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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Need latest MALAYSIA info

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Old 5th April 2006, 03:34 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Question Need latest MALAYSIA info

I am going to Malaysia next week !

I need fresh information on KL ( and also Penang )

Any gay night clubs should not miss ?

Also I would really appreciate if I could get some information on budget accommodation in KL .
Less than RM60 per night ( Tax & S. Charge inclusive ) a/c room with TV , telephone , private shower room and toilet , AND window ( some budget rooms don't have in Malaysia ) in Bukit Bingtan or Imbi area .

I think many expats in Thailand will escape to Malaysia from water splashing , the political turmoil or whatever during Sornkran this year , so I am sure I am not the only one who need update information on gay Malaysia .

Thanks in advance .
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Old 7th April 2006, 12:37 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Question Any special event days?

Are there any special event days like NAKED NIGHT , UNDERWEAR NIGHT and so on ( like some of BKK saunas ) ?
Or Malay night , Indian night or Chinese night ( like Raw in Singapore ) ?
Any KL gay saunas have an every day NAKED ZONE ?

Sorry I am asking this question here in Thai board ,
since Malaysian board is OOK PAI mode .
Try to check the latest post , it just say NEVER been posted .
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Old 7th April 2006, 08:47 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

Have only been to Otot and have found it to be good but rather discreet.Like a mens leisure club really.The management and staff sometimes go through aerobics routines to show they are a legitimate fitness club.The guys their are a good selection-Malay,Indian and Chinese represented- but it is unlikely you will find a night of wild abandon.It used to be advised to phone before going.Malaysians are fun and friendly but very grounded.Strangely, otot shares the building with a Christian revivial group and sometimes wild singing and preaching can be heard.

PS Utopia has a listing of accomodations under "Malaysia" then "K.L".No prices listed but you may be able to find a lead.

You could message also the Malaysian CFS moderator(he still exisists).He sometimes participates on this board.
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Old 8th April 2006, 06:57 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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PLU guide & AXCEST eGuide

I plan to stay in KL for 4 nights or 5 nights .

My priority is OTOTO2 , BAMBOOSIA and MANATUS ( Can I walk from MIHARUJA LTR station ? )

I will skip DAY THEARMOS and M CLUB ( reborn MIRAGE or exactly the same as b4 ? )

I am interested in STEAM WORK , but according to the information I got from Zippo and Dreamorph , I think it's hard to get this place , if I don't have an own vehicle .

How about the newly opened MANDHI MANDALA ?
Any good ? This one is also hard to get , but really interested in .

BABYLON KL sill open ? Worth visiting ?

I have checked PLU Guide Malaysia and AXCEST e GUIDE , but not many listings of saunas and hotels .
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Old 8th April 2006, 11:12 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Posts: 551

MANDI MANDA 's website says it can be reached by one of those public bus Rapid KL No 51, 65 and 218
or Metro No 19, 20, 21 or SJ No 54 ( don't know which bus stop I should get off )

Is KAKIKU a massage place or massage AND a cruising sauna ?
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Old 9th April 2006, 07:43 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177

Ninja, if you really want to go to Steamwork, its quite easy to take the Putra LRT. You take the Kelana Jaya line and stop at Taman Bahagia. When you get out (only one entrance/exit), you will see a traffic light on your left and walk across the road. You will see a motor car repair shop and continue walking along the row of shops and you will see another traffic light interchange. Walk across again and straight till you see a road on your right. Turn in and walk straight and turn left till nearly the end of the road. You will see a sports centre and Steamwork is infront.
Am I confusing? He he hope not.
I am not too sure whether this place is for you with plenty of action. Well, up to you to find out and make a report over here. Cheers and enjoy yourself!
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Old 9th April 2006, 11:33 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Posts: 551
Wink Thanks always , Zippo

Dear Zippo ,

After I try their sister sauna , MANATUS , I might try this place .

Now I've found other Malaysian gay websites such as LPG , MYPLU , GOOD AS YOU and so on .

Now BAMBUSA is listed as a MASSAGE place in those websites .
Have they changed their business format from a sauna ???

If you have any saunas you want me to INSPECT , as far as my time permits , I would do it .

Thank you so much , Zippo .
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Old 12th April 2006, 10:50 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Posts: 551
Smile DAY 1 in KL


This place is lacated in the middle of Bukit Bintang .
It just takes only a few minutes from the KL monorail station .
It is the easiest sauna to find in KL .
There is BLUE BOY disco 2 shop house blocks behind .
And DAY THEARMOS sauna 3 shop house blocks behind .

I just heard this place was busier than DAY THEARMOS soon after I came back from my last Sornkran trip , so this is my MUST for this time .

They have a massage & spa section , but I only inspected the sauna section ( I saw about 4 massage guys were on stand-by )
They share the reception (3rd fl) , but the cruising sauna is located on 4 , 5th and the roof top .
This place is clean and new . Nicely decorated .
It's quite cozy . I liked watching THE CAFE STREET down the below from the roof top . It's quite breezy on the roof top .

They had only about 20 sauna customers all together when I visited , but they have about 150 lockers .
They open from 2PM to 11Pm everyday .
They charge RM15 ( no membership required )
Free cool tea included .

They don't have private cabins , so customers can use shower rooms where they can lock , if they prefer privacy .
They have an internet corner ( only one computer , and it too slow to connect to any websites )

I really liked and enjoyed RAIN FOREST ROOM on the roof top .
This is VERY unique concept which we never have in BKK .
This is NOT a naked zone , but people usually take off their bath towels , otherwise they might get soaked wet .

They had ( I had ) some group sex and wanking showing there . I got sucked by some Malaysian guys . Malaysians are so good at it .
The clientele is really mixed .
Chinese , Malay and Indian Malaysians . AND at least 3 farangs . One of them was younger side who was eager to do almost anything .

The first guy who I got there was a younger slim Malay guy with a HUGE weapon .
I sucked his PISANG PANAS to my heart content . He led me taste his hot cum shot

Maybe you don't need to go to a local sauna if you don't have enough time . This one is really OK ( or more than OK ) , and if you fail to get a free bee , you can always ask a masage boy , or head to Mclub ( 24 hours open )

Well , which sauna should I visit next ?
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Old 13th April 2006, 10:44 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

* Day 2

I have decided to go to a new massage & spa place turned to be a cruising sauna ( UTOPIA's article says so ) , KAKIKU despite of the bad weather .

This place is just about 7 minutes walk from the STAR LRT station MALURI . This station is only 4 stops from Hang Tuah station ( waking distance from Bukit Bintang )

When you get off from a train , make sure you use the long foot bridge to cross PUDU street ( toward JUSCO ) othrewise , you almost cannot cross Cheras road at evening time .

There aren't many shops open around this perticular new shop house block in Cerapu street , so you can find their clear sign easily .

They charge RM 20 , but this month they have " Back to the happy time " promotion .
If you bring your friend with you before 7PM , your friend is free of charge .
I have no idea how it was happy before , but NOT NOW . . .

They open from 5PM to 11PM on weekdays , and from 2PM on weekends .

Now you have to wear a pair of sport shorts when you cruise . This makes almost all customers look BAD .
You know , when you go to underwear night of BKK sauna , you choose one of the sexiest underwear you have in your wardrobe or wear WHITE BIKINI , right ?
Those sports shorts really give you sticky feeling . Not comfortable .

Their sauna clientele is difinitely CHINESE . No Malay , Indian and Farang . But I am not sure , because there weren't more than 5 customers at a time ( almost of all them did nothing and left )
Maybe because the bad weather ??? Soon after came in this pace , it became a storm . ( but I remember yesterday was too )

There are ONLY 3 private cabins , but no mattress or sofa inside ( typical in Malaysian saunas ) . There are many lockable toilet ( with shower ) are available . There are 2 jacuzzis , but not operated for the most time .

They started a daily FOAM SHOWER PARTY " at 8PM , there were only 2 participants . One left quickly . The other was chubby Chinese uncle ( YES ! Many over weight Chinese uncles here )
He enjoyed himself ALONE , but this is called " PARTY " ?

You can use internet ( 2 computers ) unlimited . I can even type in Japanese
It seems they cannot kill time unless they do gay website surfing .
I didn't see any massage boys stationed .

Dear Zippo ,

Do you now feel like trying this sauna ?
I guess NOT .

I tried to call MANATUS to get some information many times , but
no one picked up the phones .
UTOPIA says they had LOIN CLOTH night on Fridays , and naked night on Saturdays , but the articles are quite old .

Uuuuuummmm , Which one should I go next ?
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Old 14th April 2006, 10:43 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

* Day 3

I really wanted to visit the new sauna MANDI MANDA MANDI MANDA ,
but it was heavy rain storm again and I have no idea where in CBD to catch a public bus to get there ( they told me there were ONLY 2 routes to pass nearby ), AND I think there is something wrong with the map on the website . I mean , to me , the south is on top and the north is down . I am not sure . I am a just tourist .

You know it's quite hard to hold an umbrella and refer to a map at a same time . So I gave up MANDI this time .
I will visit KL in July again , so please , someone tell me how to get there by bus and then on foot .

As I got the detailed direction from Zippo and Dreamorph , I decided to try to find STEAM WORKS . ( still rained heavily )

OK . It takes about 7 minutes from PUTRA LRT TAMAN BAHAGIA station ( 8th station from KL SENTRAL ) to this place .

I followed Zippo's instruction , but I passed the street where STEAM WORKS was , but realized it quickly .

Adding to Zippo's direction , the second traffic lights intersection , look above to make sure there is express way .
DO NOT turn right at the next one way street where you can see shop house row only on one side . Turn right the next street ( much wider . There is a huge outdoor hawker centre on your left ( Is this Taman Megah ? ) , and turn left . make sure you see a Chinese restaurant called MEGAH GOOD LUCK ( big green signs )
This is the row where STEAM WORKS is located .
You see Futsal court ( I thought it was a kind of judicial court , but actually it was a footy sport centre )
Soon after you see RHB bank on your right hand side , you will see an orange colour building , but this is not the one as Zippo corrcted .
But I saw a VDO shop on the 1st floor ( street level ), so I went up to the 2nd floor . There was a Chinese company . I pressed the buzzer , but no one came out .

Then , where IS IT ??? I almost gave up , but checked the street number , 29 B . Guess WHAT ? That was next to the orange building , but then again there was no VDO shop on the 1st floor . There is a tyre shop ( the shutters were down though ) there , and the sign says there is relaxthelogy place on the 2nd . I was REALLY confused , but went up stairs , and found an entrance of STEAM WORKS .
Actually , all the facilities of STEAM WORKD on the 3rd floor .

They open till 10:30PM every night . They charge RM15 on weekdays , and RM20 on Sat & Sun , but that day was NICE GUY NIGHT , so you just have to pay RM12 . On top of that Mon & Thur are 2 for one nites , Sat = underwear night , Sun = show off nite .
Show off means NAKED and buff nite means LOIN CLOTH night here in KL . They have a special night every day . So as to other 2 sister sauna , MANATUS & brand new CELSIUS in Setapak ( where is it ? )

Actually I enjoyed this place quite a lot .
I had hot sex with 2 of young guys ( there were ONLY 2 young guys that day ) who are good looking . One of them was a Chinese guy who is very muscle . This guy was so HOT , and had sex everywhere .
They have 3 cubicles , but they are not private . The partitions are just curtains . They have no privacy at all , though one toilet and Asian style bath room ( Kamar Mandi ) are lockable .

There were only about 20 customers all togeather for that night .
There was no Indian or farang customer .
Without those 2 young guys , it could be a big disaster .
The rest of the guests were middle age chubby guys only .

Am I just lucky ?

Once again , thank you my friends , Zippo and Dreamorph to make me this trip possible .
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Old 15th April 2006, 02:02 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177
amazing ninja

Ha are running away from Thailand from being splashed with water but now you are in Malaysia.....getting splashed with sperm!!
Good to know you managed to find Steamwork and yes, you are lucky to find the 2 young guys or else you would have been disappointed!
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Old 15th April 2006, 10:57 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

* DAY 4

Since I got a detailed instruction of how to get there from the friendly manager of STEAM WORKS yesterday , I decided to go to MANATUS today .

If you see a KL map , you can see STAR LRT MIHARJA sation very close to this place , but actually there is an exppress way between , so it's almost impossible to walk cross . Now you can see the construction workgoing on for car & foot access , so maybe next time you can walk across .

You get off a train at the next STAR LTR MALURI satation ( YES !The same station you get off when you go to KAKIKU )
Alternatively you can catch a RAPID bus 113 from Bukit Bintang/Imbi area . This bus system is very modern , clean and comfirtable . And it costs ONLY RM2 for RETURN !

You have to have a hot and long walk ( more than 10 minutes ) to get there , so maybe it's better to take a cab from the station to the nearby giant shopping centre UE3 . This shopping centre is quite dead . The food court , cineplex and super market were already closed down . No wonder why . because of the bad access . On top of that , near MALURI station JUSCO opened .

There is a short shop house block row just behind UE3's main entrance . Here you can find a gay massage place SEMPRAN AVENU ( not sure the spelling )
If you look down the little hill , you can see much longer shop house blocks row ( about 5 blocks )
MANATUS is at the very very edge of the row . The nearest to the express way .
In the same shop block you can see other gay massage places like HAVEN ( not Heaven ) and FRESH , so this instruction would be helpfull to massage lovers too , I hope .

They open at 6PM , and close at 10:30PM on weekdays .
3PM to 10PM on Sat . 4PM to 10PM on Sun & Public holidays .
They charge RM15 on weeekdays and RM20 on weekends & Public Holidays .

Today , they say they have SHOW OFF night , so I expected NAKED NIGHT , but turned to be VERY VERY SMALL TOWEL NIGHT .
You can not hide anything ( well , not much though )

Say, before 6:30PM , MORE THAN 90% of the customers were over weight guys , after that some fit guys came in , but still the majority was over weight guys . I saw no Indian looking guys , but I saw one heavy old farang customer .

They have 4 cubicles , but not private at all .
The most actions occured in the steam ( The dry saauna was broken by a customer , so cannot operatable now , they said )

I REALLY don't understand between BUFF night and SHOW OFF night .

By the way , the most customers left before 8PM
This was Saturday night ! There aren't many saunas where customers disapear before 8PM on Saturdays in BKK .
Malaysian gay guys have plenty of time to head to a gay club , while BKK gays go to a sauna after night clubing

I mean , Don't go there after 7:30PM . Maybe earlier on weekdays .
But they open at 6PM !!!!
Make sure to go there before you have dinner .
Have sex there first , and then have dinner .
There are so many restaurants in the row and many food stalls on the street . But couldn't find any farang food restaurants . You have to go to UE3 , if you want Western foods .


Usually they have plenty of chubbs and huges .
If you are not into them , better avoid Mondays .
I guess not many farang gay guys are into cubby Asian guys , right ?

Dear Zippo ,

It rains every day in KL .
Is it like this always in April ?
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Old 16th April 2006, 03:57 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177
April shower

Haven't you heard of "april showers"? I really don't know when is the raining season. I think it has changed a bit. Used to shower mainly in December but not now.
Chubs seem to be sauna addicts over here......
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Old 16th April 2006, 09:35 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Thumbs up SENTRAL

* DAY 5 ( The last day in KL )

So , it was rain again yesterday .
But this sauna was VERY BUSY despite the bad weather .
I poped in around 6PM ( because around 5:30PM is CLEANING TIME ) , and stayed there less than 2 hours .
I just wanted to take a shower to get refresh before heading to Penang ( Butterworth ) by International express .
KL SENTRAL station has shower rooms , but it costs almost the same price ( if you want to use a bath towel ) as the entry of SENTRAL sauna , so I decided to inspect this sauna .

I think I should have been this place on the first day of my trip in KL ( not the last day )
Guys came in next by next . The dark steam room was packed with horny guys . It was very difficult go inside . But you can hear THAT sound .

The clientele was very mixed . Chinese , Indian ( Indian looking guys , I should say ) and Malay ( and some old farangs )
The most Indian looking guys and Malay guys were young gorgeous , sexy and handsome !
Of course , there were some ultra fatty Chinese uncles .

If you are into dark skinned guys , this is your place . You can see young slim Chinese guys , but they seemed into young sexy Indian guys .
Young goodlooking Indian guys seek for the similar , and middle age huge guys seek for the similar too .
This place is much smaller than OTOT2 , but busy . ( I don't know how it is busy on mid week day . They open at 11AM everyday .
This sauna is a kind of GSM . Very similar ( not talking about the facilities of the those saunas )

They charge RM15 everyday . Including hot Chinese tea .

When you consider the surrounding ( very local and old , and rundown . Impression of left behind the recent KL development ), you cannnot believe what you see inside .
But this place is much cleaner than I expected .
Some say this is a sister sauna of Bambusa .

You can reach there by KL monorail . Get off at Sentral monorail station . This station is not connected to KL SENTRAL where you can catch Airport Ikspress , KTM , LRT and AirAsia's sky bus . But this is good as a TRANSIT sauna .

Soon after you get out from the monorail exit , make a U turn , and you can see a curry shop on your right . Make a right turn there .
SENTRAL is about 5th next door . There is a purple ( but looks blue under day light ) sign at the door . Sentral is on the 3rd floor . It takes ONLY 1 minute from the monarail station .

Next time , I will vist this sauna on day time to find out how it is busy , and then catch a monorail to CHOW KIT . Straight to OTOTO2 ( or you can get off at BUKIT BINTANG for BAMBUSA )
Monarails make your sauna hopping lot easier ( I need one of those in BKK too )
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Old 18th April 2006, 12:12 PM
Very Nice Guy
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 177

The most Indian looking guys and Malay guys were young gorgeous , sexy and handsome...
Thanks Ninja. I will certainly visit this place when in KL this June. When you say this place (Sentra) was "busy", how many people were there that evening ? 20? 30? or more ? When I visited OTOTO2 at one weekend some years ago there were just about 15 people. But hmmmm...I had fun with a dark tall and handsome Indian-Malay guy in steamroom. Awsome!
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