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Old 11th August 2008, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by hiscox View Post
... .
Thanks for the encouragement, by the way. Yes, I'll try to keep it up, but could never hope to follow your example.
-- I blush!
- As is said in G*y Paree: 'Si jeunesse savait - si vieillese pouvait.'. Although, in my case, it's MORE often the latter than the former.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 17th August 2008, 04:51 AM
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SilomGWM, the massage place you ask about on the corner of DJ Station's soi is called Paradis. It appears to have mostly lady massage staff but with some cute boys also. I selected a boy named Nong who was sitting outside and was encouraging me to take him I did. Upstairs is very grand and seemingly targets ladies and gents for a conventional massage. But while removing my shoes for a foot wash prior to my Thai massage, I noticed one Thai customer enter and have just boys line for his selection. They have some really handsome boys inside who seldom appear on parade in the street. My boy was twinkyish and very smily.
He took me to a very grand at the top and did a very good Thai massage and then started to get exciting. He had an exceptionaly long and fat penis which liked to be carressed and smoked and caused the lad to go all dreamy and limp. He wanted to be fucked or to fuck but without en-suite shower, we just settled for a shower of sperm. He's a very fine boy and great fun. I assume most of the other boys may also have sex willingly, but some may ask for exhorbitant amounts first...that's my experience with boys who sit outside with tight white T-shirts and skirts! My boy asked for nothing, but got plenty.
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Old 17th August 2008, 06:20 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Just noticed a massage place called White House at
It's on Lhad Phrao soi 115...sauna on soi 113 but forget the name now. This is walking distance from The Mall, Bangkapi.
The appealing thing about this massage place is one of the boys in their picture gallery. He is very exciting for me! I may go look see...there is a number to call. It's not easy to find the pictures of the boys on the site...there are only three shown anyway but 2 are stunners...for me anyway.
Enter the site above and click on Promotions and then click on Check Our Masseurs...or look directly at this:
I want the middle one...please!
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Old 17th August 2008, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
... sauna on soi 113 but forget the name now. This is walking distance from The Mall, Bangkapi.
... .
-- Possibly you're thinking of MUFILL SAUNA?
- contact: (02)-734 0536..

-- Also in the neighborhood are -
- loc'n.: Ladphrao 112., (ram 53.),
- contact: (02)-539 3259-60..
- loc'n.: bet.Ladphrao 128/2. & 128/3.,
- contact: (02)-377 3092-93..
- loc'n.: R'haeng. 81/4.;
- contact: (02)-732 9574..
- loc'n.: Ladphrao 113.;
- contact: (083)-802 7711..
- source for #1. & 3. above: G*yGuide, VIII., 92.;
- source for #2. & 4. above: GMGuide, #009..

-- E&OE.. -- Bibi.. --
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Old 17th August 2008, 06:24 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
I want the middle one...please!
I'll take the top long as he CAN top....

And, on another subject....

I also recently went to Paradis Spa. I didn't get a line-up of available lads, but the one assigned to me MORE than did the trick. Although the walls don't go all the way to the ceiling and your "neighbours" can hear everything that was going on, my lad whispered to me throughout the massage. He told me that virtually all of the lads who work there are gay and more than happy to accomodate customers' wishes, as long as it's quiet.
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Old 17th August 2008, 11:24 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
... .
... .but 2 are stunners...for me anyway.
... .
-- Why not make a sandwich with those two stunners?
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 18th August 2008, 02:01 AM
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I am planning to go Tuesday evening and look see...they say it is necessary to make an appointment and so I shall do that andf see if the lads in the pictures really exist.
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Old 18th August 2008, 11:15 PM
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Hi, has anyone ever tried the place called Spaghetti on Petchaburi road near Soi 39?
Window display looks enticing and male masseuses advertised.
Name is strange but again will never know if you never go!
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Old 19th August 2008, 01:08 AM
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Originally Posted by holsteiner View Post
Hi, has anyone ever tried the place called Spaghetti on Petchaburi road near Soi 39?
... .
Name is strange but again will never know if you never go!
-- Yes! I've seen an advert. of theirs in one or other of the freebie mags..
- I believe that they spell their name SPAghetti?
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 21st August 2008, 06:47 PM
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Posts: 32

Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Ah yes, the irresistably shy, looking-up-to-you pose! It takes me back decades to a certain gorgeous young Vietnamese, whom, by a long-regretted miracle of self-control, I managed to keep my hands off. In him - unless I flatter myself - it clearly was automatic body language that said, "I adore you, too!".

I hadn't seen that look recently, but whether that's because I'm now an old fart, or because Thai boyz usually hide their feelings, I leave you, gentle reader, to be the judge.
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Old 22nd August 2008, 12:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
I am planning to go Tuesday evening and look see...
... .
-- Yannawa,
I'm sure that I write on behalf of all your faithful readers when I ask: 'How was your visit?'.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 22nd August 2008, 12:04 PM
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Had the middle one!!!!!!!

Well, I had the middle one this evening and he was fantastic. On Tuesday, I couldn't find the place. Lhad Phrao soi 115 has a parallel, nameless soi that goes from the big corner restaurant (Rot Det 79...I think)nearer soi 113. There is a leafy connecting road up both sois about 80 meters from Lhad Phrao. The parallel soi is called Soi 115 Yaek 1 and it is on this that White House lies. The soi has interlocking stone bricks as a surface. I called Khun Aeh on the web page number for final directions and he was standing outside with three massage boys all very happy to see me and welcoming. I immediately recognized "the middle one" from his picture. His name is Aum and he comes from Surin. The top one in the web page gallery is named Bird (Billinbkk please note)...didn't see him but does exist. Just call Khun Aeh and he will arrange everything in advance. Although it stresses "by appointment" in the web page, walk-ins are very welcome. Khun Aeh is great. very helpful. I asked him why they have 11 boys and only three in the web page. He said most of the boys don't want to be seen in public...That's ok by me.
After I selected Aum...having been drooling over his picture all week...I was told he didn't speak any English to which I replied "Good", much to the amusement of the other boys...hell what does it matter. But in fact, as with almost all Thai boys, they do speak a lot more than they initialy indicate if you are VERY gentle and don't shout "What!" at them every 10 seconds. Only when we were alone did Aum chat away in pretty good English.
Anyway, I was led up a few steps to a mezzanine-type room with a curtain surround and adjoining oldish bathroom/shower/urinal for a shower. I booked 1.5 hours and was told it would cost Bht500. After shower, Aum appeared fully dressed in white singlet and sari thing. After I laid on the table, he removed his shirt...small tattoo on right shoulder and good body gave me a little erection. Massage was super and erotic and gentle and thorough. Then he removed his sari thing but still had undies on and body massaged me with forearms along the back while his hips slid up and down across my bum. I could feel his penis getting harder and harder and although I have never ever been fucked, I desperately wanted it then! Then he hitched up one of my legs in kind of an angle and preceded to grope around rhythmicly underneath and more body work with his pants off and hard penis until I was groaning and moaning and couldn't take it any longer. Then he stopped and came round to my head and started on my shoulders with a towel around his waste...which I had to remove quickly and swallow his penis down to the roots. I held him in that position until he finsihed my shoulders. Laid him down and smoked him very deeply while he was groping and moaning all around my back end. He did not like his anus being touched or fucked...ok by me. I just kept swallowing and alternating with his balls until there was a very exciting eruption that shot sperm all the way to his chin....I just caught the last spurts fortunately.
Anyway, that was so good and he likes a little hugging also....a very good boy...quite fresh and inexperienced but knows how to massage.
I am thinking all the other boys are as good's clearly a place where sex is a given. I noticed one other customer...a respectable-looking Thai gentleman.
Getting there and coming back is a piece of piss....walk to Lhad Phrao and cross over and catch bus 73A to Paragon or 514 to Silom (some only go as far as MRT Rama 9) or 137. All pass Ratchada and all it's MRT stations.
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Old 22nd August 2008, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
The top one in the web page gallery is named Bird (Billinbkk please note)...didn't see him but does exist.
Yannana....WHEW!!!! THANK YOU for your full and complete report. I appreciate it!!

It appears that, if I can find this place, I'll have a Bird in the hand....and then in the bush.
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Old 22nd August 2008, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
Well, I had the middle one this evening and he was fantastic.
... .
-- Yannawa,
- Many thanks for your usual and complete description wch. is greatly appreciated; I guess that you'll have started a pilgrimage thither - maybe you'll collect a commission from the grateful mngr. - ha!
- As for your dir'ns. as to how to get there I might think that the khlong-ferry to THE MALL - B. KAPI would do v. well, and then walk-back, (a NW. dir'n.), along Lad Phrao rd. until one sees soi 115.? A possible landmark might be VETTHANI HOSP'L. on one's RHS., or - before that - a SHELL petrol.-stn. on one's LHS.? But you're right, for me - who loiters around the Si Lom rd. area - 'bus. #514. might be a viable option, provoded I have the time.
- Following-up on Billinbkk's proverb maybe others can work-out sayings about one Bird and two stones, or words to that effect.
- Hopefully this c*ming week I'll be making tracks thither, a welc*m change from my fortnightly visits to B*B*L*N SAUNA.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 23rd August 2008, 01:56 AM
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Yes Sexy Tiler, the entrance to the soi is right opposite the Shell station. Going to The Mall, Bangkapi either by klong boat or bus is favorite. If by bus, then get off opposite The Mall and walk back till you see soi 115...then walk on a bit further and turn right into the next soi with no name board. Then walk into the soi for 100 meters and you will see the Whitehouse in a terrace on the has Whitehouse written on a little sign in the street.
But I do recommend calling Aeh (especialy Billinbkk, to ensure Bird is in hand and not stuck up someone's bush) on the website mobile number first and ensuring you will have someone you like available. I am not at all demanding and usualy will go with anyone who is young, dark and slim...regardless of what sexual or massage skills they possess!
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