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Old 15th March 2015, 01:20 AM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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Blast from the Past with a Twist

I first met Carl in our freshman year at college. Sure, everybody was checking out everybody else in the lockers those days, but Carl kinda glued his eyes to my crotch to the point that he stopped breathing and blinking...

On the way out of the Sport center, I told Carl that I had some cold brew in my fridge, and that he was welcome to tag along. He got the message alright. We really never made it to the beer part, though. He was on his knees even before I was able to lock the door behind me.

I pounded Carl's ass that evening for an hour, made him shoot his load twice, and shot twice myself. We kinda bonded right then and there.

Carl and I became the best FBs. Little talk, lots of sex. Total discretion. He was dating girls, and was a real looker, too. We joked a lot about it. He was my "ass on duty" and I was his "cock on duty" but neither he nor I ever lacked sex.

Our paths split after the graduation. Quite some geography came in-between Carl and me. He got married couple of months after the graduation, and I went for the Postgrad. The Facebook came in handy, though. It turned out, Carl married a woman who brought in her 10 year old son into the marriage. They soon had couple of kids of their own, too.

Over the time, Carl and I would meet once in a while. There was a conference here, a convention there, and a famous fishing trip for him once in a while.

Little has ever changed about Carl. He kept himself in great shape, loved to get a serious pounding, shoot his load, and move on. He was the straightest gay man I have ever met.

A while ago, I got a short message from one of the gay dating sites. Pretty cute college dude, in his early 20's was looking for a 'older brother - daddy' type. Would I be interested in meeting him up for coffees downtown?

If anything, the guy looked even better than his pix. An all around cool, young pretty athletic dude, not lacking sex or sexual experience but looking for a stable, mentor kind of relationship. A weekend away from the dorms, maybe a nice dinner somewhere, a road trip? I figured out that this dude was really after being appreciated more than after your typical sugar daddy.

I also figured out that I knew the dude from somewhere but was unable to put my finger on it. It did not take very long, though. The following week, I took Mark out for a cool dinner at one of those new, hip places we have in town, he mentioned his stepfather Carl as being supportive of his coming out, and helping him through the college admission and all. He was still amazed that Carl took his being gay so naturally, and without much ado. His Mom apparently shed many tears, and wanted him to go and seek medical help. Carl, on the other hand, tapped him on the shoulder, and said, "Kid, get going and enjoy your life." Mark would not have done it any other way anyway but he felt it was very cool to get some support along the way.

I have bonded with Mark the same way I once bonded with his Stepdad. He is a total bottom. I am a total top. We go together like a hand and a glove. The friendship with Mark made me think about my time with Carl. Sex was as good as it gets. But the world has changed. Discretion is fine but it is not the name of the game. We would hang out, shoot the breeze, and enjoy being with each out. Out there and free. Life got so much better.

I felt that Carl's confession was forthcoming. It came some three weeks into my friendship with Mark.

Carl wrote:
'Mark is like a son to me. When he came out, first to me, and then to his Mom, I knew that I wanted to protect him as much as it was possible.

He has had a BF or two and was hooking up for sex as everyone does these days, but going to college was the big thing. I did not want him to enter the world of sex, drugs and meaningless parties if I could help it. I thought that you were his best choice. He would be free to enjoy his youth and his life, but you would be there for him to catch him should he start falling...

I know, I owe you, and I know you'll make me pay. Actually, I cannot wait for it to happen..."

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Old 16th March 2015, 08:08 PM
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It is so funny how discretion used to be everything - I remember after sex with my buddy we would start talking about tomorrows math test or anything other than the fact we just had sex.

Had another buddy we would double date in high school and if the girls did not put out we took care of each other on the way home. It was never something we openly talked about - but I knew I was always hoping for his date to be a prude!
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Old 17th March 2015, 03:06 AM
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Yup. I cannot agree more. My buddies and I even joked about the m2m sex we have just had, but talking about it even amongst ourselves? Nope. That would go too far...

With the doubtless benefit of the hindsight, the universal discretion surrounding those best(est) male friendship really amounted to the best kept secret being held in the public eye.

My buddies would come over to study together with me. We would go to each other's places for sleepovers. We would have all those house parties with just the few guys staying late to help "clean up". There would be weekends out there in the country. Ski weekends with your best buddies. Spring breaks... The list rolls on and on. Just like a small group of guys around me enjoyed having m2m sex amongst ourselves, the other groups must have been doing exactly the same. True, very few people ever spoke a word about it in those days, but the implied meaning was there.

You were actually expected to have a coterie of your best buddies around you in your college days. No one wanted to be perceived as being asocial, rite?

My Dad and the fathers of my best buddies were actually telling us the very same stories. You went to college to have fun, hang out with your buddies, and enjoy yourself. Sure, none of them would elaborate but we were getting the picture alright.

No one felt it appropriate or necessary to state what was clearly implied and understood to be a matter of natural necessity. Now, raising the issue in public really amounted to challenging the existing order of things and as such was very much unwelcome.

Few guys suffered from being branded "gay", freaks or anything, and very few thought that what they were doing was wrong in any way.

Having gone through this experience a few otherwise str8 men remained open minded to the idea of situational homosexuality, and spent no time bashing or criticizing openly gay guys.

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Old 20th March 2015, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
Yup. I cannot agree more. My buddies and I even joked about the m2m sex we have just had, but talking about it even amongst ourselves? Nope. That would go too far...

With the doubtless benefit of the hindsight, the universal discretion surrounding those best(est) male friendship really amounted to the best kept secret being held in the public eye.

My buddies would come over to study together with me. We would go to each other's places for sleepovers.

That is what made it so relaxed back then - no one thought a thing about me hanging with a buddy or sleeping over at his place - never had to hide our friendship and it made it so easy to spend time together.

And especially in the younger years it was never talked about in a serious manner. It would come up via the comment about a new girl in school, or a new Penthouse magazine or maybe even just a "Damn I'm horny" - "same here" and that was our way of letting each other know we wanted to mess around. Of course at that age we pretty much always wanted to mess around!

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
Now, raising the issue in public really amounted to challenging the existing order of things and as such was very much unwelcome.
There was never any thought of it being public - it would have never occurred to us to show feelings or attractions where anyone else could see. As far as I am aware no one ever caught on - but I do wonder sometimes....

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
Having gone through this experience a few otherwise str8 men remained open minded to the idea of situational homosexuality, and spent no time bashing or criticizing openly gay guys.

I think in some ways guys were MORE open to it back then - because we never thought of it as being gay - we thought of it as being horny and "any port in a storm". We thought of it as sex - not gay sex - and I think if either of us tried to say "gay" it might have ended.
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Old 22nd March 2015, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by jonn3 View Post
I think in some ways guys were MORE open to it back then - because we never thought of it as being gay - we thought of it as being horny and "any port in a storm". We thought of it as sex - not gay sex - and I think if either of us tried to say "gay" it might have ended.
Yup. The idea of being gay in those days meant that you were effeminate, open to attacks, freakish. Having tons of sex with your male friends in private? Sure, that was quite OK. A dude has to do what a dude has to do.

If a dude topped, well, he was a guy. He had to fuck someone. If a dude bottomed, he was a champ, and put out for a friend in need.

We all knew that all of this was a bit of a charade. Some dudes were always willing to put out, the others were always willing to top. But there was hardly any shaming of anyone. Sure, we all cracked jokes about it, but it was all well-meaning and in good humor.

A good top would always show a bit of appreciation for the bottom dude. You'd buy him couple of rounds of drinks, pay for the taxi ride, buy him a dinner now and then. This made it sweeter for the bottom guy, and was a bit of a face saving strategy in a vastly heteronormative world.

The best thing about it all was that we all agreed that this was just sex. Usually, very good sex, too. But no one sweated it, or really thought that what happened the night before was an earth moving event that changed everything, made you gay or anything. We all learned that it was just sex, and that no one was going to waste their lives thinking it over and over again. The experience gave you a very healthy sense of the limited importance of who you really are in sexual terms. No one really felt much drama about it all.

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Old 12th April 2015, 12:31 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
Yup. The idea of being gay in those days meant that you were effeminate, open to attacks, freakish. Having tons of sex with your male friends in private? Sure, that was quite OK. A dude has to do what a dude has to do.

I loved the almost "casualness" we dealt with it - it was just another fun activity 2 friends could do. My neighbor and I might have met up behind the garage and blown each other Saturday afternoon - but when I saw him on the school bus Monday morning it was just like "hey - how was your weekend" - we never thought of it as love / romance / a gay lifestyle - it was a need we helped each other with.

Sure there were a couple of guys where it was more - where I sort of knew I had feelings for them and it was not just about cumming - but except for when we were alone and messing around we never addressed that part.

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
If a dude topped, well, he was a guy. He had to fuck someone. If a dude bottomed, he was a champ, and put out for a friend in need.

I bottomed a lot more than my buddy did - but it was never about my being more effeminate or dominated - it was about the fact I was more comfortable with it that he was. And it was usually much more spontaneous than these days - sure I would have gone to the bathroom and recently showered (hopefully) but if at that age he tried to tell me I had to give myself an enema before we hung out - well that would have been an end to anal sex before it began.

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
We all knew that all of this was a bit of a charade. Some dudes were always willing to put out, the others were always willing to top. But there was hardly any shaming of anyone. Sure, we all cracked jokes about it, but it was all well-meaning and in good humor.
Yeah as time went on we realized it was gay sex - some of the guys "out grew it" and stopped - others of us never did. We would make jokes in the locker room and laugh just like every other guy - but sometimes we would catch each others eye with a little extra humor the others did not realize....

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
The best thing about it all was that we all agreed that this was just sex. Usually, very good sex, too. But no one sweated it, or really thought that what happened the night before was an earth moving event that changed everything, made you gay or anything.

That was my favorite part - it felt good and none of the drama. I remember a guy I hooked up with in college and he started talking about dating and being boyfriends - I was like "what are you talking about? we just got off - nothing more...." He was looking for someone to hold hands with as he walked across the quad - I was looking to have sex. He shortly came out loud and proud - but thankfully in those days he did not feel he needed to bring anyone with him and as far as I know he never told anyone....
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