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Old 16th November 2009, 01:53 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 97

Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
But do you really get your money's worth? I've heard that MOST of the time, it just ends up being a rip-off (you don't get what you expect).
I always quiz the Mamasan about the models before I choose one to sit with me for a drink. This is to clarify if they are really gay, top or bottom, etc. Then I get to know the chosen model/s to verify again. Sometimes the mamasan lies, but the models rarely do probably because they know I will find out later and this will affect the tip. However, I have had a few duds in which case I pay a minimum tip. After a while you learn how to be more discerning about which bars to go to and even which models to choose. And you can come to this blog to gain from other people's experiences.

Most of the time I certainly get my money's worth
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Old 16th November 2009, 05:04 PM
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I agree.I get my moneys worth and more 90% of the time.

But you have to gain knowledge from this and other boards. In Bangkok my favorite bar is Xboys. At that particular bar I don't remember the last time in 2 years that I did not get my moneys worth.In Pattaya Funnyboys has been good to me 80% of the time.

For me Jupiter is the opposite . 100% Losers . I gave them 5 chances and they will never get another. There may be some service oriented boys in there but I was unable to find any.
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Old 17th November 2009, 05:40 AM
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Originally Posted by curiouser View Post
I do not want to insult anybody but at times I get tired of people who compare the jobs and the tips of a barboy with a "real job" and the salary a boy can earn there. Just think back a few decades and picture yourself on a stage , wearing nothing but white briefs and some old guys staring at you, maybe making obscene gestures and remarks. What would have been your "price" then for accompanying a customer to his room where you have to offer the service we all know, compared to the "average income" of an unskilled worker then. I think giving just 500 B is insulting. Ok, just my opinion.

It's nice to see you and a few others making these and similar comments.

The same applies to those of us who also have a long term friend who depends on us to some extent for economic support. If one spends all his time trying to figure out the least amount he can give his friend, using a 7/Eleven clerk as the standard and if he is constantly worrying that the young man is plotting to extract more from him, what's the point of even maintaining such a "relationship?"

For the bar boys, especially in Bangkok, I think B2000 should be an absolute minimum unless they have some really bad attitude . Aside from giving him a reasonable amount for the work he is doing, it can also be self-serving. If you off the same boy several times and he gets to know you and to know you'll treat him fairly, almost always you'll be the beneficiary. If he's happy he'll want to make sure you're happy too. Paying a reasonable amount doesn't make the boys greedy, but treating them badly and paying something ridiculous like B500 or even B1000 will certainly make them cynical, suspicious and far less likely to want to make an effort to please.

Over the past ten years the tipping amounts discussed on message boards seem barely to have changed. Think about what you paid for things or for services ten years ago compared to now. The tips ought to have increased over that time at least at the same rate.

And, if someone has a long term friend who he claims to love or at least care about, money will cease to be an issue between you if you make sure he has enough to be comfortable and he feels free to ask if there is some special need. My friend always makes me happy (and I don't mean just sex) so I want him to be happy too, and not just as happy as a 7/Eleven clerk.

Anyway, it's nice to see that many people have such a generous attitude and are willing to speak up.
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Old 17th November 2009, 11:53 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
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When you ask about if they're a bottom, what does that mean? I never understood the term. Does it mean they get fucked in the ass, or does it just mean they lay their and let you do everything? And if they're a top, does that just mean that they fuck? Or do they kiss, get sucked, etc.? I'm not so much into anal. I like hot kissing and good sucking (most guys don't really know how to suck).
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Old 17th November 2009, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by curiouser View Post
I do not want to insult anybody but at times I get tired of people who compare the jobs and the tips of a barboy with a "real job" and the salary a boy can earn there. Just think back a few decades and picture yourself on a stage , wearing nothing but white briefs and some old guys staring at you, maybe making obscene gestures and remarks. What would have been your "price" then for accompanying a customer to his room where you have to offer the service we all know, compared to the "average income" of an unskilled worker then. I think giving just 500 B is insulting. Ok, just my opinion.
I think these Thai guys see us coming. They're looking to make as much as they can. I've tried being nice and generous--only to be taken advantage of with more pushy greed. That's one reason I don't feel comfortable paying top price (no haggle)--because that really sets them off to take advantage. I also avoid ones who think they're cute (but I've also had bad experiences with unattractive ones). I always thought that if they're slightly ugly, they're more humble and grateful. But the slightly ugly ones turned out to be the most demanding--only to be dumped as soon as possible.

Here is what someone posted on another string--

WARNING "Game" on GayRomeo.

I have seen this 21 y.o. boy, (named Game,) regularly for about 6 months. Not the prettiest of faces but a huge shaved appendage and pretty insatiable sex drive and enthousiastic performer. I always rewarded him with 1,000bt plus taxi for an hour or 2 session, he never stayed overnight and always accepted the tip with a smile. Then last week, for no apparent reason, he not only stole my Blackberry, but after selling it asked for a lot of money to sell me back my sim card which he had extracted pre-sale. This is the first time in nearly 20 years I've ever had anything stolen,

He uses 2 handles on GayRomeo "c_boy" and "sexi_lovely_boy"

You have been warned !
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Old 17th November 2009, 09:11 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
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I think these Thai guys see us coming.
Gee, you mean Thai guys working in gogo bars and at massage venues to provide sexual experiences aren't providing those services as an act of charity?
I'm shocked.

I don't know how long you've been in Thailand or if you've even ever been here, but I think most of us who have been here for many years will agree that the vast majority of boys are honest, accomodating and make life in Thailand an on-going dream come true.

I suspect you are just a troll trying to stir the pot or else you have an amazing difficulty relating to people who are almost always exceedingly pleasant companions ( no matter what they might be thinking of you). Possibly you bring out the worst in people.

If you really are in Thailand I suggest you stop all the suspicious analysis of who's trying to cheat you out of a few baht and enjoy the experiences available here. Otherwise you really should consider moving on to a place that better suits you.

Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
(most guys don't really know how to suck).

That could never be said of you. You sure suck mak mak!
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Old 17th November 2009, 11:03 PM
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I suspect you are just a troll trying to stir the pot or else you have an amazing difficulty relating to people who are almost always exceedingly pleasant companions ( no matter what they might be thinking of you). Possibly you bring out the worst in people.
The last quoted sentence evidently is all too true.
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Old 18th November 2009, 06:19 AM
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I've been there 10 times and am looking for high-quality boyfriends with good jobs. I've found some. On my next trip, I have a really nice one waiting to stay with me. What irks me is how other farangs have ruined the Thai scene with their willingness to get taken advantage of. Many farangs avoid the whole bar scene and have high-quality relationships. That's what I'm looking for. And I have no trouble meeting quality Thai guys for FREE in saunas. I'm no troll. And I think that other Thai resent what farangs are doing chasing twinks in bars, etc. I've had relationships with high-quality Chinese Thai (including here in the U.S.)--unfortunately some other farang kisses their ass better (and tempts them with money) and it goes downhill. The "new" farang is just a clever con artist and moves on to another Thai.
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Old 18th November 2009, 08:20 AM
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Then stop complaining and stay with your high quality boy friends.

Of course I don't believe for a minute that any of that is true because if it was you would have no need to be complaining about Thai boys or farangs who do things with them.

Get a movie and jerk off and stay off boards who are not interested in your bull shit!!!!!
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Old 18th November 2009, 09:14 AM
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I do not want to comment on "High Quality Boyfriends", these words are beneath contempt. Having read Wantasians posts I know now , where he is looking for "High Quality Boyfriends"......"Routinely walking Silom/Ram 4 street, suck cinemas, urinals etc." without any doubt the best places to start a "High Quality Relationship". Don t get me wrong, I don t judge you.....but I expect the same respect for "Low this the right word in your opinion.?..Thai Boys"!
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Old 18th November 2009, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by curiouser View Post
I do not want to comment on "High Quality Boyfriends", these words are beneath contempt. Having read Wantasians posts I know now , where he is looking for "High Quality Boyfriends"......"Routinely walking Silom/Ram 4 street, suck cinemas, urinals etc." without any doubt the best places to start a "High Quality Relationship". Don t get me wrong, I don t judge you.....but I expect the same respect for "Low this the right word in your opinion.?..Thai Boys"!
Believe me I've met high quality guys in those places in Bangkok (especially in restrooms, but more recently in saunas)! That's another of my life observations: gays wrongly think that "scummy" places are beneath them. I've met some of the best people in scummy places. It's counter-intuitive. The quality guys probably are too busy to hang out in typical gay waste-of-time places (and don't like the games in those places) and find it much better to meet in more efficient places. I think someone posted on a thread on this site that they met their long-time boyfriend on Silom skytrain platform. I do know what I'm doing and what I'm talking about. To me, low quality is someone who in narcissic and only thinks about themselves, and they think they exist so that you can support them--and they have nothing interesting to talk about. One high-quality friend I met in a restroom has a very interesting life, has taken me to see his mother three times, tells me about things that happen in his life, he works hard, is independent, has interesting friends who have older farang boyfriends, etc. It's just fascinating. He took me to one of those friends' new-condo parties and it was just so enjoyable and interesting.
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Old 18th November 2009, 01:16 PM
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Wantasian: Read your own posts again! You said you ve never been to a bar, never had contact with bar boys. Now you tell us that they were narcissic, they had nothing interesting to talk about.... . OMG" Si tacuisses..!!!" Hey Wantasian, that s Latin, maybe one of your High Quality Friends can translate and explain it to you. I give up!!!
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Old 18th November 2009, 04:58 PM
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This will be my last post on this topic. Some people are just bar guys and a few don't like bars. I''ve never, ever been able to figure out bars.

I won't criticize anymore. Some people are just into Bangkok and Pattaya bar scenes. I've read that some genuine boys work in these places and hope to meet boyfriends. So maybe a lot of them are really good quality (i.e.--boyfriend material).

I've sat in bars maybe 6 times (the kind with boys on stage with numbers) and left after a short time. I couldn't believe the aggressiveness of the touts outside, and the pushiness to buy drinks and drop money.

Now that I read that 90% of them really do perform, maybe I'll go in and off one. But again, why do that when I can just find guys outside and in other cruising spots? I just think 2000 baht will go a LOT further outside a bar than inside (and there won't be all the drink costs and "off" fees).

(I never said that I've never been in a bar or had contact with bar boys. I've never offed one--but I've had contact with bar boys outside of bars--who aren't so money-hungry outside. The best time to meet them is during the daytime or after the bars close. I've had sex with some that I've met walking after the bars close--even a nice teen carrying his white briefs home in a little plastic bag! I remember this hot teen did it with me in a short-stay hotel in 2002 somewhere across from and south of Century Park Hotel which is not even near a gay area--without ever mentioning money--but I still gave him some. I still can't figure out why he was walking in that area--but he was definitely gay and liked it. I was new to Bangkok scene at that time and never realized what the white briefs were for.)

As a final thought, maybe people can post comments about really hot guys they've met in out-of-the way places.
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Old 22nd November 2009, 05:13 AM
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
When you ask about if they're a bottom, what does that mean?
As far as I know, if you're a bottom it just means you're into being fucked and top means you're into fucking. It has nothing to do with other sex activities such as sucking, kissing,...
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Old 22nd November 2009, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Bago View Post
As far as I know, if you're a bottom it just means you're into being fucked and top means you're into fucking. It has nothing to do with other sex activities such as sucking, kissing,...
I agree. But on gayromeo you will see a lot of Thai guys write in their profiles -

Position: Bottom
Fucking: Top

What is that supposed to mean?
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