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Message Board > Our Archives > Trip: Dec. 99, Jan./Feb. 00   My Tentative Itinerary

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Old 12th December 1999, 09:47 AM
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Hi keith,
posting from Beautiful Brighton, South Coast of England, but my tip is about Orlando. My lover and I spent a week there in September, 3 days after Flloyd passed by. We spent lots of time and effort checking out the tips from this site, and from "Spartacus". Bit disappointing (especially parliament House, where the only hot guys we saw over several nights wanted to be paid). On our last day we checked into Club Orlando Bathhouse - and stayed until 3 the following morning. We both had a great time. LOTS of VERY HOT GUYS, beautiful cocks, beautiful men. Check this out first, seems to be where all the hot men are.
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Old 16th December 1999, 02:12 PM
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hey keith, Orlando here. i am anxious to see ur report on the "P". used to be my only hang out now i go occasionally. if the guys know when u r there i'm sure u will have a good time no matter what. Club Orlando gets my mixed reviews as well, the staff has given plenty of attitude in the past when you go "crusin". don't know what they expect, u can't tell me anyone really goes there for anything else. But what i really want u to check out is the little bar next to the "P", in my opinion the best bar in town and by far the hottest men, it's the "Full Moon Saloon". best on friday and saturday nights of course. also are u going to check out the nude beaches on the east coast near the space center? nothing like being naked on the beach except gettin off there too! and last but not least our slice of heaven on earth "split oak park" for playin in the woods it's the best! ENJOY!

[This message has been edited by PickupMan59 (edited December 16, 1999).]
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Old 17th December 1999, 02:55 PM
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I was reading through all these replies. I
wanted to give you a word or two on the Dallas/Fort Worth scene.

Just before you arrive into Fort Worth on 287, from Wichita Falls, there is an arcade. Actually you would need to go north on I-35 about three miles and will see the big XXX sign on the west side of the road. This place is really hit and miss. Sometimes there is a lot of good action there, but problem there as with many of these places, some of the people are very greedy and get in the way.

There are three other Fort Worth bookstores. All of them have gloryholes. The police do go in from time to time but it is much safer than Dallas. There is a bookstore on the west side of town....near the Parker County line on I-30. There is another on the southeast side of town where I-20 and 820 intersect. This one is my favorite of the four in Fort Worth. The other one is difficult to find and is about 20 miles southwest of downtown Fort Worth and is almost never worth the trip out there.

As far as Dallas. Forget about the Trestle. I don't even know if it is still open or not. The last time I was there they had lost their license to sell alcohol so you can imagine that it was almost dead. The police raid this place on a regular basis and the Dallas courts are very hard on the people who are arrested there...a recent example that I heard about...for a first offense....two years of probation, $1000.00 fine, 80 hours of community service work, weekly visits to a counselor which included polygraphs to see if your "sexual history" was correct and a test to see if you are a child molester....

The police in Dallas also frequent the bookstores and all but one or two have cameras installed over the stalls so can make certain no action...even jack-off..happening in them.

One place that I believe does not have cameras is Paris Bookstore on Harry Hines (this is the actual name of the street)...and another is Mockingbird Video..just south of I-35 on Mockingbird.

White Rock is watched very closely by the police. I know several people who have been arrested there.

Have a great trip and be careful.
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Old 17th December 1999, 10:10 PM
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If at all possible, try and squeeze in a few days to go thru West Viriginia. One of the most beautiful states and the Pioneer Bookstore in Parkersburg is alwys jumping. You don't want to miss it!
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Old 18th December 1999, 03:50 PM
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BEYOND MIAMI: If you're going all the way down to Miami then you MUST go down to KEY WEST! It's like no other place and you'll have a blast. Stay at the "Lighthouse Court" guest house for lots of fun and action.
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Old 19th December 1999, 07:11 AM
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Thumbs up

had a GREAT time with you. Looking forward to our paths crossing again! I hope you find A LOT of great sex along the rest of your trip. later dude.
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Old 19th December 1999, 11:36 AM
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I see the 'tatooed' hunk of Albuquerque has responded. Hey guy! I also very much enjoyed our deflowering. He had never been photographed in the nude and I had never used my new digital camera with a real, live, naked man.

We also had the video cam on when my new tatooed friend fucked me in my motel room. Maybe a few of you saw it? The modem connection was amazingly slow, but I know that the last frame I saw was of Mr. Tatooed fucking me.

Look for more on Mr. Tatooed shortly. He let me take tons of pictures of him and I'll be posting them to the site so you can all see what a hot man is Mr. Tatooed.

Anybody else out there along my travel route who wants to be photographed? Mr. Tatooed will be a tough act to follow, but I'm sure some of you guys want to show it off for all the men who visit this site, right?


[This message has been edited by Keith (edited December 19, 1999).]
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Old 20th December 1999, 06:03 PM
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Any idea when you might pass through Atlanta?
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Old 21st December 1999, 06:10 AM
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Atlanta: I figure I'll be in Georgia in late January or early February. Hopefully some of that time will be spent in Atlanta.

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Old 27th December 1999, 03:54 PM
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If you have time when visiting Atlanta, give serious consideration to stopping at 'IT'. IMHO, this is the best sex club in Atlanta - even better than the old 'BP'. 'IT' is best on Friday and Saturday nights from about 1 AM to 4 AM. If you're interested, let me know - I'd be glad to get you in. My better half and I would also be glad to help you out with any other Atlanta research - just drop us a line.
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Old 29th December 1999, 03:16 PM
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Best to skip Dallas all the way round. Rogue cops here have a club called 'Bag A Fag' and it 'aint perty'. DPD will make an occassional raid on bath houses here wearing full SWAT gear and arrest anyone with their doors left open. Mamovergadura is right about the bookstore cameras. The atmosphere is stifling for serious 'results oriented' cruisin. If dancin prancin pretty boys are your thing, you'll feast like a king.
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Old 2nd January 2000, 02:57 AM
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Hey Keith,

I'm a gay white male here in Miami and if you're still itching to try out your digital camera I'd love to pose for you. I'd love to fuck and suck live on the internet too and would REALLY REALLY love to attend the January 15th orgy.

I'm 6'2, 220, shaved head, mustache/goatee, white, hairy, masculine, football-player type build, straight-looking/acting, 6.5" cut cock, versatile (prefer bottom) and always horny.

Please hit me back at: if interested. Thanx.

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Old 3rd January 2000, 09:26 AM
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hey Keith let me know when U R dropping your b/f back off in N.O.; the itenerary only has routes not dates thanx
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Old 5th January 2000, 04:40 PM
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Hey guy!

Check out Bearcut on Key Biscayne when you get to the Miami area. I love visiting when I travel to Miami, but saw the rumor that it is now closed. Please check it out and see if this is true. I live in Houston, but Bearcut is my favorite cruise area.

When I was there last year, you could still get to it from Crandon Park Beach - pay to get into Crandon Park Beach and walk as far to the left as you can. See if this path is closed also.

I already saw that the entrance near the highway bridge had a fence. It has been up there over a year now. Have a good trip!
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Old 5th January 2000, 07:00 PM
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Actually, that highway bridge fence has been up since sometime in 1997 when I still lived in Coconut Grove and was visiting Key Biscayne's Bearcut as often as possible. At that time, you could walk around the end of it and still enter onto the beach. However, I understand tickets are being written for taking this shortcut. Therefore, I, too, would be interested in knowing if there's still access from the Crandon Park beach area. This used to be one of the cruisiest gay sexual hot spots in South Florida. I'm sure the local authorities are trying to close it down like they did at Coconut Grove's Alice Wainwright Park in 1997-- another bit of South Florida sexual paradise until it was fenced off to the public!!!
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