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Old 18th April 2006, 10:07 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
One Sunday evening

When you say this place (Sentra) was "busy", how many people were there that evening ? 20? 30? or more ?
More than that . People keep on coming one after another .
When I checked in , 2 more guys followed me immediately after .

Maybe because that was a Sunday evening , soon after the cleaning time ( 5:30PM ) , but IT WAS RAINNING VERY HARD .

It was like a regular Sunday geathering .
Excluding massage customers , say , at least 50 customers .
In the small steam room alone , I quess there were at least 15 guys .

By the way , yesterday AirAsia ( AK ) has released seats up to next March .
They have many specials such as one way to KL only 479 Bahts .
( I am sure ZIPPO already knows about this )

I want to visit KL for next new year as well as this July .
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Old 20th April 2006, 12:44 AM
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Air Asia deals

Yup.....sure do! Already booked for Nov/Dec but can't decide on next years date yet! Ninja, u have any idea the guys doing massage at Sentral? Are they locals?
A few days ago I had a massage in a 'normal' massage place and got this young guy from China to massage. His technique was good but I had to endure the pain from his too strong massage. I just have this feeling that Thai guys knows best what pressure to use.
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Old 21st April 2006, 12:32 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Blind massage

the guys doing massage at Sentral? Are they locals?
They sit down at the reception area .
They look like middle age blind massage guys ( both Indian and Chinese looking )

By the way , in KL I found a resonably OK accommodation in the price range I mentioned here . The building was build around 70's ( I guess ) , but the location is unbeatable ( close to almost anything I need , and walking distance to 3 monorail stations , 1 LRT station and PUDRAYA international bus terminal . A Chinese old family run style so so clean , but the rooms are not small hotel . I've booked for my next trip to KL already.
Budget class hotels in this area are easily booked out on weekends , and the number of rooms they have is very small , so I wouldn't mention the name here .
If you really interested in , and if you usually stay at 500 Bahts range hotel in BKK , just PM to me .

Well , I want to take advantage the AirAsia's special for October holiday as well .
Maybe I shoud try a different budget hotel ?
How about SHUTTLE INN ? The right in the middle of BUKIT BINTANG next to McDonald .
They advertise RM58 per night .
Anyone stayed there before ?
How about cleanliness ? Security ? Noise ?

Need some information .

Thanks .

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Old 21st April 2006, 09:54 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Unhappy Too late , I missed CHAKRAN

Soon after I came back to Thailand , I found out there was a new spa , massage and sauna place in Brickfield area ( where SENTRAL sauana is )
The name of the sauna is CHAKRAN ( sounds familiar ? )
It's on the same street where YMCA and Seven Eleven are .
Maybe only about 5 minute walk from SENTRAL .
It's quicker from KL TUN SAMBANTHAN monorail station ( one stop before SENTRAL station )

They say they have a roof top garden and jacuzzi , and a stage for events and parties .
They open from 11AM to 11PM .
I think should check this place next time .
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Old 28th April 2006, 12:04 PM
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i am back...

Dear Ninja and all,

I am back online after a LOOONG haitus. And i am currently livin in KL too.

Ninja, Glad to know that u enjoyed your trip to KL.

I am a huge fan of Chakran in KL. Not so much for the sex part but the place has a relaxin feel to it and it suits me just fine. I love the "splash" around in the rooftop jacuzzi. FUN!!!

Warning to all. The police raids on KL saunas arent over yet. Sentral got raided again and again and they no longer have dark rooms or so i been told. Bambusa no longer have the dark room behind the locker room. They moved the tv inthe former dark room but the "rain room" and rooftop are still open.

Local crowd have thinned out considerably since the raids started but rest assured....they will be back in force once the commotion died down. Nothing can beat or stop the horniness of a gay man wanting sex.

Case in point....Mclub ( formerly Mirage with only new carpets and a fresh coat of paint) is packed with horny men 2 Saturdays ago. Your truly spent the night there. Be warned membership is required. The line " i was a Mirage member before" doesnt work. I tried. LOL Extra one time RM10 entrance fee is RM25.

Will report more when there is more.

Stay horny and stay safe everyone.
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Old 28th April 2006, 10:37 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
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My agenda for next visit

Dear Dreamorph ,

I will definitely try CHAKRAN in KL for my July visit .

Sentral got raided again and again and they no longer have dark rooms
I only found a dark corner . Maybe that's WHY the dark steam room was so crowded .

Bambusa no longer have the dark room behind the locker room. They moved the tv inthe former dark room
Confirmed . No dark room in BAMBUSA .

By the way , you have been to MANDI MANDA already ?
If I know how to get there by bus ( and on foot ) , I will inspect this new sauna and post a report .
I will stay in Bukit Bintang again ( Basically I don't know where to catch a bus and where to get off )
Worth visiting ? even if I travel that far ( or not that far ? )
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Old 3rd June 2006, 06:08 AM
Very Nice Guy
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According to your 2 recent trips to KL, how did you travel from Lowcost Terminal to Downtown KL ?. By SkyBus direct from lowcost airport to downtown, or by shuttle from Lowcost Airport to Main Airport then hi-speed train ?.

Is it convenient in either case ?.

And, are Sentral and Bamboosia saunas still good for cruising on Friday and Saturday evening ? I will be there soon.....

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Old 3rd June 2006, 07:16 AM
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I just used the LCCT today and chose to use the public taxi for my ride to Petaling Jaya. It is surprisingly cheaper by RM10 than the ride from KLIA. Remember that if you should want to use the bus shuttle that goes to KL Sentral, use it only if you are not carrying too many bags. Apparently, there's no baggage storage area in the bus.
If you should choose to trvel from LCCT to KLIA to get the ERL train to Sentral, compare the direct taxi fare. It might save you a few ringgit but you have to trouble yourself travelling here and there.
I'll leave to Ninja to reply the saunas in KL.
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Old 4th June 2006, 01:45 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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As I mentioned on another thread

Thai guy
According to your 2 recent trips to KL, how did you travel from Lowcost Terminal to Downtown KL ?
2 trips ??? Only one , Dear .
Another one is comming in 6 weeks time .

And I travelled from Lavender , SINGAPORE to Pudraya in the heart of KL by BUS .
It's quicker than flying direct from Singapore , if you consider the time you spend on the whole trip from CBD to CBD .

By SkyBus direct from lowcost airport to downtown

Afirmative . And it was correct when I visited the KL Sentral's bus terminal .

Apparently, there's no baggage storage area in the bus.
I SAW some passengers putting their luggage to a baggage storage area when I visited the bus terminal .

Thai Guy
And, are Sentral and Bamboosia saunas still good for cruising on Friday and Saturday evening ? I will be there soon.....
I visited Bambusa on a weekday ( I really enjoyed the place ) , and Sentral on Sunday ( It was busy )

I really want to try MANDI MANDA next time , so if you could visit this new place and tell us about , it would be very much appreciated .
Or anyone can tell us how to get there by public transport ?
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Old 8th June 2006, 03:35 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 21

have got 2 days business in KL will be staying at regent hotel, anyone tell me best way from airport?
and also are they visitor friendly?
any information that i might find useful

thanks in advance guys
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Old 9th June 2006, 02:04 AM
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Take airport express train then taxi. Regent is 100 metres from Blue Boy disco....great venue for pick up Malay boys (not Chinese.) No problem with visitors at Regent if you are discrete. I've taken many guys there.
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Old 9th June 2006, 03:06 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Posts: 551
If U fly with a full service air ,

anyone tell me best way from airport?
The quickest way is probably taking Airport EKSPRESS , and then KL monorail ( get off at Bukit Bingtan )
You can see REGENT from the station platform .

BAMBUSA sauna & spa is in the next commecial building to REGENT .

**** THE GOOD NEWS TO frequent visitors to KL ( and Zippo ) ***

AirAsia ( AK ) will increase the number of service between BKK and KL very soon ( seats are on sale now )
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Old 10th June 2006, 02:28 PM
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"The quickest way is probably taking Airport EKSPRESS , and then KL monorail ( get off at Bukit Bingtan )

Yes confirmed!
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Old 10th June 2006, 03:01 PM
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if i take a taxi from the city air terminal to the regent hotel as i will have luggage, whats the likely cost gonna be, ive been warned to agree a price with driver first but what is a realistic price?
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Old 10th June 2006, 05:01 PM
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Its only about a 5 min ride, not expensive. From memory there's a a stand at the KLIA terminal when you get off the train and you book (prepay?) a taxi there.
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