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Old 19th September 2005, 10:12 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Question Penang's LEO sauna

Dear P'Tao and sauna lovers in Asia ,

I have just saw a post on another web board saying
LEO FITNESS in Penang refurbished and now bigger than before with a new bar area . They charge only RM5 ( about 50Bhats ) on weekdays with no membership required anymore .

Can anyone confirm this ?
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Old 20th September 2005, 05:40 AM
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Just back from Europe

Sorry, no idea at all. I just spent months working in Europe and haven't had the time to visit all the local places yet. In fact, I haven't even had the time to visit LOS, either. And I'm off on another assignment at the end of the month. Yucks!

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 20th September 2005, 09:53 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Back in Penang ?

Thanks for the quick reply , P'Tao .

So , you are in Penang now ?

If sounds like you are too busy to vist this yr local sauna .

Anyway , maybe I will try this reborn LEO next month .
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Old 21st September 2005, 03:33 AM
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massage in Petaling Jaya

Sorry, this is not about the sauna in Penang but if it is of any interest, Arlena massage has opened a branch in Petaling Jaya in Damansara Perdana. It is actually in the same area as Armanjari. But this place is all serviced by thai guys or shall I say Thai boys... was there last week, only 8 boys to choose from and the boy was horny enough to go all the way. The only thing is that this boy asked for RM100 tip....because I fucked him!
The guys in Armandjari were happy with RM60 tip!! But surprisingly the mainland chinese guy I got at this place does a good massage job but unfortunately not too good a sex!! Ha ha.. got so horny with his body and he won't let me fuck him... just a hand job but he does have a good load of warm cum to drench my body!
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Old 21st September 2005, 07:28 AM
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The only thing is that this boy asked for RM100 tip....because I fucked him
That's not expensive. The going rate in Bangkok is also about 1,000 baht ( approx RM 100 ) and there are lots to massage parlors to choose from in Bangkok.

I think the cost of living in Malaysia is higher than Thailand (?) and the sexy massage business in Malaysia is less competitive as well. So, I think the rate in Malaysia should be higher !.
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Old 21st September 2005, 07:59 AM
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Ya, I agree with you but then when I was at the other massage place the first time, the guy in charge told me to tip them just RM30-50 because the boys get a cut from massage fees from the shop. They get 50pc of the massage price which range from rm50-150.
Infact these two massage shop are owned by the same owner. One catering to chinese masseurs from mainland China and locally with the occasional thai boys. The other one has only thai masseurs.
Am not complaining though, it was just a thought . Anyway, in Bangkok, at B&N and GQ, a good fuck costs me BHT800-1000 tip as I know that the boys don't earn any cuts from the owner. Cheers. Looking forward to my next trip to BKK.
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Old 21st September 2005, 08:27 AM
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I wonder what the thought is behind racially segregating the two parlors?
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Old 21st September 2005, 09:55 PM
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If the owner anyway has two separate premises, it does make sense to give different identities to each, for branding purposes. One can be known for thai, attracting customers who like tomyam, while the other can attract customers who like dimsum. I can also imagine that spearation reduces the risk of conflict between the thais and the chinese. there will surely be cultural differences in culture and habits, and when heightened by competition for customers and take a seirous turn. perhaps also, the owner pays slightly different wages to the thais and chinese, so best to keep the two apart.
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Old 22nd September 2005, 12:40 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Cheep airfare to KL

Hey , guys ,

I really do appreciate informations on KL massage places , but
someone who really need those informations cannot search those precious informations , if you post those to the thread of " A Penag sauna " .

Don't U think it's wise to create a new thread ?

By the way , Lufthansa has special return airfare 3000 Bhats ++ to KL now .LUFTHANSA ( Thailand )

This is much cheaper than Air Asia & Thai Air Asia .
Also Indian Airlines now have promotional airfare and they have daily service to KL .
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Old 13th October 2005, 09:41 AM
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Just checked out LEO

New management and new look. They've got an additional sauna darkroom, different maze in the dark room and three mini spa pools as well as some lovely new decor (beautiful glass walled showers open on three sides to public scrutiny) and lots of weekly promotions (including Muscle show, Muscle nite, twink nite and couples night). Also a coffeehouse (coffee, tea and local snack is free but you've got to tolerate the karaoke there (YUKS!).

Just got back. It's Thursday night and there were easily 30 people running about. A fair mix of older out of condition guys (not necessarily fat) and twinks, with a few more muscular young men thrown in for good measure. All looking for a good time free of charge! The entry fee to LEO is equivalent to about 100 Baht.

Hope this answers everyone's questions but if you want to know more, wait till I check out the muscle show this coming Sunday.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 14th October 2005, 09:07 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Smile I am in PENANG now !

And , YES ! I have been this EXPANDED reborn LEO FITNESS tonight .

Thanks , P'Tao , you saved me writing all those details .
In additions , they have 2 separate steam rooms ( I couldn't find anyone in one of them ) , larger gym with more equipments , new private cabins ( 5 rooms ) , and another ( bright ) common shower room in the rear side .
I like this new private cabin area .
They have some peep holes on the walls , and there a high chair in some cabins , so you can stand on it and look down from a partion .
Yes , you can see what other guys doing . And they don't care being peeped .

The jacuzzi area is something we don't have here in BKK .

The clientele was exactly what P'Toa said .

I got a nice body guy with big cock in a busier steam .
I got screwed by him .
Later I found a cute defined face young slim sexy guy in the new private cabin area .
I saw his hard dick was pushing up the thin white bath towel to the maximum .
I touched his dick and pulled him in to a cabin .
I took his towel away , saw his body , touched his body , and realized THIS GUY was the SAME guy I had sex in the steam .
He is little bit hairy around his chests , so I can tell he is .
He is lot younger than I thought . Around 23yo . He has a big and very thick beautiful cock . I thought he was a Thai ( because of the size and his body build ) , so I asked him if he was Malaysian . He said yes . He is uncut , so probably is not a Muslim .
I sucked his dick for a long time . He loved it .
And he screwed me again from my behind .
It was so good . One of the best I've ever had .

P' Tao , so you visited this sauna one day b4 I went .
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Old 14th October 2005, 09:23 AM
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Dear Ninja,
Why can't the really cute horny guys be there when I'm hunting? Everything was as you said. Last night, there were people in the steam rooms but they were all occupied with their partners, so I went hunting in the maze and got lucky. The cocky older-than-me guy there challenged me to cum twice in half an hour not knowing my record at Leo...heheh...he got a surprise, all right!

I'll probably be checking out the sauna's muscle show this Sunday, so I'll report on it if I go...and don't get caught up in other more actively engrossing activities.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 20th October 2005, 12:42 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Revaluation of Ringitt


only RM5 ( about 50Bhats )

When I checked my bank statement , I was bit shocked to find out One ringitt is not 10 Bahts anymore .
The conversion rate is around RM0.9 = 10Bahts now .
I checked some exchange booths in Penang , and their exchange rate was similar to this .
A good news to Malaysians , a not good news to us .
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Old 20th October 2005, 01:11 AM
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The rate always varies

The rate of conversion between the Thai Baht and the Malaysian Ringgit has always varied ebtween 90 sen to 10 Baht to par, to Rm1.10 to 10 baht, as far as I remember.

Sorry but I didn't manage to check out Leo's on Sunday night. Maybe this weekend.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 20th October 2005, 04:56 AM
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p'tao, can old, fat, beautiful me enter the establishment during muscle night. or is strickly muscled customers night.
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