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Old 7th September 2005, 07:19 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
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HELP with geting my COCK Hard (Never Had Trouble till now)>>

Help and wondering whats going on? Ok, I am a young 50 and untill last Septeber 2004, I had no trouble geting a hard on. I had a guy that I was seeing 5 to 6 times a week for sex, sucking, fucking and many times we spent the entire day/night in bed, I would cum 1/2/3 times a day. I had the best sex with him than with anyone else ever.
Problem is he drank all the time day and night. I could not keep up with him in the beer drinking dept, so many times I would not drink anything for weeks but our sex life kept ging strong, When I did drink I still had a gret hard on either way.
Last September I had enough of his drinking (Fist Fighting, rage and all that goes along with someone who lives for the bottle and stoped seeing him once and for all. Its been a year now.
Ok, here is my problem, since not haveing him for sex, I no longer get hard!!! Ive met a few (3/4) guys and just couldnt get it up???
There in no change in any meds I take, Valium, Paxil, ad they didnt hurt my sex drive when he was around.
ONE thing NEW I take is BENADRYL to make me sleep and they do. I take 4 to 5 of them every night 25MGs X 4/5 and they work for sleep.I drink 4/maybe five coups of cofee a day but Im wondering if its the BENADRYL thats keeping from geting hard???
I am in very good health as farr as I know and just turned 50.
When my Sex Buddy was around he could suck my off 2 or more times a day and I was allways hard just when Id kiss and hug him. Whats going on?
Please any info.
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Old 7th September 2005, 07:43 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 3

your drugist should be able to tell you if there is an interaction with your meds, also get a PDR (MD desk reference) you can look up what you take,get side effects etc.They are available in most bookstores. What not to do is take anything that says it will help you get it up, without talking to your MD.Hate to say it but been there, done that. You can adjust your activities, still have fun but live with the condition.
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Old 8th September 2005, 04:05 AM
Join Date: Nov 1999
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Too many meds, my man. Valium is only useful for a couple of weeks, after that it will exacerbate the condition for which you take the Paxil. And pills to sleep, too! Try getting tired, maybe exercise more? If it was me, I'd ask my doc if getting off all of them for a while would be a good idea, the first couple of weeks would be rough, but your body could get off the up-and-down roller coaster you're on.
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Old 8th September 2005, 01:41 PM
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Posts: 103

Being fresh out of an abusive relationship with and alcoholic, it's no wonder you're anxious and have trouble sleeping. Sometimes we forget that the trauma doesn't end just because we leave the relationship. Maybe try looking at those past issues and finding some peace and resolve with them?

I know it sounds crazy because it's been a year, but I went through the same thing years ago with a partner and my sex life suffered big time after the relationship ended. It wasn't until I faced the shit and dealt with it that I got my confidence and self esteem back, two very important factors in a healthy sex life.

Let us know how you're doing.
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Old 8th September 2005, 11:01 PM
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All good advice here. It could be any or all of this making you limp.

The classic test of whether your limp dick is mental or physical is-do you still get erections at all? Do you wake with wood or the piss hard-on? If you can still have these erections, look for the mental block.

If you don't or can't ever get any erection, look at the physical stuff.

And sudden loss of erectile function is a strong signal of circulation/heart issues. My doc says that your ability to get an erection is strongly related to the health of your circulatory system. And that ED is a signal to him to start looking aggressively at blood pressure/heart issues in the men who come to see him complaining they can't get it up like they used to.
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Old 9th September 2005, 07:27 PM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

Lord have mercy!

You take 100-125mg of Benadryl NIGHTLY?
I'm amazed you are capable of walking! Throw in a touch of Paxil, mix well with long acting Valium and bye-bye boner! Oh yeah, 5 cups of coffee probably improves the brew.

David my friend, you have one very serious problem, and a limp dick isn't part of it. Your flaccid friend is your little mind telling the big one that you really need to see your doctor for detoxing!

My over the counter advice: 1: stop the coffee. 2: Stop the Benadryl, I don't care how horrible you feel. 3. DO NOT, under any circumstance, stop the Valium. Go cold turkey on that with your other gray cells in the state they are in, and you are asking for seizures. Similarly, DO NOT stop the Paxil. You have to be weened off of it.

Forget about the little fella between your legs for a few weeks. You will survive. But get thee to a physician ASAP. You need a lot of help before your dick comes back on line. And it will, if you listen to me.

Dr Danny
(yes, I'm a real one)
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Old 11th September 2005, 07:05 AM
mine's double-wide
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I'm NOT a doctor and I thought the same thing when I read the original post. You need some help.
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Old 11th September 2005, 05:30 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Thank You>>

I want to Thank Each and Every One of you guys for your Help!!!
I will see my Doctor this upcomeing week and will tell him about EVERYTHING I have been taking.
OK< first off, I an down to 1 small cup of coffee in the moring(Today I did have another small cup this afternoon and wished I hadnt, so starting toorrow morning NO Coffee, cause Im tossing the coffee out with the trash).
I cut myself down to 2 BENADRELL(SP) from 4/5 and tonight I will take 1 or none at all.
Ive allready cut my Paxil in Half from 40MG to 20 MG.
With drinking alot less coffee (And tomorrow none in the house TO Drink) I have allready Woke-Up Yeaterday AND Tody with MORNING-WOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I still have a way to go but I WILL Go There>><<<<
I have to adit that will all the JUNK I was takeing that I was not thinking clear and I knew it and yet didnt know it>>If you understand what I am saying.
Im takeing less Valium bcause of less COFFEE><><
I want to Thank Each and Every One of you Guys for Careing Enough and Jumping in to tell me the TRUTH.
HABITS are easy to get into>>>And one habit goes into another.
Again, Thank All of you Guys and God Bless All of You.
I Miss my Hard Cock but he is CUMing back an inch at a time.
Thanks Buddys.
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Old 12th September 2005, 07:57 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 103

David, good for you. We are blessed to have Dr Danny here, so listen to his advise.

I went on decaf a couple years ago when the doc told my wife to cut out caffene. She had a couple bouts of heart palppitations, which scared the shit out of us. Decafe in restaurants is usually nasty stuff, but when we make it at home, we make it VERY strong and it is accetable. A grande mocha, decafe, skim, no whipped cream from Starbucks is good way to start the day, albiet a bit expensive......I only do it about once a week.

Sounds like you are on your way of luck.
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Old 12th September 2005, 07:01 PM
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Old 12th September 2005, 07:47 PM
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I am on both Zoloft and Xanax under medical supervision, and about six months ago, I started doing yoga 3x a week for an hour. While I never had serious ED on the meds, I did experience a loss of interest in sex and softer hard-ons, and used Cialis and Viagra from time to time to compensate. I can only say that after six months of yoga, I am still on the meds, but my sex drive and hard-ons are back to like they were when I was 35...and I can come 3 or 4 times in a 12 hour period with no problem. In fact, I feel super-horned up most of the time. I'm 50 and can't imagine ever needing or wanting Cialis or Viagra again.
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Old 19th September 2005, 03:34 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 3
Need Body Contact With A Man, St Louis

Hello Guys, first off I want to Thank all of you who have helped me seeing the Light!! I am now off coffee and the Benadrel(SP). I am now wakeing up with a hard-on and when I read something sexy or see a hot looking Man, I feel the passion that I once had again comeing back.
I am looking for a Man in or around St Louis, that I can hook up with for sex. I am good in bed ith the right Man and I have alot of Passion. Safe Sex Allways D/D Free. I have a nice Body, 6ft1, 185Lbs, 33W, 44 inch Hairy Chest, 11 E Feet. Very short Lt Brn Hair, Nice Eyes and Smile.
I Luv Hot Sweaty Man to Man Sex from Head to Toes and allover eachothers body.
Kissing, strokeing and holding and being held in a Mans strong arms.
Like starting out fully clothed, rubing our cocks inside our pants, feeling our cocks growing hard. open your shirt as I stroke your chest.
Pulling off each others shoes/Boots and giveing your hot, tired Feet a Massage.
Licking the head of your Cock, Licking your Balls. I can get into Ass play with the right Man and would like to Top or Bottom.
I am a Handsome Man with a Nice Body and Face. I just need to get back into the Swing/Sling of things.
You and Email me at
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