost touch some and i heard from A LOT of people that he was bisexual and had gotten with some guys that hung out with some of us. I was amazed and by then had realized that i was also attracted to guys but not acted on it.

then i remembered that one morning, and what would have happened if i had just sat up and grabbed his big, hard cock and just swallowed all i could. DAMN IT!!! WHAT IF?!?!??!
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