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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   golden cock/nature boys

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Old 12th February 2005, 08:52 PM
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About the Fijian bouncers...

Sorry for the late reply. I just saw the response to my inquiry regarding the bouncers...I'm not sure they'd do that to me since I believe that it would all be in the approach. I suspect that if approached in the right way (not necessarily by flashing a bankroll) with lots of flatery, a definite show of interest and nothing too overt, I suspect the most they'd do would be to apologize for not being interested.

After all, they're still men and they'd definitely be pleased at being appreciated. At worst, I think they'd just laugh it off since they can't be too "popular" with locals (even girls) if they look rough and are bigger than average in size (I haven't peeked under their pants yet, so THAT's not what I'm referrring to...) and a patron being interested in them instead of the available boiz might be enough of a novelty to pique their interest.

I am certainly going to try it and see when I come to BKK next.


I am expert at looking appealingly nerdish, wide-eyed and interested when I want to...heheh....even after thirty five years of happy debauching.
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 12th February 2005, 09:25 PM
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One of the "Fijian bouncers" referred to is probably Khun Chang, well-known former Tawan barboy and the sweetest guy you'd ever want to know.
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Old 13th February 2005, 07:51 AM
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Dear Icon,
Thank you. As always, the life of the night world is an open book to you. Would it be okay if I asked for him by name when I come to Screwboy? I don't want to get him into any trouble with the management or anything like that.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 13th February 2005, 09:02 AM
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Jasmine. Have I got the name right?? It is Just up from Team Boy (opp Soi Twilight) connected to Bavana (???) hotel. Has foot massage at Royal Jasmine (??) and two doors up is Bavana hotel where if you go up to the first floor has massage with a large nuber of guys (has photo book to choose from).
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Old 14th February 2005, 04:24 AM
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nature boys

Just what are you trying to prove here? I do not care in the least how many fantasy bj's you obtain. Are you trying to increase the number of patrons who visit NB? How much do you pay for this dream? BTW number 32 is way tooooo hot and sexy to indulge in this activity. In addition I know the mamasan JAY very well, and also the swiss part owner very well also. Please think B4 you write on another occasion. I have kept quiet on this topic and your fantasies, however as my name was mentioned for some evidence in regard to a business card - I could not hold my tongue any longer. So in regard to the card you can shove it HON. In addition, these bars are not there to suck of punters on the cheap - they are there for the drink prices and the offs.
If you really want a BJ then head off to rose or kangaroo bar in patpong and get some skanky old ho to blow you for 300B, behind the curtain, whilst slurping on your singha. There may be a bit of fooling, but it definately aint no backroom where an old queen like like can just flop it out and get blown on te cheap, before heading off for the massage. I have really heard enuf!......
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Old 14th February 2005, 09:08 AM
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Well - we'll let the readers decide for themelves. Frankly quite happy if no-one else goes there as I prefer having the places to myself. If you look back through the history of posts you will see this is quite a recurring topic.
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Old 14th February 2005, 10:00 AM
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Whatever the case, you'd have to be an absolute idiot to pull your wanker out and/or engage in a sexual act in the open. If there happened to be a police raid at that moment, you would be deported and made persona non grata at the very least. I wouldn't want to think of the consequences in a worst-case scenario.

Besides -- sorry to burst your bubble -- I for one do not want to look at some fat old farang's cock. What's wrong with a hotel room, for Chrissakes?
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Old 16th February 2005, 02:27 AM
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I suppose it must be alright then to pull your wanker out and/or engage in a sexual act in a cinema, massage parlour or sauna that you seem to frequent so regularly, which room did you say was locked recently.
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Old 16th February 2005, 02:36 AM
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Relatively all right, yes, but not 100%. At least you're not visible from the front door at those places.
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Old 16th February 2005, 04:10 AM
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I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about what would happen if the ploice were to raid these places, not sitting in the doorway with your cock out.
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Old 17th February 2005, 09:49 PM
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Paul, luvvie, I'm not at all into publicly performing in the bars but I often call in to GC in the afternoons and NB on my way home in the evenings and IT DOES GO ON in both of these - more often than not in my experience.

If others want to indulge, up to them of course, but, try as I might to ignore what others are up to, the slurping and spurting does tend to be pretty obvious.

You don't look like an undercover cop, by any chance, do you? Because that could explain your seeing no evil....
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Old 18th February 2005, 03:03 AM
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No I am not an undercover cop. I am, however, actually someone who has visited Thailand for many years and many many MANY times, unlike, I would guess, many on this board who seek to outline their fantasies. So you can post what you like........I just do not appreciate the suggestion that these bars are hot beds of open fucking and sucking. One does not expect this in say, Dream Boys, Suoer Lek Tawan, Jupiter or most of the others - it could happen on occasion, but occasion it certainly is. I have said that these bars are not for old has been farangs like you to get a free blow n' go on the way to and from work, purchasing the dude a coke for his trouble........... I like and LOVE the sleaziest of bars, but most of the stories here are complete bullshit.....
I have been on the baords since the dreaded ned days, perhaps some may remember this. The reason for the lack of posts on newer boards, is because one one does so the trolls come out. Remember Rick et al??I will say no more on this subject then......
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Old 18th February 2005, 03:09 AM
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I've been to all of these bars dozens (hundreds?) of times. I've seen cocks out, but never sucking or fucking. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, of course -- and there's obviously more of a chance of it happening if you try to initiate it yourself (I would never do so, because the exhibitionist thing is not for me).

Anywway, maybe we should move on to other topics now.
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Old 18th February 2005, 03:25 PM
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"this paul" gets so upset because of the suggestion that these bars are some kind of backroom where there is an orgy in progress every night. Is that enuf explanation for you, Sweetheart? These so called reports are fantasies and just plain bullshit. It is interesting to note that those who do claim to go here and get sucked and fucked by sexy young go go boys never off them! Indeed would these tired old queens even know what an off fee is??? It is just all addition as for the comment regarding the faang woman geting her pussy fingered eeeeewww. That is REALLY bullshit.

I am over it now, and agree we should move on to other things.
I am however interested in GENUINE reports concerning go gos cruising areas, parks, street dudes, cinemas and even those skanky cum covered glory holes shopping malls etc etc etc. I am also interested in anyone elses experiences at Samranrong. Bring it on, and remember, those experienced in the BKK or Pattaya scene will know bullshit when they read it.
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Old 18th February 2005, 03:55 PM
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Paul you are one stubborn s.o.a.b.

I stand by every word I wrote....I did j/o a boy in the C.G. bar area who is well known to all of us regulars, (& I bet I've been around the bars longer than u sweetie) while 2 others took turns sucking me. I've enjoyed the company of several hundred boys over the years, many offed from bars including G.C. ( but never Nature Boy). The farang shiela in N.B was not just fingered, she was fucked by the tatooted boy in full view of me and one other lone farang, and it seems u are the only guy in this town who doesn't what often goes on. Please just shut the f**k up and tell us your interesting experiences, but dont keep calling me a liar.
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