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Old 5th December 1999, 05:00 AM
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Hello Keith:

Sorry to hear you won't be stopping in Baton Rouge. It's a big government/university city now and while the bar scene is quiet (all you can ask with New Orleans just an hour down the road)the complex of state buildings offer many voyeuristic opportunities. Coates Hall at LSU has two floors of mens rooms with non-stop action. Check out the ones to your left or right when entering the main entrance from the Union.In the evenings the guys around the Centroplex Arena/Riverside Mall area are young and easy to have. Check out the Adult Cinema in New Orleans East at the Chef Menteur Hy exit. All types at all hours-sleazy but hot.Also Downtowm Mobile has the cozy Midtown Cinema, check it out if you have time.In Tampa, The Playhouse Theatre is a must stop, as is the North Dixie Hy Bookstore in N Miami.
Enjoy and have a safe trip.
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Old 5th December 1999, 07:51 AM
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Thanks boyntonBOY for confirming I should stick with Fort Worth. As I hail (proudly) from 'white trash', I figure I'll stick with my own.

I suspect Dallas is a very nice city to visit, and I just might give in to the urge to visit the baths, but for now I think I'll do some cattle rustling over in Fort Worth.

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Old 5th December 1999, 02:10 PM
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I don't even remember SEEING (or even a listing for) the bookstores along 287 this last July, but I was pretty sated after Amarillo and had to be in Dallas that evening. Amarillo was pretty big, especially for the town and fun, lots of white trash and cowboys...
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Old 5th December 1999, 03:43 PM
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While on your way through GA, you should check out the Parliament House in Augusta. I've never been there, but from what I read on this site it is a lot of fun. I would love your opinion of the place. Parliament House, 1250 Gordon Highway, Augusta, GA; 706-722-1155.
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Old 6th December 1999, 12:24 AM
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I too share your interest in the Parliament House in Augusta. Especially because Augusta is very near my hometown and I did some of my first cruising in the town. Sort of kinky to do it that close to home. We shall see. I've never even done the more infamous Parliament House in Orlando, but intend to do it this time around.


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Old 6th December 1999, 02:58 AM
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Hay Keith,

If you decide to head back thru Kingman,AZ(40) routes or Las Vegas, NV(15)....

Please include:
-Local Spots....of course
-the rest stops on (40/15) ect
-Stoddard Wells Rd(rocks) Victorville

If you do try takeing(hwy18) from Victorville WEST to (hwy138), there is access to the SOUTH of 138 to the northern 1/2 of the Angeles Natnional Forest With:
-Writewood {ski areas}
-Big Rock Creek
-Devil's Punch Bowl
-Littlerock Dam Rec Area
-and more....

To the NORTH & WEST is the Antelope Valley / Northern LA County Spots like:
-Saddleback Butte State Park
-Lancaster City Park
-Apollo County Park (can't miss)
-West of Lake Palmdale (Calle Grillo)
-Vista Point (soHwy14)

And then SOUTH towards Los Angeles either VIA (Hwy14) of Angeles Forest Hwy towards Pasadena and ALL the spots there and of Course don't forget LA!

Just some Ideas from a High Desert( Dog

Always Drive & Play Safely....

A Loyal CFS Cruiser,

woof! 12/99

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Old 6th December 1999, 09:31 AM
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When you pass through Pensacola on I-10, take the Highway 98 exit (Scenic Highway) South, just a short distance. You will pass (first) the "Old Chimney" parking area, plus another off-road parking area about a block farther (both on LEFT), then further South, two parking lots of the very cruisy "Bay Bluffs Park." Go to the SECOND parking lot on the left, about a block beyond the first (bigger) one. These are HOT places... trust me! Worth the slight deviation off of I-10! So handy! I saw two GORGEOUS guys with NY plates come walking through while I was home for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, they could not take the time to actually DO anything with anyone! Last time I was home... the THINGS I saw going on there at dusk (and DID myself!!!). HOT. Parks close at dusk (supposedly), but this can be pushed a bit after dark. Your cruisebud, GARY
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Old 6th December 1999, 09:37 AM
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P.S. Keith,
If you miss this exit and start over the I-10 bridge to Milton, Florida, it's too late. Also, as a Pensacola native, the beach cruise areas have declined in recent years. This small deviation off of I-10 on Scenic Highway south would payoff much more and be less of a drain on your time than taking the full Highway 98 "scenic route" along the beach... Unless you just really want to see the beautiful beach! Hurricanes a few years ago blew away the super cruisy park shower houses in Gulf Islands Nat. Seashore on Santa Rosa Island. The parking lot at the very end of the beach road in Navarre is quite cruisy, but it usually takes TIME before the right person (who is willing) arrives, and most usually happens after dark. Then again, the park in Ft. Walton Beach just off Highway 98 as you come into town is CRUISY.. I've had some interesting experiences there fairly quickly!
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Old 6th December 1999, 11:01 AM
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Pensacola deviation from itinerary:

Very intriguing idea. If the weather is nice we (I'll be with my boyfriend by this leg of the trip) just might do it. I really enjoy that area of Florida, and once considered moving down to the Gulf. Depends on what shapes up for us further down the road. We are working on some 3way action, plus I want to spend one night at Parliament House in Orlando enroute to south Florida.

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Old 7th December 1999, 12:51 AM
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Hey Keith...

On your stop in Albuquerque a visit to the Big Eye Adult Bookstore is a must. Located off I-25 and Jefferson Rd. Management is very tolent and essentially non existant. There are a few trolls but mostly young hung men around during the day. Extra large booths enough for five people. If you happen to be in Albuquerque on a Sunday night Mr. Peepers Bookstore has a Gay Night on Sunday nights in the theater. Located on Edith Blvd. between Candaleria and Commache Blvds. Hot orgy action all night long. Hours for the gay night is from 6pm to 6am. Get there early for a good parking space. Theater has about 45 guys in it at once jerking and having sex. Friday and Saturday nights are good for going to the Pulse night club. Lots of twinks and good techno dancing. Drink specials and at least four good looking men dancing at all times just begging you to put money in their bikini briefs.

That is why they call New Mexico the "Land of Enchantment"!!!
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Old 8th December 1999, 10:12 AM
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Yes! You must try out the huge bookstore East of Amarillo. I drove through on my way to visit family and stayed WAY to long. Sex as soon as you get to the booths, glory holes in all and a few group stalls. I was getting fucked while sucking on some hot trucker cock exactly 5 minutes from the time I entered the place. Lots of whitetrash types too, so you should have a great time!
I used to frequent the Habanna, when will you be there? That place can make you cumdrunk!!
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Old 8th December 1999, 10:59 PM
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Wait a minute. Do you mean The Habanna in Oklahoma City? I used to live up there. Man, I miss that. I had some great times up there.
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Old 11th December 1999, 07:37 AM
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Hey guys!!

Thanks for all the advice and please keep them coming. I'm taking your tips very seriously in planning my journey which gets underway later this weeek.

As for finding men to photograph and share with you, I've got guys lined up in Phoenix, Albuquerque, Orlando, and Miami. I'm sure more will come forward, especially after I start posting the pictures on this site. Look for some 'live' sex shows, as well, from my motel room. At least a couple of these men are really into showing it off and I'm going to set up my cheap little video cam to do a live feed while they (maybe we) perform for you.

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Old 11th December 1999, 12:01 PM
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Come on. When are you going to pack it up and make a trip to Asia? Bangkok awaits you, my man. I'm sure you're a lover of Asain cock, especially living out there near Manila Mesa. This place is the gay capitol of Asia.
The bookstores that are mentioned in the New Orleans board are still happening last time I heard. If you want something seedy late in the night, check out the one on Chef Mentour. It's the best of them all. The one out by the airport has lots of movies to select from, but the buddy system is not as good. And the one out on Crowder is a good alternative to the Adult Books if things are slow. Nice big holes that accomodate any ass! Anyway, while cruising around the French Quarter, be careful not to wander too far from Bourbon Street in the direction away from the River. It's not a safe area. And check out Petunias (if I spelled that right) off of the 300 block of Bourbon, or so. It's great. Have fun and be safe!!

Cupidman Look for me on mIRC (/whois CupidMan)

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Old 11th December 1999, 06:43 PM
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Asia? A bit removed from my plans this trip. I traveled to Asia many years ago and will someday return, but these days I'm enjoying the good old USA. There is something to be said for a country with this much diversity of men!! Rarely can you find it outside our borders and diversity is the spice of life.

I especially appreciate the tips on New Orleans. I've spent probably 2 months in that city this year visiting with my boyfriend, but have NEVER made it to any of the bookstores. We tend to find our 3rd dick or groups in the Club Baths or at TT's or some other more private way. One day I hope to make it out to the bookstores. My boyfriend has been out and reports that the selection of men isn't always top rate, but he seemed to always get off -- but then he is a bigger sexhound than I!!

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