Ok, guys... I know many of you are going to think I am nuts, but I am having a problem and I am not sure how serious it is.
I am a single, lifelong top, late 30's, who has been toying with bottoming for about 6 months. I got the hygene down pat, I practiced with toys, basically taught myself to do what I like to feel as a top. Dating was a bit weird... seemed that everyone I met had a pretty small penis, and bottoming was easy. I was on the cruise for a big gun... Well, I met a 20 something guy last weekend who was packin... and I mean 9x6 kinda packin. We went back to his place after a few drinks and fucked for hours. I was in heaven. I did all the things you have to do to be safe (condoms, lube, etc.) and went to TOWN on this guy. Better stated, he went to town on ME. On Sunday, I started to have some pain. No bleeding, just a bruisy kind of feeling, and basically couldn't go to the bathroom. By Monday, my butt flat out hurt. Again, it's nothing acute, just feels like I have been kicked, hard, right in the ol' pucker. When I do have to go to the bathroom, it's a bad scene. If I push at all, it feels like I am going to drop my guts out. Everything in there just feels bruised and a bit swollen. This is a little graphic, I realize, but I have never experienced this before... ever. At this point, I can hear some of you saying, "for god's sake, see a doctor if it's that bad"... I just want to know if any of you have experienced this? Is it normal if you over-do it? Until I get a guage on whether I am just being nervous over nothing, or if I could have damaged something seriously, I don't want to go to my doc and say," Look, I got butt banged and broke something." Anyone have any experience with this? Please no jokes or horror stories, I am looking for real info here. Thanks in advance. Jay
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